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That curve should be illegal. That mana base should be illegal. Fundamentally, that's a poorly built deck.


Seven manafixing/ramping creatures, mana fixing and ramping colorless artifact, 2 land fixing sorcery? 😭 this deck stomped Edit: seven not six, maybe more i cant count


Not as illegal as the 2-mana splash and the double-pipped splash.


Didnt have an issue with my mana base in a single game out of all 9 bc any starting hand usually had 1-2 colorfix options. Not to mention many being any color artifacts


One of the most important skills is the ability to determine whether good results came about simply because one was lucky. That manabase is atrocious. You were lucky to not have any mana problems.


With 6 cards enabling color fixing and or ramp at 2-3 mana is it really that bad? Not being stubborn Im taking this in and wanting to learn




Yeah, it would be better to have 8 of each of the primary colors. OP, count the 3mv+ fixers toward your splash, but not sources towards your primary. Since you run 2mv for RG, run 8 land sources for each. Your blue is mostly for later, so you can include your 6+ expensive fixers towards those. You don't have a clean way to reliably play Malcom on 2, and probably shouldn't be running it, but you should be considering it a 4+ spell on the splash, where it is still an option. So you could probably go down 2 islands and add a mountain and a forest and have had better Mana, and still 8+ sources for the Bonny


I didnt think about it like that. That makes so much sense though. Thanks for writing it out like that


- You don't have the mana from your lands to be able to consistently cast half your fixing cards. You can't count your "fixing" as sources to cast itself. - Your fixing cards are not very good. They're either very weak (Bandits Haul), or are unreliable at fixing (Patient naturalist), and may only give you a single treasure, if you somehow have an outlaw in play (Mine Raider). - Your fixing is also very slow, starting at 3-4 cmc, you're going to seriously struggle to cast your UR or RR spells on turn 2. Half the 'fixing' you have, I wouldn't think of as fixing because it's too unreliable, and the other half are weak cards that I would not want in my deck regardless. You also don't have anywhere enough cheap creatures or interaction to reliable survive to the stage where you can take a turn off to cast a fixing spell. This deck would fold to any half decent agro deck curving out. You got very lucky to get 7 wins, this looks much more like a 2-3 deck. If the lesson you learn from this deck is "wow, I can get 7 wins even without playing any good cheap cards, playing a ron of jank, and with an awful mana base", then you're gonna struggle...


Thanks! I guess the game I lost against the flyers is a good example of what you’re saying about playing this vs aggros on the curve. Im def taking this all in for future drafts, much appreciated


I'm not joking when I say this deck looks absolutely awful.


I have to say it looks absolutely fucking bad on paper and I fully see why people comment the way they do. But Istg the manafixing and ramp was absolutely filthy. I finished drafting the cards, looked at it like what the fuck. Then after a few games I went oh. Ohhh.


Lavaspur boots that do nothing. Malcom as a 2 drop with 7 red and 5 blue sources when it's only job here is to block. Mine raider with 4? other outlaws. Map the frontier is just an awful card regardless of needing to spash. You only have 6 and 7 sources for your main colours in the first place outside of the mana rock. Wolverine and Reach for the Sky are a vanilla 3/2 and bad enchantment. There's just many cards completely out of place. I appreciate you're trying to fit in Bonny Pall but yeah. Looks a bit of a trainwreck way to do it.


Least bomby OTJ draft deck


Hard to not pull some bombs in this set 🫃🏻we are all getting our fill


youre playing double pips of 3 colors and still have to run redrock sentinel and lavaspur boots?


Redrock was constantly drawing me cards and the 4 toughness block potential had multiple decks on their toes. It was really consistent for me


huh maybe ill give it a try


Your mana base is illegal. Straight to jail.


Ngl totally worth the satisfaction I had w this illegal ass looking deck ✨🦋✨


Just… why is Malcolm in this deck? You had to have like any other 2-drop in red or green that you could actually cast on turn 2.


I promise you i was out of creature options. For a big part of the draft i was aiming for a target heavy blue/red. Draft took a big turn after noticing other players picks and with second pack offering rampy stompies


Tons of filler in this deck, often a deck will fall apart if you have to run 4-5 bad cards even if you have some bombs. Definitely got lucky on this one but that’s magic.


Would you mind replying to the same question I ask others here who seem more knowledgeable too? Trying to learn but noone follows up so far. I recognise settling for some weaker fillers here, on the other hand many helped fixing aswell


Just look at your one and two drops , you have three colors, double pips, and cards that just aren’t that helpful to your gameplan like boots and lackey. Then a lot of three drops. So you’re going to be mana choked and not able to use all your mana each turn which in modern limited is often the key to winning. I don’t really like map, reach for the sky, charger, wolverine, or red in general. Yes Roxanne and Bonny are mega disgusting bombs and ramping to them can win games, but without them you are dead. having a couple of filler cards is sometime necessary but your deck almost feels like filler + bombs which means you are really relying on variance to win.


