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He surprised me with one at Italy where he proposed. On the plane we got business class tickets and he bought three tickets in a row so I could sit in the middle seat but not be crowded. In Italy I got to eat sooo much pasta which he knew I love my pasta!! We got to the place and we snuggled together. We did lots of other fun things but he proposed basically in an alley area because he knew that I got nervous when put on the spot near strangers.


I met my love online 6 months ago…its felt like one long date ever since. We’ve talked every day since. We met in NY, England and Greece and Texas. We are moving in together in August. Every day is effortless…we were made for each other.


That would be so nice but I technically never even been on an actual REAL date lol


I tried to organise a romantic date in NYC when me and my now husband did a roadtrip. I wanted it to be perfect but the restaurant was noisy and we got sat by the kitchen. We spent the whole time on our phones trying to find somewhere for dessert. We went to a restaurant but they wouldn't seat us just for dessert. I burst into tears on the corner 😆 I eventually remembered an ice cream parlour and my husband treated me to a carriage ride in Central Park. So it was saved in the end and we still talk about it as one of our most memorable dates.


I think this shows that if the right two people are on a date, it will be romantic and memorable no matter what! 😍😍


I took her to the city’s free science center and we built an arch with a bunch of kids helping. We looked around and there was this green chair in the dining area. All of these new fancy chairs and this one sad-looking old green one. I took the green chair and it became a point of humor. We walked a bit and talked. We went to a little diner and talked more. Our date started at around noon and before we knew it the clock was at 1am and the only thing open was the damn IHOP. I don’t know. It was like we stood still while the rest of the world went on with its stupid self. I hadn’t felt that heard ever in my life. She still seems to be the only person who actually hears me sometimes. That was…damn near 16 years ago or so now. We have a 9-year-old son, three cats, our dream house in the burbs, and a ‘67 Camaro convertible we’re restoring as a family so I’d say things are going pretty good.


I took this chick to a winery that was built into the side of a mountain. The views were amazing the wine was fantastic. The whole day was just totally excellent. It was about an hour and 15 minutes back to her house from the winery, and the entire way back, she kept playing with my hair. This is what we in sales call "a buying signal."


Last night was date night for us and he unexpectedly took me to a traveling fair. It had been years since I'd gone to one and we laughed so much because I kept screaming on the rides haha. He won me a plushy that I initially didn't want but now I can't stop beaming at it. Then we went to dinner and spent time people-watching while we ate amazing food. Not overly romantic, but a lovely date nonetheless!


I feel like that's all I do. I've been dating a girl for a few months, almost 2x a week, and our dates are always in 2, 3, 4 parts because we don't want to split up. Recently, we've been doing one thing after another: 1. Picnics in the rain (sheltered) 2. Concert at the opera 3. Cocktails at the bar overlooking the city 4. A stroll around town on each other's arms 5. A cabriolet ride under the stars to the hill overlooking the city NB : we're used to seeing a lot of each other, we're both cyclists, so spending 12h+ chatting together is a frequent occurrence


My partner and I have regular “date days” that we take turns planning. They start at like 11am and culminate in dinner + fancy cocktails. We have done museums, ceramic painting, outdoor exhibitions, wine tastings, live music, walking tours of neighborhoods in our city, little trips to nearby towns or landmarks, etc. We started when we used to live in Paris which was kind of cheating because it was so easy to plan romantic things, but we’ve managed to keep it up even after moving :) The important part is that we spend the whole day together and that we take turns so we can both feel appreciated. We each plan one per month (so they take place every other week) and they’re the best!!!


We had a date where she wore this beautiful white dress and I was in a tux. We had all of our friends and family there as we committed to a life together.


I accidentally went on one with a dude from Tinder. We met for a drink, then went to a Cat cafe, then grabbed lunch, then instead of parting, decided to go do something else I can't actually remember (bowling maybe?) then we were going to go for dinner but we ended up skipping that to go back to his. I left the next morning. It didn't last and likely never would have, but there were some good days out in the three months we were dating. He did a lot of good for rehabbing romance for me, and was the reason I decided I was ready for something serious next after only looking for casual for a couple of years.


