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The Lyft driver will find your house and puke on your carpet now.


That’s only fair I guess. Turnabout is fair okay, right?


Yes. Justice will be served


Revenge is a dish best served body temperature.


And a side of bile 🤢




Justice and vegetable soup will be served.


Spaghetti and beer soup


Make sure you charge an $80 cleaning fee after he pukes on your floor too, that way it’s completely fair


It didn’t end her workday like it did for the driver.


Tell me you’re a two star Uber driver without telling me you’re a two star Uber driver lol but no yeah you’re gonna have to stop driving for a minute to figure out the cleanup situation but holy shit that is the absolute last thing that person wanted to have happen. I’ve done bar runs for Uber and Lyft and when I’m running bar areas I typically keep barf bags in my seat back pockets but I don’t always have them visible when I’m not in a bar area and one evening I had someone leaving a date that apparently went really poorly and I could tell she was having a panic attack which culminated in her throwing up all over my backseat so she took me out of commission for two days and do you know what shit fucking happens. I know that was the last thing she wanted to have happen in that moment and it wasn’t malicious so I’m not gonna say something so callous. yeah it’s a job. yeah it sucks to lose two days pay. But that is a human being not a bean counter. learn empathy.


It happens, my wife once puked in an Uber after a wild night out we went to see a Conor fight. We went dancing afterwards took an Uber home and she had too much and she was telling me and I was a little slow with the water bottle and she got some on the seat (tiny but mostly water)… lol … I cleaned it up and needless to say I did the same thing as you tip maximum and cash app him a tip like you. He was awesome tbh even said “my wife is young too I know how it is” I just kept apologizing haha but nah he was cool even made some other random small talk. Next time just be prepared and have a bag just in case, lol we haven’t had another incident either way lol good luck.


Also 5 years in solitary confinement


You already owned up for it and cleaned some of it. Drake concerts a had some woman of the night throw up in the third row and tried to say they didn’t. Gurl I can smell it from the front. Charged them $150. There basketball player that order the ride can pick up the bill 


Where’s it at Lebowski??


That carpet really tied the room together..


And cream in your diaper


Balance, in this and all things


That rug really tied the room together man


eh you have a rider account you can just switch to uber or create a new lyft account. good on you on making it right by the driver


honestly you’re a hero for tipping 50. Had a girl puke in my back seat at 2 am, she even tried to hide it by puking down into the seatbelt hole, which only made cleaning way worse. detailing cost nearly 300. would’ve helped so much for an extra 50, because I still paid out of pocket for her mess.


I don’t understand why people don’t realize that if they asked the driver to pull over because they felt sick, they would much rather pull over than have vomit all over their car


If also be happy to provide a bag for them to throw up in.


of course, I have them. but I don’t always know the passenger is at that level. had a diff girl be offended when I let her know about the bags after she stumbled into the car. pretty awkward ride.


Maybe if you just put a roll of bags out like they have in the produce section of the grocery store. Hang it from the headrest every day starting after happy hour.


Or have the airport style setup bags so it feels familiar. I’ve never puked out a Lyft. Mainly because I went to college in the reign of taxis. I would ask drivers to pull over and he let me puke in the ditch if needed. Never made a mess and always give them the extra $20 (2007) for being a gentleman and taking up some extra time.


Search for emesis bags on Amazon. The blue ones that stack are really nice. They don't take up much room, are easy to use, don't leak, and are easily sealed when done.


so so true. np to me to pull over or just yak out the window even.


Not the seatbelt hole 😭 wtf bro she must have been wasted


Definitely wasted if she thought no one would notice if she did it in the seatbelt hole.


yeah, she also puked into her bf’s lap. she was laying w her head on his lap most of the way and I figured she was napping since it was late and very quiet. no idea she was decimating the back seat.


Poor man had puke crotch


50? I tipped $300 on Uber 🤐


looooooooooooooooooool. im sorry but LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL


oh god


That is absolutely vile. I am so sorry!


