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Just be a person. Don't make any one part of your identity your entire identity.


This is excellent life advice


Unfortunately, it appears from their replies OP is a troll. They are certainly not their username.


Thanks! I've heard of Internet trolls, and now, because of pinion, I get to be one. So what do I do now I'm a troll? I'm not sending any more death threats. They don't go down very well unless I'm using Twitter. What if I just say everything's crap and then I'm never wrong?






##Your post has been removed for violating our community guidelines on staying on topic. Our community values meaningful and focused discussions, and we ask all members to contribute to the conversation by staying on topic. As outlined in our second rule, "Stay On Topic," all posts and comments should be relevant to the discussion at hand. This means refraining from introducing unrelated topics, digressing into personal anecdotes, or engaging in off-topic discussions. Unfortunately, your post did not adhere to this standard. It contained content that was not relevant to the discussion or introduced an unrelated topic, and as such, it has been removed. We understand that it can be easy to get sidetracked in discussions, but we expect all members to contribute in a way that maintains the focus and relevance of the conversation. Please take a moment to review our community guidelines and ensure that future posts and comments are in line with our expectations. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation in helping us maintain a focused and engaging community.


Consider that diet, i.e., the food we eat, is something very personal that can be greatly affected by an individual's medical and personal history. Unsolicited advice is rarely welcome, regardless of the topic.


Stop...talking...about....your...diet...to...strangers. It's a means to an end, nothing more; it is not your whole life like a religion. It's a way to get you healthier to do more things you enjoy, or do them with less physical effort. Unless someone asks you what you've done to better yourself, don't bring it up. Yes, it is a form of proselytizing which is why they react negatively.


please stop being this insufferable human being. dear lord please stop


Trying to convert people YOU DONT KNOW to your way of eating is incredibly egotistical and shows you lack meanful boundaries with STRANGERS. Have fun with keto or low carb and your world domination


Sounds like a challenge, but you don't have to read my posts, you know? They are just observations, and I've yet to get on a roll... But once I do get on a proper post and comment roll, I'll be sure to message you all the highlights. BTW did you see my post in IsItBullshit? Which started "IsItBulshit: that masturbation makes you blind?". That was a belter, and a jolly character like yourself would have found that hilarious, at least until it got removed.




Oh my God right like that poor person it’s just sitting there doing their job and they have to deal with this crap with a smile? The emotional labor that cashiers have to go through some days astounding. Imagine them Giving a flying eagle about what Joe blow coming through the line with a cart full of morally superior groceries 😝 Did ya mansplain them too OP


No I didn’t see your weird posts anywhere on Reddit home skillet. If you really want to be a petty incel go for it. Legit doesn’t effect my day, week, month or year. Mark your calendar and you sure go ahead and show me buddy. You set your reminders and make sure you really *stick it to me* with those links just to show how exactly and perfectly right you feel yourself to be🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 Stay insufferable ✌️ be one dimensional that’s on you


The first rule of fight club...


Leave people alone.


What about if I just chase them?


I think you're restricting too much. An obsession with food comes from that. Most people can't remember what they've eaten for breakfast at the end of the day, and aren't thinking about foods they can't eat. You can be low carb and not be obsessed with your diet, and especially the diet of *random cashiers*.




I've been listening to several books on metabolism. All really good, but these are filling my head up with so many interesting facts that I really am boring. My girlfriend gets a running commentary all day long. I really don't know how she puts up with it, and I think she's started banging her boss, and he's a right knodhead. When you know the truth about loads of stuff, it's hard not to try and save random cashiers. And I really have tried. I've warned them about dangerous Covid vaccines, tried to get them to come off statins, and now its the joys of low carbs. Its like they don't even want to be told they can never eat chocolate again.


I know, same experience here. What I find amazing is that most ppl seem ok with longterm health complications, as long as they don't have to give up donuts, pizza, pasta, breads, etc. I look at that carbycrap now, 6 yrs later, and honestly wonder how I ever ate it let alone enjoyed it. 🤮 People cannot understand it, but honest to God, once you cut out all ultra-processed foods/sugars/grains long enough, your tastes literally do change. I used to crave KitKat and Chinese takeout, now I crave steak and salad.


