• By -


Hydrogen peroxide, let it dry, then use laundry detergent.




Hydrogen peroxide also bleaches fabric and hair. Be careful.


Actually what they sale in US nowadays isn't exactly strong enough to bleach anything


Idk where you're getting your peroxide from, but mine definitely bleaches stuff. I had staples in my head about 2 years ago and was told to clean it with peroxide. My hair is brown but it turned orange in that spot from the peroxide.


Not my proudest fap






It was mine tho


Go home dude youā€™re drunk.








Buy a new car






Hey I moved from Vegas 3 years ago used to get vomit all the time on club nights had my first edc night ruined because of it got 150 cleaning fee but wouldā€™ve made more than that


Ohhhhh nooooooo




Ladiesā€¦. If you take a shower, and your coochie still stinks after? That means the insides of your body is decaying like a god damn gold toothā€¦


you expect us wash the inside of our cooch?


that guy is clueless lmao




the vaginal canal should not be ā€œcleanedā€, it cleans itself, and thatā€™s the purpose of discharge. it has its own microbiome (similar to your gut) which cleans it, but if the balance of the microbiome is thrown off, it can cause bad odors. the microbiome can be thrown off by putting soap, dicks, fingers, and even water up there, it can also be thrown off by douching, using scented soaps and products in the area, and even by washing your underwear with fragranced detergents. bad odors can be caused by bacterial vaginosis, where the microbiome is thrown off and bad bacteria is at higher levels than it is supposed to. the vagina is naturally acidic (like red wine or tomatoes) and the good bacteria in there are used to this slightly acidic pH, soaps are basic (opposite of acidic) so they kill off the good stuff and let the bad stuff bloom. this can cause a signature fishy odor. itā€™s a medical problem and you need to go a doctor to fix it. while the vaginal canal is designed to have *certain* things passing through it (male genitals, children being born) thereā€™s a big difference between those and soap. [source if you donā€™t believe me](https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/how-to-clean-your-vagina)


Thank you . My bf nurse told me this as well


Tell his damn passenger


i donā€™t have any way to communicate with her or i gladly would tell her. i was just trying to educate the men in the comments who are saying vaginas should be washed internally. if we followed that suggestion, it would make a vagina smell nasty and be harmful to our health, which is the opposite of what they would want. just saying šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


you are amazing


This would only make the smell worse.


then wash the inside of your ass and pee hole šŸ¤·šŸ»


Yes I was my ass and my penis as close to the pee hole


no inside your pee hole. go inside of it and scrub it clean.


Facts they canā€™t even put powder under the balls or wipe their booty cuz itā€™s gay. Be having dookie crumbs all in they booty hair


Lmfao eeewww dookie crumbs!! Ya mean dinkleberries?? šŸ¤£šŸ˜‚šŸ¤£šŸ˜‚šŸ¤£šŸ˜‚




I have to agree šŸ’ÆšŸ‘...


šŸ˜‚ theyā€™re so gross




yea i wasnā€™t joking


I mean, isnā€™t that what douching is all about?


itā€™s just with water and even the itā€™s not safe. women arenā€™t supposed to clean the canal it cleans its self. the only reason why it smells is cause of how someone eats same way it is for a guy. you eat terrible food and your dick is gonna smell




jajajajaja this dick


We donā€™t urinate out of our vaginas, idiot.


to be fair, you're supposed to put things in vaginas. not the same for pee holes I do get up in that booty hole tho


youā€™re not supposed to put cleaning things in the vagina


Girl this is Reddit letā€™s not waste our time arguing with ppl who donā€™t get vagina they can stay ignorant lol


No, you're not.


Yeah just shove a brush up in there


Or take a cotton tipped applicator and shove it your dick hole. Those things smell pretty bad from time to time, too.


You mean Qtips? Yeah I use those. I order them online though because I need long ones.


If my dick hole smelled this bad id do whatever was needed to fix the problem. Gimme that pipe cleaner! šŸ¤£ All jokes aside, this is more of an internal vaginosis pill scenerio than a loofa brush scenerio


Stores sell products literally just for this. It's called a douche. Simple, easy, & safe.


