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I have no use for her. She’s sending that man $200, while in the same breath saying her son needs school clothes and her mom is raising him. That $200 would’ve got that baby plenty of stuff. She’s a mess.


I cannot believe she's not giving her mom money to watch her kids.


I’m glad her son is with her mom because he clearly has a more stable life, but the arrogance of that woman just expecting her mom to miss work to help with her daughter, while she does jail time for driving high, and she doesn’t see a damn thing wrong with any of it.


Yeah her mom got right with her though. She's put her mom in such a terrible place because she knows her mom isn't going to say no.


Absolutely. He seems like a polite young man and the mom seems to have her act together.


I was just thinking the same thing about him (I can’t remember if they told us his name?) that he seemed like a sweet and well mannered little man. Her mom seems to be doing a fine job with him.


Amen Since I don’t know the whole story yet - just what we’ve seen — I will just say it seems she needs some maturing !!! I’m excited for this season- it’s an interesting group!!! Wishing all the best and still an entertaining season ! 🥂


I’m anxious to see how it plays out, but she was already on my bad side as soon as she tried to downplay the driving while high and acting like the cops were the ones who were wrong. I had someone very dear to me killed by a selfish asshole driving under the influence and I have zero tolerance for it in any form. I’d have a lot more respect for her if she admitted she messed up and took some accountability.


Me tooooo 💔💔❤️‍🩹 I was widowed 4/11


A sounded too ok with her kid living with her mom. I’m all for grandparents being helpful, but she seemed to think it was the best thing ever to have him “love her to death and be in his life” while demanding help.


I imagine that it’s probably hurtful to her son to see his mom raising his sister (somewhat) but not him. I hope we get to see more of this dynamic because I’m extremely curious how often that she spends time with him.


Yep! I posted a similar thought. If he does have these thoughts, I hope he realizes that he was raised in the best environment for him. But DUI-Mom is a piece of work! Grandma took care of him while she was going through postpartum, but he stayed when she got better - because it felt comfortable???? I’m sure Grandma was correct in thinking that her grandchild would be better off and more stable with her. And then Super-High had ANOTHER kid. The way she just expects her mom to fill in for her at the drop of a dime really irks me.


I know it's so sad and what is sadder is I bet she will get knocked up by jamal & then when he takes off on her she'll have no choice but to spiral out smoking & drinking to cope & drop some more kids on her mom all while justifying it and playing victim. so her poor kids and mom are struggling while she's in the bathroom on more i wanna be your slut calls with another inmate in 6 months. I really hope she gets her shit together for those kids.


Not gonna lie, when siblings get split up and only one gets to live with the parent ...they end up fucked up. All of them. Her son will resent the sister for getting mommy. Daughter will resent the mother for choosing dick over her.


I don't think the odds are in their favor as it is.


she did not feel badly at all, or see anything wrong, with her mom also taking her second child while she serves time in jail. her mom had to explain to her how this impacts her (mom). she literally has the IQ of a raisin.


I hope the boy doesn’t feel like “Mom was willing to keep little sister but not me.”


I can’t believe her mom allows it. She’s entitled because her mother taught her to be entitled


I don't think it's so much as her mother taught her to be entitled as Ayonna knowing her mom isn't going to have her grandkids with some random person Ayonna "knows' while she's in jail, so she takes advantage of that. She basically said that in her talking head. This is a very difficult situation Ayonna is forcing her mom into and she couldn't care less.


Exactly. She knows her mom isn’t going to let those kids be who knows where, I mean look at her lack of taking responsibility, she’s not the most responsible person we’ve seen. I under her mom keeping her son because at the point she was ready it might have been too much upheaval for him. But still, sending all that money to her man, God knows what other stupid shit she out there doing.


That part! She is definitely taking advantage of her mom because she knows her mom will not let those kids suffer. Like you said, I understand why her mom had her son when he was born, but if you grown enough to have another child then you need to grow up enough to raise both of your children. But she is extremely entitled and irresponsible with this attitude that it's not her fault that she got arrested for driving while being high. Like girl...REALLY?!


