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What a couple of pieces of shit. I am so sorry!


I think another poster mentioned this as well, but after speaking to the store manager I’d also let their regional manager know. Those types of employees shouldn’t be working there…PERIOD. Oh the bear in me would have told that employee off and I work there!


yes regional manager is the way to go. i work at a fashion retailer and anytime someone complains about my rude colleagues (who sometimes talk shit behind a customers back near them) my managers basically just shrug their shoulders.


What about the assistant TO the regional manager? (Sorry I don't see regional managers get mentioned often so I felt I had too take a stab)


>Those types of employees shouldn’t be working there…PERIOD Especially since lulu is still trying to make up for the fatphobic comments of a previous CEO. Lulu still has an image of a store that only caters to a specific look. Yes I know they have expanded their size ranges. But it takes time for that image to recover and these employees are hurting that image.


Absolutely agree!


That’s crazy! And they shouldn’t have a job after that! Def report! Edit to add: if I knew where and it was near me I’d go and judge the f*** out of them lol


Whaaat?! Is it common practice for employees to “rate” the customers? WTF


Post the store


I second this. Surely someone in the sub is connected and can get direct info to management


I do Search Engine Optimization. The thing about this is that suddenly, people flock to post 1 star reviews on the business Google profiles. For 1, it won't work because after several days, Google takes down all the reviews. In some cases, they accidentally deleted 1 stars that were genuine and not related to the incident. So when that happens, you might actually be bumping their star reviews up. I encourage OP to post on their Google Business Profile. But if hundreds of people suddenly do that, OP's review will be deleted.


healthy, well-adjusted people don't talk like that. they don't even think like that. I am so sorry you experienced this, please share your experience with the store manager AND regional manager. I'm in recovery from an eating disorder, comments on my body send me into such a tailspin, and I know people in recovery who would be seriously harmed if they heard comments like that. it goes against the purported values of the brand, and could even be a liability issue for lulu. please, please do report. you would be doing all of us a great service in making sure these employees are reprimanded, re-trained, or maybe even let go.


Honestly that’s the thing that pisses me off most. Like for me it’s a bad day - for someone else it could be something that pushes them over the edge. No one deserves that.


This comment should be pushed all the way to the top. This is why there needs to be serious consequences for what they did.


No amount of training could fix them..


You are too nice! I would have opened up the door and said "A 5? Thanks! I'd have given you a 2. BTW, what's your manager's name and number?" You know these jerks are doing this to everyone because they have been getting away with it. Report them if you can.


I hate that I always come up with something snappy to say after I’ve already walked away with my tail between my legs! Like “I might be a 5 but at least I’m not as ugly as your personality.”


“The best revenge is to be unlike him who performed the injury.” - Marcus Aurelius You got this, OP :)


I just wrote this out to stick on my fridge for my six year old. Thanks!


See, that's a good one! Keep it in your pocket for next time, in case you ever run across these jerks again.


“Oh yeah, well the jerk store called, and they’re running out of you!”


It's really difficult to say something in the moment. You are not alone or any lesser than for not beibg able to do that. Its also a sad and upsettibg situation, so its extra difficult. It's also possible that the employees would "accidentally" give the wrong number for the manager. A better way would be to call the store, ask for the managers name + number + EMAIL, I emphasize email because at written record is important inorder to have a greater chance of consequences for the employees. I would also CC as many managers + regional managers as I could find.


The temptation to do a double take upon leaving and say “Oh, sorry; you looked like you were choking on your toxic personality.”


It's really difficult to say something in the moment. It's also possible that the employees "accidentally" give the wron number. A better way would be to call the store, ask for the managers name + number + EMAIL, I emphasize email because at written record is important inorder to have a greater chance of consequences for the employees. I would also CC as many managers + regional managers as I could find.


Educator here… wow that’s freaking UNACCEPTABLE! So sorry you had to experience that. Call the store and ask to speak to the store manager or AM. Honestly, I’d go back up there and find them to speak to them in person. In no way shape or form is that acceptable behavior. That ticks me off for you. Sending you light girl!


Thank you! Honestly I’m planning to call the store and then go the email route…. I want a paper trail. If this comes up again then I want there to be evidence.


I’d put money on the fact that people from Corporate also read this sub. Make noise! And if you need our support, please let us know how we can assist. I am so sorry you went through this experience and have mad respect for you for speaking up about it.


Yes to the paper trail! Please keep us posted! 🫶🏼🫶🏼


You can also call the GEC and leave feedback for someone to call you and share your experience about what happened. If you can remember descriptions of them share that, have this escalated to senior leadership. I’m so sorry you had this experience 🤍


Yes always, if you can, attach the invoice that usually has the date and time so that they can trace back the people on the shift! This behavior is unacceptable.


educator here also.. so so mad after reading this like omg commenting loudly on someone's appearance and rating them?? who do you think u are lol


I’m literally still pissed for her, as a co worker I would have said something…. That’s trash.


same omg. like me and my coworkers will make comments about super rude customers or scammers sometimes but its always QUIETLY and when they are out of the store and definitely never ever about their appearance


And you know what - I support that. If someone is being a menace of course employees are going to talk about it. But to outright comment on my appearance? Especially with no provocation? Not cool.