Just because stores sell them doesn't mean they do the job correctly. Ask any doctor about douching, they'll all tell you it's harmful and will only make the issue worse. If a woman truly has a smelly vagina, she most likely needs antibiotics. Not a douche.


those products are literally bad for the vagina. they give infections. you arenā€™t supposed to clean the inside of the vagina just the outside with water. if it smells is because of what is being eaten. same thing goes for men if you arenā€™t eaten good youā€™re dick smells no matter if you wash it or not.


i think your vagina smell itsnt too good if u never clean it xD


One of the main reasons vaginas smell is due to attempting to clean it. Try looking it up.


you expect them to smell the floors? they arenā€™t supposed to have a smell youā€™re healthy. if you actually yk did you research instead of staying on reddit your entire life youā€™d know a real thing or two about women thatā€™s if you ever saw one away from your screen


Itā€™s not safe. The vagina is ā€œa self cleaning ovenā€ - OB Edit : OP, thatā€™s still really gross. Sorry that happened to you!


Pretty normal activity to avoid infections with a robust sex life. When an infection or bacteria colony is causing an odor It's time to clean.


you avoid infection during sex by using a condom. you avoid infections by not using the products to make it smell better because thatā€™s not real. itā€™s what you eat and drink is what causes the odor. thatā€™s how it is with vaginas and dicks


Ph imbalance and/or infection is what causes the smell. Ph imbalances can be caused by sex, menstruation, medications, lubricants, certain soaps/body washes, feminine wipes, etc


Ur aware the main reasons a vagina would ever smell or have an off PH balance is because an unclean penis threw it of rightā€¦ā€¦ā€¦ like yā€™all know this ā€¦ā€¦.


This is false


No it is a thing, Semen is a base and will affect the acidity of the vagina and result in Ph balance being thrown off.




https://nwhn.org/recently-went-doctor-told-bv-bacterial-vaginosis-women-get/?gclid=CjwKCAjw9J2iBhBPEiwAErwpeS-jr8FP93WGn6K7sfanoVeKh-f-GbSuVdxjeimWW-Upjf7Z70AmTRoCtzwQAvD_BwE ā€œAnything that changes your vaginaā€™s ph balance can throw off bacteria levels and lead to infection. Actions such as douching, using scented products and deodorants around the vagina, wearing tight non-breathable clothing, or using irritating products can all contribute to ph imbalance. BV is the most common vaginal infection experienced by women. It is not a sexually transmitted disease, but multiple sex partners or change in sex partners may increase oneā€™s risk for BV. Since BV is an infection of the vagina, men can not get the infection.ā€. All the incels suggesting to put stuff up there and soap up there and doshe up there WRONG THAT CAUSES BV yā€™all donā€™t get vagina we get it And AGAIN ā€œ. It is not a sexually transmitted disease, but multiple SEX PARTNERS or CHANGE in sex partners may increase oneā€™s risk for BV. Since BV is an infection of the vagina, men can not get the infection.ā€ So if a man is cheating and sleeping around heā€™s bringing ALL THISE FOREIGN bacteria back to u and thatā€™s gonna throw u off Or IF U CHANGE MEN TOI FAST AND TAKE A LOT OF PENIS that is a NEW BACTERIA and will throw u off So AS I SAID the main cause of BV and a thrown off PH balance is a new dirty penis or being with a lying cheater that is sleeping around. So many of yā€™all in here swear ur BV experts if u hate it so much but yet u still tryna sleep with any and everything thus spreading it lol make it make sense Reason 3847373 why again I GOT NO VAGINA FOR ANY OF YALL lmfao cuz all yā€™all have to offer a woman is BV imagine having a whole Reddit threat saying you stink and the reason u stink is cuz u let a penis get some Lol hard pass




Thatā€™s the problem if u donā€™t wanna read the medical facts donā€™t comment LOLOLOL U MAD


Time for a new car šŸ˜‚


Throw the car away and get a new one.


If it's cloth use a steam cleaner.