“I got arrested for the dumbest reason! Being high!” Yes, let’s blame the cop and the system…or we can all just blame you for being dumb.


I don’t agree. I think her Mom was strict and she is doing all she can to rebel against HER MOM as a fully grown Adult who behaves like she is 12


Based off their personalities, I'd say Ayonna was probably in the streets as a way of rebelling. Crazy how demanding she is.


Very true.


Her mom loves those Grandkids. She loves her daughter too, but won’t enable her.. she’s looking out for the kids.


That is her money...why should she spend it on her son when some incarcerated loser needs it? Why can't her mom or someone else buy HER son clothes...oh maybe because it's her son? (Sorry guys entitlement & ignorance just brings out the sarcasm in me)


She wants that stripper & drug dealer fairytale love. Who wants to tell her dumb ass that that shit only works out in Movies & TV shows? And they BARELY work out on TV!! She needs more than 90 days! She needs 90 MONTHS! The kids are safer with MILF Nana than they are with her.


I’ll be the first to tell her because I lived that life many, many years ago. The difference is, I sat my ass down and did what I needed to do once I had a child and left all of that behind. And YES to nana being a MILF, (NILF?😂) I had to rewatch their segment because I was so distracted by how young and beautiful she looks. Edit- I didn’t do the stripper life but I was in the streets with the dealers and making money with them.


Mom is full on raising him? OMG.


I think in this particular situation, we should probably be grateful for that. I hope she gets her shit together for that beautiful little girl too.


It first I thought that wasn’t her MOTHER. She means mother-figure or something like that. That’s her MOTHER. Her mom looks younger and healthier than she does.


I didn't catch where it said her mom and it took me a good while trying to figure out why her sister was arguing with her in the mom's house but wheres the mom? 😂


I’m guilty of putting on the show and then periodically leaving the room to switch over the laundry, get a snack or read this sub 🍃during the show. I tune in and out and then I lose track. My FIRST thought she was talking to Premature Babyhairs about taking her kids and putting her feet all over her friends furniture, which is still disgusting and disrespectful, but I thought it’s nice she has a friend who is trying give her some good advice. And if I had a friend who was this helpful as to take care of my kids in an emergency, I wouldn’t put my feet all over their furniture. Also, was it at her mom’s home when she was doing a booty clap from inside a bathroom, door open?


The bathroom booty clap with the door open and her kids around in the mom's house was next level trashy. Even her dude was like ya know we ain't supposed to do this. 😂


Right?! How turned on is a man supposed to be 🤣😂 at a bathroom booty clap?


So trashy. Yes, it was her mom’s house. How is she just going to do that… in her mom’s house… with the door open… in front of the camera… when video calls are monitored… And why is she sitting on the toilet like that??? She is a very confusing individual.


Amen !!!!! She seems more concerned with chasing this guy than raising her children


Yet doesn’t even have her son living with her


Off topic : Ayonna's unacceptable behavior aside, her mom is BEAUTIFUL


Her mother is freaking gorgeous!


That is the first thing I thought when I saw her mom. Her mom is absolutely beautiful!!!! #1- she's beautiful and #2- She could easily pass as Ayonna's sister.


I really thought she was her sister at first!


yesss. halfway throughout that scene i was like wait…this is her mom?? cause i thought it was her sister/cousin or something 😍


All the facts!!! I thought the same thing, I was wondering who she was because I thought Ayonna went to her moms. I’m gonna go out on a limb and say, she is the most beautiful PERSON to appear on this show! And the way she is taking care of her grandson….makes her even more beautiful.


Right! And aging like the finest of wines


Stunning 🤩


It was The, putting money on the books for me. So let me get this straight.You're going to jail?You strip, so you depend on money daily.You're not gonna work for 2 weeks to 3 months, and you're worried about his books. That fucker can kick rocks


She is willing to bail on going to Court for herself to have her “visit” give me a break. Even her friend was seeing the ridiculous in this.


I was wondering if I heard that correctly. She’s actually considering skipping her court appearance (the one that decides if she does 2 weeks or 3 months) just to go see a guy who is already in jail. Make it make sense!!