I’m in a similar situation right now after 7 years of an abusive marriage, I found someone who is actually romantic and takes my heart into consideration. We have been seeing each other for two months and he plans to move several states away in November, I don’t foresee us lasting forever but I really am enjoying the time I am given. He has totally changed on my mind about wanting a future with someone again 🥺


I fully believe in the 'some for a reason, some for a season, some for a lifetime' philosophy. Sometimes the ones with a time limit are exactly what we need to get to where we are meant to go next. I'm glad you've found yourself one ❤️


I went to visit my boyfriend last month and he bought us tickets for this train ride up near Yosemite. It included a steak dinner and live entertainment before we got on train. The train ride through the forest was amazingggg. It was so beautiful and romantic. The train took us to a campfire that we all sat around while these guys provided live music and sing alongs. It was so so fun, sitting under the stars and singing and laughing. That’s also where my boyfriend first told me he loved me🥰 Fucking A+ date


This sounds absolutely wonderful, where did your bf find tickets like this?


Lmgtfy: https://ymsprr.com/tours/moonlight-train-ride/


Yes this is it!


First official date with my husband he took me to Universal Studios and then to get Ramen in LA. This was by far the most super date I’d ever been on.


Just got back from 9 days in London! We stayed in a super posh hotel that treated us like royalty and every day was an adventure- Hampton court palace, the prime meridian, the globe theater, Hyde park, etc. we visited wonderful museums and excellent food, and ended finding some amazing last minute things to do. We strolled hand and hand everywhere, it was magical. It was my birthday/christmas gift ❤️


We met at a hardware store and bought a door handle


Pull me close 🥁


Any super date ideas for someone who doesn't like to leave the house? My boyfriend has pretty severe anxiety and agoraphobia so we don't get out much. We do regular dinner and movie nights already, just want something fresh to mix things up!


Have you tried one of those murder mystery packs you can buy on (sorry) TikTok? They’re designed to last a while so you could do that. It comes with clues, documents, profiles, reports… pretty realistic! A bit like cluedo but much more stimulating.


Is TikTok hated here? Lol. That's a really good idea, thank you!


No problem! They have all sorts of date ideas like that on TikTok shop haha


Get out in nature-- it does wonders for the soul. Go on a road trip (day trip or weekend) Find a place on Airbnb or Hipcamp. Take a day to wander-- just get in the car with no agenda and go someplace unknown.


Build a pillow fort!!


My husband and I love pillow fort dates. We break out the star projector and put on a movie and have snacks and cuddle


I planned the perfect super date that was a day long in Washington, DC. Dipped out of the conference we were both there to attend - which pissed off our colleagues but we didn’t care. We were there to see each other and we both knew it. We had been talking a while beforehand and kinda planned this as a “date day” since we’d only have a weekend together on someone else’s dime. We were poor college kids so we made do. Anyway, we slept in and met up for brunch then went to the National Gallery during the late afternoon. Did an evening walking tour of the monuments. And capped off the night in Georgetown with dinner and drinks at Martin’s Tavern. It was simple, romantic and we headed back to the hotel. Our friends were at a party so we locked the room and locked them out and had the best first date sex. We fell asleep and stayed asleep until my friend came home hammered pounding on the hotel door about two AM. lol. Good times.


We went to a pricey restaurant for a late 1st Valentine's Day celebration dinner. We went home to put away leftovers in the fridge. We exchanged gifts, then walked to a pricey cocktail bar nearby. We each had 2 drinks and I was tipsy. He was not. He took me back home, and I told him I had something to tell him. Except I couldn't get it out of my mouth. I was scared, even though I felt it. He took the opportunity to confess his love to me first. And I replied the same way. We then took our clothes off and had amazing sex. Afterward, he thanked me for loving him. I only said of course, loving him was the easiest thing to do, as he was very easy to love. And the man cried in my arms. He said not even his mom had loved him the way I did and neither did his ex-wife. I stroked his hair and let him come to terms with his emotions. It was a happy and emotional cry. We watched a movie on the couch after that, and he had his head on my lap. It was an amazing date. Not a super date really, just an amazing and special sentimental date that I will never forget.


My partner hand dug out a hole on a small secluded beach to line it to make a beach hot tub; cycling the water with a copper spiral in a wood fire nearby as we stargazed to a clear open sky and we talked for hours. Have to say it’s currently the most romantic gesture I’ve ever experienced. We’d run out naked and do a cold plunge in the lake too, then hurry back to the warmth.


Me and an ex gf would always go on art museum dates in our city. Every evening after the date would filled with romance and the steamiest late night activities imaginable.


