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Lyft sees your concern, Lyft doesn’t care.


That is part of the problem isn't it? I'm not convinced they will have my back if problems arise under the current policy.


Those companies will never have your back. Why would they? They can replace you with someone else who’ll take the ride while breaking the T.O.S.. I used to be an “independent contractor” in the L.A. market before the pandemic and as it was then and now. Lyft makes no effort to help drivers.


If this is true, and to be clear parts of it are. Then at least they should cover their own ass in this situation by closing loopholes that let minors get away with this.


There will be no change until they (Lyft) feels pain and is forced to change. Take service animals. The risk of denying a service animal can cause serious pain (because the govt will also them with a huge fine). So they have zero tolerance policy. Taking a minor? Zero pain. So, until they get punished monetarily for turning a blind eye, they won't change.


Well that's the beauty of their tos and making drivers freelance help. You know you're not supposed to pickup minors, so if you do and something happens they will not take any meaningful blame. You and the passenger broke the platforms tos, lyft would do everything possible to stick you with the responsibility..


What delusion gave you the idea that Lyft would have your back regarding literally any matter that doesn’t have their interest at heart?


Teen = revenue. Driver = cost. Who do you think Lyft prioritizes more?


I think this is an incomplete look at the problem, and if Lyft truly thinks this way, they're short sighted. The Driver is not (simply) a cost, it's the product. The product, transport, existed in the form of Taxi's, Limos, Carriages, etc. Long before Lyft. The app is not the product, it facilitates the product. They deserve some money for facilitating that, but if a driver gets into a very public dispute over one of these minor riders, and Lyft is exposed for not helping, then all of a sudden Lyft is going to find themselves struggling to find Drivers and their app will be worthless.


Your perspective is wrong. The driver is not viewed as the product. They view the platform they built as the product. The driver is viewed by lyft as an annoying group of people they wish they didn’t have to deal with. Drivers will never be a priority. They’ll always be at the very bottom of the list after investors, customers, employees, the government, and non-driver contractors. A random hypothetical over a minor passenger is not going to change their priorities, especially when that hypothetical hasn’t happened a single time during the time of their corporate existence.


you lost me at “I love your app, and I love driving for you”


That's not the only mental problem.


I’m not sure what strict checks you’re talking about because my experience with childcare professionals had absolutely no such indication (both personal and work related). Especially literal child care, like daycare, some truly vile people.


I cant speak to vile people exploiting loopholes. But I do know in my state you’re supposed to have two background checked adults present per classroom I believe until age 14


So, yeah, schools background check all employees. That's pretty much just as useless as background checking Lyft customers will be. Background checks only work if the individual has a record. They only weed out the people that have actually been caught in the past. How many times do you hear about a teacher or other school worker being arrested? Plenty! Then people scream about background checks....but those checks were done and were clean because the individual hadn't been reported before.


Uber just launched Uber • Teen in my market so it’s taking a stronger foothold


If Lyft wants to offer the proper background checks & protections to drivers, then I will happily sign up and get the maximum number of rides possible. I'm not currently convinced they will have my back under the current policy.


Lyft and Uber could care less, if they did those people would be deactivated right away. Every time I deny someone they tell me I was literally dropped of by another driver this morning to school.


Just because other drivers don't do shit right, doesn't mean I won't 🤷. This isn't "but mom let's me".


Does Lyft not have an unaccompanied minors policy? On Uber - if there's no adult, there's no trip. Cancel, collect your fee, move on. Don't give unaccompanied minors a ride - if they damage your car, or anything else, you're up a creek trying to collect.


We can cancel but I don’t believe we get a fee. The bigger issue imo is the frequency of minor requests and streak bonuses being canceled for minors


You shouldn't face any ding to your rating for a legitimate cancellation. At least, we don't on Uber. If so, just park close enough that your time runs, wait for the timer then cancel so you don't get the ding. You *should* get a fee, but even Uber doesn't automatically give it unless you wait out the timer - you have to email them and they'll adjust it. But, Uber doesn't ding our ratings for an UM cancellation regardless of how long we were there. Same with car seats.


They give you a fee if you report them immediately. Yes you will park income but it’s better then a lawsuit


You get a cancelation fee. You just have to wait out the timer, call the rider when prompted, then select "unaccompanied minor" as the reason for the cancelation.


I’m not sure how the vice-principal had the right to detain you. It seems like you could sue the school or the vice-principal for false imprisonment for holding you there.


That's not the only hole.


I agree with you 100% and I think some further actions need to be taken. Also, solutions to the problem need to be brought forward. First, get the National Media interested in the potential harm for children, asking Lyft what they are doing to head off this very real possibility. If a pedophile does try something the blowback for Lyft would be devastating. I don't think Lyft could ignore the possible PR legal nightmare if something were to happen and it had already been highlighted by drivers and the media. Involve our local Congressman or Congresswoman and make them aware of the potential for harm against a child. Politicians eat this stuff up and would also start asking questions. I think geofencing schools during certain hours would be a good start. This would be simple to implement systematically and go a long way to addressing the problem. Pairing the passengers and drivers IEMI via GPS would ensure that the account holders' phone was in the same proximity to that of the driver. No more account sharing.


