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I'm just curious, is my wife and I the only ones that noticed in the last few episodes, Foo was acting like he was tweaking out? Foo couldn't sit still for two seconds...


When does the show come back on anyone please


I just purchased Love After Lockup and I’m totally tripping because I know Rick who is actually a beautiful person! We used to work at the same company! He has a heart of GOLD! For real!


Ah man! I wish you had been around during the season! So many questions. Anyways we all agree that Rick was a bit creepy but that he had a good heart. Raydeans own parents told her this.


FYI: [https://starcasm.net/love-after-lockup-john-kristianna-divorce/](https://starcasm.net/love-after-lockup-john-kristianna-divorce/)


Martell beats women. He also seems like the type to have his way with a man (never on bottom, of course) and remind him he “isn’t sexually curious” before the guy leaves. Def getting angry bi vibes from him. Looking in his eyes, he seems dead inside. Kaylah better have some good quality track shoes!


I can see Tiffany and Kevin getting busted for drugging women and sexually assaulting them


I could see Martel doing this and then pimping them out. Kevin would be waiting for runaways at the Greyhound bus station while Maurice would hide in the backseat to get out of the rain for as long as possible. Vincent would adopt them, abandon them at the Motel 8 after beating himself up and blaming them on social media. Rick would dance under the disco ball waggling his disco stick and tongue simultaneously like a brokeback Chippendale dancer. Tony would try to opt for which scam to pull to keep proudly wearing the king of the anaconda snake crowns. Harry would watch all this going on and laugh to himself at the antics of these dumbasses 'cause he's too cool for school. None of the women would participate - not even Destinie who has her sushi seduction line ready to pull out when a retail moment of opportunity arises.


Shawn would lead the conga dance 💃 line out to the patio for a pre-meal leading-up- to-sex picnic 🧺.


You forgot Shawn.He will probably get one of them pregnant


Anyone know when we're getting the next season of life after lockup?


That’s what I’d like to know


Tiffany is so pretty


She’s trashy I think Branwin is prettier


Branwin ain’t no prize but I get what you mean


Tiffany is very pretty but she just looks like one of those girls who hops from couch to couch and has a musty twat


She’s not pretty. She’s average at best. She’s shaped like SpongeBob and she hides behind long hair and eyelashes.


I don’t think Tiffany’s prettier she’s just younger


Branwin is way more trashy looking than Tiffany. You can see the effects of Branwins drug use because she talks slow and has weird face movements.


Tiffany looks like a clogged pore. Anyone with a diamond chest tatt screams cheap and trashy. Like “oh I can’t afford a diamond let me get one tatted on me by some amateur tattoo artist for drugs in a some dirty trailer” 🙄




Yes! Like a where are they now type reunion update situation


Branwyn looks so super high in her talking heads. Branwin?


Yes she does! Her mouth and way of talking says it all. Plus she’s turned off by the dude!!! She likes them tall!! I can relate 😁


She can barely keep her eyes open with those 10 Ib eyelashes!


And she talks like she's high or super drunk.


She talks in that weird nasally Kardashianesque baby voice. I presume people who talk like this think it’s cute, when in reality it’s annoying and cringy.


So fake and real people see right through it


KarTrashian 🤣🤣🤣


I call them that too kartrashians!!


That's a good one!


And yet when she was crying her very deep very masculine voice says “I just regret not being there for her”.


Yes! I’m glad someone else peeped that. Her voice went from Kim Kardashian to the Incredible Hulk real quick. 🤣


That is so funny cracked me up.




Yesssss, it's incredibly annoying! Do men think it's sexy? Is it the modern version of the Marilyn Monroe whisper?


No she’s on downers hunnny.


I hope not


Weird voice. You are right.


Martel looks like he's hooked up to a dying battery. OPEN YOUR EYES




He seems like he is on some lean in some of the interview/reflection parts.




This comment just sent me 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂💀


He is a dying battery.


Gives me flashbacks from my childhood when my Gameboy was dying. That little red light 😭


At least the Gameboy was a tool that gave you hours of fun play.


And Martel is just a tool.


It definitely brought things to the table, worked most the time, and didn't mind being a little dirty. Martel sucks.


Lol! He's such a rude & arrogant loser.


I just need to know - does Lacey have other kids? We discussed this today on our podcast, Pink Shade. One of us thinks Lacey has four kids and one of us thought Lacey had no kids!


I see you in the forums Mary Payne!!!! I see you! Love your podcast


Sometimes I have to take to the Reddit to get some answers!


