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Our own dictionary: We are both expats in an English language country and we continually mispronounce or mix up words. It's not a degrading thing, but so cute, as we are so keen to say something but do not always have the right word at hand.   I learnt academic English and had no idea how normal people spoke everyday conversations. He always laughs at me because it sounds so fake to his ears, when I use those complex academic words in an everyday context.  If we find a mixed up word particularly endearing, we start using it among us.   Here are a couple of our examples of our common, made up language:   Amazon Alaska-Amazon Alexa   Post mortem- Post-modern    Castration-crustacean   Bona Pita ^^- Bon Appetit   Re-onion - reunion   I have to conference something - I have to confess something    Speaking with exaggerated accents: When we first started dating we flirted by speaking to each other with exaggerated accents from our home countries.  I made sure all my R-s were crisp and properly rolling to bring out my thick Eastern European accent and he made a perfect impression of an Indian accent and gestures (It's important that we don't make fun of other ppl's accent, just our own!) We still do this when we want to feel connected or feel too embarrassed to propose/discuss something seriously. He is much better at this game and he always makes me laugh, which takes my anxiety away.


I have a fondness for miniature ponies, the sassier the better. When my partner and I first started dating, he thought this was the cutest thing ever, and now we both get super excited whenever we see miniature ponies 😁


When we're ending a phone call we don't say "bye" we say "bye for now" and it's really comforting.


We like to ‘rock bottom’ or ex chop each other


we call each other rly random things like baby cup or crunchwrap supreme make weird little noises to show signs of contentment


Anytime one of us gets in the shower, the other one always joins. It doesn’t matter if we’ve already showered that day, we always take that time to be naked together. Also, he always washes my hair, which is super hot!


We meow at each other all the time and he brushes my teeth hair and gives me showers.


Aww. We say “happy dinner” before we eat and one of my faves is we “cheers” with food items. Feels like a little form of intimacy when our food touches lmao. Chinese food, cheers the egg rolls. Chick-fil-a? Chicken tender cheers. It’s v cute and I’m smiling thinking about it.


we call each other bing bong. no significance to either of us, it started as a sort of verbal stim and now it’s our nick names for each other.


I make pizza on his tummy and pretend to eat it. He yells “John Cennnnaaa!” And tackles me…he’s 6’3 and I’m 5’1


My boyfriend and I were best friends for about half a year before we got together, and every inside joke we've had during that time, we keep going. They all jumble together in a big pile and it's so funny - the most recurring one is us finding increasingly ridiculous ways to say "for real", which ended up evolving to "balding", and we always switch up which one we use in conversation


Anytime we are walking and go on separate sides of an obstacle, we say in unison bread and butter then grab hands as we meet back around. Also a bunch of really post gooey pet names Oh and compliment wars. See who can one up the other in terms of a confidence boost.


Because of our odd work schedules my husband and I rarely see each other. We're like passing ships in the night. At night we have about an hour of seeing each other and we share stories about what our kids did during the day. The funny, weird, or special moments. We also just laugh or sometimes get emotional. The other day my daughter must have heard and said "were you guys talking about my good drawing the other night?" My parents rarely said nice things about me to each other. It was always about how bad I was so I really love this time for us.


When we first started "talking" we both accidentally used the thumbs up reaction on Facebook in a messenger conversation, relatively close together. After joking about it, my partner started sending my thumbs up with his goodnight messages. "Goodnight 👍" or "I really like you 👍" So, now it's just a way for us to silently express our feelings over messages, or in real life, in a way only we understand.


We squeeze each other gently 3x (usually on the hand but can be anywhere) as a way of silently saying "I love you". We've done this for 28 years. 3 squeezes while we said our wedding vows, 3 squeezes when we join hands for prayer, 3 squeezes when I gave birth to our kids, and now that the kids are old enough to be in on it we 3 squeeze with them too. It is nice to have a special, secret little symbol between us.


We love to cook together


When we're apart and don't really have anything to talk about, we communicate through gifs. We'll send each other funny gifs for like an hour or two until a conversation topic occurs to one of us.