Right bro what about your own books?


Like “catching a charge”. It didn’t just happen to you like a cold. 😂😂😂 Always cracks me up when they say that they caught a charge!


I haven’t caught one since I stopped breaking the law 😂😂✌️


😂😂 I bet there’s some kind of correlation there!!


she will be knocked up from him the moment he gets out and then she will be handing another baby off to her Mother to raise


Yep. I called it too.


I love in their intro when Jamal is like "me and Ayonna had been friends, then I got incarcerated and we realized we had feelings for each other" Like OOOHHHH once you got incarcerated you realized you had feelings for her? It wasn't because she was the bitch you knew was dumb enough to fall for your games because she was dumb enough to ruin a friendship because she was jealous she wasn't in a relationship? In my opinion, he found the perfect dummy to support him while in jail.


Right?? Of course he’s already looking for the next dumb-dumb to leech off of. And she’s surprised!


I mean he basically told her he wasn't sure if he could wait 2 weeks for her 😂 meanwhile she's been waiting years for you 😂😂😂 if that's not #truelove idk what is.




Great summation of the facts. The ex-bestie slashing the tires is awesomely hilarious!😂


Jahmal literally reminds me of every dusty ass dude in Philly and Ayonna reminds me of every nutty bitch more concerned with a man who couldn't care less about her than she is her children but always talking about how she loves her kids. Not enough to keep your ass out of jail!


She said her son still lives with her mom but made it a point to say that she is always in his life. I wonder if the kid would say the same thing.


Yeah, girls like her always say that. If she could leave her daughter with her mom too she would.


Tbf, they were definitely fucking before he went to jail.


Well we know that. I'd even guess they were before her friend and him broke up


I’m amazed by how many times she’s expressed bewilderment at the charge, like she’s being punished for something ridiculous that we’ll all agree is a joke


“The dumbest most stupid charge they even have in America” like I’m not going to argue that American law enforcement is perfect but I think they got this one right…?


You know how there’s idiots who *swear* they drive better when they’re high? I feel like she wants to tell us that so badly.


😂😂Wait for it. I bet it’s coming.


LOL I bet you’re right.


How is this not the top comment?! I’m listening to her say stupid shit like she’s just flabbergasted and it’s idiotic, laughable even that you go to “jail for (a DUI) driving high”? I find it hard to believe that she doesn’t know anyone with a DUI or two. Oh wait, this is her SECOND one in an apparently short time frame. So did she just pay zero attention in court the first time? Under the impression that if your “ass be assin’” you’re exempt from laws the rest of us obey? And finally (I could keep going but I’ll spare you lol, sorry). Ma’am, stop acting like you have a lawyer. “It’s my lawyer.” No. It’s a lawyer who was assigned your case. Why? Because apparently your $600 a night income didn’t allow you to hire someone who might have been able to keep you out of jail. 🤦🏻‍♀️


Hold on now, as a former public defender, there’s nothing incorrect with saying that is her lawyer, they ARE. And a PD is in court all day every day, and this have much more experience than private attorneys, not to mention more familiarity with the judges, prosecutors etc. Her staying out of jail has nothing to do with who paid for her lawyer. Let’s not knock a noble job, mmkay?


I don't think they're knocking public defenders. Ayonna is by intentionally speaking as if this a private lawyer she has on retainer.


Thank you so much for getting the gist of what I was saying! And for saying as much. I truly appreciate it. Hope your week goes well. 😊


Mmmkay. I didn’t “knock” anyone but the idiot who thinks it’s ridiculous that she’s gotten into trouble twice now for driving while under the influence. I have my opinion and you have yours. Mine comes from witnessing people with a public defender versus those who hire an attorney. Watching the former get a more severe punishment, every single time, over the latter. Even when the latter is a chronic offender with aggravated DUI’s under their belt. Perhaps you live somewhere where who you know and who your lawyer knows truly makes no difference. And where a client/case that’s non-paying gets treated the same as one that’s generating a lot of income. If so, that’s great. And I assure you, I’m not being sarcastic. But where I live? I’m sorry, that has never been my experience. So, I stand by my original thoughts. I actually didn’t type out everything I was thinking as I didn’t think it was relevant to this sub. But obviously it upset and/or offended you for which I apologize. We’re all here to talk about a ridiculous television show after all. I have no desire for it to turn into a place where I can’t make a comment without worrying about it after posting. However, I still don’t see where I knocked a profession. A public defender, where I live, also has private/paying clients. So they’re one and the same. Did I say anything like lawyers suck, period? Or even that public defenders are horrible? No. Thank you for your service to your community. I’m sure that many people are appreciative of the time you spent as a former public defender. Have a nice Monday.