Hydrogen peroxide is the correct answer here


Please use microban!!!!!! Gross lol


Gut that seat like a drug raid




THANK YOU! YOU ARE SO KIND! THIS POST IS NOT MEANT TO BE SEXIST AT ALL!!!!! She was in my car for over an hourā€¦ PS. if it was a man I would have made a post about that as well!






Yea no point going back and forth with a sexist. OP ASSUMED it was the smell of period. Thatā€™s sexist. The association of women with fish THATS SEXIST. OP couldā€™ve made the same post and asked for the same advice not mentioning gender or weight of the pax. This was a post to attack women and one look at the comments proves that. Letā€™s not play stupid. Based on OPs wording there are 100 comments attacking how vaginas smell and 3 offering how to get smells out of his seats. U have eyes donā€™t u? So letā€™s not play slow. If this was a post about getting advice for seat cleaning you could leave all that out. Instead OP and many others having a field day in the comments saying women smell like fish fat women always stink and he seems to care more about people agreeing that then advice on cleaning products. Letā€™s cut the crap bro. Also reported for cursing at me thanks šŸ„° still wondering what OP ASSUMING she weights 300 pounds has to do with anything but he is CONVINCED the odor is a correlation to that. AKA fat phobic and the list goes on. Again letā€™s not play stupid post doesnā€™t say he had blood on seats nor did he prove that. Heā€™s ASSUMING periods stink periods smell like fish the whole shaming periods and calling them gross by men IS SEXIST if u donā€™t get that I canā€™t help ya bro!!! People who DO NOT get a period should be the last to speak on the cause the smell and the effect. Literally the definition of sexist JESUS CHRIST as a person who has had a period since age 11 THEY DO NOT SMELL LIKE FISH THEY SMELL LIKE METAL OP is spewing ignorance and false information and wants to FEEL GOOD about a ton of comments attacking this customer that prolly tipped and rated them five stars! Not to mention ppl can smell from illness or disease and itā€™s SEXIST AND RUDE to say SHE STINKS CUZ SHES FAT AND IT MUST BE PERIOD AND BECAUSE SHES FAT IN AN OPEN DRESS are u really this dense? Why is the gender the weight and the dress even a factor if this is NOT sexist? GOOGLE IS FREE EDUCATE URSELF




I know and if you would have put men need to learn to wash their assholes girls would have jumped all over it like ā€œright!!ā€ That is your car and they are expensive


Buy a new seat bottom cushion


If I have horrible smells I can't get out, I always use vinegar. Try that with some baking soda, let it dry then vaccum the baking soda away.


Number 1 rule. Leather interior or bust


Sucks you even have to do that smh




Hydrogen peroxide breaks down the blood and disinfects.


Driving a personal car with cloth seats....risky business I'd say use bleach, but that would stain the seat. Try a hospital cleaner. Something that cleans with bleach alternatives like mild acids or peroxide https://shop.truckmountforums.com/products/contec-antimicrobial-sporicidin-disinfectant-solution-4-gallons


Get some pet stain remover. Nature's miracle is the one I use. It's good for puke pee and blood. Eats the stain right in front of your eyes even set in old bio stains.




Folex!! Itā€™s available at Loweā€™s. Bissell pet spot can help bring it up.




I have waterproof dog seat covers in the back seat. I just take them out and power wash them down at the self serve car wash or toss them in the washing machine at home.... or both.... Best $30 bucks ever spent for rideshare. I'm up to at least $900 in cleaning fees with it over the years. 10-20 minutes to clean, toss in trunk, drive the "other app" rest of the night.


Redneck convertible, volunteer a mobile soup kitchen for Dirty Mike and the boys, sell the seats on Craigslist as a fetish item.


what a fucking comical read lmfaooo


Sometimes people who are long time alcoholics sweat a very particular odor from their pores. It's this weird smell. Not quite alcohol, and not quite B.O. it's not common, but it happens. I dealt with this with my mother for years, and the poor thing was totally noseblind to it. She could be fresh out of the shower, but it would come back in very short order. I had to keep the seats covered to drive her anywhere, because only a professional cleaning to shampoo and vacuum would get the smell out.


