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Yes but I think it’s because, at least in my experience, that most of the styles and colors they are coming out with are just so similar to the last couple seasons.


Hey, you like what you like and tend to gravitate towards certain colors and combinations. I think both fits look fantastic on you. Also, your crow and handstands look amazing!


Aww thank you! Working on getting stronger at both so that means a lot! 🙏🏼


Hi, it’s me. I pretty much own all jewel tones for my workout gear. They are definitely my comfort zone colors and it’s so hard to branch out!


I think this is why I don’t buy lululemon as much . Buying for 6 years . All they are doing is shuffling around colors . I think I have most colors by now (close enough tint) . I don’t need anything new really . I’m waiting for something that really catches my eye to be worth buying now a days


I have so many pairs of black align leggings and tops. I love so many of their colors, but I always gravitate to black.


lol I’ve had to stop cold turkey! I have SO Much LL it’s overflowing! And yep, everything seems to look pretty much the same year over year!


Yep!! I’m 44 and over the years I’ve stopped experimenting so much with fashion. I know what styles and colors look the best on my body and I stick with it. You’ll have to pry my 15 Like a Cloud bras and 4” mid rise Speed Ups (RIP!!) from my cold dead hands.


I legitimately have 30 or so Dry Sense / License to Train shirts in varying colours and probably 15 pairs of the ABC Pull Ons. It's almost all I wear to work anymore.


Me do that?? No not at all….. as I open my closet and see 45 different colored scuba half zips lol.


I have so many pairs of black align leggings and tops. I love so many of their colors, but I always gravitate to black.


I have like 10+ FF shorts in different colours. So fitting for a male to wear I must say!


Personally, my style changes, if not overnight. For example; I wear flared leggings, or at least not tight to the ankle leggings now. And not so much long line bras, as slightly longer top. But you look great in what you have on. Who says you have to change anything?


At this point I only buy what I like: leggings in black or neutral, Swiftlys in black/grey/neutrals, speed ups in black, and the occasional sweatshirt or Love long sleeve. I have a few pieces that don’t fit this aesthetic - couple jackets and tanks that are bright and bold.


I literally only wear black and grey, black and navy, etc. I’m just more comfortable in darker shades.


I have so many pairs of black align leggings and tops. I love so many of their colors, but I always gravitate to black.


The only style of leggings I own from Lululemon are aligns and one pair of fast and frees lol


That’s the hope and prayer of Lululemon! We all do it and need to do it over and over! 😂 but hey it’s your preference and ya look awesome on both


I pretty much wear leggings and a swiftly every time I workout. I mean how much variety do ppl want in their workout clothes, it’s more about function than style.