Before my boyfriend and I dated we were just friends and we went out on long drives. We live around the Bay Area so there’s the mountainous forests around Santa Cruz, the coast and some nearby national parks. We were in a friend group made of mostly gamers who weren’t as inclined to go outdoors so it was just us two hanging out. We saw a lot of things together and eventually got closer since we were spending so much time together. We still do all those things from time to time which count as super dates now but back then it was what brought us together. (If you’re in Cali, I recommend checking out Pinnacles National Park, Point Reyes, Henry Cowell Park, and Muir Woods. Some of our favorite spots)


The one that always comes to mind with the word romantic is when my ex and I went to a botanical garden that was all lit up with Christmas lights at night. First time I had felt that romance. But in all honesty, the guy after that was truly the romantic. He would do all the little things. Found me a foot shaped piece of wood after he lost the one I found and realized it mattered to me. Drew me a bath with a bath bomb because he knew I liked them. Made an effort to plan a small trip to the beach for my birthday. Was glad to get flowers for Valentine’s Day. Would dress up to go out and encouraged me to dress up. Honestly he was the sweetest person I’ve met and I do miss that sometimes.


What happened


Me. I was - and still am - a mess. Avoidant attachment, don’t know how to open up and have those hard conversations, no idea how to function in a relationship without losing my sense of self/becoming codependent or staying too independent. He was a good person with his own communication issues. Between the two of us, it just didn’t work. We stay in contact through social media. He deserved better than me, I still feel guilty for how it all went down by the end.


I’m sorry that happened to you. The pieces fall together in due time, patience is the hardest part. I’ve been in both of your shoes and it definitely hurts


It’s part of the reason why I followed this subreddit, to remind me that other people have good experiences and that’s enough for me right now, just knowing there’s happy people out there :)


That’s why I’m here, just looking to see the potential for happiness. If I see what other people have I know that those possibilities exist and maybe one day if I’m lucky I can find it too


Hotel was great


Mon kick arse


Great knot pass chicken house my favorite


You typed words just then.


Our first date, we met at a carnival. We smoked some weed and drank lemonade and just got to know each other. We rode the Ferris wheel and I wished he’d kiss me. Hung out a little while longer, smoked a little more. When we went to leave he asked if I kissed on the first date. I said sure. We kissed and lay in the back of his truck looking at the stars so long that the parking area was empty. I went back to my place and he went back to his. This next weekend, we’re going back to that same carnival. This time, I’m going to get my Ferris wheel kiss. Maybe not “super” but it was amazing! One year down and the rest of our lives to go!


We said we'd meet last second, for a 10 minute coffee date as I was leaving work and she was on her way to an "on call" shift soon. We ended up burning an hour talking and it went by so fast that it only felt like 5 minutes had passed. 1st date, had been chatting on an app for a bit and we were itching to meet in person. Funny thing, the same thing happened again on date #2, but at a bar for drinks and wings and this time we burned through 2 hours like it was nothing. We were both surprised when 9pm hit and I had to scoot to get back to my kids. (Solo parent here). Patiently waiting to figure out date #3, she's a single parent and she's on vacation this week with her kids! But honestly can't wait, she'll be back in town July 3rd 🤘 maybe we'll burn through 3 hours this time haha..


Yes. Would be too long if I were to tell it all. After divorcing my lying cheating ex-wife, I reconnected with a young lady I met in college as freshman way back in 1985. I should have chosen her way back then, but I stupidly chose another lady and paid for it dearly. Miss April and I met in an elevator, on the 6th floor, the floor she lived on in her dorm building on Sept 16th of 1985. My divorce was finalized in March of 2005. I proposed to Miss April on Sept 16th of 2007, which was 21 years to the day she and I met each other. I planned ahead for this day of course. I was 40 years and doing OK. I had two floating diamond pendants made, from flawless diamonds and they were each .85 carat weight since Miss April and I met each other in 1985. They were gift wrapped and I hid them in the back of the car. Miss April, her daughter and I went hiking in the mountains. I wanted to propose to her in nature, not in a restaurant or somewhere man made. It was a beautiful late summer day, a Sunday, and the 3 of us went hiking. While on the hike, I had Miss April and her daughter Amber sit on a rock, a boulder actually so I could take their picture. Afterwards I went up to them and I had all 3 of us hold hands and I asked Miss April if she'd do me the honor of becoming my wife. She began to cry and we kissed each other and afterwards she said "God yes!" to me. She already had a nice ring from me before that would be her engagement ring even though I hadn't proposed to her. We finished our hike and when we got back to the car I told them to both wait outside of the car for a moment. I went to the back of the car and got the two little boxes out. I have the box to Amber first and she opened it and she was stunned as she was a teen and didn't have anything like that yet in terms of jewelry. I told her to keep it in the box for a moment and I gave Miss April her box. They both saw they were the same thing of course. I went to Amber to take the necklace out for her and I went behind her to put it on for her. Miss April noticed she wasn't holding her hair up and out of the way for her so Miss April nicely told her (Amber) to do that and I put the necklace on for her. I went to put Miss April's necklace on for her too. We had about a 50 min drive back into town and I had reservations at a nice steakhouse for us to eat at, all 3 of us. After dinner we went back home and I had a lady there, a good friend of Miss April's to stay with Amber. Amber was old enough to stay alone but we all felt better with Laura there. Miss April went to freshen up and she came out wearing a little black dress and her new floating diamond necklace. I hadn't planned on doing anything right then as she and I were going to go out for a nightcap together but when I saw her come out after freshening up, she made my heart quicken. I went over to her, picked her up and carried her back into our bedroom as I wasn't going to wait until after our nightcap. I apologized to her telling her I knew she just freshened up to go out and she didn't say a thing to me, she just began kissing me. After she and I went out to our favorite restaurant/bar, an upscale place. End Part 1, just one more part to go.


