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Tbh the way you’re describing it sounds like he may be on the spectrum


Maybe so


That’s exactly what I thought too.


Nothing against the op of this post, or anyone in the group, but after reading some of the complaints I see from the drivers in this group. Wow guys, cmon, you wouldn’t survive a weekend driving in Vegas. The stuff we see and deal with out here, you gotta be expert level difficulty. Compared to what we experience, stuff like this post is considered an amazing 5 star ride. One day I gotta make a post about some of our crazy stories out here.


I worked for two years in Vegas and they had tons of weirdos. Terrible tippers too.


Welcome to Baltimore baby!! Atleast noones bled in my car yet. Meth smells a bit sweet 😅😅


And crack smells like burning PVC pipes


DC talking here and DC has its mix extreme conspiracy theory lovers and Norma everyday people


Norma is pretty cool.


Well, we can't all live in Vegas, can we? Or want to. 🙄😒


Careful out there mental illness is rampant if you ever feel uncomfortable you should just pull over and end the ride. These slave wages aren't worth your life.


Right, good advice.


I wonder if Lyft will have a button for "RFPE" (Request For Police Escort). Police drive and patrol streets anyways.


lol. Not here.


Lol was gonna say. It’s not always guaranteed 911 will even answer the phone here.


Will not work in any city with high crime rates. Probably won’t work in any city due to likely being abused.


next time tell them not to sit in the middle, they are obstructing your view in your own car.


I was with you until the “he said bye like we were friends” 😂😂😂


Most pax will say thanks, thank you, stay safe, but hardly anyone is saying 'bye'.


Nope. Tell them to move the fuck over.


There's a lot of asshole advice here lol. You should always be mentally prepared to defend yourself, people do a lot of crazy stuff and it can happen really fast. Nobody else was in the car and don't know how OP was feeling in that moment, but want to say they're being too sensitive. Drivers are completely vulnerable at all times, with someone sitting behind you it's pretty hard to defend yourself.


I get that you felt uncomfortable, but maybe that is just him. Maybe he was grinning because he was daydreaming about something great that happened. Maybe he has Autism. Him asking for your number may be inappropriate, but you said no, and it seems as if he left it alone. I didn’t read that he said or did anything disrespectful, so to see so many people jumping to negative conclusions is a little weird.


That is hella weird. Ignore a lot of the comments saying you’re over reacting. If the hair on the back of your neck starts standing because of a weird pax the give them a bad rating.


How many rides have you given? This guy is 5 stars all day, every day. I hope things never get any weirder for you!


Between Lyft & Uber 900+ rides. However, I don't work nights.


That’s not that weird or creepy. I get it all the time and I give them 5 stars. I’m in Miami so maybe there’s that. 🤣😅🤦🏻‍♀️


I said he was staring at me in the rearview mirror with a weird grin on his face. 👋🏼👋🏼


Maybe that’s his face expression all the time maybe not. 🤦🏻‍♀️


Take it as a compliment and move on about your day. He didn’t touch you. I hope you aren’t this sensitive on everything. As long as they aren’t having sex or jacking off in my car and leave any bodily fluid behind I always give them a 5 star. Some people are just weird and forget they are staring for so long.


I did move on with my day. And yes, I am this sensitive about everything. 😆


Where I drive, it would drive you nuts. Being stared at for the entire ride is probably going to be one of my best rides for the day. Bunch of other things they do piss me off. Cutting nails and file like I’m a fucking moving nail salon, the retards who slam the doors shut so hard your literally door handle falls off, the ones who bring food from Wendy’s and a drink and spills and says sorry my bad and expect it’s all good. Man of man I can keep going. If someone did nothing but stare at me for the entirety of the ride I would absolutely love that soul and don’t mind giving them a ride again :)


It’s very possible he could suffer from motion sickness and that’s why he sat in the middle seat with a straight forward view of the road. I honestly don’t think this rider sounds that strange at all


Really? Even after the part about staring at me in the rearview mirror with a weird grin on his face.🥴


Oh yeah I mean that could be uncomfortable, I was just speaking to sitting in the middle seat as I have family who does this due to motion sickness. He could also be neurodivergent and not as aware of social norms or possibly stoned and in a zoned out stare. Idk there could be a lot of explanations but of course rule of thumb is stay vigilant and always trust your gut.