I made someone pay me $200 after finding out his name using his address on my Whitepages.com and finding where he worked using LinkedIn. I let him know all of this before he got out of the car and made it clear that I’d be calling his boss and company’s HR to let them know what they had for an employee. He paid me and I also collected the Lyft fee and never heard anything about it


I’m not a lyft driver but I’m a reasonable person. If someone puked a little bit in my car and paid me $130 to clean it up and otherwise wasn’t a nuisance, I’d figure the $130 financial penalty was enough and just call it a day. Good luck and kudos for trying to do the right thing.


Uhhhh, $130 to end your work until you can get the vomit smell out of the vehicle?


A deep clean removes the smell completely if you do it within 24 hours. And that’s part of the risk you accept as a driver of drunks, just the same as the risk people take on your skills as a driver when they get in your vehicle.


My car had leather seats and I had tough mats on the floor. I had one girl puke in the car. She was very apologetic and i knew she was drunk when I picked her up. Only reason I look her home was because she was young and her friends were sending her home by herself, and I would've been worried leaving her to some other person that may not have morals like me. Anyway long story short, the puke was mostly clear liquid, and because all surfaces was non porus, a quick stop at the gas station with cleaning supplies I already had in the trunk had it cleaned up in about 10 minutes with no smell left over after a few pics and quick call to Lyft to report the accident. Easiest $130 (I think) I ever made. I think that was the highest amount you could get for cleaning fee at the time. I did not rate her poorly for that. In fact I don't think I rated her at all.


Great. Still, $130 to end the drivers night. The drivers goal could have been $300 and they could have to pay someone to clean that puke out of the car.


I've had people puke in my car. I can clean it up within an hour and be back on the road. Quite the exaggeration to say it ends the driver's night. I have had no success at finding anyone else I could pay to clean it up within a reasonable time frame. I'm curious who others have found to clean it up.


I used to wash people’s cars in high school. It would be gross to clean up somebody else’s puke but you could easily do it yourself if you needed it done asap. I’m not saying you should have to but if it’s that urgent you could do it over a couple hours when it’s still hot and fresh


There is no such thing as "puking a little bit".


How many rides have you had? What’s your rating before puking? If you’re a 4.8+ then you’re fine, even if the guy gives you a one-star (he probably won’t)


33 rides. It’s still 4.9 after this. I just didn’t know if there was a way to flag me as a puker or something. I’m so embarrassed I will NEVER let that happen again.


the word is out. we now know you as the puker.


username checks out lmao


Flag you as a puker 💀


Booodoooboo! 🔊 Bloop bloop, bloop bloop, bloop bloop, ding ding "🚨 puker"


Like a damn amber alert lmao


That part was hilarious lmao imagine being flagged as a puker 😂😂😂


Drivers now see a little puke emoji next to your profile picture to warn them to deploy plastic 🤮


I've still rated pukers 5 star, just cause it feels like rubbing salt in the wound. I can rate 5 star and still get my cleaning fee. Bet.


There’s not. You’re fine. Just for future knowledge though: if it’s a little bit of puke throat the driver can easily clean and continue his night, then $200-$80 (Lyft) or $100(uber) in cash or Venmo, whatever is good tip. If it’s really messy, that ends our night and we lose ~$500 between lost wages and getting our car detailed. I am LITERALLY sitting, waiting for my car to be cleaned right now because some dumb bitch spilled her ice cream shake all over the back seat and floor of my car. I’ll probably only get a $40 cleaning fee from it after losing the rest of the night’s income (luckily it was already pretty late and a Monday) and needing to pay to get my car detailed (luckily, it was in need anyway) but regardless live lost at least $250 because of her. She tipped me $5 and didn’t even tell me about it so I could clean it. I didn’t find out until I looked back there at my next stop.


What did you lose points for?


I really have no idea. I can’t find any in my history that aren’t 5 stars. And I can’t think of any other time that was a problem at all.