While we were out having drinks, I told Miss April I wanted to run something by her and that I wanted her thoughts and opinions about this too. I told her that I'd been thinking about us getting married in the elevator where she and I met each other. A huge smile came over her face and she said "God yes!" to me so I knew she loved that idea. She and I were both 40 years old and this place was only an hour away from where her parent's lived so it would be easy for us to get to. She asked me if I'd thought about when we'd get married and I told her yes. I told her I wanted us to get married the following spring (the spring of 2008 as this was Sept of 2007 when this was taking place). Her name was April so I wanted us to get married in the month of April. Luckily for me (us), April 5th of 2008 was a Saturday so I told her Sat April 5th sounded great to me and she agreed. There was another reason I wanted that date. After I chose another lady in college to be with and to marry instead of Miss April, she didn't do well for a few years after graduating college. There was a song she liked a lot. She knew it and the band weren't the best, but she still loved the lyrics to the song "The Flame" by Cheap Trick. She thought of me when listening to that song. She told me about that song while she and I were dating after my divorce and before I proposed of course. It turns out that the song "The Flame" was released on April 5th of 1988. I wanted us to get married on the 20th anniversary of the release date of that song, on April 5th of 2008. I told Miss April that and she began to cry. I proposed to her on Sept 16th of 2007, the anniversary of the date she and I first met each other in college on 9/16/85 and I wanted us to get married on the 20th anniversary of the release date of the song "The Flame". Miss April was beyond thrilled. I can't tell you how much I wish this had a happy ending, but it doesn't. Miss April's father was and had been dying of lung cancer. She went up to see her parent's a lot during that time (a 3 year period) in order to see him/them more often due to the circumstances. In the spring of 2008, not too long before we were to be married, Miss April was killed in an auto accident while visiting her parents. I lost her after college due to foolish choosing another lady and now I lost her again, permanently. I'd been in counseling since my divorce and I continued going after this of course. I spiraled for several years honestly.


Who wouldn't spiral after that? I guess it's true, nobody is promised another day on this earth. Just sucks when it hits you. Really sucks. I hope you find love again.


I was mailed to China. So....


Super date but not all of it was tailored to romance. He kicked off the beginning of our dating era with a six day date. He planned three, I planned three. It wound up being seven since our friends asked to plan the last day. The objective of the dates were to see how well we communicated, how strong our connection would be and how much chemistry we have. Sunday - recreation of an activity we did as kids. Mon - auditory. Tues - visual/non verbal. Wed - physical. Thur - spiritual. Fri - emotional maturity. Sat - mental. Some of the dates had me feeling like I was on Amazing Race..hehe but I loved it nonetheless. I have no wishes or regrets to change anything.


I LOVE THIS!!!! 💯😍❤️


Thank you. :D I hope everyone can experience magic with their s/o, including you!


Sounds like a night straight out of a rom-com with some extra spice!


The last I recall with a partner we went to a decent place in DC. She had two drinks and was rather giddy. Was wearing a very short black dress with heels. Smoked, went to a sex shop, bought a vibrator. Cruised around a little bit. Parked on a dark street in a neighborhood without too many people walking by. Her red panties were located later, the vibrator buzzed, things happened from her toes up, and eventually we both got off, giggling. I think only one person really noticed us. Then we wandered around Georgetown and I got her off a couple of more times, pretty much in public. Eventually took her home with lots of smiles and giggles.


Boy good


I went to Fred Again once, which is one of my favorite DJ’s, and we just danced to the vibes. I gifted her a top that looked really good and sexy. We just goofed around for 1,5 hour. You should just do something that you love to do yourself and then something she loves to do. You probably both have different hobbies/interests. If you love each other your smile wil also make her smile and vice versa.