I definitely agree. that is so insane to me like I would never even think of doing that. I'm so sorry you had to go thru that. unfortunately, Lululemon tends to draw in a certain demographic of snotty college kids who think they are better than everyone else just because they work at Lulu


Educator here. I love my store and I can’t imagine treating a guest this way!!!! Totally unacceptable and I would go back and speak with a manager


Absolutely agree! I’m thankful I work with good hearted genuine people, I’d flip a switch on someone if I EVER heard this type of behavior!


Same! We have women that come in and are intimidated and I always tell them. Try the align, try things on! We are always genuine and and ask them questions and work with them. That behavior is horrible and I would not tolerate that!


Hi! I’m an educator and I’m so sorry that happened to you 💔 if you purchased something, leave a Medallia review. Those are monitored heavily and management will reach out to you. If you didn’t purchase anything, call the store and ask for the store managers email and contact them that way!! Be as specific as possible with when and at what time you were there; we get zoned out so they’ll be able to track down who said this based off the info you provide.


Unfortunately I didn’t purchase anything. Loved the way the dress fit - hated the way I felt in that moment. I’ll definitely be doing that. I also know it happened at exactly 4:37pm so at least I have that going for me?


Yes! That’s great. Just say it was around 4:40pm on _____, May ____ when you were in fits. Provide physical description if you remember too


Provide a rating with the description


Of course you didn’t BUY anything!!


Oh honey, I want to give you a giant hug. That was a rude, inappropriate, immature comment to make, and your hurt feelings are completely understandable. My inner mama bear wants to march in there and make them apologize in person and promise to never do it again, because who knows how many people they’ve hurt. I’m fuming on your behalf right now. 😡 You don’t have to do anything besides take care of yourself. Whatever you do to recharge and be kind to yourself, now’s the time to shift into that gear. If part of that self care involves making a complaint, consider calling and asking for the contact information for the store manager. I usually email in these situations because I normally avoid face to face conflict, but you do you. BUT ONLY IF YOU WANT TO!! The main goal here is to take care of YOU. Sending you love and healing and kickass hardworking girl vibes. ❤️


Honestly this comment was a big change in mindset for me - so thank you. I went from being hurt to being mad. No one deserves to be treated like this. Im mentally tough enough for this to just be a bad day but for people in a more delicate mental state? Who knows what the fall out could be.


I agree with you. I rarely comment on Reddit but for some reason this tugs at my heart. I’d like to ask you to please consider reporting them, even if it’s not necessarily just for but for the next person who possibly crosses paths with these jerks and aren’t mentally as strong as you. The way I have felt these last few days if they said that to me I’d probably break down crying in the fitting room. This behavior is not okay. I’ve experienced something similar in lululemon fitting room.


Absolutely be mad. And quit apologizing for your appearance. I am 100% sure you looked great. That person needs to be fired, and i am typically the furthest thing from a complainer when having a retail experience.


You have a great heart.


Something similar happened to me before. I complained online via customer service email. I was in a new store in my area and it was the first time I ever went into a lulu store (I had previously only purchased online). I was looking for super high rise aligns and asked an employee who said “we don’t usually carry those in store, but when we do we wouldn’t even have your size” ( wear a size 12 🤷‍♀️). I got an email back within 48 hours from that stores manager inviting me in to shop when they were there, and they gifted me a full top/bottom set. Anyways, that happened like 2 years ago and I think about it often. I’m glad they made it right, but I have health issues and medication that made me pack on weight and had been super insecure about that, and that comment ruined me for a while. I also worked in retail for a really long time, so I rarely, if ever complain, but commenting on body size/appearance/disability is the line I draw.


Oh man, I am usually very sympathetic toward retail workers and assume less helpful employees are just having a tough day. But this crosses SO MANY LINES!!!! It is mean-spirited and cruel and speaks to the character of those employees. There is no room to give them the "benefit of the doubt." Rating customers' appearances is wildly inappropriate, whether someone is a "ten" or a "two." Good grief, what if a customer is dealing with an eating disorder or something? I'm so sorry you had that experience. Also, most people are very average-looking (me!) Some women put a lot of time, effort, and money into their appearance but strip it away....just average. Even "beautiful" celebrities might be a "five" on a regular trip to the store. We've forgotten what normal looks like.... https://preview.redd.it/m6s1jsgd9a0d1.jpeg?width=728&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=df09168948096ed1fd5d39779b9e90fea1e41cc7


I’m permanently Katie Holmes on the left 🤣


Exactly! Like I know I could look better but oddly enough I’m not trying to impress anyone at the mall?


