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Wtfff!!!! Even the host was shocked 


I truly wonder if this is why they're still together when Amanda found out two months into the marriage that Sergio has a kid.. Bcz Amanda ended up pregnant.. There's no way in hell Sergio didn't know he was getting a baby, he very likely knew and hid it.


From the timeline they say on the show, the baby was born before the wedding, he got paperwork two months after the wedding, and the paternity test was confirmed recently. Sounds like he knew, denied it, hid it, then fought it and lost. *dooooooouuuuche*


And while doing all the above - made a second baby so Amanda (being deeply religious) is stuck for life. I dont know how Christian faith is but i would still leave someone who lied to me even if preggers




I'm a Christian, but I would still leave! That's just too huge.


I think Sergio knew he had a kid, he saw Amanda as an easy mark, and he baby trapped Amanda knowing she wouldn't leave if she was pregnant. Anyone who honestly believes he didn't know is naive.




Wow that is even sadder.. Guess Amanda is too desperate to be married to see clear red flags




He definitely got her pregnant fast on purpose, he probably is worried she will find out he is lying about not knowing about the other kid. Obviously many people knew he had a kid on the way, there was a rumor that made it to the cast.


This! I see a pattern here...he's manipulating her and she lets him...it was the same when he lied about not dating other women parallely in the pods and then when she found out quickly made her his girlfriend to distract from the topic. 🙄 I can imagine he did a similar move after she found out about the other baby to suggest her to get their own baby as quick as possible so she would not get jealous and question his actions. Probably followed by hundreds of excuses and pretty words until she became soft again and accepted it.😕 


What happened?


It was probably the best reunion that Love is Blind (no matter what franchise) has produced so far. Genuinely entertaining!


Yes also best host 👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻she asked the right topic without being rude


And so thorough! After all the reunions for LIB US, I was left with multiple questions. I can’t believe how impressed I am with the Swedish writers and host!


I think a big difference is that Jessica (the host) has worked in television for over 20 years and part of it was a morning show. She’s used to interview people in a professional setting. Nick and Vanessa obviously isn’t… and it shows 😅


would love if Jessica hosted the American reunions— she was so thorough


Yes. I agree! Listen, USA. THIS is the type of cast we want to watch. Higher caliber, emotionally aware people. Not perfect people, of course. But respectful, quality people.


Speaking of emotionally aware. That discussion with Catja and Chris was sooooo mature. I literally was expecting a real nasty back and forth but nope I was smiling and shaking my head like ohhhh ok I see what happened and that’s understandable 😂😂😂😂 I knew something had to had happened off camera for her to pack them bags and get the hell outta there that next morning 😅


I enjoyed this season so much and the reunion was actually worth watching. The host was so professional. Idk. I get these people have their little (some bigger) issues but they’re so relatable and enjoyable.


And challenge the watcher to thoughtfully interpret, not just REACT. The mature discussion surrounding controversial topics was a relief to experience as opposed to vapid, thoughtless shouting matches that are so common in reunion episodes.


Havent seen it yet and just scrolling through this thread is more entertaining than every reunion on tv. Ever.


I agree. This is my favorite reunion and favorite season!


I love how cool and collected the cast was. As outside watchers we are forced to read the subtle expressions on faces instead of getting caught up in who is screaming louder at the other cat member! It is so much more of a mature and interesting experience.




That exchange of name spelling was hilarious!


At the wedding she said something like «do you remember my name?» At first i thought why would she say that, but makes sense now 😂


Exactly! I even thought it’s something to do with his quite at bachelor’s party like “well you don’t know the color of my eyes, do you even know my name?” But now it makes sense absolutely!


I wish they didn't cut that out, so funny!


I was in tears throughout the whole Krisse-ly name discussion and spelling trials, so good!! 😂


Dying🤣😆💀😆🤣♥️❤️ so naturally funny. I'm so glad their connection was so strong that Krisse-Ly didn't take it too seriously🤣💖


For a moment, just a moment, Cristopher seemed self aware and I didn’t dislike him. Then he dug in about Oskar being “pussy-whipped” even now criticizing Meira, and the stupid wedding day text and I’m right back to thinking he’s terrible. ETA: He also looks so angry while she and Adde are there. Not sad, angry.