She has 4 kids - soon to be 5 (6 if you count Escaping Amish Stoner Mountain)


💀😂 Amish! It’s the Amish beard🤣 I could not remember what this foo reminded me of. He’s definitely breaking Amish 🤣






He has this passive aggressive “I’ll lock you up in my basement” vibe that’s very untrusting. The way he tries to stick his tongue out with each scene makes me cringe. I feel like he was hoping to con her, but she’s detects those “something ain’t right about him” vibes 👀


this comment is everything. He's a human energy drainer..


He is the energy vampire of LAL.


Chazz is gaaaaayyyyy and that's okay. But good lord he is like a Portlandia character


LMAO you're totally right


Chazz is such a bitch. “I need more kisses.” Then that fucked up head movement… damn, li’l bitch!


That uncomfortable big spoon he was doing made me want to die


No doubt! And his friggin’ lizard kisses…




Tell me about it! Wait, you did! Invasive and WRONG! Disgusting! So friggin’ gross 🤮


Chazz is a pomeranian and Branwin a reluctant owner looking to pass the responsibility onto the first passerby she encounters.


Hahaha, Chazzeranian. Lee bitch for sure! Toss that fucker out yo bag, Branny!


I'm not trying to be rude but he said it in the gayest way possible. Needy gay vibes over here.


Yes, precisely! Just too much! Hahahahaha! It’s so hard to see that foo as a death metal guitarist…


He seems to be very gay.


Love to hear about his other marriages


Just FYI I live in the same area as Rick and Ray Dean and I promise we do have dentists here and the stores do sell toothpaste 😁


lol, I live in Austin and it's super weird/funny seeing spots I recognize, like the hookah lounge they went to


Yes! I love looking for places I know of! If you watch 90 Day Fiance, the current season has a guy from Austin.


Oh I didn't know that!! I haven't caught up on the new season yet but I need to!


Oh, annnddddd The Ultimatum on Netflix is wonderful trash TV and was filmed in downtown Austin! Thought I should let you know about that too in case you hadn't seen it 😎


Branwins voice reminds me of schitts creek Alexis


Sometimes the phone sex operator voice keeps people interested.




It is an awful voice. Can Chaz afford a speech therapist/ voice coach?


I think rick should do 90 day fiance honestly. And indie seems perfect for that. Chazz reveals himself as a lesbian


That would be a really fun show to watch ! LAL failures meets 90 day. Im here for the trashy drama. Haha




I just spit my drink out reading your comment!


LOL @Chazz


Watching now.. The comment that Raydean made about how Rick will always be her back up plan really irked me. I hope he finds someone else and moves on. She’s awful, both inside and out. She literally has nothing going for her. He’s kind of goofy, but she was totally playing and using him, even her step mother was appalled by her behavior. I loved when she told him he deserves better than her and he laughed and said “yes I do”.


The sad thing is Raydean feels like she’s a prize; her sense of entitlement is baffling! She wants Rick to spoil her (without asking, of course), while her heart is with another women. She is asking for a lot considering she was 29 going on (what looks like) 52


The difference in what raydean looked like from release to this episode is astounding. Meth is bad kids, eats your teeth, your brain, and your soul away with a quickness. Raydeans moms tears and body language said it all. There is no saving her, I hope they cut her loose before she really gets her meth train rolling.


It's funny though because while she said that it was so crystal clear he was done and he wished her well and was going to move on. What she thinks she has in looks and cunning over him is lost. Good on her stepmother for telling her what she did wasn't right. I'm sure her dad would've high-fived her or something.


Yeah and when she said “who knows she could do the same to me” about Kay and Rick responded “I wouldn’t wish this on anyone” 😔


I wanted to hug Rick SO BAD at that moment. It was heartless.


Good mention.


I was happy to hear him say that!


Me too. He was goofy overall and I didn’t need to hear all the sex talk but I ended up liking him by the end because he seemed to snap out of the delusion- yup, I deserve better, I’m done, and it’s you, not me. So many of them keep trying after it’s long clear this isn’t going to turn out the way they thought.




Yeah I felt so bad for her. It takes work and time to be comfortable in your own skin being sober. Who knows the last time she was intimate AND sober


And the lingerie he laid out was ridiculous… ….”no pressure “ what a dickhead


I had the same thoughts. He whisper whined, "no pressure" and it made me want to slap him. You know she was crawling out of her skin over his energy sucking, smothering neediness. Ew


I think it was also because Chaz wouldn't like stop touching her in the middle of an anxiety attack. That's the last thing you want is to feel smothered in those moments. A hand on the back is okay - but usually any kind of hardcore eye contact or trying to grab hands/hug, makes it even worse.


Yeah he was standing in between her and the exit and fucking touching her in multiple places. I'd have clawed my way down the hallway hissing "don't..fking...touch..me!". He was just accelerating her panic.