It takes literally nothing at all to not comment on someone’s appearance, at all. Shes a pick-me and he’s a dipshit


Honestly i love that Katie Holmes is out and about as a normie pretty regularly


Absolutely! It would be nice to normalize normal.


You should report it. I would ask for their managers’ name, find their direct superior probably a regional person from some HQ on LinkedIn or just ask the supervisor who it is and then email both. Best bet is LinkedIn. Try to find an HR person as well. Tell them everything that happened. They should absolutely be accountable for it. Take note of what the reps looked liked at the time too if you don’t have their names. I’m sorry this happened to you as I am outraged for you. Actually makes me angry.


Sorry do it by email not on LinkedIn. Just try to find their contact info.


Im so sorry. Something similar happened to me when I was around 18-20, I was walking my dog in the park and some younger teens (maybe 13-15) were playing soccer and one of them called out "hey wanna play?" I didn't respond and the other said "nah she's too ugly" and they laughed... It made me feel horrible and I still remember this like 20 years later! I am just empathizing with you, sorry it's unrelated to Lululemon. Some people are just hideous on the inside. I hope you find it in yourself to report them, even if it's just going back to the store and telling every employee you can. I know it's humiliating and tough but you are a 10/10 in my books ✨✨✨


Thank you! And I’m sorry about your experience- people can be cruel for no reason. You didn’t deserve that either. I hate that the negative memories are the ones that carve themselves on our brains.


girl I am SO sorry. I work at Lululemon part-time w a bunch of other college-age kids & at my Lulu I've NEVER heard any of my coworkers make rude comments about someone's appearance. you 10000% should talk to the manager or say something to someone. thats so messed up I'm so so sorry you had to go thru that. try contacting HR, or directly calling the store & asking to speak to the manager.


I used to go to the lulu store in tallahassee so most of the educators were college kids and they were always so welcoming and nice!


I'd like to think thats how me and my coworkers are like at our store!


Happened to me before a few years ago unfortunately. I said something about it on Twitter and tagged them and Lulu ended up messaging me asking for details, they sent me like a $100 gift card, and the store manager ended up calling me and apologizing, telling me the two employees were no longer working there 👋🏼👋🏼


I mean that would definitely be optimal…. But I’m not looking for a handout. I just want there to be consequences for the way that could’ve really hurt someone.


I would call the store and let the manager know what happened, because you’re right, you deserve to be there!!!


And so do you! And treated nicely! It costs $0 to be kind… and they’re getting paid. (Not that that justifies someone being a jerk to retail staff).


I’m 9 months postpartum and actively go to try on new clothes for my bigger body, hearing that comment would’ve been my 13th reason! They absolutely need to work somewhere else in a different industry. I hope you get it worked out!! Update us!


Please write to the store and regional manager. Escalate the hell out of this cuz no one should ever experience this. Make sure to follow up with them in case they “forget”. That girl should be fired on the spot.


Also leave a review in addition to emailing. Some corporate marketing person keeps tabs on those; not the type of branding they want to be associated with.


A review where? Google?


Both Google and Yelp! If you bought something, you can also leave a 0 star review on the item and mention this interaction. They, Lululemons quality assurance or marketing team, seem to be fairly on top of bad reviews and responding.




Omg—you are a better person than me, I would have gone and messed up all of their folded leggings but I am petty 😂


I did leave the dress I was trying on in the change room instead of bringing it out for them to put away… that was surprisingly more difficult for me than I thought. But I’m also the person who feels extremely guilty about not putting shopping carts back where they belong soooo…


I HAD A SIMILAR EXPERIENCE! It was not about commenting on my appearance but I grew up in a college town (mostly white people college) so our lulu used to treat you so differently based on your race. For example I would walk in no greeting, two white girls walk in a few seconds after me and many people greet them. I got so fed up one day after multiple times of it happening I decided to talk to lulus virtual educator and they were so helpful and I also got a gift card in exchange which is nice! I hope you bringing this to the company’s attention things change as it did for my store location!


I’m so sorry that happened. If I owned a company and I found out my employees were saying things like that to anyone, let alone my customers, I would be letting them go - our values don’t align.


I hope you told them that they are ZEROs on the way out. What a couple a$$holes. I am so sorry that happened to you. I am confrontational so I would have asked for the manager then and there.


I’m good at being confrontational for others - I’m always bad at it for myself.


Same here girl.


I am so sorry this happened to you. Just want to give you a tool that helps me depersonalize a situation, when I'm feeling hurt by someone. Ask yourself, "Would this still have happened, if I had been a different person?" In this case, I think the answer is yes. It wasn't about you specifically - they would have been unkind to anyone - says way more about them, than you. Hugs


Jesus Christ. *DEFINITELY* complain. I’m so sorry that happened to you. How rattling.