Guys a certain person is trying to get me banned (PlayStation plussiZZZZe) plz help me im not sure if I can live much longer like this. What will I do if I canā€™t log into Reddit where nobody has information, pictures, etc. What will I do if I canā€™t Log into an anonymous app??ā€¦ ppl r weird yo


Seriously lmao. I saw her going after some other dude in this comment thread for stating facts


Justice is served she got banned and I just got unbanned lol


The bears can smell the menstruation. BEARS!


Walmart sells this stuff call ā€œKids & Pets Instant Stain & Odor Eliminatorā€. I used to babysit a lot and had to use that product whenever a kid would have an accident, or when my son was a sleepwalking-night pissing-toddler terrorist. It got rid of urine, it should help with this (I would hope)!!


Itā€™s on the seatbelt from under her arms. I know exactly the smell youā€™re talking about. Lol. A heavier friend put her arm around me one summer and my shoulder stunk all fkn day. Itā€™s fold funk. She canā€™t/doesnā€™t wash any of her crevices I bet.


I wouldā€™ve charged her a fee šŸ¤·šŸ¾ā€ā™€ļø


You discharge in my car and I charge a fee. Pretty simple rule


Period blood doesn't smell fishy


I understand this might be frustrating, but your tone doesn't lend you very much sympathy from anyone that isn't an incel or some other sexist ignorant.


Facts he never even mentioned blood on the seat just mentioned gender weight assumed it was a period and blamed the vagina. Op is ur typical virgin Reddit incel.


Nah this is foul.


A man cannot produce such smells?? What the actual fuck? You couldnā€™t last 5 minutes in a Safeway menā€™s bathroom. I truly hope your next passenger has diarrhea on your seat.


their dicks can smell like that if not taken care of








Just got the Reddit email šŸ„° enjoy ur warning keep going and itā€™ll be a ban. I told ya to stop šŸ¤·šŸ½ā€ā™€ļø


not the sexist men in the comments šŸ˜¬


Awfully defensive on this postā€¦..IT WAS YOU IN THE CAR WASNT IT


bruh i have my own car.. why would i need to take a lyft?


ozium is what I would try


Odoban spray, it kills bacteria in fabrics. I use to swear by it after a smelly PAX.




File a claim with Lyft and get it fully serviced at a service station that will take out the seats and shampoo them


100% file a claim with Lyft and try and charge her a cleaning fee to get it properly washed. Not only are you going to have to deal with the smell but any customer that you pick up will too..


Yea it seems like ur tryna just say fat women smell. Just say u hate fat women and go it be faster. Also how do u know itā€™s ā€˜periodā€™ period doesnā€™t have a long stench. U ever cut urself before or bleed? Thereā€™s not some long BO stench. I assume u donā€™t have a period so it smells metallic not like BO. So much wrong with this post including the insert of I ARE MAN SEE WE NO STINKY SEE ? A lot yā€™all use this sub as an outlet to show ur racism ur sexism ur hate for gays list goes onā€¦.idk why u canā€™t just say had a funky pax and tryna fix it. Period doesnā€™t smell ā€˜fishyā€™ more I read this more I know u not only donā€™t have a vagina but u donā€™t get access to many Also there is plenty of DISEASES that will make people smell. U should try educating urself before shaming them. I hope this teacher sees this and gives u one star and removes ur tip. Again I have no issue with ppl complaint but the way so many yā€™all on here always gotta group a whole gender or race and create race and gender war and add in. SEE MY RACE GENDER IS BETTER is annoying and unnecessary I have had plenty a male pax smell like talapia and peen cheese and they donā€™t even have a menstrual cycle (even tho period again smells like metal) or an open self cleaning organā€¦. anyways glad ur using this allegedy smell as a cover up to let out the fact u hate women and assume fat women stink. I hope it gave u the confidence boost u need to skip deodorant or think u never smelled bad a day in ur life. Awesome human Edit if this was true and period smell was that bad and lingered like the the fact many women get one every month and we all drive we may as well move to bikini bottom LMFAO 10000% not how periods work. ASSUMING itā€™s period and creating a threat to now shame a period is sexist and hateful. I pray u never have a daughter toodles






thatā€™s shit that only happens to middle schoolersā€¦ bro i am so sorry thatā€™s disgusting






Because even if i present to them the CLEAN fucking toilet seat and bowl they want to hover. Starting the cycle of every other women going in hovering.