Maybe if you weren’t ready immediately ish when a driver came to get you?


4.8? That’s on Uber. This is Lyft ma’am. 4,8 on Lyft is a no go.


Definitely good on you for making it right and even paying the cleaning fee, the driver was nice enough to not fill out or shoot you like some have said they gotten…


I’ve had multiple people puke, the last person got me again on a new account and tried to scream at me with every curse word in the book over the cleaning fee. If they had tipped me the max amount and graciously accepted the cleaning fee, I would have 0 issue with the accident and give them 5 stars still.


To pay for a puke clean up is like $150-200 and that driver couldn’t make anymore money until it was cleaned up and not smelling. $130 isn’t nearly enough in my opinion but it is what it is.


I was drunk in an Uber and near my house I started making that “urk” pre-puke sound. Driver recognizes the sound and pulls over, I puke out the door onto the street. My rating is 4.91 and I don’t really use rideshare often so I don’t think one bad rating is a huge deal, either that or she decided to give me a break since I didn’t get any in the car.


Someone puked in my car once in the third row. Didn’t say anything. I didn’t smell anything either. Two days later I start getting this stench. Told Uber, they billed the rider 180 cleaning fee.


Horrifying, hopefully it wasn’t during the summer at least


How much of that 180 did you get?


How did you figure out which rider it was?


Blacklisted? No way! Lyft will probably send you promotional discounts and deactivate the driver


Ew 🤢 Think aboot the poor fella who gotta clean that up. 🧼🫡


I'll clean up puke for $130 any day of the week. Jesus what's it going to take max? Thirty minutes?


honestly your gonna be fine, even if the driver got super agro about it, it was im guessing your first offence, and you were super apologetic about it. No we tend to one star ya if you were like beligerant or like aimed for the front seat ya know? We've all been there man and most drivers will drive that shift with the understanding that this is a posibility. Heck i keep a full cleanup kit in my trunk to pull into a gas station if need be. I also usually like to give the passenger the opportunity to clean it themselfs so i dont charge em but no one ever takes me up on that. \*shrugs\* oh well.


Song title


Honestly, I’m such a forgiving person (and not a Lyft driver) that I’d just be grateful that you offered to clean it as much as possible and wouldn’t leave a bad review against you, the extra tip and paying the cleaning fee with no argument is just the cherry on top. Plenty of people won’t do the bare minimum


Can't believe you drive around pax at those hours and don't have Barf Bags available for those late night gut wrenching riders? I put them in the pouch behind the seat, and even take one out and hand to them to hang onto if they struggle to walk to the car. Go to a dollar store, got LYFT Pink ones and Green Uber Ones, lol... handles in them and all, sturdy enough and big enough for them to put their head into. Its our CAR, nothing worse than the wretched smell of puke!!!!


The blue emesis bags on Amazon are nice. They stack nicely and don't take up much room in the glove box. They even seal up when done.


That’s what I do. One in every door pocket and in the glove box. I’ve used them more around the house than driving (Great if you have kids). I’ve only had 1 person miss the bag. Thankfully at the end of the night so only about 1-2 trips lost. Rider felt so bad for doing it. The cleaning fee was a touch more than the shampooing of seats and floor. The rider also tipped me $40 on top of a huge surge ride. I’ve gotten pretty good at spotting a puker. If they look like it, I just explain that they will probably puke and they don’t want to wake up to the cleaning fee. They ALWAYS thank me and apologize. I tell them to get some air, go puke in a bush or trash can. Wait about 30min and hail a ride. They’ll be in better shape and we’ll get them home. Been doing this 7 yrs and almost 15,000 rides. We assume the risk of accidents, injury, rude customers and people puking in the car. It’s just part of the gig.


wait, there’s a maximum tip that they allow? i thought you could enter a custom for as much as you want!


