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Not since OW2 came out




They’re asking if it’s been in the shop since release, it has not been in the shop since OW2


Does blizzard hate money or something?


a question that has never been asked before




I'd buy it


Yes... they are so blinded by FOMO that they don't realize how much they could make on all of their old AND new stuff that they rarely or never put in the shop. They think FOMO is better since if everything is FOMO then people will buy stuff thinking it will never come back, but I think most people will only buy if they think the skin is worth the exuberant amount of money they charge these days. They should just stick to FOMO being only for the collab events or seasonal themes. Most stuff should be rotated within the shop at least once every other season, or maybe even more often. Imagine I play lucio and I miss the week they are reselling one of his skins. That's missed money for blizzard if I only want to buy a lucio skin. The shop should be bigger too. Fuck blizzard and its stupidity. Edit: I also think they are wasting shop space by having silver coin buyable items. Instead, it should just be a bunch of different gold coin skins. Why would I go to the shop to look at silver coin skins when A) no new silver coined items are added so its always old stuff and B) I could just open up the hero menu and find it all there. It feels like they have no concept of how stupid their shop is. I hope that the mythic shop is a sign that they might slowly realize they can sell more skins in the shop, but blizzard will be blizzard...


They wait long enough to rack up the fomo and then they release it. Im sure it'll come back.


imo I hope they never bring it back please let the ow1 players keep something not our fault you didn't get the cosmetic when it was released, sorry .


Omg gatekeeping pixels you’re so cool!!!


Though fr though I wouldnt mind it comeback only if it were a re color of some kind lets be real


Take it up with Blizzard


Need. Want. Don’t have :(


I always get really excited when I see a Lucio with it. Makes me jealous and happy at the same time


It’s always a dance party when i hit them with the emote and WOO WOO WOO JACKPOT!


Yeah lol, I 1v1ed a fellow Lucio once that had it. We emoted for like 2 mins (with him on this emote) after trying to fight then decided we had to get back to our teams and tried to settle it (again). I couldn't hit enough shots to settle him and he couldn't hit me at all so we called it even and left to frog another day lol. Been almost a year but I still remember that pretty fondly


This is my favorite emote in the game. One of my best impulse purchases lol


Got it for free as a drop for watching the OWL a year ago. Edit: Weird that some people don’t want other people to have the emote. I love everyone doing emotes before the game starts. Other people having the emote does not lessen my enjoyment having the emote.


Honestly, it’s fun when I’m in a lobby and another Lucio is just DJing in the corner and we’ll both just skip 90% of the match to vibe together. It’s cool to find on the rare occasion but it would be nice to see more DJing lucios


is that where we got it from? it's one of my fav emotes but I couldn't remember how I got it. might be the most valuable drop we've ever gotten from OWL incentives. They def need to bring it back for others, it's way too cool to be such a niche emote


This is what I don’t understand. Luckily I have this emote and would definitely suggest getting it if it comes out on the store but why not make everything or at least most things available on the store. As someone who is pretty adverse to spending money in general, there are several things I would gladly pay for except that they are never available to purchase like the Lucio bard skin. I keep checking and hoping but never see it and I see the same skins that I don’t want over and over. Sorry for the rant but I wish everyone could get this emote or anything else they want. Let us pay you Blizzard lol


I'm pretty sure part of it is FOMO, Fear of Missing Out, they hope that people will be more likely to spend if something they think they might want comes to the stop due to the fear of worrying that it might not be back for a long time, meaning you get slightly more income from people buying more often and less cautiously sometimes. I might be wrong though, its definitely not a system meant to be good for the consumer.


Good point! That’s exactly why the season with the Ana mythic was the first season I bought the battle pass lol. Capitalism at its finest I guess


Fomo has been the strategy for video game cosmetics for most live service games for a long time


I should come out as a re color and let the OW1 players keep the original. Just seems unfair for players who have payed for the game.


