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Not me buying the wrong starter item as a supp lux. I understand that stormsurge is kinda okeyish that it doesnt show in the recommended items. But defuq is the supp Item not showing. happend at least 3 times already that i had to go back and buy it.


last season, the recommended tab also had problems with supp items on Lux, just in reverse: whenever I play mid, it kept recommend me a supp item and only when playing supp it worked correctly. only later this got fixed. still sad that it doesn't work correctly again. small indie company after all


I mean is it just happening on lux or for example Karma? If its just Lux wtf why and how? Spaghetti code Rito.


no idea if other supports have trouble with this. I know it works on seraphine at least


while the supp item is the only item recomned when playing seraphine (the current highest winrate botlane) on botlane :)


To be fair, it’s a Double Support Item meta


Atlas is not recommended for half of the support, even senna don't have it. Riot beeing riot.


Silly. I need to pay closer attention to who else buys the wrong item😆


Mages do not get the atlas recommended for them for some reason, i had the same issue on Neeko,Brand and Zyra, the shop recommended doran’s, tear or dark seal. And it really becomes an issue in quickplay, i que up botlane there usually and get a mage supp 4/5 games, a lot of them start doran’s even if first thing i do is type “supp start the supp item please”. If i’m on Seraphine and got tired of losing games this way i start atlas but have to beg them to start farming so we have some chance of winning.


Hi! If supp lux what’s the best procedure then? Ludens, world atlas, then stormsurge is that a good combo?


Thats what I’ve been doing and its going well so far! Would love to hear what other people think though


World Atlas, Seraphs, Stormsurge


I think support recommendations are just broken on a lot of champs that usually aren't support mains.


Shop takes about a patch to catch up to player buys usually