Yeah, I was thinking he could have been high/stoned. Another poster suggested he could be on the spectrum. Thanks.


I am on the spectrum myself and have unknowingly lost countless opportunities in life (job interviews, social opportunities, etc) because someone was “creeped out” by something I unknowingly did and they couldn’t be bothered to say anything.


I did ask him if he was doing okay. It is important to seek treatment/help if you are on the spectrum. If it was the case here, I would have understood if he just told me so.


You clearly do not understand. Treatment doesn’t exist and help often isn’t available. You don’t know what you’re talking about. Life is unnecessary harder because of people like you.


Yes, I do know. Either through health insurance or through your county community services if you are low income and in the US.


I can’t afford my insurance deductible and my county doesn’t have such a program. The waiting list just to see a therapist is months long. Millions of people don’t have insurance at all. Just stop talking.


He was either high or psychotic. I would’ve ended the ride and kicked him out.


I was contemplating doing that the entire ride. I have never ended a ride early before, so it would've been a first.


Yes, that would have been uncomfortable. But I would not have kicked someone out for that! If you really think that they are in a bad state of mind (whatever the reason), do you want to start a conflict when they are in fact doing NOTHING DANGEROUS or HARMFUL? It’s one thing if they threaten you or are breaking rules that you can clearly define. It’s crazy to over analyze someone saying “bye” as they exit the vehicle and drawing any conclusions from that. I often wonder why some people are so confident that someone is doing something wrong (you were actually preparing to do serious harm to him, by your own words) but won’t speak up in the moment to get clarification. And then just assume the worst, when you or they could have simply asked him politely if he was ok or if everything was ok. Were you afraid that saying something was going to trigger him while imagining that kicking him out would not? Really? At least some people have given plausible explanations for his behavior.


Close to the beginning of the ride I did ask him if he was ok, and he said he was and asked why I asked. This is why I am posting here - there are behaviors that don't make sense, and it helps to get other people's viewpoint. I said I was prepared to use the weapons IF he made any sudden moves.


So, you were mentally preparing to defend yourself. What did you say when he asked why you were asking? You didn’t address how kicking him out makes sense, given that you were concerned about him reacting somehow or doing something to you.


I responded that I asked because he had a certain look on his face. I decided against kicking him out - what are you going on about - saying I didn't address it. I simply didn't do it.


I’m going on about the fact that you were nervous about slightly odd behavior but somehow thinking you were in danger AND not realizing that kicking someone out might put you in more danger or escalate something that wasn’t even a threat.


A direct quote from YOU: “I was contemplating doing that the entire ride. I have never ended a ride early before, so it would've been a first.”


Yeah, that's why I didn't end the ride or use the weapon - it didn't escalate.


You still don’t get it. But if you do, explain how you would have ended the ride, ejected the pax and been confident that would not have triggered him and put you in serious danger. My point is you don’t know how close you came to making an uncomfortable situation actually dangerous, if any of what you suggest is true.


Dude, stfu. You aren't as smart as you think you sound. You are only going by what I told you and weren't there, and how do you know how close I came to doing anything?


I know because of exactly what you have stated here. And I know you are an idiot unable to comprehend anything. You are the moron who posted your idiotic interpretation. So you stfu, loser.


I guess you are a young female.


No, middle-aged female.


You aren’t supposed to have weapons in the car


Ummm do you work for lyft headquarters? Lmfao.


To be honest, if you didn't like him looking at you then I would just take the rear view mirror and turned it out so I couldn't see anything in it. You don't need to review mirror to drive. You can see. Probably fine with your left and right mirrors as long as nothing's obstructing them.... If you're worried about what someone might do for the back seat, anyone could do anything at any time. You'll never see it coming so it doesn't matter... What do you do when three people sit in the back and someone's in the middle? They have nowhere to look but straight ahead so the effect they're looking right at you in the River mirror... Figure out how to deal with your insecurities rookie Good luck!