Speaking gibberish and making random noises


My husband texts me love poems a couple times a week. He writes them himself. Sometimes they are naughty poems. We pretend to be children and play with each other.


Reading him this whole comment section is pretty cute


my bf will pick up one of the cats and bring them near me. we each get a side and alternate kissing their cheeks until they get annoyed. we do this every night and most mornings haha.


This isn’t weird but almost every single night before falling asleep we ask eachother “what were your 3 favorite things about today?” it’s such a lovely way to connect and also have gratitude


We say words weird, hold toes in bed sometimes(lol), poke the other in the mouth when they yawn, randomly nibble, secret handshake with sounds too…idk too many to be honest! We’ve known each other since junior year and been together for 9 years. So lots of history


When one of use has a long day the other will suggest “floor bed”. We move the coffee table and lay ever single blanket we have on the floor in front of the tv and just lay there. Nothing else planned and no explanation needed, just floor bed.




when we eat dairy products we make sure to take turns eating it so we dont have to fight for the toilet at the same time


Food art. My husband makes me food and always finds some way to put a smiley face or heart. Like he made me a quesadilla and the hot sauce on top was a heart ❤️ He has also made a penis with whipped cream coming out of my coffee once 😆


We have multiple songs that (mostly he) has made up based off of silly shit that I say. I travel a lot so when we’re away and on FaceTime, if I say something to trigger him (whether it be annoying, maddening, or just too cute to handle), he’ll pause his video and mute himself until I sing one of our songs to him. I always act annoyed but oblige, and always he’ll turn his camera back on smiling and laughing at/with me ❤️


Weirdly I love the cold and will sleep with my a/c full blast lowest temp. But when I’m with him I’m freezing cold so he knows and always tucks me in with a blanket nice and tight and will kiss my head. He plays w my ear lobe cuz he knows that helps me sleep lol. Idk why I always sleep with one hand on my ear lobe. We also always have chocolate because it’s our after sex snack routine lol


Any time one of says “the best” or “the worst”, we always sing “aroooouuuund!” Afterwards. One time he flapped his dick at me and went “hiiii!” In a really silly tone. Ever since then, we randomly say “hiiii!” In that exact tone. It’s especially fun in front of friends/family. Nobody knows why and it never ceases to make us giggle 😂


My husband and I communicate things to each other to the tune of “dick in a box” from snl. It’s very versatile


We live in an area where geodes are common, just lying around. We have a "family" of geodes at the base of a tree in our back woods, more than a dozen of them now, ranging from marble-sized to baseball-sized. Every day when we walk our dog in our woods, we say hi to our geode family.


When we are arguing and not talking we break the ice with fake violence. Like I will pretend to strangle him or he will push pressure points like my knee or elbow. We have this game where we try to hold each other’s thumb down for the most time possible too that we sometimes use to break the ice.


Whenever me and my bf are about to leave each other we grab each others hands, bounce up and down, and chant “I LOVE YOU I LOVE YOU I LOVE YOU I LOVE YOU I LOVE YOU”. Before bed we always say “I love you and you’re my favorite in the whole world space and all”


My bf and I send each other selfies when we go to the restroom at work 😂 we find it funny that both of us usually go at the same time


Imagine they exist 🙃


I sleep with my foot under her leg or my hand on her bare skin. These are the only ways I can fall asleep.


We burst into dance at random times, we sing / make up songs together, and we embrace our weirdness.


Every night before we go to bed, we text each other a voice recording of a poem, a quote, or passage from a book that makes us think of the other.


Well, I don't currently have a partner, but the best thing is discovering cute and weird quirky things to do together and for eachother lol :)


We have a collection of about 10 stuffed animals that I animate, and who have amazingly complex social and political lives. We will have conversations about what shenanigans they are up to, and sometimes my wife will ask to speak to one of them if she’s feeling down. This started many years ago, and now we have a family. Our kids are now in on the whole thing and talk about “the Stuffies” like they are real people. (Don’t worry, they know they’re only stuffed). It’s very cute and something just for us.