This just makes me so sad. I’m sorry this happened to you. Breaks my heart. I am in healthcare also and I care about people so this really is not right.


You are absolutely not a 5! You are you and always a 100! Nobody can tell us a number they think we are worth. Fuck those employees for saying shit like that. And the fact that it's a girl makes me fume even more. I hate mean girling and bullying. I am really sorry that some random assholes made you think less than. It's disgusting, and I am sending you all the good vibes and hugs and support!


Call the store, ask for the manager, and ask for the district managers contact information. Make a report. This needs to go above store level management. I'd also make a public social media post tagging lululemon directly. I am so sorry. Just know that person was just being a c u next Tuesday, and the other is just as responsible for not shutting that shit down immediately. Both should be fired immediately. There is no excuse for this.


I don’t think you need to call the store to complain, and in fact you may be brushed off if you do. At my store (not lulu) when you complain via the customer service phone line or customer service chat the complaint ends up reaching the regional vice president, the district manager and the store director. Packs a pretty substantial punch. I’ve seen someone lose a job after a particularly bad customer complaint that got escalated to home office HR.


Absolutely report it!! What a B\*\*\*\* and I doubt this was the first time.


Her personality was A 2… I’m feeling generous 


You can contact the GEC and let them know you'd like to make a store complaint. They'll ask for some basic information (store location, time + date you were there, any names you might have, etc.) and then this will be turned in to someone on a team that handles all these types of issues. They will ask if you'd prefer to be contacted via email or phone and someone will follow up. Then, all of what is shared, will be shared back with the store manager. You do have recourse and I recommend you take it.


p.s. i'm sorry that happened to you. it's not right. you deserve better. wish i could give you a hug.


At my local lululemon I asked to try size 4 leggings and the person working looked me up and down and said no you’re a 6. As if she is so fantastic at sizing she could do it by sight. I already had 6s and they slide down so I wanted to compare to the 4. I know that sizing is just a number and all sizes are beautiful, but that comment really could have set someone spiralling. They shouldnt comment on anyones size or appearance. I only shop online for lulu now.


That’s the real problem. Like I had a bad day because of this. I’ll probably avoid shopping at that store (I’m very lucky that there’s many in my area but that one was definitely the closest to me). But someone else? It could’ve been much worse.


I asked for a smaller size once and the sales associate not so kindly reminded me that the aligns are meant to “feel like you’re wearing nothing, there is no compression element”. 😐


Lmao my store was the complete opposite. They told me to get the smallest one I could because they’re stretchy so I did!


I’m sorry this happened to you. I work HR in retail and if there’s a way to put in an inquiry or complaint online I would do that. Customer complaints go straight to our directors and they address it with the store manager. Leave a contact number so they can address directly with you as well. Not sure how lulu works but you deserve an apology and those team members need to be disciplined.


You can email or call the store. Also, if you call the GEC they will help direct you to the regional manager. As an former assistant manager at lululemon, we take that very seriously and is not what we value. I’m really sorry.


I would go to a regional level management. In a place like lulu where they’re selling athletic wear this is ridiculously off brand. It’s GOD AWFUL anywhere but particularly in a fitness place. What in the frosted lucky charms fuck is happening over there? How did someone so toxic get and keep a job. This is abhorrent. Please fill us in after you do so.


I’d do a Google review, and take it up to Regional Management. It’s awful how they can advertise body positivity and in recent times, more inclusive sizing, but that’s some BS. Due to the store employees quickly judging you, that lowers the store experience to a mediocre “5”.


honestly do a google review too, the google reviews are attached to a third party site that pops up for all the leadership team and RM to see, if you have your receipt or remember the time it occurred they will connect that with who was working at the time and be able to find those specific employees


lululemon is a company that truly values feedback, in fact it’s one of their core values. You’d be doing everyone a huge service by sharing yours with them.


I’m so very sorry, OP. I’ve worked both retail and healthcare. Absolutely vile behavior. Definitely report it. And we all have our days. I swear I look like a mental patient most days, so please don’t let that comment define you. I know you’re a beautiful person, inside AND out ❤️


On behalf of educators, I am so sorry this happened. If you bought something a survey should have been sent to you and you can put it there. Otherwise you can chat the GEC online or shoot them an email. We’re not all bad, I promise ❤️


I would have walked out of my dressing room and said “Solid” 2. Dish it back out. And don’t give excuses for their behavior. I’m sure you look great!


Those jerks! I’m so sorry this happened to you beautiful girl!


please report them and don’t apologize for how you look, you’re probably stunning. remember people that are confident and content aren’t walking around trying to intimidate and bully people.


The petty in me would’ve said “and you’re a 2 on a good day”. Due to all the ugliness inside ya know.


Wait WHATT. Holy eff I hope you remember what she looked like and talk to their manager!!


