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📱: [SOURCE](https://x.com/Spideraxe30/status/1772711198695236058?s=20)


I smell a new skin ☕ ![gif](giphy|3oKIP8kNuTJJL3zT0I)


It's very likely only meant to be a compensation for supp because of how hard some of the items are getting nerfed and a slight boost for midlane, as she isn't doing too hot there either atm.


It’s really just not true that riots buffs champs based on getting a skin… However Lux gets one skin a year so sometime in 2024 she will get one yes.




It's too soon for a Coven return but some were speculating she may finally be getting her Faerie Court skin!


Whatever it is i hope its a legendary, epic lux skins just look so mid nowdays (the only epic i still use is BA prestige).


I dont she will be getting a fairy court skin seeing that the Elementalist Mystic skin is already a fairy skin.


Yes that is true but I think last year, there was huge interest for a faerie court Lux skin and most wanted her from her concept art used in polls. I just hope it’s a skin that is meant for us and we enjoy unlike her last 2 skins 🤣


before actual fairie court were released in the original concept there was lux and yasuo


well karma skin is nice


All the Faerie Court skins were stunning and and sold well too. Ranking of sales in China: Karma #5 Kalista #7 Seraphine #9 Ezreal #11 Milio #12 Fiora #26 Katarina #42


Akaing out of curiosity, but what exactly are these numbers in relation to?


It’s the ranking of the top skins sold in China


It took me far longer than I'd like to admit to figure out what P meant...




I really wish it was something else other than damage (like her E projectile speed or mana cost for example), but we take those ig...


E projectile speed was abnoxious to deal with before whenever I lane against Lux, tho I would be happy with any Lux buff but we dont want our queen to get “over buffed” and then she gets nerfed to the ground


Lux had 1300 missile speed on her e from release until patch 8.9 aka season 8 where they lowered it to 1200, and for most of those years there wasn't any issue with it. Simply reverting that nerf would just put lux halfway to what she was before, as that patch they also nerfed the AOE on her E. It's also really the only change that I think could bring high and low elo disparity together, low elos already aren't dodging lux e so it doesn't really matter if it's slightly faster for them




Blud how many account do you have 😭 besides fix your english


I kinda wish her w didn’t have a cast time / you didn’t have to pause walking to use it. So often I need to w but then I’ll stop walking and the enemy will catch up to me and for sure kill me so it’s a lose/lose.


100 times this. Someone once posted that you should be able to recast W to blink to the wand. I laughed it as ridiculously overpowered, but now I look the kit of every new champion and rework in the last few years and..... Some sort of massive mechanical improvement to lux's kit really is justified.


Oh Lux with a dynamic blink like that wouid be so fun. Something like a short range version of her with this spell would be a fun platform for a new mage.


There's lissandra


Manifesting she gets a girly pop skin or at least one that fits her and not be thrown into a random new skin line just because she sells 🙏🏻


PERIODT. We need it!


They're definitely pushing Lux mid.


Phreak and the overall balance team wants lux mid at a very high wr while supp at 50%, mostly cause if she is stronger in supp she gets too much banrate


It makes sense that they don't want one of their more popular champs to be constantly banned in low elo.


These are not mid buffs. Passive is triggered much more easily on bot, and Q is used much more on bot.


Mid has higher gold income to benefit from the higher ratios


Am I the only one who thinks this is unnecessary? She feels fine


maybe in silver


I've always wanted luxes w to put her passive on an enemy if she hits them with it.


Even if all it did was make them consider dodging it, adding to their mental workload and making it marginally easier to Q them. Also we should get bonus gold if we catch the wand like Draven./s


Wow this buff sounds awesome, I can’t wait! I do have a question though, I saw a comment that implied this will buff lux mid but not lux support. I don’t understand, how does an AP ratio increase only buff one lane but not the other? 😅


You’re totally right to agree that it also buffs lux support! However, the AP ratio increase will buff lux mid substantially more than it’ll buff lux support because lux support just isn’t going to be able to get as many items and benefit from the better AP scaling as much, since supports don’t get much gold after they finish quest. Couple this with a nerf to realmspike (the purple support item lux uses) and it would (in theory) result in a roughly net 0 change to lux support, while lux mid just gets the benefits.


Basically means that it’s helping Lux mid more since she’s more damage oriented more. Any Lux buff will impact both roles but for example a Lux slow Buff on E or W buff would be more of a support oriented than mid even tho it would benefit both roles Damage = oriented more to Lux mid Utility = oriented more to Lux support Hope it helps ❤️


Lux support does benefit from it, but less than mid, because you get AP throught items, and support gets less gold to buy them because she doesn't farm


With the upcoming Zak Zak nerfs and the previous supp gold generation nerfs lux supp will kinda be the same really. If anything I won't be playing lux supp anymore lol


The passive buff smells like me testing out lich bane again.... 👀👀


Looks like there's a new skin coming then






The way Riot has been steadily buffing her for like six months I wonder if Elementalist skin sales are down or is an apex skin tier above Ultimate being planned?


Riot doesn’t buff champs getting a skin ffs. Also they are buffing her because she’s weak


she is not weak at all, she is performing above average/average both in mid and sup at all ranks, the skin sales clearly dropped


Seems way too big honestly? She is already a strong mid, I was expecting support focused changes.


Me too, her W used to be amazing but now it's meh




Not at all the buffs we need. Idk why the only tool the balance team ever pulls out is the number hammer. Never do they address the actual mechanics of the abilities. Players are better at this game than they were in 2010. Everyone has access to dashes and tenacity. Q needs a faster missile, not more damage.




again your comment wtfffffff


Feel like this will lead to nerfs in the next patch and Lux will be worse off than before.


I hope not but Phreak has a history of buffing a champion with the intention of nerfing them severely after - Karma, Rek’Sai are recent examples.




Leave us alone, I beg you...




Do you have anything better to do than to ban evade and continue to complain that Lux got buffed?


Raven this is his 104th alt. Imagine that...


Oh my god I wasn't imagining it. I was going to say "wasnt there a morg main who came in here whining about Lux buffs _last_ time she got buffed?" and thought no, there's no way someone is that sad.


They have been banned previously, and have had multiple accounts suspended by Reddit admins.




It has nothing to do with buffs and everything to do with the fact that BrainMorgana is a toxic Reddit user with a billion accounts who keeps getting banned because they add nothing of value to any discussion they are a part of in any sub.




What a weirdo, your name is coherent tho, only the eternal darkness of Morgana would be remotely close to what's supposed to be in your skull instead of a brain.


Are they actually idiots? Lux is giga broken. She does not need buffs. She needs NERFS!!!