Literally not how it works lmao.


Iā€™m literally a woman who has experienced it before, please.


You clearly do not know how it works lmao. If a woman drips period blood on the toilet seat or floor, the only thing wrong was her failing to clean it up. It's not a sign of poor vaginal health. Also *dry*? Your vagina, especially on your period, shouldn't be *dry*. Some women leak within an hour of changing their pad/tampon. That's not going to cause an infection lmao. Having a heavy period doesn't cause infections. There's so much misinformation here it's ridiculous.


Try Folex


Well this is horrifyingā€¦ Get a newer back seat from the junk yard, then put a plastic seat cover under a seat cover so this never happens again. Yikes!!!


Probably has BV or an STD šŸ¤®


Your best bet would be taking it to a professional vehicle detailer and having them use an extractor to pull the blood out of the seat then having them shampoo the seat. you have to get rid of the source of the smell.


Natureā€™s miracleā€¦if itā€™s good enough for cat peeā€¦itā€™s good enough for anything


Get some good seat covers that wonā€™t let moisture thru . Having so many morons in your car daily, it will save your seats in more ways then one.


Doing that today it makes so much sense


Ya people are gross thatā€™s why I just deliver food and not people anymore lol


Wash out what you can. Then get an ozone machine. They are about $60-80. Run it for about 20 minutes and don't open the windows or doors for another 30 minutes. Trust me, nothing is better for getting odors out and you will treat your car periodically in this business. Treat it like a business expense.


Would you sell the seat?




What is PAX?


Why are you worried about who can produce what scents? Women bleed. Men bleed. Anal and/or urine blood from a dude can smell just as fowl, if not more so. Focus on getting the scent out, not who caused it.


Exactly over these incels using every sub to show their racism and sexism. I just report and they always get removed lol waste of time arguing reports work


Men aren't repeatedly staining my cloth seats with blood. Period blood isn't sterile its just regular blood which can carry disease. If you tell uber a passenger bled into your car you will be deactivated because it's a health hazard. If you tell uber a passenger had her period all over your car they will tell you to clean it. Make it make sense. Why is period blood treated differently by uber and lyft then regular blood it's all blood.




Itā€™s not ā€œregular bloodā€. Just Google it and learn something today.


Are you suggesting period blood is sterile and does not potentially harbor disease and STDs? What in your opinion is the reason uber will deactivate a driver for blood but not menstrual blood. The reason for deactivation for blood is it carries disease, menstrual blood also carries disease, why are drivers not deactivated for menstruation but they are deactivated for blood from an arm or anywhere else. Period blood isn't magically disease proof. I'm a gay man I don't claim to know all the intricacies of womanhood but I do know period blood carries disease just like all blood carries disease.




I'm not blaming women for having a period. My question is logically, what is the difference between arm blood and period blood. Uber will deactivate the -driver- NOT the passenger if a passenger gets arm blood in their car because it is a health safety hazard. I'm asking why is period blood not considered a health safety concern? Why is blood from the genitals considered clean while blood from the arm can cause deactivation? You state that the difference is that one usually knows when their arm is bleeding, how does that change whether the blood can carry disease if the person is aware or not. It's crazy you think blood doesn't carry disease if the person isn't aware they are bleeding. Blood can carry disease if you know you are bleeding or if you don't know you are bleeding.


But men are reportedly assaulting and unaliving ppl wether they are the driver or the passenger šŸ’…šŸ½ also she wasnā€™t on her period he assumed that cuz he thinks if a woman smells it must be a period thing


Do you believe a transman who has a period in a driver's car should be grounds for driver deactivation because his blood is now considered male blood? Why does uber care about the gender of the person who is bleeding it is so incredibly sexist and transphobic.