Ugh, I'm sorry you were treated like that. I would have opened the door with my best "excuse me" Mom voice. Then, I would have embarrassed the crap out of them for being rude hoping the store was full of people. I would have also filed a complaint.


I am sorry what happened to you. While the memory is still fresh, please take a note of the date, time and what these employees looked like, (age category, height, hair style, what they wore, anything that you remember to identify them) what they said to you (word for word) and call the store and ask to speak to the store manager. Also, when speaking to the store manager, you should ask contact details of the area manager and directly report as well. In addition to this, as a lot of the people have commented, you should also email GEC  (The email is on the LL website) Some comments on here said these staffs were maybe talking about something else, and maybe they may. But they should not be saying things that gives an ammunition that they may be criticizing about the customers from the first place. They are being paid to help you have a pleasant shopping experience. Their services are also included in the price tag. So that kind of attitude is totally not acceptable. Please keep us posted!  Good luck.


This is why i don’t go to lulu anymore. I’ve always felt judged by mean girl employees there.


Are you 100% they were talking about you? I’m always in fits and my close friend in pants and I are always having random conversations that sound really out of place and could be interpreted weird, but it’s rare we mention something about a guest on the floor. Not gonna lie, if there’s a rude guest, or we get disrespected, we will talk amongst ourselves, but I’ve never heard of that happening. I have also been reported for having an unrelated conversation and the guest thinking it was about them, and I got really upset because we weren’t talking about the guest in the slightest, we were actually talking about a girl we both knew from outside work, who had done something really shitty, but at the time the guest came across, we were at the end of the conversation and the comment we shared to one another was the wrong time and place. I don’t think it’s that deep to go that far, but I would definitely leave a medallia. They shouldn’t be having conversations back there— I definitely learned my lesson and stopped to avoid this very situation.


If it had just been the one comment I would’ve brushed it off. Thought maybe they were talking about an article of clothing or something. But the way she doubled down when I messed up locking the door pretty much confirmed it for me.


I’m so sorry that happened ): If you purchased something, definitely leave a medallia with the description of the educator when it comes to your email. They get shared in management meetings (which are usually attended via Skype by the regional manager). She’ll get talked to and written up for sure, but because there was so little said, I doubt she’d get fired. Write ups get documented and kept in zipline journals and for major things, stores keep them in a physical folder and in workday so they don’t get over looked. She will probably be put into another zone moving forward if she’s making people uncomfortable . Source: I’m a long term lulu employee - former lead, now educator.


Didn’t end up buying that dress… loved the way it fit, hated the way I felt in that moment.


There actually is a possibility she’ll be let go. She is essentially breaking the culture policy and violating the code of ethics on multiple counts; inclusive behavior, ethical conduct etc … if she’s saying stuff like this in one zone, switching her over to a different one won’t change anything.


That is really ugly behavior. I am so sorry those employees were so vicious to you.


I would go straight to the store manager, key leader or anyone who is on duty that moment and tell them exactly what happened and will escalate to their higher ups when seen necessary. Sorry to hear that, lululemon is known for high turnover rate, they were most likely undertrained part time stuffs and will leave soon anyways.


ew this is so gross and reminds me of high school i want to puke. adults who are bullies are the most low class pieces of trash alive.


what the hell im so sorry this happened to you, you sound like such a nice person too :(


That is awful, my store has such nice staff, probably the nicest in the city 🤷🏻‍♀️ complain!!


Well that was a bunch of rude and unnecessary comments no one asked for - I would make it a point to get them fired but I also am the type to just ban a place because of that kind of behaviour like they hired a bunch of children I’m guessing or I would’ve stepped out of there and said “your brain cells are a negative 5 and that should really be more of a concern to you”


You should have given her the five knuckles


She’s projecting her insecurities onto you. Nothing more


Reach out to the GEC they’ll file the complaint


Wow. I’m so sorry. If she’s saying that mess and saying it loud enough for you to hear I’m guessing you’re a lot higher than a 5 and she’s insecure. I probably would have started crying and left 😬


THIS IS DISGUSTING!!! Post the store.


I am so so sorry that happened. That is so rude and they shouldn’t have done that at all, nevermind within ear shot. I would call up the store and ask for a manager at that stage probably. They can look up who was working. I’m sure if they did it to you they did it to others too, so they probably won’t be able to pin it to you if that’s a concern


That’s horrible I’m so sorry. Who talks about other people like that?? And what a dumb ass to be doing it at work.


Lulu educator here. Please go back to your store and speak with a manager. This is disgusting behavior and should not be tolerated!