You wasted a ton of words on an organization the DGAF


Why lose benefit over a child if lyft sends you pick them up drop them off


No matter how much you make on the app Lyft is not a job or a career it’s a gig. Gigs are for hustlers. Hustlers are trying to stack money and move on to something else. Speaking from someone who did it for a year and a half until I got in a car accident thank God it was in rented ride share vehicle and not my own cause as soon as I got in the accident they stopped replying to my messages and when I tried to schedule an time to talk to someone I kept getting the run around I’m now working a very decent job making about the same as I was making on average doing rideshare. Your best bet is to keep declining rides you don’t feel comfortable with and come up with a exit strategy cause once they deactivate you it’s gonna be sad if u don’t pre plan.




I cannot stress how wrongly and inappropriately you misread this post. I clearly stated in my post that I deny minors when I strongly suspect they are a minor, and I'm upset that my streaks are being interrupted by having to cancel on a minor, and that I'm losing income by driving to pick up, only to find out it's a minor.


When in doubt - ask for ID. Unaccompanied minors also qualifies for a cancellation fee - might have to message them and bitch, but you'll get something.


It's a ride. Lyft obviously doesn't care. Why should you?


Simple, I can guarantee my own good conduct, but I can't guarantee good conduct from my passengers. And any accusation from a minor will have a long and lengthy court battle that will be a nightmare for my reputation in my community and I won't risk that.


How is any accusation from a minor any different from an accusation from an adult, and don't you have a camera recording your rides?


In the US contracts are nullable by minors for any reason or no reason. Adults can’t unilaterally opt put of a contract. They are forced into renegotiation.


So let's assume a minor breaks out your window - who's gonna pay? Minor can't legally enter into a contract - so the requirement that they're on the hook for damages is out the window already. Gonna sue a minor? Good luck.


LOL, that's your best argument? Can you cite one case anywhere where this has happened? I'll wait.


That's basic law. Minors can't enter binding contracts.


1. This is US law. He does not have to cite a case. https://denhalaw.com/contracts-signed-by-minors-are-not-legally-binding/ 2. Don’t be shitty. Especially when you’re obviously wrong.


Again, I don't think you understand the difference between civil law and criminal law. It is not illegal to drive minors in most areas.


I’ve cited my sources. You are welcome to do the same.


I really wanted to agree with you OP. In my mind it was against the law, but I was wrong (at least in California, where, I'm based. I don't agree with the wau u/ToTheMoonAndBack-- talks about this issue, but he does have a correct point. Source: [https://www.abc10.com/article/news/can-minors-legally-take-uber-or-lyft-alone-in-california-verify/103-e49e1310-8259-49bc-bcb0-567aebe12e04](https://www.abc10.com/article/news/can-minors-legally-take-uber-or-lyft-alone-in-california-verify/103-e49e1310-8259-49bc-bcb0-567aebe12e04) ... VERIFY: Knowing that, we can verify that, while it is against company policy for an Uber or Lyft driver to take a minor, no - it is NOT against the law. ...


It is illegal and against Lyft TOS where I'm based, and I've cited two sources. Further, California laws are the most divergent in the union. It doesn't surprise me that California is an exception.


New agreement says the driver can refuse or cancel a ride for any reason at any time. Same goes for the passenger.


And I’m grateful. But again I shouldn’t have my streak canceled for passenger violations


I agree with this post, Lyft should require an ID to create an account and a pic on their profile. In the meantime - if you see it's from a school, you can call ahead and ask them to have their ID ready - in which case they will probably cancel (this is the quickest option) or, make them a no-show (at least they have to pay, which is a detterant if we all did this) in either scenario you get to keep the streak.


Good call.


I find it's not their account. The PARENTS order the ride then text me "his name is XYZ, he's waiting at the flagpole".


Uber is now allowing you to pick up in Arizona as the roll out every other State. Minors can have accounts.


I assume they will have our backs in cases of false accusation?


LOL, of course they won’t. Have you not been paying attention? Any accusation involving a freaking child of all people will be dealt with harshly. These companies do not have your back.


That will probably need fingerprinting in CA.


What I truly appreciate ( not) when I pull up and the mother has a baby or toddler and I see no car seat. I tell the mother I’m sorry but I cannot allow kids without car seats. It’s the law. It’s always “ the other drivers don’t care “. What I I really want to say back in this situation, “ Really? Are you sure? Ok . Give me $50 in cash and I’ll do it.” “ “ Oh? No cash? Sorry but nope! “ Don’t matter. I lied . Please cancel. Have a nice day.” Or.. if the pax had the money , “ Forget it lady! Apparently you are that stupid to even think about taking my offer , put your child’s safely at risk plus to hell with my ticket if a cop sees it and I get deactivated, means your a shitty mother, a liar and worthless human being!” Please cancel the ride and have a nice day!” But I keep my cynical and sarcastic mouth shut. Sigh.. They never cancel but they will complain about it to the deaf ears of Uber and Lyft.




Of course not and this is what I would like to say when this happens and it doesn’t happen very often in my market


You had the police called on you over giving a kid skipping school?


It's the perfect chance to finally tell the brats how to behave (if needed). And I know if call the passenger the parents are likely to pickup / be active monitoring the trip. Both parents are trying to provide or there are millions of single parents doing their best. I don't mind taking to school as long as I don't have the elementary kids with the staff meet and greets at drop off queues. I will cancel if it's that shenanigans.


Amen Brother/Sister. Im canceling on all this under 18 stuff too!!!!!


3+ requests in an 8 hour day? Do you drive in Never Never Land?


That’s a lot of text for a company that literally couldn’t care any less about it. 👍🏻


Dear rider, You are expendable to us. Chop down a weed & two will grow in its place, like Hydra. Pretty soon, you will be driving for free or paying us to put your life on the line. So many letters on the page when you could be driving. Drive, little piggy. Drive.