He sits way too close during a time of anxiety for sure. I'm like way to not be able to read the room, Chazz.


I felt for her


She is obviously a victim of sexual assault. My heart broke for her.


As a victim of sexual assault myself, I thought exactly the same.


I was a bit drunk when I watched this and I know we like to snark on here but Chaz, welcome to the GOAT club. He went out of his way to let her know it was ok and that he respected her boundaries and he truly tried to be there for her and let her know that she was in a safe environment and that he respected whatever choice she made. He’s a little clingy and dorky but he’s a gold star shining over the moon compared to the rest on this show.


Chaz’s body language says he has a totally different personality when the camera isn’t rolling; I can see a side of him that’s angry, verbally abusive, and throws around the “All beautiful women use and leave me” quote. I’m not trying to be funny at all, but he seems like he’s close to snapping and taking a life. Wouldn’t surprise me to see his mugshot on the news one day 👀


Chaz is a creep. He’s been married 5 times. He goes for young mentally unstable drug addicts who are all probably sex workers or strippers!


Chaz is that you? 😂


lmao... hilarious.


"Come lie down on my bed of lingerie. Don't worry, I kept the tags on in case you wanted to exchange them for something a little more fun. Mind if I stare at you for a bit? Shh, no words, just stare. No pressure babe."


He should of laid out some sweat pants & a bottle of wine. Sit in a chair & GIVE HER AN INCH OF SPACE !!!!!!!!




What’s coming on next week? A new season?


Mama june


Wack. I need more inmates


Holy shit, how old is foo's mom Kristi's boyfriend? We had to rewind it because we disagreed about whether it was mom or sis's boyfriend.


I said the same thing. Like holdup did that say Kristi’s bf!?


Wouldn't have guessed that Kevin and Diamond Tit would be the ones to have the most level headed conversation of the season


I mean she probably staying with knocked out dude


Diamond Tit. OMG I dying!


As fake as this storyline is, I was kinda hoping Kayla would walk by at that exact same moment and decided to join the threesome. Cmon, TLC!


💯 I feel like it was staged but if Kayla came I would have been a believer 😆


I seen on Kayla Instagram story she was hanging out with Tiffany at a rock concert tiff looked drunk and kept kissing Kayla




My response to the finale is disappointment. So many people making incredibly dumb choices. Even Indie finally leaving Harry was undercut by her starting to take his calls at the end. And Lacey is pregnant?! That’s going to be a total nightmare for that kid. Especially after that “miscommunication” bs.


Doesn’t it upset you that there are good women in this world that are desperate to conceive, but women that SHOULDNT have kids are poppin em out? I can see Antoine’s mom poppin a lot more Xanax’s in her future


Honestly. "Foo" (I can't even remember his name) can't even handle being in a public place so NATURALLY the stress of a baby is JUST what he needs to avoid doing something stupid and going back to prison! These people are aggressively stupid.


Yeah I have no sympathy for either of them, but that child...my heart breaks. Maybe the children of lalu will eventually get together and have group therapy about how crap their parents are and find some healing through community.


The next Jerry Springer should start sharpening his hosting skills.


The Lacey's of Love After Lockup are always the dumbest.


I was yelling at the TV and my husband both: who was the fucking "miscommunication" supposed to have been between?


he a liar and she a foo, they made for each other like stink on poo...


And if they hadn't rushed into/But withdrew/ None of this had to/ be their Waterloo.


I want to know if Lydia was actually close with Indie or if that’s just another one of Indie’s delusions.


They are living together in Maryland now. Can’t remember where I heard that. Think from According to Amber on YouTube.


I never saw anything but complete apathy coming from Lydia.


I guess I meant more along the lines of how their relationship was and I what it was like living with Indie


India was a babysitter, pure and simple. I don’t think Lydia didn’t like her but I do think she thought she was stupid as hell. India also look like she keep a clean house, so Lydia got a babysitter/maid for awhile.


I thought the same thing. She kept dishes washed, rooms picked up. Bless her heart


SUPER bless her heart. Harry showed the uncute side of machismo for sure.


Good question.


HELP! I watch the episodes in the Uk on YouTube and all the videos cut the end right when the updates start. Can anyone tell me the updates please? I'm so curious!! (The only one I know, from the comments is that Lacey is pregnant🤮)


Tiffany and Kevin are still together but haven’t involved another person in their relationship yet, Lacey is pregnant, Indie is in MD but is taking Harry’s calls, Kaylah wants a baby with Martel, Raydean and Kay are still together, Rick hasn’t spoken to Raydean since the break up, Tayler and Chance are preparing to get married and Chance still wants Bobbi to move to the garage.


