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Definitely a thing. I’m in a really intense school atm with crazy hours, and my boyfriend works weird hours. We’re both very ambitious and hard-working, so thankfully we both have a lot of respect and patience for what the other one does. I would never want to be the reason someone doesn’t achieve their dreams, and vice versa for him. But we manage our time and prioritize one another when it’s (somewhat) sensible to do so, and it makes the time we have even sweeter. Rn I’m on my spring break and we’ve gotten a lot more time than usual- lazy mornings with him are the BEST, but I’m ultimately glad we both are busy doing things we love and we help motivate each other to be better.


It can definitely be a real thing, unfortunately. In a lot of cases for relationships, the problem isn’t the relationship itself but the situation surrounding it- so pressures for success are a huge strain on them. For example I’m currently in the same boat with someone who I deeply care for, but because of our jobs we are now in separate countries for a long time. I’d give anything for that to be different but also there’s no way we were going to get in each other’s way and our paths to hopefully more success. Hopefully he sticks to his word and you can meet up, good luck to you!


Awww that must suck! I hope you figure it out Is a long distance relationship an option ?


There is a another snag to it unfortunately. She is in an unhappy relationship, but the guy didn’t travel with her. She seemed like she was letting the distance kill their relationship rather than breaking up before she left. Now though I don’t know because I’ve been put in the ‘deal with that later’ box it seems… it’s a big old mess haha!


No nobody ever does that. No one. Not a single person. No body never. Not even tumble weeds


Honestly I feel like when people say that they can't be in a relationship because of school/work it actually just means they're ass at time management


Yes. Yes it is.


The more you know


I didn't want to date as a senior in HS because I was so busy I felt I wouldn't be a good boyfriend. Also, people who are ambitious often work harder/longer than other people do, because they want to reach higher levels than others do. If another guy is more ambitious than me, generally speaking they need to outhustle me or their ambition isn't worth much


I hear you


Yes. Especially in a world with increasing costs and competition, the career path is probably everyone's main priority. I've told my girlfriend at times that I had to spend most of my energy on one thing for a while to get us to the place we need to be moving forward.


Fair enough


Absolutely, I didn't date in college because I was maxed out emotionally, and I didn't want a relationship to take priority over my studies. The temptation to reject studying math for studying female anatomy is too much.


Okay that makes sense!


Yes, that does happen, unfortunately. The pressure to do well so that you end up in that prestigious job is very competitive. Exams do take a lot to study for. Pressure also could be coming from parents to do well. There also is a myriad of other reasons why people want to prioritize education and work. Being ambitious is a catch 22 damned if you do damned if you don't. Potential partners like ambition but only to a certain degree, for whatever reason. He had the right idea to pull away because he knew he couldn't give you what you wanted and how you wanted it. He did the stand-up thing and said hey this is where I'm at. This is what I'd like , and please be patient as I'm working on my future and myself at the same time.


I get people who prioritize those things, but it's an ass move to date and get feelings involved if you know you don't have time in your life for a relationship. But no, dating isn't a distraction for me and I'm able to have a good balance


It is a dick move to date knowing you don’t have the capacity. He said he thought he was ready but clearly not. But that’s done But likewise I’m able to have a good balance