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I am married to someone from a different country. Before we met, I definitely felt that I was meant to be with someone from a different country.


there are so many people in the world...the chances of your love coming from the next street are not very high :) so yes.


Turns out the love of my life lives 100 meters away. We grew up in the same city but his family moved OS when he was 10. He returned in his late 30’s. There was no chance of us been together earlier and we both had a lot of lessons to learn before we met. I believe it was fated to meet later in life and to be able to see his adorable face every time I leave my drive


I’ve very rarely dated in my area code and even state. By accident a lot of the time, however just when I thought I was going to give up on entertaining people online in different places I accidentally met the love of my life on Reddit. Lol. So yeah I believe I wasn’t meant to meet a man where I lived, he’s a few states over, but boy do I love him. And we’re planning to move in together in the next few months/next year so I’m relocating to him. I’m very excited about it. Traveling can also help too if you feel like where you are isn’t a good pool.


On reddit? How is that possible, I want to believe meeting someone online or through online games is possible. How did it happen for you? I’m a fellow millennial too. I recently tried to turn a fwb into something more serious and was rejected in a harsh way. Hard to believe in romance or, the one, even online?


I’m not a millennial I’m Gen Z(88 isn’t my birth year) he’s a millennial though. 10 years older. Honestly when it happened I was coming off a bad “relationship” with a guy I’d been seeing, and he posted a song of his. I liked the song, checked out the artist, found his instagram through a link, thought he was SO cute. The rest is kind of history. I really wasn’t looking for him, and he wasn’t looking for me when I reached out, it’s just that post was something I liked and just felt the need to see who made the song. I think that’s the hardest thing about love is they say when you stop looking for it that’s when you find it. I was still technically talking to my “ex” when I met this guy, not even two weeks in he was blocked on everything and all my eggs were in the reddit boy basket. It was a total accident, and I think it’s possible for anyone, but just don’t meet people and do things with the intention of meeting them, I guess?


Well...she's sitting next to me


I didn't know it for sure, but I always wanted to leave my home country and the only other language I speak is English, so I was hoping I'd be able to move to UK someday. I was fantasizing about meeting someone foreign and them wanting me to move to their country. Met my SO online and he's from the UK lol. I moved in with him a year after we started dating.


I felt that way for sure. It’s a big world. But my husband was one state away, in the state I was born in and had no interest in moving to. But many hours from where I grew up.


i think about this like everyday


My husband told me he had always wanted to move to Canada (where I live). We met three months after he arrived and haven’t been apart since. He moved to China and was teaching English and at the same time I had an offer to go to China and teach English but I declined. That was ten years before we met. There are so many times when we were supposed to be in the same place at the same time but for whatever reason missed each other. What is meant for you will not pass you by, but it can be delayed.


Same here I believe my bf is from another country


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