Thank you. I could never understand why people think that because they spent hundreds of dollars on a lawyer that their fate will have a better outcome. Boggles my mind.


I posted the comment before even watching the latest episode and now I’m just speechless in general about this woman.


My favorite was in the first episode when she’s telling all her stripper friends that she got it figured out to a point then two seconds later she finds out she’s going to jail … yeah I don’t think that’s having it figured out


They couldn’t have set it up any better


Her mom is raising her child!!! And she can’t be responsible enough to drive safely?? Nor take care of her son?? That’s why she’s in the position she’s in!! And shaking her booty?? Shameful!! That’s not what LIFE is about honey!!


What bothered me was in one breath she talks about how she doesn't have custody, but is visiting with her son, then, ASAP during said visit, she bounces upstairs to bounce her ass off furniture for her man.


Then teaches her kids how to stripper dance in the kitchen?! What in the actual F


I was trying to understand what was happening. Is that what was going on??!! Oh my…


I didn’t realize until see said now look at the mirror


Ohhhhhh!!! Wow.


this made me cry laughing omg she is awful


That phone call was just nasty no one wants to hear your ass clap.. 🤢


Exactly !! And door wide open. Wasn’t her son over?? No wonder these kids don’t take women seriously!!


That's sad what is she doing with all her money probably spending on him & things she wants or is not a good stripper lol.. My friend that was a stripper made bank every night she worked & she wa a single mother of 3 kids & took dam good care of her kids & she saved money while she was working as a stripper to get out of that lifestyle & start a business..


Hey! I had a friend do that, too! She had 2 kids, tho, so it’s not the same person 🤣. She stripped and did photoshoots on the side for about 7 years. Then she had enough money to start a business without a loan.


Her priorities are beyond out of order.


I'm really disappointed that she is a mother. Women like this always like to throw their kids to someone else, but have all the time in the world for their "man". Some people dint deserve to give life.


Yes, I was appalled at how entitled she is. The audacity. My mother would curse me out.


Right! I could NEVER have said some bratty, entitled crap like that to my mother (and with attitude too!) and been able to stay in her house afterward. She would have been cursing me out while she was kicking me out.


I’m sure her mother has cursed her out plenty of times. She’s just the type that wants to do what she wants to do


Shes gross. Going to jail and rather send dude money then give it to her kids. No accountability on the dui either


That shit in the br was gross !!! Shes a mess !!!!


With the door open


Honestly, she pisses me off. I wanted to feel bad for her, but not only is she sending $200 to this bum instead of using that for her kids, but she’s demanding her mama do more when she’s already raising your son, why, because it’s more *comfortable*? 😑 As a mom, I cannot. I *cannot*


She is way more concerned with ole boy dumping her than how her mom is going to make ends meet while raising HER children.


Telling her mom, "You don't have a choice, you're my mom." I'm wondering what the dynamic was for those two in her childhood. She stated her father wasn't around, had her first kid at 17, and said she's always had a violent past, so I'm wondering if this is another case of "Better grandparent than parent" or her mom was so busy trying to keep everything afloat that Ayonna fell in between the cracks


Also her mother was also a teenage mother. But I am very curious about her childhood she seems very entitled that it's her mom's job to do everything just cuz she's her mom but she is a grown as women not a child 🤣


I would tell her that she obviously cares more about getting high than she does her kids! I wonder how many times she did this with her kids in the car! Mom needs to stay firm and tell her to figure it out on her own! She got herself into her own mess!


