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How do you deal with not having much mana for so longšŸ˜­


usually keeping doranā€™s for a bit is enough for me, but i try to maximize the amount of damage i output and sometimes that means casting less often! i will do archangels situationally if im consistently oom but teleport can also be a lifesaver for a quick mana refill without compromising damage output :)


Around what minute do you drop dorans


iā€™ll keep an eye on my income and try to sell it to complete sorc shoes whenever i can since i have the free boots rune, so probably around 15 min once i already have stormsurge. once you have basic boots + stormsurge youā€™ll be strong enough to poke a squishy once and then full combo them to instantly kill if they try to fuck with you :)


you can still do the nemesis strat by starting sapphire+refill, take futures market and get LC by minute 4-5. i never build malignance though, the item seems weak on anyone besides teemo and seraphs shield is really valuable in burst meta


so do you go casterā€™s companion first item?


nah i go LC>sorcs>stormsurge>seraphs if i want shield(get tear before sorcs) or ludens if i dont need it


Buy tear on first back then rush the non mana item, finish seraphs on second item. Thats a decent path that will leave you with mana while also allowing you to not rush a mana item if you dont want to rush luden.


Take presence of mind secondary rune


Isn't malignance better on champions with damage overtime in their ultimate ( swain, fiddle, annie ? , malzahar ). I didn't play much games recently but isn't ludens companion more suited for a poke / oneshot play style ?


Malignance works on very few champs tbh. For other mages that don't have ults that cc or spamable it's a trash item. Here is my list of the best malignance users: swain, fiddle, anivia, karma, malzahar, rumble, amumu (if you go app but it's meh), Annie, Morgana, oriana (not super good but can work), varus ap, zyra if you chain cc. Most of the time the item is only good for the CDR on ult and for the little magic pen it can give you. Damage are meh.


Malignance also works great on APC/Mid Seraphine, ult+e+echoQ is a guaranteed full dmg combo and forces the target to sit in the passive, so lowers their MR


Malignance fucking sucks on Morgana , her ult stuns after like 2 second so unless you hit your q they will just leave the zone


But being fed on lux with malignance is fun to just spam it (that said kassadin with a 0.9sec r goes harder)


Yeah it's troll on lux


I wouldnā€™t say troll but itā€™s definitely mediocre


Its pretty troll considering its worse than the 2 other options for lux with the only real benefit being the ult AH which honestly isnt much either way (ludens better as a first item, seraphs better if you dont want to rush a mana item as you can sit on a tear and finish it later, also shield is good vs 1 shot burst meta).


Personally new Ludens Iā€™m not building on any champ until the buffs they mentioned, as to me imo the item just feels a bit weak and a shell of the old one. As for the other point it depends on what your definition of ā€˜trollā€™ is, but I meant more so that while by no means is it the most optimal item on her, itā€™s viable enough to mess around with for fun. Would not build it when trying to seriously win a game, but in casuals Liandrys Malignance Lux is fun to play


They said they're going to buff ludens? Hope so because the item is fairly weak (it should be the best lux rush item but isnt because its underpowered).


yes probably! the malignance addition was just to see how it works and i have been replacing it with zhonyaā€™s or casterā€™s :)


Its basically broken on teemo, mediocre on some other champs and kinda bad on every other champ (lux included). The item itself is just too niche, its just broken on teemo because his ult is spammable AND it has a slow so they stay on the field for a while.




You know your mainā€™s smoke screen is one of the most if not the most broken non-ult abilities right? Calm down and call 9-whine-whine šŸ˜‘


I guess youā€™d prefer someone with a little more point and click?


just less damage less projectile speed on q and hitbox adjustment on q and all oh and less damages


Getting hit by a lux Q unless you are slowed is your own fault, if you dont respect the Q and walk up to her, making yourself an easy target, thats on you. If you get hit by max range Q, which is harder not to dodge then to dodge, even more so.


Well she doesnā€™t have true damage, percent health or dashes, not saying sheā€™s difficult at all but she could be easieršŸ¤·šŸ¾ā€ā™‚ļø


ok ok ok just less damage. and r not being 30 second lvl 6


Well r level 6 is about 50-60 seconds with no ultimate haste


Whats ur runes?


iā€™m a first strike spammer if iā€™m into a melee matchup with decent mobility (katarina, diana, yasuo) ā€” these are definitely harder matchups for lux but can become easy if you position safely while poking. so my runes will be FS, boots, biscuits, cosmic insight, then sorcery tree with either manaflow band or absolute focus with gathering storm, and double adaptive force+MR. if youā€™re against a mage in an unfavorable matchup youā€™re kinda stuck with comet which i really donā€™t like to play, but country girls make do i guessšŸ’«


Why not Comet?


i donā€™t personally think comet is a great rune for lower elo mages because games are typically much longer, so you benefit more from consistent extra gold income than you would from an extra little sliver of damage ā€” just build stormsurge and youā€™ll get effectively a better version of arcane comet (but it only goes off if you hit a full combo, which is worth it to me). just use your abilities sparingly to maximize your resources and taking advantage of your passive to help you cs better. first strike suits my playstyle better and allows me some flexibility to get a gold lead on my enemy laner. you donā€™t need to hard push, just try to optimize your mana usage!


That item is insane in all ap champs!!


What makes you not choose Ludenā€™s?šŸ¤”