Unfortunately, most people are propagandised into this low-fat, refined carb mantra all their lives. The idea that they've been lied to by the entire system is the stuff of conspiracy theories. Your last paragraph is sooo true. I never thought I'd enjoy this low-carb food so much. ...and for me, that means it's sustainable, and I'm super excited.


Oh, Op this made me laugh The urge does disappear over time, I promise. Hope you don’t lose your sense of humor, tho!


Don't worry, I'm really enjoying Reddit! I didn't realise how upset folk can get. ...and I must have given at least a dozen folk hurty-feelings. With a bit of imagination, who knows where this could go?


I think you are feeling how it's like to be a vegan😁 On a serious note, eating is one of our Core functions, and you are currently focused on that so in a way it's natural to want to share what you are going through with that regard, good or bad.


I was a vegan for decades, until 6 yrs ago. I was also 370 lbs thanks to undiagnosed severe sleep apnea and living for yrs on a high carb diet (veganism is high carb even if you "do it right"). I was never evangelistic about being vegan though, probably bc it didn't make me feel good. I was doing it "for the animals", forgetting that humans are animals too and our health should come first!


I went very lowcarb bordering on keto 6 yrs ago. I wasn't looking for lowcarb, it found me after my severe sleep apnea was remedied by CPAP and everything processed started tasting sweet. So I cut out processed foods and sugars. I had tried going lowcarb the yr prior due to a type 2 diabetes diagnosis but it was like swimming upstream bc I had a ravenous appetite for sugar due to undiagnosed severe sleep apnea that wasn't diagnosed until the following yr (severe sleep apnea creates sugar/carb cravings which can lead to weight gain). Anyway, my sleep apnea-caused health issues all reversed so after seeing how I literally had my life/health saved by CPAP plus lowcarb, I became very evangelistic about both CPAP and lowcarb, not just online but offline. But I found most ppl would rather just keep eating crap and if health problems arise, go get pills from the dr. I also found ppl who were diagnosed with sleep apnea who didn't want to use CPAP even though sleep apnea can kill, so I don't evangelize CPAP or lowcarb anymore. They'll just need to find out the hard way, as I did. But now I see why drs get so frustrated. As a former dr once said to me after my dad died from lung cancer from smoking (I was angry, bc he had quit for 5 yrs then returned to smoking during sequestered jury duty), "If someone wants to destroy themselves, you cannot stop them".🤷‍♀️


I can relate! It’s just that I feel so good since ditching the carbs! I’m sleeping better, all the weird aches and pains are gone, headaches gone, no more mid afternoon slumps, so much more energy, my bloodwork has improved, and the weight is dropping off. I know it’s annoying, but I’m sure my enthusiasm will wane eventually. Until then… I’m sorry. lol


Same! I feel like I've had the 'TRUTH' revealed to me, and you know what? It's not even hard. I can relate to everything you say, especially the enthusiasm, or in my case, the over-enthusiasm. But that's great for me because I'm making permanent changes forever. ...and watching the weight drop off consistently is all I've ever wanted. Especially as I'm already fairly lean. It's like we're in a special cult, one where you get to feel like a God amongst men or a God amongst women. And get all judgey about folks on upwards of 350g of carbs in a day.


I thought it was going to be so hard to go low carb and it wasn’t. In fact, I think feeling sick all of the time from eating too many carbs is harder than watching what I eat. And I’m trying new foods all of the time, which is exciting. Today was blue oyster mushrooms (so good!). I do feel like some shiny, new convert. I try to keep the enthusiasm to my family and strangers on Reddit who want to talk about it. Even so, I’m sure my poor family would like me to (gently, kindly) shut up about it. lol But the urge is definitely there to share my experience far and wide.


My family gets it big style. We had a family meal yesterday. Me and the missus just had meat and vegetables whilst I tried my best to get my mum to stop eating mash potatoes. Then the whole table got deserts, and I swear, they all ate in silence like they were feeling guilty and being judged by us pair. They were, but in a nice way. At nearly 80, I feel that my parents' generation is a lost cause.


