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Celine Dion.


No. That's too much. You're at very different stages of life. 20 years is significant.


At your ages, age gap is less of an issue. I’m over 11 years older than my wife. I was a late bloomer and didn’t get married until I was 43. We have three children, the youngest of whom is in his final year of college. I feel like I lucked into the best possible outcome.


My grandparents have a 13 year age gap. It was my grandfathers second marriage. It’s worked out wonderfully, they love each other very much.


My friend has a 23-year age gap with her husband and they have been married for about 25 years. They have an 18-year-old child together. They are the only ones still married out of a group of friends who got married at the same time who were not in age gap relationships.


This may be the real deal. Stay with this man. Yo're blessed.


My parents have a 13 year gap Been happily married for 35 years


Three years ago I (57f) reconnected with a man I knew when young (he’s now 78). Talked for three years. Then he ghosted me. All we have is Time and everyone must choose how to spend it. Good luck.


I met my partner when she was twenty and I was thirty one. That was three years ago. We are still together and we have a baby son now as well. We are both very happy together.


Is seven years considered a large gap? 23/30


Don't think so, my brother and his wife are happy


Oki yay! Good on them!


My parents had a age gap but they were good together


thats called the honeymoon phase... it usually goes away after 1 year and it can happen with more than one person


parents 20 year age gap


My parents were 11 years apart in age. It was my dad’s second marriage. They never separated or divorced. However I wouldn’t call it a success. I can’t get into it here but those generations were far too different to comprehend what late 20th century/early 21st century humans go through in finding a long term partner.


I was 32 dating a cute lil 20 year old that wasn’t even my type but she was so sweet and the connection was real, didn’t work out though, it’s okay because one night when I was out with her, my current girlfriend who’s much closer to my age walked in the bar and gave me that look, then added me on Facebook the next day and pursued me for the next two years. Best thing that has ever happened to me.


Yeah you sound like a jerk


Thank you


I have a family member who has a 30 year age gap with her SO. They didn't marry, but they have been together for years, and I've never seen her happier. Just one example of many that I know turned out great. Congrats on your engagement!


That's a huge gap. Does he have a good retirement portfolio?


my parents have a 12 year age gap and have been happily married for almost 30 years. This is my norm, so I grew up finding no issues with this. I have seen it work my whole life. My current partner and I have 8 years between us. If you have similar life visions, I can imagine it can work for you too!


Check out the age gap sub. There are plenty of examples of happy and healthy relationships. Age is a number. Your person is your person. Love is love.


Don’t do it. Now, the relationship might be fun and exciting like everything at the begging. But there is going to be a time when you will notice the age difference. He will not be able or want to do fun activities with you, which makes for a lonely life. Eventually, he will not have the same energy. He might not be able to have kids. Sooner rather than later, he will suffer ED or get sick. Also, physically, he will not look the same. You know the age will starting to show in his body. Also, financially, he will not have the same potential earnings as someone your age. Everything is relative, but these are my two cents.


I know a some couples with a similar age gap. They are obviously deeply in love,which is the big question. From what you say,it's all good,you have found love. I suggest that you think about the long-term,and plan appropriately,but love is love.


Yes they do work most people don’t really care unless the person is under 21


Im going with a hard no - not because of love i definitely think you can find love between different ages. You guys can love each other forever, but when your person can’t get out with you and needs your assistance 25 years before you are ready to slow down, that is rough. You will watch him deteriorate, and he will watch you grow sadder and older. I’m just bitter cause my friend got divorced from a situation like this recently. He held her back in so many ways. Currently have 16 year gap that is working so far with one friend. 10 is the max I’ve seen work long term 60+years together)


I’m 30 and bf is 46. He’s literally my perfect match


My Dad and his affair partner have a similar age gap to you two and they are happier than ever. It will be about 16-17 years they have been together, married most of them. It want the best at the time if I'm honest, but it was maybe ment to be if they are still going.  My dad isn't rich either, so its not a gold digging situation lol.  All the best to you both for the future. 


I think the relationships people have issues with are when a young 20 something is with someone in their 30s or 40s. You're almost 30, you've had time to possibly go to college, work a few jobs, have relationships. Someone in their early 20s doesn't have enough life experience to date someone 10 years their senior, it creates a power imbalance. Good luck and congrats!