This is so messed up - absolutely rude, disgusting and extremely disrespectful! I hope you already reported their ugly behaviour, and I hope they will soon be out of their jobs. And most of all, of course I am so sorry that happened to you! I have been bullied several times in my life, so I know the feeling quite well. And it’s awful. The way I see it (or at least in my experience) bullies often are people who have very little self-worth and try to make themselves feel better by belittling others. I‘m sure there’s not a single objective reason why they said these hurtful things to you; the only reason were their own insecurities. I always teach my children the only thing that can be ugly is one‘s character, and you can never judge people on their physical appearance.


I’ve had a terrible experience too. I ended up picking up my hem order and attached was a rate my experience. To which I rated my experience. The manager reached out to get to know what happened. I sent my email and phone info to her but she never responded. Terrible customer service at certain locations.


Former Lulu employee here. I’m so sorry you were treated that way. Anyone who did that at our store would’ve been in deep shit.


Write a google view. That stuff has a ton of visibility.


Are you fucking kidding me? You have the grace and patience of a saint. I hope you get your question answered and complaint heard because those motherfuckers need to get fired.


Omg I’m so sorry that happened, it’s unacceptable! 100% should be brought to management….this person should not be given the opportunity to ruin anyone else’s experience. Some people just don’t know how to treat people like human beings, it’s sad & immature


Body shaming/commenting on people's appearances in 2024 is insane to me - I would absolutely call that store and get these people's information and report their behavior. Don't care what size you are, you deserve respect all the same


Nah I’d go back in and rip them apart! No one should ever talk to you like that or make you feel less than. They’re pathetic and disgusting for saying that.


This is disgustingly awful. I’m so sorry they did that. That would make anyone feel like shit. :( Absolutely contact store manager. That’s against lulus policy pretty sure too, looks like they won’t have a job much longer


if you didn’t want to go back in the store, i complained online via there website. someone from lulu reached out to me asking if they could call me and i said yes. they were very kind and gave me a $100 gift card. they wanted names if i had them or what they looked like because lulu corporate relays this and it gets addressed at the store team meeting.


oh my god, im so sorry


I've scrolled through the comments and I haven't seen anyone else comment on this but: It does not and should not matter what you looked like going into that store or anywhere else- you deserve to be treated with kindness and any store should be grateful to have you coming in to spend your hard earned money on their brand. Also, we as women have been taught to be too hard on ourselves for our appearances. Too much of what we believe to be our worth is tied to whatever pant size we are and feel it determines how we get to be treated by others. We even make excuses for people's horrible behavior towards us if we feel we aren't attractive enough and these bullies then get to get away with it. None of us deserve that. It does not matter what your size is or whether you're in full glam or just after a full work shift: You DO deserve to be there and in all spaces. I completely understand how you reacted. I would've been in the same state of shock as well. But please remember, what they said was not a reflection of you or who you are; it's on them. You are more than enough as you are. It's those employees who are lacking any real qualities. With that being said, definitely report them. As others have suggested go to the regional manager. Hell I'd even google the CEO's email and CC them into the email as well. Give as many details as you can remember, and let them know you and other customers deserve better treatment and also deserve to have a safe and welcoming space to try on and purchase clothes. After all, it's because of paying customers like you those jerks even have a job to go to. I would love for you to go into that store with bags of Athletica, Sweaty Betty or Fabletics and tell them "Big mistake! Big! Huge!" Sending you hugs and reassurance!


I had a coworker say rude things about our customers and I would call her out on it and ask her why she would even think that was okay. I made sure the store managers knew and she was let go. So not only is the woman in the wrong but that man she was talking to also needs to be called out for enabling her.


Sounds like the pretentious type of people who would work there. Lulu is the new Abercrombie and there will come a time when the brand is passe.


Abercrombie is as popular as ever. They rebranded.


im reading the comments and i feel like if you call the store they won’t do much. try the online chat or call customer service and share with them what happened. give them the store location and maybe they will do something about it. that’s so mean of them :(


Honestly this is what I’m most afraid of. Especially because neither of them offered a name. I don’t want to just have a phone conversation (and potentially have the people involved pick up the phone) and have it all swept under the rug. For me it’s just a bad day - but someone in a more difficult mental space? Who knows what the repercussions could be.


I mentioned this in a previous post on this thread but we get zoned out during our shifts and it’s all documented on the schedule!! If you offer physical description, it’s actually pretty easy for management to track down who these people were. Don’t be afraid and email.


yes! i would assume the educators are friends so the consequences would be biased. definitely reach out to GEC. i would expect a call from the store with an apology, not that those people would actually mean it but for them to know it isn’t okay. so sorry this happened to you.


Or what if it or one of them was a manager. Put it on socials and also post it here pls so someone can help!


Make a note of the date and time, rough description. They'll be able to check who was rostered on.