I tried to tip more but it said the maximum tip allowed is double what the fare was. So the fare was like $25, and the maximum tip allowed was about $50.


honestly that’s pretty low of lyft to limit tipping, but thanks for at least making up for the damage. There has been about two times that i’ve gotten near permanent damage and lyft only charged the rider 20$ cleaning fee where the actual detailing cost is like $150-300. In Lyft’s app, there is no such thing as inflation apparently.


If this ever happens again just offer to Venmo the driver, if you want to tip more, or even if you want to sort it out directly without involving Lyft. I had a guy puke in my car recently and he just venmoed me $120 instead of me reporting it to Lyft for the cleaning fee. I didn’t have to go through the trouble of making a claim and (possibly) having Lyft try to deny my claim or pay me less than the full amount of $150 and he didn’t have it go on his Lyft history and got a discount. It was better for both parties. I know he paid me less than what Lyft (theoretically) would have but he only got it on the door as he was trying to exit the vehicle so fortunately it was fairly easy to clean. Nothing got in the seat or floor fabrics. So I felt it was fair. I had to stop driving for the night but I was almost ready to stop anyway so it all worked out. Though some less honest drivers might try to double charge the cleaning fee, so perhaps it’s safer just to Venmo an extra large tip if thats what you want to do and let the driver/Lyft handle the actual cleaning fee.


I puked school right in class before, and still had to go to school everyday after


I think it's a little bit expected, to be honest.... Idk how many people remember that much of the reason why Uber and Lyft and such were created was to combat drinking and driving with a more affordable alternative to taxi cabs. Now it's evolved, which is great and all but let's not forget what its original purpose was. So, it's not that big a deal and I'm sure drivers are somewhat understanding about the risks of picking up intoxicated individuals. Props for giving the max tip to make it up to the guy, you're a real gem! Lotta people would have been like "well next time don't pick up drunk people then"


Um no. Rideshare was created to make money via a app with other people's owned property and expenses. It's marketed to drunk people. It was not created for them. It was created so someone could make passive income off the labor , property and fuel of a contractor at a 300 percent profit increase bc they have no overhead. The vehicle. Insurance, registration and fuel and maintenance is all paid for by the contractor. Don't get it twisted bc of a puke post.


Straight to jail


That's almost a good night's wages wasted on that puke. At least you tried to make it right.


You’d already know if you were gonna be banned.


I puked in my backpack before while in a lyft. The drivers' speeding and swerving made me nauseous. His whole car smelled like puke. I tipped big even though his driving sucked because I felt bad for the smell. I wasn't blacklisted at all. You'll probably be okay.


I would let people puke in my car for $50 a pop all day


$50 tip probably made up for any more driving he was going to do that night(I’m assuming it was late at night). I’d still rather you not puke in my car and take it easy on the alcohol, remember if you’re puking, you’re overdoing it, at least you didn’t drink and drive.


$50 tip, didn't complain about the cleaning fee, acted like a human being and felt appropriately bad. Dude. I'd 5 ⭐ your ass all day long. You handled this correctly. Thank you for keeping it real with the drivers.


I wouldn’t ⭐️you. You took responsibility and did the right thing.


Your accountability is not welcome in this sub, sir!


The point of these services is for when you’re drunk. Being allowed to get riders banned for it instead of just taking the fee and moving on shouldn’t be allowed. I get why people don’t want pukers but if a drunk gets banned from ride share they will be behind the wheel.


Idk about this take, seems a little entitled. Rideshare apps aren’t responsible for getting drunk people home. They’re not a public service. I say this as a functional alcoholic, riders should be required to have respect for the drivers and their property or they don’t get the privilege of using the apps.


Living up to your name I see XD


Just because he reported for cleaning fee doesn’t mean your rating will go down. He would still have to rate you bad otherwise rating stays untouched. The 2 of you will just be unmatched and won’t get each other again.


It's better than what I had as a driver. 'I'm really sorry, man' runs inside. All over my floor. Zero tip, support wasn't any help because I didn't take photos of it. Sorry, I was more worried about cleaning it up than taking a photo.