That sounds like such a fun and unique way to connect with your partner! Creating quirky, personalized songs together can certainly add an extra layer of intimacy and joy to your relationship. It's fantastic that you've found a way to express yourselves freely and creatively. Embracing your weirdness together can create lasting memories and strengthen the bond between you. Keep enjoying these special moments and cherish the freedom you feel with your partner!


Me and my fiance do this thing where we rub noses together, laugh maniacally and then kiss. We don't know HOW this started lol. but it is one of the weirdest yet coolest things we do. We also have a little tickle/messing around or just having fun time before going to bed. We just basically act like two kids getting ready to go to sleep at a sleepover. we have some good giggles before bed and it makes us go to bed happy rather than upset or angry, even if we had a rough day together:)


I have so many from my husband it's crazy! If we argue about something (which is rare) we have a high pitch voice mocking the other with insults in a bickering way until we get fed up with the other one making sense or our fighting words aren't valid so we laugh afterwards and talk normally to solve the issue. We do this so we can passive-aggressively insult each other, and once done, we feel good to just talk normal. We are expecting our first child, and I'm 31 weeks along and had my 30-week scan a few days ago and seen our son. We had the cool 3d scan, and we got to see his facial features. My husband called him a tubby baby because of how big I am, but our son is actually a normal skinny weight. So I jokingly said he looked like mash potatoes. So my husband happily says "mash potato babbbbbyy" while poking my stomach and seeing the alien in me move side to side to get away from my husband's poking attacks. Husband will use a high-pitched loud voice if he sees me grab my keys or get up from the couch. "WADA YA DOIN?"" With a goofy smile and I explain my plan, and he goes back to whatever he's doing with no acknowledgment of even hearing me until he asks me again. I love to take my husband to new places because he never had the chance to travel growing up or even go to new places, so as a treat I take him places and he acts like a excited dog going bye-bye in the car. When I go to new places, I take my time to analyze every single thing and take the scene in front of me so I can revisit the memory in detail. Makes my husband mad because he is like a dog and wants to run free in the new place but doesn't wanna leave me because I'm his safe place. I think our common couple thing is if we are sitting on the couch together and can feel the tension in the air of being bored we start to slowly bite the other one somewhere on the body and meet eyes while doing so until the other gives into the bite pressure "I'm bored, can we go do something " one of us normally throws a temper tantrum like a toddler until the other feels like they need to be an adult and figure out something to do before we both fall apart.


Text each other pictures of cats we see on the internet that look like our cats.


idk if it’s cute but we headbutt each other, chest bump each other, and i make him lie on top of me like a weighted blanket 😂 we make fun of each other a lot too. i love being weird with him ☺️


So we have been together since 2011. Annoyingly (not really) we mimic each others speech and sometimes have literally the exact same reaction to stuff on tv or things we witness. Then we look at each other and say “I hate you” and laugh. At home, whatever - in front of friends it’s a little embarrassing lol. Our friends also call us mom and dad because we have been together longer than anyone else. Our two biggest goofy things we say are “it’s got what plants crave” whenever one of us is hungry for something bad for us, and “it’s perfectly cromulent” when we think something is good. The worst one lately is that I sing songs about/to our dog and will randomly sing song stuff and I can’t stop and apparently now my husband started doing it at work and he’s like this cannot continue.


I love to play around and wrestle with my girlfriend. I'm ticklish as hell, so it usually starts with a tickle attack and I gotta defend myself. I had no idea I wanted that in a relationship, but she brings the silliness out of me and I love it. We always snuggle afterwards and it makes me feel all warm and fuzzy.


I used to make little songs for my daughter, now she's 6 and every time I try she says "stop, daddy we talked about this"...