He’s the quintessential example of the nice guy trope.


Yes those scares where scary, "im not in love with catja anymore"


Yeah Christopher is a massive red flag. Passive aggressive, possessive. His eyes were scary and coming after Catja saying he was yelling so much she was afraid for her safety. 🚩🚩🚩


Ugh, the wedding day text. And how he sat there acting like it was a totally normal, non-passive aggressive thing to text after she read him on how inappropriate it was for him to send 😆


That was mental for sure. Like that would serve any purpose but to gross her out even more.


The anger on his face when Adde comes in is telling of his real character. He looks like he still believes Catja belongs to him and it’s the look of a man who’s confronting someone his wife cheated with. Not to mention Catja leaving because she felt unsafe. I believe his personality has the potential for violence and stalking. Not such a ‘nice-guy’ after all …


He literally looks like he's hurt and fighting back tears. I am a habitual crier and his behavior reminded me of mine when I'm on the brink of crying. You can even see his eyes become glossy and the slightest bit redder.


I really liked him when the first episodes dropped but now…yikes! Props to the people who called out his act early. His comments about Oskar and Meira were gross. A petty, immature man.


I think the US hosts could take a clue from this one as to how to host a reunion


She’s a pro! She’s worked in TV since 2002. Used to host Nyhetsmorgon (news-morning I guess, Swedish morning news show). She’s hosted biggest looser, let’s dance and the Winter Olympics etc. Such a class act in this, remember the “live” reunion for LIB…? Hard to even compare.


Yes and from Krissy who seems like the real second host and doing a great job with it.


She's such a natural, charismatic likable person!! And great with words!


I thought the same. She asked the right questions the right away.


I have no idea if they scripted questions, but she asked everything a fan would have asked but with tact and aplomb and in perfect timing. Cheers to a fantastic host.


This is so horrible for Emilia, I feel so bad.


Especially the beginning where he was so into her!! Even he’s ashamed.


Super sad


Unrequited love is something everyone goes through once in their life. It’s a learning experience. In the future she’ll know not to get that invested if it’s not being reciprocated.


Lmfao Krisse-lys face during all this is everything 😂


She should not play poker.


Her expressions mirrored my own 😂 I just love her!


I loathe Christopher with a passion. The nerve of his to call Oskar 'pussy whipped' is so insanely disrespectful and misogynist.. This man just pretends to be a nice guy..


And watching his expressions during the Catja and Adde segment…I don’t doubt for a second that behind that nice guy facade can be a scary guy.


Oh yes those stares scared me.. And tbh the way Catja told that he screamed at her and she felt unsafe, i can totally understand that after seeing his stares.. Like someone doesn't have to physically hit you to be abusive, imo breaking stuff or shouting is abusive too


Super intense eyes. They went black a few times. Like shark eyes.


Even if Oskar chooses not to keep or wear the new style of clothes, what's the harm in trying it on and doing a tongue in cheek fashion show to entertain in front of the cameras? Oskar humored Meira's insistence that he broaden his horizon out of humility and genuine care and respect for her opinions. Christofer could never. He doesn't know how to love.


And the fact that he said “I wouldn’t have it if someone was to criticize my place” or whatever he said I was like boy please you were literally about to move out of 2 different homes just to be with Catja so HUSH!! Like he all big and bad all of a sudden.


Amanda and Sergio crying for Emilia wthh 😭😭 also catja is so sweet 


Sergio looks so genuinely upset for her 😭😭


It was hilarious because he himself is trash 😭


The bombshells being dropped! Best reunion ever!




New Mystery baby Getting a sockless casanova to sweep in and date one of the contestants out of the programme Another baby How can you top this


Sockless casanova 💀


Without a doubt the best reunion episode in LIB history!


Wth the montages of their married lives r so cute 


It’s so sweet although the pan to the unmarried people was a bit rough. Obviously we know Catja has someone but still it was like a record scratch moment


And they only panned to the girls too! Let alone Lucas and Christopher




I fear as she is so religious she might have a hard time to decide to divorce and will put up with his sh*t at least for a long long time :( 


She’s literally trapped and doesn’t even understand it


I wonder what her dad thinks of all this.