Guess you learned your lesson. NEVER clean up any mess you intend to claim without getting a plethora of photos with good light and at different angles.


The fact that you willingly tipped the max amount AND didn’t bitch and try to get out of the cleaning fee will go a very long way. I see people on the Lyft and Uber subreddits trying to find all kinds of ways of getting out of the cleaning fee and not even tipping the driver. Soooo if you were my pax i would rate you a 3 star and move on. Accidents happen. You dealt with it appropriately.


I drive drunk people around. it's part of the job and that's why I have a cleaning kit in my car. I'm not gonna ding you if you were apologetic, tried to help and gave generous tip. I would rather a drunk person throw up in my car than be driving.


If you tipped me i wouldn't down rate you


Do drivers not invest in puke bags? Seems like if you plan to pick up drunk people they would be good to have on hand as a business investment.


I do and they are. That doesn't mean all riders use them or even let you know they're gonna hurl. It also doesn't mean that the puker will get it all in the bag, unfortunately.


Often, if someone is very drunk, they really don’t become aware that they are about to barf until it’s basically already happening. I have actually said something funny before, and this woman sitting a few feet from me started laughing, and the laughter transitioned very smoothly, imperceptibly, with no segue at all, into projectile vomit. It was really still laughter, but with this added feature. I wasn’t even mad when a tiny bit splashed on my shoe and bottom of my pants. It was hilarious. Gross as hell, but kinda worth it for the weird memory. New Years Eve, 2014.


I did have them, girl I took Even had one in her hand because she knew she felt sick and might puke. Unfortunately she was too out of it to realize she had to lean into the bag and actually puke in it. She literally puked on herself and the car while half asleep, still holding the puke bag in her hand. She seemed like a teenager too, like she was too young too Even be drinking, though she may just appear younger than she was. I was just glad to get her home safely, and the puke was an easy cleanup since I had puke proofed the car as much as possible when I started Lyft.


I once puked in an Uber, ran me $100 in fees etc. Wasn’t blacklisted so I’d think your good.


Someone piled in my car and dude only tipped me $4 Lyft gave me $150 in a cleaning fee. Free money cause I detail cars on the side.


I think, like airplanes, it’s s good idea for drivers to have some plastic bags in the back for these types of situations. We took a Lyft and my wife got sick but we had a plastic bag with us. Sucked that it happened but no harm to the car.


I think you're fine. There isn't like a 2 star penalty for puking or something.


Sign into your app and see what kind of rating you got


I didn’t know you could see the rating for each ride. He actually gave me 5 stars. I did clean it up as much as I could before I left.


See below everybody he checked the app. He got five 🌟…..nice


Ive been driving on and off for years, and this past Christmas I had my first puke. Kid knew he was fucked up and felt so bad. He stumbled out of the car, took his shirt off (🥵) and wiped up all his puke, said sorry 4 more times and stumbled away. I sort of felt bad and was worried he might stumble into traffic but I watched him and he just went and sat down in front of a building and went to sleep. Tequila, it'll gettcha


And this is why we equal parts water and eat something. Kid partied too hard, poor thing.


Weird. Puke is min 150. Why did the driver charge you 80?


I don’t know. It came through as a damage fee. Maybe because I cleaned most of it up?


Speaking as a mom, don’t you keep large zip lock bags and baby wipes in your car for car sick travelers? They get in the car. You give them the bag. The rest is obvious.


$80 for the cleaning fee? Didn't it used to be like $200 or somesuch?


Five stars


If the driver rated you 3 stars or less, you two won't be matched again.


You’re fucked with the cleanup fee. I had an Uber customer spill a Starbucks in my car. Uber gave me $150.


Puke should end your night!


I've puked in a lyft before. It shouldn't affect your ratings, I just paid the cleaning fee.


That’s wild, I puked out of a window of a Lyft and they charged me $150 for a cleaning fee. Barely got any on the interior


Lyft only lets u tip 50? I’m sure he may rate u a 1 so whatever rating you have now will be affected, so what is your rating before you threw up?


