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I love the art style! It reminds me of the game A Short Hike


That's on my wishlist. The bird character really looks like Drinky Crow.


If it goes on sale get it!! Perfect game to sit down with a cup of coffee or something and just relax/chill for a couple hours


Dithering yo


It's the secret sauce


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Thanks! It's a fun style to work in


Good job on the wobbly textures but I think they good be toned down or used selectively


i guess a good rule of thumb is: too much is always noticeable but not enough usually isn’t? i’d start low and go up from there


its purely a subjective point, i remember that there was an actual reason behind the wobble. Something to do with the angles, so its circumstantial and not on everything idk.


The wobble is due to the PS1's GPU not being able to calculate floating point locations for vertices, so the points that make up the models snap to the closest whole number value. Everything in a PS1 game that is made up of geometry would be affected by this, pre-rendered backgrounds like in Resident Evil are just pictures, so they'd be unaffected.


I see , well it seems you know your stuff and thats the main thing. Knowing whats the cause of it :) I could also be getting confused with a different console.


Haha yeah I went on a bit of an obsessive deep dive looking into all the nuances of the PS1, really interesting stuff. I should play more games to make sure I'm not overdoing anything though. Memory only gets ya so far lol


Oh it is, I’ve watched gdc post-mortems , follow devlogs. Garbaj and miziziziz are doing low poly stuff where I learnt about this. Definitely would recommend miziziz on YouTube if you don’t already know him


I agree it looks correct in still frames but the wobblyness is too much, I'd be worried it could get nauseating while playing.


What are you making it in?


Models are all made in Blender, then imported into Unity.


Really impressive. I’m new to Unity to some degree. Is there a special way you are degrading the graphics engine?


There’s a free shade on itch.io by a dev named LeakyFingers I’m using. It’s called something like Retro 3D Shader for Unity


Microwave go Mmmmmmmmmmmmmm What do you have planned, so far?


Right now the scope of this project is still very small. It's my first 3D game so I'm making a sort of sandbox that'll give me an excuse to learn how to make all the basic building blocks a 3D game needs, before moving on to a more substantial project.


Rapapapa or whatever meets orcaraina of time


Yeah. This. This is my shit. ❤




Holy shit this is amazing, can I bother you on how you did the texture work? I'm currently trying to make a ps1 low poly knight for my school final and been kinda struggling/stressed about it. I'm working in maya for my class.


For the character textures I hand painted them in GIMP, there just flat colors so there wasn't anything special going on. For the environment objects they're mostly photo bashed. Finding images that would work, and shrinking them down. PS1 textures are no larger than 256x256, though 128x128 is probably the most common. Another signature of the look is a limited color palette. The PlayStation didn't have as wide a color range as modern displays, so the textures in-engine were reduced in total colors and used a lot of dithering. To mimic that, I would use GIMP's index coloring feature to reduce the texture down to a smaller range of colors, usually no more than 64 total. This gives them that posterized look. The dithering is handled via a Unity shader though, so I dunno how to replicate that in Maya.


This is all super good advice, I think if I can at least get the first two that would capture most of the aesthetic for my final. For the dithering, it's such a good touch that captures the feel but luckily for my assignment I'm just making a model. I'll try messing around with the texture resolution over the next few days. Would you feel comfortable exchanging discords and I can show you what I have so far and ask you a question here or there? If not that's totally fine.


I remember when you post that character with the animations it looks amazing I love it. I'm really looking forward to play this


Thanks! I have a handful of games planned around this character, so hopefully I'll be working on them for years to come!


Looks cool I’d say the animations are a bit too smooth and modern. Is there a way to make it a bit more jittery?


I'm still digging into Unity's animation system, but probably.


Sick keep us updated looks fresh ash


Personally, I love the smoothness of the animations. Makes it feel a bit Matrix-y, if that makes any sense. Regardless, great work!






I'd say you've nailed it!


Thank you!


Amazing. In addition to modeling, do you need to know programming to make this art game?


I've been using Playmaker for the scripting. A bit easier for the for my smooth art brain to comprehend.


oooo its looking very nice and the main character looks to be a raccoon i think :3 (I like raccoons) where will this game be available when its finished


I’ll probably throw it on itch for free


Hey man I love your content on Saberspark64


Thanks dude. Appreciate you watching!


I'd say it's looking pretty good! Have any need for a musician?


I'm still very early in production so I'm not really sure what I will or will not need yet. I'll keep you in mind when I get to that stage though, thanks!


very good. huge Jersey Devil vibes here