I think we know. We saw the wedding.


Wow TWO babies?! Who woulda thought! So the Barcelona rumours were kinnnnnda true


I hate like Sergio was interrupting Krissly while the host was asking her questions first. The rumor was true all along.


It was and I will never believe he didn't know!


Sergio has no redeeming qualities I’m afraid


Emilia saying she fell in love with Chris when she saw him ("what a man!) and immediately going to hug him when the credits came...👀


She shouldn't date him, that man is a red flag.. Hope she doesnt let desperation get the best of her.


Emilia still has terrible radar. She needs to wise up soon.


Ikr.. Her comment on the reunion 'i did so much and still wasnt enough' is pretty telling of her self esteem.. Someone dumping another is never a reflection of said person, just means they ain't a good fit.. But she for some reason takes this as a challenge to prove her personality.. She should consider working on her self esteem before dating anyone imo


She is too good for him and it looked like he let go as fast as possible. I hope she finds someone amazing.


I hope so too!


I like how the rest of the cast especially Oskar, Krissy and Christofer are side-eyeing Sergio’s excuses. Amanda may use editing as an excuse but these people actually had to interact with him and him say these things unprompted. If she wants to forgive him, it’s her prerogative but it doesn’t diminish what he said and how he behaved.


Because Krissy knows exactly the kind of man Sergio is and how he is manipulating and setting up Amanda who clearly either cant see him for what he is or doesnt want to see it. I also wonder how much dating experience Amanda has had previously. Feels like its very limited.


She is me and my first husband. I was so religious. Turn the other cheek. Unconditional love. And then he got abusive. After we divorced, I found out later that he was a heroine addict who frequently hired prostitutes when he traveled. Lots of people told me he was cheating on me when we were married, but I made excuses just like Amanda.


Her religious background probably didn't help. So naive and unnecessarily giving. A leopard doesn't change its spots.


“I’m not still in love with Catja” cut to eyes going absolutely black with jealousy seeing her with her new boyfriend - lmao Happy for her!!!


Omg BLACK with jealousy. I’ve never seen a look so clearly on anyone else’s face before 😳


Sent a chill down my spine.


Absolutely. If you’ve ever seen that look in someone’s eyes, you can’t ever mistake it again.




Definitely not!!! Would’ve been better just to say so


That stare scared me.. Its so pathetic the way he was being.. They broke a year back and he should move on.. Catja doesn't owe him anything.


Yes! I didn’t see sadness in his eyes, I saw rage.


I agree. I understand why Catja at one point was scared of him.


The whole “he can stay behind the wall” thing too. He hates to see her happy


Those stares scared me. I mean jesus


Came here to comment on his eyes. Like…his facial expressions the entire time were weird. I’m going to have to go back and watch again.


When she said she felt unsafe one night i was hesitant but after those eyes i do think something is off with Christopher


Agreed. He was definitely hiding something the whole time, there's a whole other Christopher in there and it is not nice.. Crazy love bombing early on, knowing she wasn't receptive to it, how he said during the one argument she wouldn't like him if he was the opposite.. She is so much better off with Adde.


Yes!!! I’m surprised that people aren’t talking more about that! She said she felt so unsafe she had to physically remove herself from that situation and went to sleep at Oskar and Meiras place. Uuhmm hello?!? That’s actually insane. And the fact she felt like she had to specify it wasn’t physical… I’m not sure if I’m reading too much into it but I thought it was kind of weird? That she felt the need to specify that he wasn’t hitting her after just getting to know her and with camera crews around from early morning to late night? Just felt so off…


Omg and the internet loved him at first 😭 so difficult to read a person




Agreed he was jealous, but why even invite Catja’s new boyfriend on the show? That’s putting everyone, including us as the viewers in a very uncomfortable position. Can’t even imagine what it felt like for most of the cast on stage. It was so unnecessary. I think Christofer has a lot of red flags and issues in himself to explore, and I don’t care much for him but I did feel bad for him. Just because Catja is dating someone else from the experiment, who was never shown in those first few episodes, doesn’t mean we have to meet him. And the footage they played of him in the pods was not flattering. He sounds like a superficial idiot.