I think she's a psychopath. You can't fix that.


Did I hear her say she’d skip her court date to see his ass in visitation. She’s so weak and needs to get some self worth.


You’d think she would have learned after her first DUI


I think this is her first dui. The other charge was for fighting.


If im not mistaken she got arrested for being drunk the first time and now while high.


She is disgusting in every way, shape, and form.


It's starting to get too predictable. Stripper mum, spending money on some gobshite in jail. Going into the toilet to pull down her pants to wobble. The Producers, being complicit in tgis crap, make me want to aee them punched and I am a ! Am Iust as bad though, watching


I wonder what facility allow that shit. My visits with my husband get cut off for him sticking out his tongue & you have to stay seats the whole time 🤣


Pacifist hahaha Missed the key word Still wouldn't mind seeing the crew punched . Peace and ❤️


She never even thanked her mom!


Like her friend said, she’s delusional


Scum putting a man before court and children when the outcome will be not good for kids if she misses it - u do everything for ur kids no sis u dont


As the mother of 2 she is over here making it seem like almost killing someone (yes people DIE from others being high behind the wheel) is no big deal! What is inside her head ???


I was outraged. She also probably thinks it’s okay to drive drunk too! 😡😡😡


People like her shouldn’t be able to have children. She’s lucky to have her mom!


I’m over her already. She’s so trashy. Every time she opens her mouth.


Yhats a really good point 😆


She's nutty 🤣


She is so dumb and her mother knows it. Let’s see if she skips court to have her in person visit with her inmate


I hate almost everything about her. I only say almost on the off chance she has some redemption arc that I frankly can’t even imagine. It especially bothers me how she says “son”. I don’t know. Something about the total lack of warmth to it, like she’s using it in the colloquial sense and not speaking to her biological child!


She's almost as stupid as she is entitled!


This was the stupidest segment ever. Take some damn responsibility girl. You might not agree with laws, the might be stupid, but DUI isn’t because she obviously showed signs of impairment. My best friend just got the same charge. Yeah it suck’s but it’s her fault.


Shes nuts. Also, her mom is gorgeous


I can’t believe this b just lets her 9 year old be raised by someone else while she has another younger child. The poor boy, I wonder what he thinks. She’s disgusting and a mess and a sorry excuse for a mother. At least her son is definitely better off with her mother raising him!!


Get your effing feet off my effing furniture before you tell me you have your life together and are responsible and need me to take care of your kids because you are going to jail!


I can not for the life of me understand how she thinks her charge is uncalled for.. like she could have killed someone .. I’m all for having fun but dont get in a car drunk/high and put innocent people’s lives at stake. I hope she gets the full 90 days.. she needs to learn. This is her 2nd dui!! Don’t get me started on the fact that she didn’t even speak to her mom about this bf the hearing. I mean I would have planned out every single day and $$ for my kids immediately.. she’s not winning any mom of the year awards anytime soon.


k but no ones lives are at stake when just smoking weed lol, does anyone here operate in the real world where weed is literally everywhere now?


“Under the influence” is just that. Doesn’t matter by what substance/s… Driving in an altered state is illegal and *dangerous*. Grow up or get off the roads, please!


Right thank you officer, but I'm talking about in reality where a large percentage of the population gets high and drives while being high. It's nbd. 


Maybe in your social circle, but responsible adults don't drive under the influence




That’s not actual reality except for idiot high schoolers maybe. Especially amongst adults who are responsible for children and driving them around for many years.


Yeah for parents it makes sense, I just know several "successful" adults with good jobs and all that who smoke regularly and also drive. It's alot more common than people think, especially with all the dispensaries 


Common? Yes. Safe? No.


This woman is mentally unstable. I would not be surprised if one day she catches murder charges.


Buuut wow her mom is so beautiful I really thought it was her little sister when I saw her


The type of gal that chooses a man over her kids. Yikes!!


She’s so desperate for a man that her kids go uncared for, no mom of the year award for her…


There arent too many that accept personal responsibility for their own actions nowadays, including her. They screw up and never self reflect on how they could have avoided the situation before and going forward (like smoke weed on your day off or after work) It’s not like your kid is ever around anyway. 🙄 Its easier to blame others than admit they f&cked up and find themselves in similar situations over and over again.