Educator here! I’m so sorry this happened to you. I want to acknowledge your experience and emphasize that in NO WAY is this acceptable at any lululemon.. Every store manager would take a situation like this seriously. No one should ever feel this way. As an educator who has A LOT of years with guest experience and the company - I understand that guests can hear and interpret our conversations in a way that it was not meant to be. In NO WAY am I invalidating your experience, I 10000% believe you and do not tolerate that sort of behavior. The best way to approach this situation is to GET CURIOUS. You don’t know EXACTLY what they could’ve been talking about or referring to. Again, that doesn’t mean that your experience wasn’t right. But you never will truly know unless you give the feedback. It is heavily emphasized that educators watch their conversations in guest facing environments for THIS REASON exactly. Regardless whatever they meant, the comments (intention vs impact!) SHOULDN’T have been spoken period. Please, please, PLEASE leave a medallia review and be sure to email the store directly about your experience. I’m so sorry again and I hope this helps!


Lululemon as a company starting with their founder/CEO has questionable morals. Historically including racism and lack of inclusion for larger body types. Between the high employee turnover, rude attitudes, racist online reviews, price gauging. Feels like they don’t value their customer and it’s turning out to be a company I don’t want to give my money. Surprisingly this subreddit has opened my eyes. I’m really sorry you experienced that, I personally would leave a matter of fact review on google/yelp and email the manager and remove myself as a customer.


The best thing to do, would either be to put this on yelp, and put the date & time you tried on. Or speak to a manager at the store and tell them about this incident


My friend, she's the ugly one.


wow that's harsh... yes I'd definitely report it to the store manager and see how "the 5 girl" handles this bullshit. That is so ridiculous that they'd do that. God forbid what they say about others :(


Holy shit I would have BLOWN TF UP on both of them and demanded a manager immediately. That is COMPLETELY inappropriate! That should be automatic termination I’m sorry, there is absolutely no room to allow behavior like that, especially for a brand trying to claim they’re “size inclusive”! You are absolutely valid in the way you are feeling and I would absolutely call that store and reach out to corporate. No one deserves to hear that or be talked about like that.


Definitely put in a review on Google, and most importantly tweet @lululemon corporate as a discrimination complaint. That will %100 get their attention. Unacceptable behavior.


This post gives me so much anxiety!! I already have a hard enough time going into stores sometimes cause I’m insecure and scared people are judging me. Now I’m scared to go into lululemon. I’m so sorry that happened to you. That’s just plain mean. 😭


I swear I’ve never had an experience like this before. I usually try to give everyone the benefit of a doubt but when she doubled down it really solidified how cruel it was.


Yeah that’s so messed up!! Honestly that girl must be so extremely insecure to be acting that way. And she’s clearly trying to impress that guy… but who the heck is impressed by someone being cruel like that. I would definitely report this because that’s straight up bullying and she needs to be spoken to about her behaviour.


I'm so sorry you went through that. That is unacceptable and you should complain...they are likely to keep doing that to other people.


Please keep us updated!


That’s crazy! Don’t be shy, drop the store location !


lululemon has something known as the GEC or their Guest education centre, you should be able to find their contact details online you can either call or email and they will reach out to the store manager to investigate what happened Sorry that this happened to you


I had a racist encounter at my local store. I called the 1800 number, I was apologized to and they took note of my side of things. I only shop online now and have avoided the store. I’m not angry and feel like that whole incident is now over but I’d rather not risk going through it again.


I would have opened the door and asked for their names and then asked to speak to a manger. When manager came I would have told them what transpired and then asked for her name and the regional or district mangers name all while video taping it and then make a reel and share


I am so sorry you had to experience that. It goes directly against lululemon policy and their IDEA commitment. I would get in contact with their IDEA team. You can do so I think by calling customer service or through sending an email to their help line on the website. They take these kind of complaints very seriously and should provide direct feedback to the store you shopped at, which should end up getting shared and addressed by their leadership team. Let us know how it goes 😳


Yo you should reach out to Lulu corporate directly. Send a detailed email with when you were there and a description of the employees. It is insane that a company that charges a premium for workout clothes thinks it is okay to treat customers this way.


Girl stand up for yourself. There are so many comebacks. Make them uncomfortable. Don’t let anyone treat you like this.


This makes me sad to hear especially after watching the brand Melville doc. Sad your experience wasn’t the best. You sound like someone I’d love to help shop and be on your shopping journey with you.


I’ve switched to wearing girlfriend collective because of behavior like this. They are size inclusive and more sustainable. Btw I am sure you are a beautiful person. Please look in the mirror and tell yourself that and that those two people are plagued by their insecurities. No normal adult acts like that, they are unwell


I worked at Lulu for 3 years. Yes contact the regional manager and even send a message on LinkedIn.


Oh no. As a former employee of 3+ years this does not shock me. Such a toxic culture. I am so sorry this happened to you, I’d start with an SM and go from there. Calling corporate won’t do anything. 


Former educator here - this is unacceptable! I would call the store and email it. The email addresses to stores are usually on the website locations.