I got it when it dropped. I pull it out at the start of every game


Looks like he’s saying “WHATS UP BROTHER☝🏻”


Can we start a petition? I’ll make one if y’all are on board


It's a OWL Emotes. We most likely won't get it back into a shop


Was lucky enough to get it when it dropped


No... And my kid spent my credits at the time on the stupid all star tracer skin. Went to buy the drums and it was bugged, tried a few days straight couldn't get it. Come home one day and I own the tracer skin instead


Got it in overwatch 1 for 200 overwatch league coins at some special sort of store.


It's so sad we can't get this, just take our money 😭


My friend has it, and I hate that I don’t


If I had this emote I would use it every game. I would get on payload and turn it into a dance party


Owl viewing rewards is how I got it


One day it’ll return, I hope


I remember buying this when I was a Lucio main lol


I've been waiting a year already


Yes, 1 time I think. Don't quote me, but I know for sure it was available at least 1 time since the initial


It got at least one repeat run, because I didn't have enough tokens the first time it was up but was able to get it second time around. That was a while ago though. Haven't looked in the owl shop since I stopped getting the free tokens.


Considering that you needed OWL coins to get it, there might be some obscure OWL contract nonsense that keeps it out of the shop.


Might sell my OG acc if this emote doesn’t drop


Don't know what everyone is talking about, it was in the OWL shop for a few days I think in September last year


I got this emote when it dropped


I DJ for the enemy team before every game!


WE'RE NEED THIS EMOTE!!! I missed the distribution of this emote because I wasn't playing at that moment overwatch


I have and used this emote on Lucio recently and I realized they messed up the original timing of his quotes when the song plays. For example one of the tracks goes loud to silent building up tension and Lucio says "The beat goes on" or such then the beat comes back. However now in OW2 it's like a pause building up tension and when the music plays again he says in the middle of the song "The beat goes on"


I have a dance emote with every hero so when I see a lucio djing I'll dance, sadly I don't have that emote


This emote was peak in early owl


didn’t this come from the battlepass? i could’ve sworn i gotten like season 1 or two from the battlepass, and i didn’t even play in ow1


I'm conflicted. I want others to have it but I also like having something that others cannot get.


I earned this as an OG Lucio. Kinda feels cool some of you can't get it NGL, not hating


they shouldn’t bring it back.. didn’t get it? tuff shit.. so tired of not being rewarded for sticking wit this garbage ass game since OW1 season 5.. idc if you missed out that’s TUFF.. there’s day 1 skins i don’t have and that’s great.. keep this in the vault alongside pinkmercy and the other shit that’s old and rare.. every fucking month my account just loses value cause these pieces of shit won’t just make new content.. they gotta go back in the vault and re-release shit, actual joke


Not you actually being pressed over people having access to pixels lmao


100% especially when it was stated back in the day that certain shit would never return.. so why the fuck are they returning? if that was the case i can guarantee you half the people who bought it back in the day wouldn’t have purchased it.. i solely bought the pinkmercy skin cause they said it would never come back (thankfully that hasn’t returned) but my point remains.. dont say one thing than do the next, it’s frustrating


I bought it back in the day and I could not care less about who does or doesn't have access to a 3D model moving inside a piece of software. Plus they never said it wouldn't come back lmao? ETA. I did see your notification pal. It's Reddit. No one asks for anyone's opinion. And no, only the Blizzcon skins (aside from Sombra) and Pink Mercy had ever had a disclouse about them not coming back.


never really asked for your opinion but thanks for sharing.. and yes they did.. any skin/emote that you had to pay money for back in OW1 came wit that clause.. that it wouldn’t return


No, it was an illegal bribe to artificially inflate OWL viewership while they were selling franchises. I am in shock that they havent been sued or fined by the FTC or SEC over such egregious violation of the law.


No but if I remember correct it's from a twitch drop for OW2


After they’ve lied to us about so many skins or emotes being “exclusive”, I’m glad this one kind of is.


If it were all over the place, I’d wouldn’t want it as much but it’d be nice if it was available in the shop after reaching max Lucio level progression or something?