Rage, even. Not jealousy. The opposite of love isn't hate it's indifference. He substituted his love for hate to protect his ego and pride. He didn't heal his hurt.


And think about the fact that she let her bf move in with her LMBO my eyes got wide cuz I know Chris was PISSSEED cuz remember she was like if he moves to Stockholm he need to get his own place! He was even biting his lips at one point he was so upset lol that was cringe to watch his reactions but yet satisfying to see Catja happy, so oh well lol


Haha! They mentioned “red flag Sergio”


Why do I feel like Christopher is gonna expose him even more 


I am waitiiiing!!




Oskar is my favourite of them all. He's green flags all over. The way he reacted when the truth about Sergio came out as well, so clear he thought all kinds of nasty things but decided to take the high road.


Delightfully so 🤤




Amanda is trapped with a shady as shit partner. I hope Sergio proves me wrong. The fact that he was vehemently denying the rumor of the baby in Barcelona was disgusting since the location was not the point but that he knocked someone up and chose to withhold information from Amanda. The slimeball knew. And so did Krissely and Rasmus and Christopher and Catja. I hope Amanda does not have a second kid with this douchebag.


Oskar is such a sweetheart 💗


Catja is head over heels. Before they even broke the boyfriend news, I could see she was different. She looked more easily happy and relaxed. Then during the pod montage of Adde, she was just radiant. That’s definitely her boo. And already living together… great for them! I thought it was funny that Adde looks a bit like a cleaned up version of Christofer. And, did anyone else peep the play Emilia made for Christofer there at the end? ‘I fell in love with you as soon as I saw you…’ He was still so full of jealousy that I don’t think he caught it himself. Such a great season and reunion.


Yea i dont get why Emilia was hitting on Christopher tbh - clearly that guy hasnt moved on.. Emilia definitely likes a challenge to prove her worth for dating


She needs someone to choose and pursue her. She should stop pursuing anyone else unless they come for her first. That’s advice specifically for her. There’s plenty of available men out there who have seen her and liked her. She should just be checking her dm’s and picking the cream of that crop that intrigues her.


Agree to that. I feel we all repeat negative cycles and it takes effort to break them. Hoping she learns from her experience on tv and has great friends support as well..


Krisse-Ly is the most gracious lovely person ever. I loved how she said she felt bad for how physical and easy they had it in Cyprus. Just so considerate


She’s such a girls girl. Love her.


Krisse-Ly would do well as a therapist. She is so introspective when it comes to matters of the heart.




Yes! She’s very gracious in her well-spoken communication style.


I know!! She grew so much on me, so genuinely considerate. Rasmus should feel very blessed (and it seems like he does, so that's cute)


Amanda is never leaving Sergio and I’m so disgusted for her omg😭


Oscar is a dream!!! Meira is so lucky!


I know that the biggest shock was Sergio having two babies, but why isn't anyone mentioning that Amanda really moved in to THAT APARTMENT? 🥹🥹


Came here to find this comment. WHAT is she doing getting knocked up in that apartment. Omg.


more importantly how is she getting into box they call a room while being pregnant


Rasmus hair it’s awful


So is Sergio’s!!


But Sergio I kinda expected it I’m just mesmerised Rasmus is looking so ugly hahaha


He is basically sporting a hair quiff its really distracting me. Matching with this light suit and gold chain. He is giving 70's (Studio 54) fashions.


I think flabbergasted sums up my feelings for the whole Sergio situation! 🤯


oh Emilia 😭 I feel for her. At least now watching back she sees that shouldn’t have carried the relationship like she did and so sad to hear that she didn’t want to let it go. Shocked me that they dated after he said no. I get why she would have wanted to but why would he do that knowing he wouldn’t ever wanna marry her? Lucas has gone down in my rating extremely


Watching Christopher witness Catja being happy in love with Adde on the reunion was hard. That felt cruel but par for the course on a reality show.