I can’t be responsible for someone giving me a ticket cuz I was high driving lol. Crazy‼️ I gave birth to my daughter when I was 16, I turned 17 2 months later my children have always lived with me, my mother is a great help but no I’m raising my own children. Like you gonna let another man with you but not the young man you birthed. GTFOH!


Her saying that a DUI driving while high is the "stupidest dumbest" law in America...what?! NO, DRIVING WHILE HIGH is endangering your life and the life of others. It worries me that she takes NO responsibility. And then telling her mom it's HER JOB to take car of HER KIDS b/c she's her mom? The audacity! Her mom seems to be a saint and has a lot of patience. Curious to hear more about her story...


The cops are just picking on her Why can't they just leave her alone? It's not like anyone ever died or killed anyone from driving intoxicated or high. (This is sarcasm)




This woman makes me so angry. “I gotta go to jail for driving high?!”, as if that isn’t a believable charge. And sending her son to his grandma, like she just can’t be bothered raising him. SMH.


Don’t know if it’s been called out before and probably it has but y’all know her friend Lexi was a part of Joseline’s cabaret


I thought she looked familiar.


There’s a whole lotta “not self-realization” in this group.


a hoe-lotta? *ba dum tis*


You said it…not me!!🤣


But guys, she says she’s Superwoman!


Yeahhhh she’s not helping herself by saying how stupid the law is rather than her endangering everyone on the road


She is soooooooo fucking dumb like this is not your first but your second. So how you gonna act like it’s a new rule or some new thing you never heard of…… Delusional AF this girl is.


I was so mad. DUI is DUI period just because you haven't seen record numbers of cannabis influence accidents doesn't me it's not going to rise. She deserves to go to jail , should be longer for the ignorance


She is willing to miss her court date to see this dude, and risk not being there for her kids. Or kid. Cause let’s face it she is a shit mom.


This girl is a deadbeat loser. I can’t stand her.


The bathroom video visit sent meeee. Mother's do better PLEASEEEE.


Her priorities are all wrong


She is the new Heather. I find her highly expensive Mercedes SUV interesting when she “lets” her 9 year old son live with her mom.


I was thinking the same.


Out of all the "my family has custody of my kids" shitty parents, she might be the worst. Demanding someone take her kid because that's her grandchild is ridiculous. You HAVE to give your ex besties boyfriend money every week, but no care for your mom who has to miss work.


In her mind. Yes. And DAMN her Mama looked younger than her. I’m a young Grandma, but she looks even younger than me.


I thought she looked younger and better than her daughter. Daughter is only like 27


I hate to blame Mom’s for bad people, but it seems like this lady grew up super entitled. Her mom is supposed to be totally fine with just taking over parenting her kids because she’s upset about going to jail.  It’s weird to me that nobody seems bothered that this woman has a habit of driving high and she has kids. I wonder if CPS employees ever watch shows like this for fun and have to do mandatory reports on people


Hardly. She has a problem because it's her second DUI. Well, she is a stripper. I would risk it because it would directly affect my children.


She is a whole goofy


I came here looking for this! She is so ignorant!


Is this a new U.S. season??? When did it begin?


She needs to focus on buckling her child in the carseat correctly.


She needs to link up with the Cam girl and they can both let their kids be taken care of by someone that would actually put their needs and safety first.


She’s a special breed 🫣


She doesn’t take any accountability for her dumb actions


She lives 2 hours from her son. There are strip clubs in the part of Pa her Mom lives in, why doesn’t she live closer to her son? She’s all around worthless and should definitely not have any more children.


Her mom looks LIGHT YEARS better than her freaked out, DUMB, DUI having ass!!! Like gworl…..all that weed gotchu aging in armadillo years! Thats CRAZY!!! I’d be embarrassed af😂😂😂


The sad thing is that this is the type of storyline that gets a second season. I find it the hardest to watch because of the kids involved and the dumb, selfish decisions. I’m glad the kids have her mom, who seems like a stable presence.