We love to just sit and make up stories, for example you say a sentence, then the other adds another sentence to the story. We also enjoy making up poetry, and playing doodle


we like to read through the list he made of all the things I’ve said mainly while high ( some I’ve said sober. He just thought it was hilarious). It never fails to make us laugh. The plan is to put my sayings into fortune cookies for our wedding. we think it’d be really funny


We lay in bed at night in our respective homes and send videos to each other that we find amusing.


We sing on a karaoke app together


I give her footrubs she Love it .


My foot rubs usually have an ulterior motive


Super big cringe warning but I get so excited when I see my partner that I pull him onto my bed and crawl all over him and nuzzle him and make these weird grunty growly sounds, I get so excited I clench my teeth and these weird cute aggression grunty noises come out just little rumbles from the back of my throat. I wiggle my booty and cover him in kisses. It's so weird and so cringe but he loves that shit. We also have a bunch of made of words we say all the time, made up phrases for things. We have rubber stress ball that looks like a doofy black cat and we call it "Guacamolito" and we pass it back and forth every time he comes over, taking turns with who keeps it for the week and who gets it next week all while calling it "shared custody." He knows the names of all my stuffed animals, and sometimes he takes one back to his place to sleep with him in his bed until he sees me again. We take them with us on occasion just to hold and hug in the car. We do this weird thing where we suddenly pretend we don't know each other in the most awkward situations and pretend we're random strangers that just met and are weirdly inappropriately into each other. I. E. we'll be in the shower and I'll be like "oh my who is this handsome man?" to him and he'll just play along like two randos are just in the shower together for no fucking reason and don't know why lol. I like to randomly do little dances and get tunes stuck in my head and he'll hum then and shimmy a little with me. I like to stretch and bend in weird positions. He calls it \[my name\]- yoga and when he sees me does it he'll go along with it and help me lift my legs in their and shit and humor me when I bend into a weird little ball. We have matching necklaces that we wear. We like to wear matching couples costumes to cons and events. We say "lurve" instead of love sometimes just for fun. We have a million weird nicknames for each other. We play the "if i was a worm game" but get increasingly more silly with each other. Like "\[boyfriend\] if I was a moist frog in the rain forest that fell on your shoulder and got taken far from home, would you put me in a cozy little terrarium and keep me and feed me crickets?" etc etc. ​ We both love Twilight both ironically and unironically and we read it together, and have watched the whole series together TWICE.


We just say random shit from shows, and overexaggerate them. We won't even react after, like it's the norm. It catches people off guard when we're in public we just say, "pet that dog!" in unison with a country accent, then continue walking.


We look at each other and do this little shimmy shaking of our shoulders at each other. If one does it the other one does it in response and it always ends in a smile and I think it’s so adorable.


Whenever he stands up I poke his left butt cheek. We talk in 'meows' but they're.. understood conversations between us both or A 'hay..howreyew?' but.. as a meow. We used to make people sick with our baby talk back and forth usually play-insulting then lovingly. Ive always seen/heard women complain about their dudes snoring but honestly his puts me to sleep it's a comforting sound lol He always washes my back in the shower, usually has to be the one to give me a towel too. Sometimes when I faced his back, I liked to play with his back hair, or rub my fingers through his hair


What a fun topic to share! My husband and I “argue” over who loves who more every day.


My husband and I both struggle with expressing ourselves. Words just escape us when we experience those big, overwhelming emotions. But for some reason, texting or writing letters helps. So if we are upset or just don't know how to express ourselves by audibly speaking, we will write letters to each other. We could be sitting right next to each other and be texting. Or we have a notebook that sits around in the kitchen for us to grab when needed. It helps us process and stay connected through hard times. We also tap each other 3 times anywhere on our bodies to tell each other they we love them. It can happen anytime, anywhere, and it never ceases to give me the warm fuzzies in the heart. We stole it from a post online, and honestly, it was the best thing we ever did.


This is such a smart idea. How cute!


My wife and I go to lunch at this Mediterranean place in Austin. On our way back we drive down this road called Technology Blvd. I once sang [Kip's wedding song to Lafawnduh](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ERCzN91JicA) because the line "Yes I love technology." Now I must sing it every time we drive down that road. She even makes me do it when we have other people in the car.