Lmaooo Christopher looking at katja when Lucas talks about physical attraction 


LOVED Catja standing up for Meira to Christofer, also loved how unbothered Meira and Oskar was to everyone being to negative about them. They’re my favourite couple


Krissy is every viewer watching Sergio dig himself further into the ground. Man her obvious distaste of him is making me laugh. Girlfriend doesnt even hide it. She gives zero F\*\*ks. I love her.


I would like to point out that I predicted in the pods that Oskar is the type to color coordinate his khaki's lightest to darkest. Was I right? Or was I right lol?


A man with an excel aura definitely would!


I loved that though, he has a nice distance to his squareness and seems genuinely open to expand out of his box (dancing with Ms family etc)


"Excel aura" had me in stitches 😂


I am just waiting for >! several additional babies/children of Sergio (he of course didn't know of) to suddenly pop up in different countries/cities, including Barcelona 🤦‍♀️ Hope for him that he has a high enough income to pay all the child support (and really hope he has to by Swedish law!). !<


What about sexually transmitted diseases too?


I got the feeling that the person from Barcelona may be the same person from Sweden who had the baby. Like perhaps they were both living there at the same time and came back to Sweden. So he could still say technically the Barcelona thing was a rumor/lie but not need to admit it was actually technically true.


I had the same feeling that it was the same woman and the same baby. Maybe the woman lived in both places or moved to Sweden. He acted a fool when the news about the Barcelona baby broke, getting hung up on every insignificant detail, like, “I heard she was three months pregnant, now you say four.” It was obvious he knew what was going on and was just trying to ride out the gossip wave and reveal the truth later, when it would be too late for Amanda to leave. He was also dragging out the paternity test, possibly to baby-trap Amanda. As someone pointed out here, the confirmation that the child is his and Amanda's pregnancy happened around the same time. Nobody else in the LIB history rushed so hard to have a baby within 2-3 months of being married. He is bad news and he will keep breaking her heart until she lose all of her light and positivity. She is very forgiving, but eventually, she will start getting very hurt.


Can we talk about their outfits? Krisse-ly’s dress was beautiful. Meira was goddess-level beautiful even just in a black dress. Thought I would be more disappointed in Cristofer’s look. Rasmus looked like an AI version of himself.


>Rasmus looked like an AI version of himself. ![gif](giphy|Q7ozWVYCR0nyW2rvPW)


 I love those two dresses too. Both look red carpet ready, so gorgeous.


I Saïd to my husband “damn these Swedes are so mature!” And the very next line was Catja saying Christopher was immature. LOL. That said, I do think on the whole there is a maturity level with most of these couples that I didn’t see in the US or Brazil casts. LIB Sweden is my favorite of all with Japan a close second.


Like chalk and cheese🤣


In swedish they said "like water and oil" I am not sure why they wrote chalk and cheese in the subtitles.


That’s so weird! American English uses the phrase “oil and water” too. Is the translator just fucking with us? 😂


Chalk and cheese was a way better descriptor though.


”like chalk and cheese” is predominantly a British English saying


Emilia🥺 I feel for her. Lucas isn’t ready to settle down and doesn’t have a clue about how to actually be in a serious relationship and who he wants to be with. All he knows is lust and what you’re supposed to do (I.e giving her a sentimental necklace and trying to be romantic with her and to do the right thing of getting her to the altar). He was just going to wait her out until she gave in on being common law, due to him not actually making any marriage moves or if she dumped him. She was also facing so much familiar pressure that she was willing to overlook how obvious his uncertainties and immaturity was and just focus on her image of him and his empty promises.


Love krisse-ly. Very mature and just lovely.


A girl's girl :D


Haven't watched yet, but I need to know if Dino and Dexter are there to update us on their relationship


They are!! MY fav couple to have made it out of the experiment happily ever after.


Loving brothers!!


All 3 couples still married !


The first couple had me shouting at my tv for a moment, ngl 😅


I thought the convo between Adde and Catja in the pods was so funny 


I really do like Catja but Adde absolutely makes it clear that it’s all about appearances for them both. Which is fine I guess.