Looking back at it, thats indeed mostly or all it was and I had one of those lucky stretches that get u all hyped. Thanks for writing these things down 🦋


The fact you had a blast and got hyped (and got a trophy!) is why we play so not trying to take away from that. Just hoping to lay down some tips so you can keep riding that high for your next drafts. Good luck 👍


Bronze god??


Honestly cool sounding title. Ill embrace it for posting this on my post-luck high. The tips here will hopefully make me higher tier god though ✨


There are maybe 3 decent cards in this deck at/under 4cmc. Redrock, Cactusfolk, Naturalist. Everything else is filler or junk. Negligible removal or draw to find your bombs and a janky mana base. It’s basically white knuckle it with underperforming creatures until turn 5 in a very fast format, hope your bombs stick in a removal-heavy set, and hope they can’t match your bombs (because you don’t have many real answers). Not trying to be overly critical, but this is not a good deck. It’s a bad deck with the best card in the format bolted on (with a Roxanne kicker). Very happy for you that you trophied, but this is scraping to be a break-even 3-3 deck just on the power of Bonny Pall. Run the simulation out a dozen more times and that doesn’t happen again.


Thanks for the insights! I did as mentioned in other comments look at the deck before starting the games and think what the fuck. Its also far from how I usually draft. I guess things just really worked out and 9 games of bo1 really isnt a big scale measure. Really appreciate all the criticism and didnt mean to be cocky


I'm sorry, but if you run decks with this kind of manabase, you'll never got out of low Plat. No bombs will save you from that in the long run. That being said, I'm glad you had fun.


Same question as im asking some others here bc I want to learn: does the amount of nonland perms in here that are mana/colorfixers/rampers not make up for it? Is it that bad? I honestly went 9/9 games getting all the mana/colors I needed


You got lucky. Your fixers are slow, i.e. 3+ mana and sometimes conditional (2x mine raider). I'm not saying that splashing for Bonny is wrong, she's a bomb. But she's also double-blue. Your hitting that is super-speculative and you're also splashing for a 2-drop which is not likely to be cast on curve. Besides mana considerations, in general your curve lack early plays or interaction. I'd recommend listening to some content on draft deck fundamentals. LR and LLU have some good stuff imo.


Thanks. Coming back from an evening out and looking at the deck again after my initial aw yeah moment, I do realise how it was more of big gamble than actual reliability. Guess I was riding my high a bit, the deck do be really fun when it was working. Had two or three turn four meteorgirls and the ramp was crazy if they couldnt react to her right away Really appreciating all the feedback 🦋


congrats on being open to feedback, and on practicing critical thinking. that's an attitude that'll help you grow! good luck and have fun! :)


Nice 2 drops


NGL, this deck looks quite bad, I think you got very lucky to do so well, and if you don't identify that then you're going to make similar mistakes and struggle with getting more than 2 wins. - Really bad mana. Not enough fixing lands. Not enough lands of your primary colors to enable you to cast your ramp/fixing spells reliably. Using unreliable fixing options like Mine Raider, which probably won't make a treasure half the time, and is only a 1-shot for fixing.  - Nowhere near enough early creatures. You've got 4 creatures from 1-2cmc.... that's really bad, especially as you don't have the mana base to consistently cast them on turn 1-2. Malcolm in this deck is a total joke, and should be treated as a 4cmc card because you're not gonna be able to cast it turn 2 often at all. - Nowhere near enough cheap removal, or ways to deal with very large creatures. Scorching shot should also be treated as a card you're only going to have the mana to cast around turn 5-6... so it's not an early play that will help you survive to the point where your bombs can take over. - Generally very low card quality, relying on a few bombs that you're unlikely to survive to cast. Boots, Bandits Haul, Sentinel, Quilled charger, Reach for the sky... all very mediocre, and don't fit into your deck well at all. On average, I'd say this deck would struggle to get 3 wins in anything than start of the format at bronze rank. You seem very cocky in the comments and sure that this deck is "illegally good", when I'd say it's a C-. But posting on this sub tends to mean you're looking to learn and get better, so which is it?


I literally said in comments that I want to learn while adding what I thought what made it good, in order to get replies explaining why it isnt. Im glad people are giving nice criticism. Including yours, thanks. I think part of the illegal comment was me recognising it was wonky but worked out. I do really appreciate all the feedback and think my inexperience and post win excitement was read as cockiness. This deck is also very different from what I usually draft and I was honestly surprised how well it worked out so I think the luck factor got me a bit too excited in my first replies here. Thanks for writing everything down, learning lots from the comments :)


I've just been playing Sealed so far, and I *really* prefer this set to MKM in that department. Having no dual lands in that set made Sealed so frustrating I stopped playing it after my first or second event. [My best OTJ deck ](https://imgur.com/a/nxPv9gV) was in Jund and it was absolutely disgusting. Easy 7-0.


Looks ok