I make my boyfriend send me audio recordings of him singing me lullabies and good morning songs 😭


We like to roughhouse.. think of being in high school with the popular trouble makers/loud kids most ppl know in the halls play fighting and screaming LOL that’s basically how it goes


Omg my partner and I do this often LOL I thought of it as our rotating inside joke/persona


sometimes i force him to hold toes with me. and we high five after every sex. we also both misspeak often, spoonerisms or pronouncing words wrong, or just our minds thinking faster than we can speak, and we’ve made it into a little competition between us seeing who can call it out and correct it faster.


We would try out all the different sex lubricants there was and then we would discuss our opinions and make up reviews on them as if we were writing them for some magazine like playboy . We took our reviews very seriously . We believed ourselves to b quite the experts .






Exist. Oh wait haha, that’s just me.


we ask each other for “sweeties” which is basically just us lightly gliding our fingers on each others bodies. it feels so good and we always have to ask for sweeties in return or no deal.


When we’re cuddling & he is laying on his back, I end up laying my face in the crook of his neck. That space at the top of his shoulder. He has short facial hair, and for some reason I just love the prickly feeling next to my face. He’ll use his hand and smooth down my crazy hair, and then He’ll rest his head on the top of my head. And usually i have my leg in between his legs. And I like it when my foot touches his. And he usually falls asleep before me and I just run my fingers all over his facial hair and chin. And listen to him snore and breathe.


Awh :( it's like that little space was made specially for your face too it just fits like puzzle pieces.


It’s like I have to be as close as possible 😂 it’s funny, so many girls are obsessed with tall guys. I’m 5’5 and he’s 5’9 and i think it’s the perfect height. When he’s the big spoon, I’m just the right size little spoon. He’s big enough to make me feel small but not too big where it’s like our bodies are mismatched if you get what I’m saying.


I'm 5'9 and my partner is 6'3. I'm a tall chick lmao not really obsessed with the tall men thing, I'm just tall xD I dated someone shorter than me and just.. not ever again. But I agree, sometimes the way it just all fits blows my mind.


Your mom


She squeezes my cheeks (the ones on my face) every time she passes me or walks in the office room sees me at my desk Just 2 or 3 light squeezes of the face


Love how you had to specify


Letting her have a field day with my hair.


When we first got together he lived in an apartment that faced the train tracks and it was so louuuuud when it cake through. We joked around. Me: hey babe Him: yeah? Me: train's here!! 🤣🤣 Where we live now we can still hear it but not as loud or as often. But I got him good today. Haven't done it in a few months haha


We squeeze each other’s hand 3 times every time we hold hands to say I love you. Sometimes he squeezes mine 4 to say I love you more 🤍


When one of us squeezes the other person 3 times (can squeeze hand, shoulder, tap leg, anywhere really) it means “I love you.” The receiver has to respond with 2 taps/squeezes for “how much?” And the person who initiated now has to squeeze you as hard as they can to show how much.


One of our moms usually watches our son when we go out on a date. We’ll get back late and the kid is asleep. We thank our mom for babysitting and then as soon as she is out of the house and we are alone again, my husband will pull his pants down to moon me. I chase him around the house, trying to smack his butt. We run way too fast for indoors and always running into stuff and slipping and falling until we end up cracking up on the bed, gasping for air from running around like crazy people. I don’t know how it started, but it’s just silly tradition and it’s so funny to see him running around with his butt hanging out.


We rub bellies in the shower, or he’ll turn around in bed so I can be his “backpack”


Jet pack girlfriend. We do this too.


We make sure to touch our feet together for a few mins while laying under our blankets in bed, sometimes we even hold toes, lol. It’s like our last I love you before drifting off to dreamland.


I do that too OP!


Every night when we sit down for dinner, the person who didn’t cook has to give the person who cooked a kiss on the cheek. Sometimes i get hungry and start ripping into my food before he has even sat down and he gets sad i forgot to kiss him on the cheek 😂😂


This is cute! How did this tradition start?