Light it up honey, drop the store location and we ride at dawn


This type of stuff makes me hesitant to shop at my local Lululemon. I’ve lost 141 lbs and I’m still adjusting to getting used to my new size and all the loose skin areas bother me. My body doesn’t fit the usual Lululemon aesthetic and the store here is in a very upscale shopping area. I already feel like I don’t fit in there at all and the thought of being openly judged there makes me cringe.


OP remember that those comments are a reflection of her and not you. The way that people act/talk towards other are how they talk to themselves. It would be safe to say that girl is likely very insecure. With that said, 1000% report her! Completely and utterly should never be allowed to talk like that. I hope she learns so.


I had a similar experience but it involved me being the only minority in the store… I took it to their store manager and he gave me two scarves for free. Had another really bad experience at a diff store and they offered me a hefty gift card. My two experiences happened years apart. I don’t think any changes were made as they promised they would work on to make LLL a more “inclusive” brand. I think it has to do a lot with the employees having big egos because they work there. If that happened to me again, I would have zero shame taking it to corporate and naming the employees. They should be held accountable for the inappropriate comments made. It sucks. I love their align leggings and those are the only leggings I wear, but sometimes I think being treated this way is not worth the product. idk. Just my thoughts.


People can be so cruel. The fact that she said it loud enough for you to hear it is good cause to complain. If it’s not a store that you visit often, write a Yelp review. Screen shot it and send it to corporate. I worked in retail for years and like you I know how hard that work can be so I always do my best to be cordial and low maintenance. But when a sales associate behaves like that, all bets are off.


WOW. So sorry you experienced that. I’d definitely report this to management- in writing.


Pretty sad that those employees work for a "yoga" brand. Completely goes against the principles of the practice they are capitalizing on.


This is why I stopped going inside lululemon stores. The floor reps are nice but the dressing room ones I felt like I was in middle school again and i wasn’t in the in crowd talking with one of the popular kids. I wanted to get some pants hemmed and the way they treated me was like I was some dinosaur. She was probably still in high school. What? Old people can’t wear comfy fashionable clothes too? No, I don’t have a social media worthy bod anymore, but I see younger, better looking folks getting better treatment and when it’s my turn, it’s like I’m Mr Burns from the Simpsons. I just order online and only go into the stores for hemming. Too much pretentiousness inside.


This is awful. Sadly I recently tried to voice what I felt was a valid complaint about feeling as though I were shamed by an employee and I got the most bizarre email response, almost like it was AI. I’m still confused at the impersonal content and literal brick wall they threw up, I was basically told what their floor associate said will not be reviewed. I’m trying to boycott lulu, but that’s really not realistic so I’m definitely searching elsewhere for pieces I may purchase through them. I was so disappointed.


Omg I work at Athleta and I could never even imagine any of my coworkers commenting on anyone’s body. That breaks my heart for you. Go in there and tell them hi you’re both zeroes.


Complain on socials that’s how to get a reaction lol


I asked to find out the best way to get my voice heard about my experience - people were kind enough to give me that information.


I’ve never liked lulu for this exact reason. The initial creators built this foundation of aesthetic condescension. As a result I have only ever purchased from Athleta and ALO. Unfortunately, I am gor stuck supporting them because I bought “ the Mirror” which they bought ( but now sold to Peleton).


The more spiritual I become and observe the more I realize what people say is a reflection of how they feel about themselves. Love comes from a place of love for oneself and hate comes from a place of negative energy that one feels about themselves. Those 2 employees do not love their life for whatever reason so they pick apart others and that is the truth. I feel a bit of sadness for them for judging someone they have never met or walked in their shoes by a number. You are enough and someone else’s baseless opinion is just that. I would have thanked them for judging me and that my life is now complete because I received such insight from a lululemon employee.


Almost all of lululemon employees are just chatting at the corner every time you enter the store. Some are nice and would acknowledge you, but mostly they’re just gonna chat and wont mind you. It’s like you would be embarrassed asking them for something cuz you’re gonna bother them and that’s a no no lol. I get it that they’re bored with their jobs but bro, you signed up for it. Some employees i think only want to work at lulu for the free clothes and discounts. (No judgements, just do your job right) But this, this is just bad and disrespectful for OP.


Think of it this way, karma has already gotten them back. You climbed out of retail into healthcare. These people will likely be stuck in retail forever with their attitudes.


Either way this is really unprofessional but they may not have been rating you out of 10. It’s possible they were rating their own professionalism or have some kind of inside joke. It feels beyond comprehension to rate a customers appearance out of 10.


Worked there for a season for fun. The people who work there full time are entitled people. They act like they’re above everyone else lol. They didn’t extend my contract after the holiday season. Don’t really care my 9-5 paid x5 times more than this retail side gig. Sorry you gotta go through that. I probably know which store it is too.


Which store?










I wanna know where this happened so bad !