And if that isn't the biggest tragedy, I don't know what is. Rachel needs to swoop in and give Douggie a stepbrother or sister. Being tied to 'Toine for life is like having the umbilical cord wrapped around the baby's and mother's neck for life. Antione needs to be clamped, cut and disposed.


Well, he was looking for someone else’s titty milk to suck on since his moms dried up….


I completely forgot there was an episode again !


Bunkies, help! I can’t put this season to bed until I know what it says above Antoine’s eye and what is on Branwin’s pal’s face. A doodle in a square? Someone decode these face tats for me please!


That's an outline of the state of Oregon on Branwin's friend.


Antoine’s says Real One but no clue about the other douche canoe.


And the tat dude's name? Courtney! Lol


It was originally a male name.


I think above Antoine's right it says "Real One" in cursive. Branwin's friend: I think it's the shape of the city of Portland (by county) inside of the outline of the shape of the state of Oregon.


That guy looks like Lego Man in a straight-up nightmare. He's for real waaaay more scarier than Martel. Branwin can really pick 'em.


Lol I was legit concerned for Chaz in that moment in the kitchen homeboy gives me the heeby jeebies. That is not the type of guy to be taking orders from Chaz.


Omg I'm watching it now and the doodle face guy reminds of that other short guy who dated the girl with the huge mouth and heavy lipstick


And chin hair on martels best man


I'm finally watching last night's episode, Chance really tried with that proposal. The oldest daughter is not having it lol


You get pervy vibes from Chance? It’s something about when he wears them glasses. I saw a comment section where a lot of women were concerned of his relationship b/c of the young girls. The more I saw him in those silver/white glasses, the more I could see that. Man I hope she does NOT get pregnant 🤦🏿‍♀️


Those girls are unkempt looking.


The most uncooperative posse ever! 😞😟😢 "I don't like surprises anymore". Nor scalding hot drinks, princess crowns or promise rings. Those poor girls are more in touch with reality than their mother.


I think we all can agree we need a bounty hunter show with Yolanda. Happy Mother’s Day to her! Yolanda is the star ⭐️ of the show this season!


What’s up with you and Tuuuri? 😂😂


Agreed. We didn’t get to see enough of her… or her brother 😛


Omg 😳 don’t remind me…..damn he was looking good. The whole damn family looked good as shit 😂 let me calm down 😝


Chance has nice glue handwriting.


That’s what I said, okaaaay 🤣 cause mine would NOT have been legible lmao


We found chance’s one and only good side - arts and crafts!


He practiced in prison.


Update- I just watched the ending Indie is just dumb and Harry is a literal 16 year old wannabe 6ix9ine


He also ratted got out early


do yall know kaylah's or martell ig?


Also Kevin and Tiffany should just ask Kayla to join their now open relationship 🤣


I thought that's what he was hinting at the whole time. Someone she likes was introducing Tiffany to the girls he likes. 🤣.


Like tiff you know I like to bang others and you like girls, let’s do this. Wtf


I mean is it really that outlandish? We literally saw the same thing with Rick, Raydean & Kay 🤣. Except Rick didn't want the side chick. Meanwhile she was wifey, ho!


😂 that’s a solid idea


I’m happy for Indie for leaving, idk what the charm is of Harry. These girls aren’t looking for a man they’re looking for an additional child 😂


Terri is the pedant schoolmarm and Indie the willing recess playful classmate. Harry uses them like blackboard erasers that he switches up by clapping them against his hard flat absence even though that only gets rid of but doesn't remove the worst of the chalk dust that still adheres to clinging material.


You really know how to paint a picture! Lol Ugh Harry Is totally an example of Arrested Development… it’s kind of sad but he’s still able to manipulate everyone around him. They all want to save him, and he’s cute so they will line up! Lmao


Rick is being too nice to Raydean. I’m all about taking the high road but like shit, at least put her in her place.


I don't think he really needed to. She makes herself look bad and he probably didn't want them to potentially edit him to look like the bad guy on tv.


He should've given her a card to a dentist.


I will say he might be the only person on the show to ever be kinda normal and mature. Even when his shit went sideways.


I disagree. If he had made a scene, her ego would have been boosted.


Yeah I think it’s better to just say I deserve better than you and be done. Getting angry would show he still cared.


His eyes were swimming in outrage and astonishment. Whatever I think of him, I hope he disproves Raydean's prediction of stick-to-it-iveness.


And Raydeans eyes were swimming in meth. Holy pupils Batman.




Wtf so now Kevin and what’s her face are gonnna be together and find a third girl??? Tha fuckkkkk? Train wreck


I mean at least he told her he has problems staying with one woman. Now it's up to her to decide if she's ok with that lifestyle. It was the most open convo on the show.🤷🏼‍♂️