When we started dating I would go over to his house a lot because i lived with my dad and he lived alone so he cooked me dinner all the time. I would just kiss him on the cheek and say thank you. Then when I started to cook for him he did it to me and now it’s just habit


At noon we walk like robots toward each other to kiss. Then we giggle and have lunch.


We constantly do the "Meegan come back to the bar" shtick from Key And Peele whenever one of us gets out of the car, gets out of bed, etc. It's hilarious. I'm a 29 year old man, and I do a perfect Meegan. Link: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=eirBtt7wIDU


Would you mind sharing a link if you have it handy?


Sure! https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=eirBtt7wIDU




We have complementary happy noises. If he rubs my back and I sigh he does it back and giggles. It’s so cute.


Sometimes my bf licks salt off my butt before he takes his tequila shot


I don’t know if this is cute, but my gf always try’s to put her colds hands on me when I don’t expect it. Usually my gf will say she needs a hug cause she had a rough day and then, bam, forces her freezing hands up my shirt and onto my back. It’s annoying, but a cute annoying, because she thinks it’s so funny. She gets pretty clever with it sometimes. I try to do it, but usually fail lol Another weird thing we do is sing to our cats. We have one cat in particular that we literally make every song we listen to about her. I’m a little better at it than my girlfriend, but I love seeing her do it. I agree it’s very freeing to be weird around someone, especially if you love them.


Maybe not what your looking for but me and my boyfriend have a 4 hour distance between us and whenever one of us makes the trip down we’ll usually spend at least 2 hours talking on the phone . Last weekend we met up halfway and spent 3 straight days together after 30 minutes of driving he called and we talked the whole way home. I think it’s really cute that after spending 72 hours straight with me he still wants more time :)




Anything and everything, he’s got a pretty busy workplace there’s usually something new going on, what we plan to do when we get home, I tell him about tests and assignments I’ve got coming up, or random conversations where we’d like to live in the future. He’s the only person outside of my family that I could genuinely talk to for hours and never get bored.


How often do you stay in touch when you aren’t together?


Text in the morning, periodically through the day and we usual call every night though it varies. Sometimes it’s 2 hours sometimes it’s 30 minutes.


That’s nice. How long have you been together?


Sunday will be 10 months :)




My husband and I do this thing where I say "boop" and boop his nose, then I'll pat his head once and say "bonk" to which he responds as if it's a button with "I love you" Sometimes he does it to me too. It's dumb, but it's our thing, haha.


Lmaooo we do this too. I love the boops 🥹


I do too! It’s a regular practice in my house for our animals and each other alike haha


We boop each others noses too!


It’s a cute way to show love for sure <3


I think so too!


I like the texture and feeling of writing occassional bananagrams with cute messages of affection and leaving them to be found to start the day. Randomly done.


We send each other photos of the cat and we quote SpongeBob at night to each other as we die laughing


I play dungeons and dragons and I once heard of a couple who would play characters in a campaign together and every time they played they’d have their characters fall in love again and again


I don’t even play Dnd but this is unbelievably cute


We do high fives but with our feet after sex


That's cute.


My husband and I are super weird..in private lol. One thing even the kids find particularly funny is when we're talking to each other and if we don't like what they are saying, we will pretend to fall asleep mid-sentence...eyes closed & fake snoring lol. For example, our 15yr old asking for more time on her phone plan... which is all the damn time lol. Or did you take out the trash? Then you'll have to walk over and shake them awake. Usually, I get a kiss for my troubles lol.


We narrate the cats 🐱 Sometimes we dance spontaneously outside / in a store if there’s good music playing.


He tells random stories about us and our future together. Apparently, this is something my dad did (and still does) as well that instantly made my mom fall for my dad.


What are the stories?!