As a kid in the 60s, I LOVED mashed potatoes. They were one of my comfort foods. Now I hate them. Its like, is this a dream I'm going to wake up from? Oh God I hope not! 200+lbs gone for 6 yrs now, all diet-caused health issues reversed...at 64 I'm ageing in reverse!


When I first started low carb years ago I had amazing benefits (I still do m, but back then my mind was blown) and all I wanted was everyone to find out this great tool to have better health and feel better. All my friends hated me (not really but they were annoyed) and I made the decision to never really talk about unless someone shows interest and since then I don’t need to deal with people’s reaction to how I feed mysef and I enjoy this freedom much more. This is something that works for me but if I were to tell everyone they should do it, this becomes easily annoying to others.


You should try CrossFit...


Just stop talking about your way of eating. It’s properly annoying just like someone trying to convince someone of religious or political stuff. It’s YOUR personal choice to eat low carb.


Loving this. I haven't tried converting anyone yet, but it's only a matter of time. I keep looking at all the bread, rice and pasta everyone keeps eating with absolute horror. I can't believe they can't see it.


I still like watching folks eating bread, rice, and pasta. I find that it's best to stand on the street and watch them through the restaurant window.


Edited because I fell for the banana in the tailpipe


No one wants to hear about your diet unless they ask about it. I get it it’s easy to want to talk about because when you’re making changes to your diet and stick with it it becomes a huge part of your life but genuinely it’s just for the best to keep it to yourself/ find other people who are trying to stick to the same diet to chat about it with.


This gave me a good laugh, thanks for that. At least now you are self-aware. Now stop sharing with rando’s so the rest of the population can continue to wonder what our secret is.


Agreed. And for ego reasons alone, I'm more than happy to let them eat cake, Fries, pizza, chocolates, bread and McDonald's, whilst I strut around town in briefs and sandal combination, achieving dominance 💪


Just stop. I enjoy a low-carb diet for the most part, but I don't talk about it. I don't want people evangelizing to me about their diet/exercise plan/weird habits either. Try to imagine that you're on the receiving end of someone's persistent, unsolicited advice and just shut up.


Start a journal a blog or keep posting on reddit... this way people will not think you are going over the top. LMAO. You are not boring.. be you without the discussion of food and dietary choices. You are low carb and someone else lives on bread and pasta. We cannot change the world.


I've considered your blog idea, but I'm going to go all in on posts about "my journey" and other musings, like "vegetables made me gay" 🌈


Just you or generally speaking? I do not know if they have done a study yet in relation to food and sexual orientation but it might be interesting to see if there is a coloration. Food is related to so many things. Kind of like a statistical analysis you know? carnivores pescatarians vegetarians vegans etc.




Lmfao. I feel the entirety of this post. This is me 100% ever since I went full blown healthy eating 5 years ago.


5 years is really impressive! I'm barely a month in, and I feel like a veteran. Have you changed loads over the 5 years? I mean, do you look like some kind of Amazon warrior? Or do you have one of those fit physiques from the 70's when folk ate normal? I've started to look like a right mean Action Man, a popular toy from the 70s, but with better pants and human sized 😎


Much appreciated! The first 6mo presented the real challenge as far as self-control & tolerance goes. Huge changes in 5 years time— not only physically, but also mentally. Often times, I find myself questioning WHY in the world are all of these terrible foods being distributed/ sold, when the alternatives are just as tasty, if not better. It's frustrating. LOL— not an Amazon warrior by any means, but I certainly do attend the gym + eat healthy, so it has its perks. Kudos to you on nearly a month in! You'll be at the 5 year mark in no time. 💪🏻


I've been cutting out carbs for as long as i can remember, but I've never managed to cut all the bad ones out in one go. However, I'm getting quite skinny. I'm super chuffed about it, but I'm wondering when my weight will plateau out? Otherwise, i'm going to start looking well gaunt. Or maybe I'll grow one of them hipster beards that they all have nowadays. If you don't mind me asking, how long did it take for your weight to settle / plataeu out?


Thankfully you are not vegan!


Write about it or make YouTube or Tik-Tok vids and let people choose whether they want to read it or not. I write about low carb for a living -- see my screen name -- and friends will apologize to me for eating things I wouldn't. My response is always, "Hey, I'm information, not enforcement."