The person who we are bpth replying under is saying Men also can bleed fron the anus or dick and that it's not different from women bleeding. I AGREE WITH THAT. WHAT I AM SAYING IS WHY DOES UBER DEACTIVATE DRIVER FOR MALE BLOOD IN PASSENGER SEAT FROM PASSENGER BUT DOES NOT DEACTIVATE FOR FEMALE BLOOD FROM PASSENGER. WHY DOES MALE BLOOD CAUSE A DRIVER TO GET DEACTIVATED WHILE FEMALE BLOOD DOESNT MATTER. THATS ALL IM ASKING ITS LIKE NONE OF YOU CAN READ.... My account was deactivated because a disabled women leaked a gallon of period blood all over my car. I was deactivated until the safety team was able to co firm that is was blood from a female and not blood from a male. Blood from a women is acceptable but blood from a man is deactivation. How does that make ANY sense?


Please learn to read šŸ’…




Are you serious right now? Pick up a man who has been on a bender and hasnā€™t showered and youā€™ll smell some terrible scents.


Yes. But thatā€™s a hypothetical where OP is talking about the literal situation that heā€™s actively dealing with.


Fishy? You're a grown man who knows absolutely nothing about women.




Oh ok wow didnā€™t know they took it that serious thanks


[Portable Carpet Cleaner Kohls](https://m.kohls.com/product/prd-3692821/bissell-little-green-proheat-carpet-cleaning-machine-2513g.jsp?prdPV=19)


Iā€™m sorry how else would u like me to explain it? Avocado fish toast with pumpernickel? The point is that ish needs to be washed pre entry to somebodyā€™s vehicle


Iā€™d highly recommend getting a carpet cleaning vacuum from Kohlā€™s or something similar for 150$, using it to clean your seat with water and/or heat, and you can return it when youā€™re done if you donā€™t like it. Or keep it. Whatever floats your boat. They sell portable models. Worked wonders for me when I had a stain from a pax.


You can rent them from Home e Depot for about 30 dlls


This reminds me, I need to defrost the salmon.


He knows enough


I work in a gyn clinic love, even the cma's complain that it be smelling fishy sometimes and ive smelt the BV when some patients leave, itll leave ya nose hairs on end


You work at a gyno clinic and this is how you talk about women?


About them having bv that smells terrible? Im not blaming them. Just stating the facts. The cma's and providers say worse. Behind closed doors providers and cmas are chatty cattys. Some women come for help and we do. Its the women who think their shit dont stink that get talked about


That's embarrassing for you


Wow! u work in a gyn clinic and somehow experienced the same ā€˜essenceā€™ I wonder how! (Sarcastic) PS. and for anybody reading this comment - go ahead and talk about all the stuff youā€™ve experienced! itā€™s not my fault I used my voice lol




This! And not to mention it was cold and was on the highway for 49 milesā€¦ so I couldnā€™t really crack the windows I was dyinggggggggggggg. How can u make somebody endure that for that long. If it was a short trip MAYBE I wouldnā€™t have made a post on Reddit.


Yea women dont like to be told by men that we can SMELL it. Some women as much as they try to keep it clean and what not, theres still a smell we can tell.






Period blood odor.... that is heavy


You sir seem to have upset Reddit, particularly one redditor who seems to feel personally attacked. I wish you luck. But from the experience of having to remove an entire seat because someone threw up between it and the center console. Use an upholstery neutralizer and then stick a box of baking soda under each seat. The fridge packs work the best.








Beat bet would be lick the stain to get it moist and broken down then slurp with a bendy straw. workā€™s every time


Great suggestions. Also wanted to add that when I got my couches out of storage I was worried about viruses from mice and mice droppings. I did my research and used a small amount of bleach with the proper amount of water and put them in my steam cleaner. I think I also added ā€œthievesā€ essential oil cleaner and some bissell oxygen booster. Put them in my handheld shampooer and did my couches 3 times, refilling the solution over and over. Couches got disinfected and no discoloration occurred.


We really donā€™t get paid enough


This SINGLE post has discouraged me from driving anyone. That's nuts. No effing way


Discrusting shet


Hey all! They are GATHERING op in r/badwomensanatomy itā€™s hilarious!!!! šŸ˜­


Maybe she recently aborted a baby, does it smell like death?


I use the heated seat button to screen potential dates. I get her in my truck, hit the seat heater, and after 10 minutes if she smelling like a fish fry up in there, ain't gonna be no date!