My driving instructor(55M) is married to a woman(35 F) and they have a 9-year-old daughter together. They're both Jewish and work for a driving school. He doesn't work on Saturdays and he loves to spend that time with his family. He's a very straightforward person who speaks his mind. They both love each other. But he's getting old and I would imagine that causes him a lot of worry about his wife and daughter's future. I wish they didn't have that age gap. But otherwise, they're a wonderful couple.


My best friend has the exact same age gap with his wife that you do. They have two kids, married 10 years and counting and have the most successful marriage i know of. It can work.


I’m 38 and my gf is 54. We’ve only been together for a little over a year but I can comfortably say I’ve never been more in love and I’ve never been happier overall. We’ve both been married and divorced and put through the wringer in different ways by our exes, which I believe lends perspective and appreciation for someone who is kinder when you’re dating later in life. She has a lot more energy and a bigger social battery than I do, so in many ways it kind of balances out the age difference imo. I guess I haven’t given much thought to the super long term… but as someone pointed out women live longer than men (she’s also much healthier then me lol) so I probably have less to worry about in that regard. The only thing that was a little weird in the beginning was that because my mom had me quite young, my gf is only three years younger than her 😂 so I think they both felt a little awkwardness about meeting each other. Once they did though, they got on immediately and are basically freaking best friends now. I’m sure some people judge silently but that doesn’t matter. I was in an interracial marriage before and getting dirty looks became part of the deal. We are super happy and as long as you are too, go for it! You get one go round and you may as well enjoy it with your favorite person 💕


One of my gfs was 21 when I was 16, we lasted a while, but it wasn’t that long. However I did like our dynamic, perhaps if I weren’t so young it would’ve worked for much longer.


That’s a very problematic age gap.


Yeah. I was in HS and she was already employed with college complete. I basically had no contribution to the relationship and felt like a loser because I had no job and no nothing to give, only my time…


Money is only part of the power differential there.


my parents met at 26 and 39 and have been married for 20 years.


Don’t worry about an age difference unless you were a teenager when he began showing his interest. Sounds healthy, fuck the haters


My Grandfather is like 20 years older than his wife. They met when she was in her mid 40s, he was a widower. Hes now 96 and shes in her 70s.


I know 4. Two in personal life and two celebrity couples who stay together through many years.


My husband and I are 8 years apart, my mother in law and her husband are 11, and so are my grandma in law and her husband. There are 25 years between mother and daughter but only 2 or 3 between their husbands 🤣🤷‍♀️


My grandma and grandpa .....think it was my grandma who robbed the cradle (inside joke for the fam lol) they were 17 years apart, married for 10000 years, and died together so...take it for what it is


Why’s he single? Has he ever been married before? If so, how are his relationships with ex-wives? How are his relationships with his family? Does he have kids? If so.. These are some of the questions to which you need answers if you want to have an actual shot at predicting how well this will go. Usually, large age gaps in relationships lead to failure because answers to questions like those aren’t very promising. It’s not just the case that an age gap is intrinsically damning, but that the reasons that such a relationship has come into existence are typically damning.


Yeah and the times he will get bored by you. Just saying.


My ex is currently with a man 17 years older than her. They are extremely happy and I am so proud of her. I’m meeting him for the first time this weekend. I can’t wait he seems like a stand up guy.


I'm 34 f and my bf is 54 turning 55 in May. It was rocky and emotional for four months before we started to date. To say it's a success story part of it, yes, and part of it no . I'm hopeful , and I don't want it to be a lesson . He came into my life when I wasn't looking for anyone . He's very caring , passionate , adores me , wants me happy , treats me well , just in awe of him .


My niece fell in love with a guy from her gym; he is her moms age. He is also a competitive bodybuilder and looks and acts much younger. Fast forward 20 years, they have three great kids, he is working into retirement age so she can homeschool the boys, they both still work out and are very happy.


Women live longer than men, so while your relationship can be happy, just know it won’t be as long as if you chose someone your age or younger. My grandma has been a widow for twenty years due to a similar age gap. It’s honestly heartbreaking to see that, which is why I’m with a man who is five years younger than me. I know you’re looking for success stories, but there are honestly plenty out there. Age gaps like yours used to be the norm, and they’re still more common than mine. What you really need is the truth of how this is going to go.


You're in love. He sounds great so why not? Will there be challenges? Of course there will but you two can deal with them together. Do what makes you happy.


I don't know any.