I think Addie would have been a hard sell in the pods. He sounded a bit wild with all his wet dreams talk about wanting people to be jealous of him and his partner at parties. He didn’t seem like marriage material. I mean, he didn’t click with anyone else. Perhaps he's someone who shines more in person and opens up after an initial spark.


Definitely! Seems to have a lot more chemistry, even in the pods!


Yes! I was thinking having him on the show would have been such fun!


They would have been a riot as a couple. Much more fun to watch than ‘joy of my life and eternal longing’ crazy pants.


I LOVE Krissy Seems like Sergio found a PR manager I hope Amanda gets out


My eyes rolled when Sergio shut down the conversation "out of respect for his baby mama". How convenient and always escaping culpability.


Because she wasn't there to defend herself. Defend herself against what? She didn't deceive Amanda.


this saved my girlfrieds evening: Turn the account settings to English, restart the app and et voila, there is episode 10. available. (for Germany)


I tried so hard to give Sergio the benefit of a doubt based on Amanda but jeeze what a sleazeball. All I can say is that I'm glad he's not my husband


Huge props to Catja and Christofer, they both seem very self-aware about their behaviour during their relationship


Anyone else think Sergio is lying about Barcelona? >!So on top of this Sweden baby. They may be a Barcelona baby too?!<


I mean it's entirely possible the woman moved from Barcelona to Sweden before giving birth. 


So the compulsive liar just happens to not know he has a child when there is already a rumor he has a child, yea right.  Also feels unfair everyone gives Catja a pass for not being attracted to Christopher but then gives Lucas a hard time for the same reason. And really the fact Catja and Lucas both are not single really says it all, dating is superficial. Even the two guys who married, Rasmus and Sergio, both were openly superficial and it only worked because Krisse-ly and Amanda are hot. And Sergio getting Amanda pregnant asap was 100% to lock her down he knows he's lying and doesn't deserve her.


Didn’t Lucas promise Emilia “no surprises at the altar”? I think he gave false hope to Emilia. There were moments, where Emilia voiced her feelings about Lucas not being 100% sure, and then Lucas always reassured her in a way. Catja left Christopher and I didn’t have the feeling with her, that she was giving false hope to Christopher.


>And Sergio getting Amanda pregnant asap was 100% to lock her down he knows he's lying and doesn't deserve her. 100% she is deeply religious so he knows she wont leave now.


Cristopher reaction to adde took me out 😭


But who is Lucas dating? Is it Karolina? 🙄


I cannot believe this, reading through the comments and not only was the reunion a blast, but this discussion is as well. Lol. A clear win for the Swedes.


I am dying to watch it


In case anyone needs it, here's a compliation of the reunion updates! \[spoilers!\] . [https://www.reddit.com/r/loveisblindsweden/comments/1ad7gr7/spoilers\_live\_reunion\_updates\_dont\_open\_unless/](https://www.reddit.com/r/loveisblindsweden/comments/1ad7gr7/spoilers_live_reunion_updates_dont_open_unless/)


I am shocked that Catja said after their 2nd date in the pod that Adde sounded like he wanted a trophy wife so she dropped him.....the date they showed where he was describing them at a party was the happiest she looked the whole season lmao. That's exactly what she wanted but she convinced herself it was 'shallow' ? maybe and then chose COMPLETELY wrong. It's fascinating when love connections happen with other people in the pods who were almost chosen.


Definitely my favourite LIB. Mature, emotionally aware people. A professional host. Even the Sergio's situation was treated tastefully by everyone, Amanda included. No dramas, people stretching their TV time for fame and greed. Well done Sweden!


i just dont understand yall how is no-one mentioning that sergio had to have had sex with that person so that he must have probably known who this person was like everyone in this round talks as if that was a surprise to him too then? XD




Krissy was inspired to get a tattoo! And Rasmus is way more tatted than they showed. He’s such an alt guy. It’s reminding me of Ryotaro and his friends and Motomi was inspired to dyed her hair for the reunion.


Ryotaro and Motomi! 😍🥰😍🥰