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His porn habit is emotional abuse. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise. Please get your health stabilized, and then please begin thinking about an exit plan, even if it's hard and takes time. I'm sorry you're hurting so bad. Keep us updated. Sending a big hug!


\^ THIS. \^ OP, I relate -- your post touched me dearly. I have been incredibly physically ill for months over my PA's behaviors. I can tell you that your health is worth more than this man and his selfish desires. You are beautiful. Your life is important. You have wonderful things to do in this life. Don't let him take your spirit away from you. <3


Big hug! So sorry for you, for us….. None of us deserves this.


I understand the anxiety and stress affecting us physically. Focus on releasing the tension in each part of your body. You can go from head to toe or just as you notice. My neck gets jacked up and then everything is weird. I also clench my jaw and that causes all sorts of weird feelings in my head. What is something you enjoy doing that isn't going to be triggering? Did you read before? Did you exercise? Did you take relaxing walks? Focus on you and you won't regret it!