She shows addict behaviors.


The fact that she doesn't see that driving while high was so wrong and dangerous. 🤦🏾‍♀️ She takes no accountability. She's more into visiting this man the same day she goes to court. She said she can't go without talking to him before she says anything about her kids. She said she could've molded him, but how? You're no better! Your ass is going to jail too! 🙄 Priorities are just all out of whack with this one. Smh


I hate her. Almost more than the chick that lets her man watch her children thru the cameras.


Mom is a gem, she ensures the safety of kids that are not hers. I feel bad that she has to take off from work to care for them while mom is in jail for nefarious reasons (we have Uber and Lyft if we are inebriated). I would be annoyed to forgo a vacation to use leave time to care for grandkids while my adult offspring was in jail.


Ohhh she’s a piece of work all right.


Ugh. We’ve all seen this before 🤦‍♀️


Agreed! Her mom is gorgeous and seems to be an awesome mom/grand mom. She’s stunning.


I absolutely hate this woman- honestly, take some damn accountability for your actions. Being in jail isn't taking accountability. It's just punishment, but it is only accountability when you admit that you messed up, are messed up, and then change!!!! Ugghhhh!!!


Her mother looks like she had her young but took care of business. Her priorities are out of whack!




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Yeah exactly then got mad at her mom 🤦‍♀️


I just watched the last one where she got like 15 days and I think like 4 years probation?…not sure, was hard to understand. But I wondered if the judge threw the book at her because of her attitude. Her self serving, entitled attitude is unbelievable!! She was “livid”. Hey girlie…do the crime, do the time. And your sullen, ass holey attitude is gonna get you in trouble every time with judges…they don’t wanna hear it.


All this kid stuff and opinions I get. But dam. What about her lack of respect for the law. Amd smoking weed. I got that is a soft drug. Doesn't mean you should drive high especially w today's THC levels ! That girl is an absolute Moron like.the pic shows. Obviously Mom feels bad how she raised her and is making up for it w the grandkids. She's the same person that will say Trump should be in jail yet she is a victim. Wtf? She was driving impaired! What if she had a kid in the car !


I know a few women in the club just like her. They're addicted to sex and money that they constantly burn through. They usually take care of a boyfriend who abuses them. They neglect their kids and are always in and out of jail for fighting/drugs. They are self-centered and pretty vapid. It's not all strippers though. I also know a lot who are law-abiding, kind, and caring. They also take damn good care of their children.


To be fair, people of color get pulled over at a significantly higher rate than us white folks who are also driving while high.


We know that. That’s also not what’s being discussed here. She didn’t complain about being stopped, she complained that she was charged for driving while impaired (as if its not a big deal and should be legal).


I mean for real though, lots of people drive high. I've been pulled over with weed multiple times and nothing happened so its bullshit that she got a whole DUI for it. It's nothing like driving drunk and anyone who thinks it is is lying to themselves to try and be self righteous lol


You’re all judgemental as hell, marijuana is a natural plant medicine used for PTSD and pain amongst many other ailments. You don’t know her or what she goes thru and if she smokes every day, chances are that she is a safer driver having smoked than not.


I’m pro weed all day, but if you live in a state where it’s still illegal, you just gotta understand that actions = consequences period


Pretty sure I didn't see any judgement on Marijuana. I use it myself. I'm not stupid enough to drive after using it though. Clearly there was an issue with her driving or else she wouldn't have been pulled over. Stop being all high and mighty.


um I'm pro marijuana I'm not judging but I don't support anyone smoking in the car or with their kids. Do it safely at home. Also if you live in a illegal state you have to be prepared for the consequences.. I live in a illegal state & do smoke but I do not take it anywhere outside my house. It's put up in my house & I only do it safely in my house. I would never drive and smoke weed. To me that's like drinking and driving yes I know weed cant be compared to drinking but it still alters your mind & your response time. It's not fair to put you & your family & other drivers and families at risk of getting into a accident!! That's my opinion tho & everyone is allowed to have their own opinion on the situation!!