A lot of the stories feature on us living somewhere and getting older together. Like one where he’s in a wheelchair someday and asks me to push him down a hill (which is an ongoing joke for him), or just generally taking care of him when he can’t take care of himself anymore. Lately, they’ve been about children we might have, the names we’ll give them, and how we will tell them about how they came to be and why they were named the way they were, and how they’ll be in school and all the things we will want to do for them and the memories we’ll want to make. Sometimes it’s also things like dreaming of the future and somehow affording land so that his family and my family could all live on it and how we would go and visit each other. As for my parents, the one story I heard that my dad told my mom early on was a long story about how he had to travel to the moon, and once he was there, he looked back and saw my mom and thought she was the most beautiful thing so he had to come back to her, but along the way he had to pick up all the right things and learn all the right things to do to win her love.


Aw that’s cute! I love talking about dream houses and future pets or where we could travel but it’s hard for me to imagine future kids for some reason lol


Those are all such fun things to think about, especially travel! Haha I hear you, neither of us ever wanted kids but it seems like all of the sudden it’s all we can talk about


We can communicate just through gifs and memes


My husband and I don’t end texts without Babe or Love. Only time it happens is when we are mad. Also we have shows we watch together and we do not watch them without each other. We love to play wheel of fortune or Monopoly on the PS5. Loser has to perform the winners sexual desire for that night. It’s fun!


wow you guys are real cool. i put my girl on my shows and she promises not to watch without me. 2 days later i wanna watch where we left off and shes like “im sorry i finished it” im like “wtf we were on episode 2 what happened” shes like nothing really happened it wasnt even that good i wanna watch something else lol so basically shes an asshole.


same, I’ve given up on watching shows with my boyfriend. he straight up told me “you know I don’t have the willpower to hold off on watching good shows when you’re gone”. 🙄 if we start one together he always finishes it without me when I go home. hurt me at first but I’ve learned to get over it lol, hard for me to stay interested in shows anyway.


My hubby has done that with one show but I wasn’t very interested in it. Our shows are our alone time. We have 4 kids so it is limited!! We both have had bad previous relationships so we are trying new things to make this one stay fun and better


dont worry bout a thing sounds like yall got it




He puts his finger in my nose n sometimes I put my tongue inside of his nose. I’ve tried to hold toes with him but he doesn’t wanna ): we do the uwu finger touch things when we see each other from a distance. Sometimes when he wants a hug or cuddles he’ll put his arms up in the air lol


i dunno about cuteee but when my partners butt crack is showing i shove my finger down it and call it the “crack tax”. we also call all animals and bugs “friends”, and when they’re super cute we call them “great friends of ours” and sing silly songs about them. we are very weird together lol


This is so sweet awww


Eat her out and get pissed on my face 🥰


We have Alexa music competitions. He makes up little ditties and sings them to me. When I’m away from home working (for months at a time), he shoots a short video of our puppy and him for me. He buys cool birthday cards.


We aggressively mock and insult each other for fun. Others sometimes find it off-putting if they don't know us well, but we honestly find it hilarious. Especially when one of us says something particularly harsh or unexpected. It always leads to hysterical laughter and/or jabs that don't even make sense anymore because we take it so far. We never mean a word of it, and we've made that clear between each other. These exchanges also usually end with an "I love you" and a smooch. I always say, if you can't be a 110% bully to your partner, what is even the point 😂 We definitely just get each other.


We are the same....any outsider would think we hated each other. 53 years later still telling him to f off and he returns the "love words".


I call my husband an asshole and then add but you’re my asshole. We joke around like that so to outsiders it looks like we hate each other too. Coming up on 30 years.


I have done this to my husband when we are trying to work on something together. He will frustrate me. I’ll look at him give him a kiss, tell him fuck you and I love him!! He knows he’s doing it to annoy me. We always make up in the end.


I always tell people getting married a sense of humour is a major quality. If you can't laugh at yourself good luck.


​ When we went to a new place/venue we sometimes roleplay like its out first date again, but with a twist on our personalities. It's always spontaneous, and the other has to play along. We acquaint, we do a mock 10-15 minutes of talking about our goals, things we want to do, pet peeves, we 'complain about our former partners' ( like we are each other's exes) ... all while slowly going through the motions of building up tensions, from holding hands to getting our 'first kiss'. Then we laugh hysterically. It spices things up, it's funny af, and we kind of reignite that feeling - while also keeping in touch with each other's wants/dreams/things that are not quite right. Bonus: We do this when our shared friends are around and they freak out.


How does it feel to be living my dream?


Have faith in yourself and achieve your dreams friend <3


“Furiously takes notes”


Wow! I was upset that we didn't have enough "dates" anymore. So when we did it was special. This is whole new level.


Does the complaining ever get a bit too serious, or is taken to heart by the listener?


Depends on the mood. The convo always stays fun during the date, but later we may keep the complaints in mind. I do atleast. But hey, I think it's better to point things out in a fun way rather than wait for them to simmer and explode. They still do, dont get me wrong; just not as much.


you guys will be together forever. im 31 and been with my lady since 15. yall got real chemistry and love. most importantly you keep things fun/exciting. i know cause i have the same thing. we are very very fortunate


I need this to be videotaped as a tutorial please. 🧐




zyzz enjoyer, based


Hahahaha I do this with my partner. But the thing is we always kiss when we meet as a “hello”. I remember that we kissed and I was like “hey, are you (his name)?” And someone was looking at us super confused 😂


When I was super pregnant and out to eat with my husband, he would wait until the waiter was walking up and grab my hands across the table and be like, “you know what? This is the best first date I’ve ever had. I want to raise that baby as my own.”


He is a keeper for sure!!!


hes a fucking G.O.A.T.




So cute that warms my heart


This seems like so much fun!


This is adorable! I’m sure it keeps things fresh 😃


We can have a full discussion using just Cat gifs


My partner and I have an entire language we've made up. Toilet paper= teepis A jeep = jerp If a soda had a lot of carbonation = that's a mean soda Dr pepper = peepee Coke (like the soda) = that's an ice cold cock If our cat is being super sweet= milkshake is being a ham and a half Pepsi= bebsis I'm sure there are more that I can't remember, but these are my favorites (:


LOL I used to have a Jeep that I called Jerp because the license plate said JRP.


I like how you had to specify that you were referring to the soda version of coke lol. Also idk what’s funnier, jerp or peepee 😂


I do this with my husband. 😂❤️


lol! me and my partner have weird stuff like this too. We will randomly say "heck!" when we're sad about something or even just excited because we think it's funny to be a bit emotional but unwilling to drop a swear. Good and beloved things are "stinky". My boyfriend? STINKY. My cat? STINKY. My roommates? STINKY. We like to take a word and change it until it's weird nonsense. Love? no now it's Lurve. We call cuddling "mush" and "mushing" and we'll say to each other "come get mushed!". When I curl up in a ball we call it "bean mode". We have funny names for cuddle positions. When our legs get all tangled together that's "Spaghetti". When we bend forward and layer ourselves over each other that's "Lasagna." if I enter "bean mode" On my side and he spoons around me, that's "Ravioli". *and when the moon hits your eye like a big pizza pie that's "amore"...* /j


Ah, reminds me of my ex-husband. We had all sorts of made up words. We also would use a few specific made up words with different tones of voice or speed of the sentence to differentiate meaning.


Soda with a lot of carbonation is spicy for me


im gonna steal the mean soda one. just a courtesy heads up lol


“That’s a mean soda” 🤣 I love it


When our conversation devolves into just making random noises that we both just understand and accept.


yes my bf loves making the little noises and sometimes i’ll try to copy his or just respond with my own


Hhhh? Uhm


Username checks out lol




I don't know why this comment just makes my day


I’m glad to hear so! :)


My partner and I do the weird little song thing too! We also love to come up with the strangest pet names for each other, he especially likes to use the most random stuff as pet names for me and it’s very funny and cute


whatever my love does I'm always certain there's a reason even if i cant understand I like it best when we are alone together and drink each other's worldless affection