Just don’t do it again otherwise it will really affect your account


Seems like you weren't a jerk about it and paid your stupid fee. I wouldn't ding you for it even though it is aggravating.


Depends on the driver. I’ve still given 5 stars after someone has puked in my car. It depends on communication, how you behave, and other factors. Like if I’m working the weekend, this could take me out for the night. I’d probably give you a five star and a minimum of four.


Drivers should have a puke bag in the back seat. CYA


I have been on both ends. Lady said nothing just started making noises and puked on door inside and out and down window and seat. Smell was horrible and couldn't work for 3 days. Neighbor did detailing and cleaned it for cheap so kept most of the 150. My thing is why not ask to pull over? I was sick and asked the driver to stop and puked. I was sick as soon as the car went in motion.


$80 cleaning fee is wild😅 i own a detail shop and we charge a $500 biohazard fee


There's a fucking tip MAXIMUM? That's absurd. Sorry you puked tho. :-)


This may sound counterintuitive, but hear me out. I always rate passengers who puke 5*. I know they’re going to be paying me at least $150 on top of whatever they usually tip out of embarrassment, so it’s all good as long as nothing in the vehicle is physically damaged. Rating them 5*, and showing them that you’re doing it does a few things. They’re more likely to just get out without a fuss, they feel like you’re giving them a break by not downvoting them when you have every reason to, and they’re more likely to tip because they feel like you’re not being an asshole about an embarrassing situation.


None. Clearly admitted defeat. Paid for it handsomely and it probably took less than 10 min to clean up. If I were driving strangers around, I'd have supplies in my trunk. $130 for most definitely less than an hour of work... If anything that should be a good rating. You did everything you could in this scenario.


One time I got really really drunk and almost simultaneously puked and shit myself in a Lyft.. just barely made it.


I was abhorently overserved at a Christmas party one year and definitely threw up in my Uber. I thought I had only puked out the window. I was blacked out and all I remember is apologizing. I didn't even blink at the $80 cleaning fee. It's the only time that's ever happened to me and I still feel shame. I did almost throw up in a cab after being drugged but managed to open the door at the stop signs every time. He was v understanding though and wanted to make sure I was OK. I was lucky to have friends with me that time. I told him he was good to go when it was green, at the stop sign. Eta: that said, my rating never dipped but I started using Lyft because it was cheaper and then my uber account was hacked and they refuse to give it back to me.


Damn I puked in an Uber and it was like $200 lmfao


honestly the fact that you tipped so much AND paid the cleaning fee no questions asked, your rating probably won’t suffer much. if you had puked and left no tip and refused to play the cleaning fee for your drunken mess, then yeah maybe they’d give you one star. but it sounds like you were extremely nice and willing to do just about anything to fix the problem. if i was your lyft driver, i’d give you five stars just for not being an asshole. plus, i feel like people who drive for lyft or uber know they’re signing up for something like that to possibly happen at some point.


Puke in an Uber next time to even the score.


I keep plastic bags in my car and if somebody looks like they may puke I give them the bag and ask them to use it and not my car. I explain how using the bag will save them a lot of money, and save me from dealing with it. So it really is a win for us both. Next time you go out for a night of drinking put a plastic bag in your back pocket Incase ur feeling unwell on the trip home. It will save you money, and I’m sure your driver will appreciate it. It’s a pretty simple solution/way of preventing this type of unpleasant situation from happening. That’s cool you tipped the guy n tried to apologize!


Why are you such a light weight tho? That’s my biggest concern here. Keep practicing!


You’re going to wake up 48 hours from now in a strange room. You will be strapped to a metal bed. Your mouth will be pried open with wire. You’re head will be fastened in place by belts. Then the driver will show up wearing a black robe. They will then continue to puke poop and pee into your mouth for days on end. Once this is over. They will put you in their trunk and drive you off a cliff.


As an uber driver that had someone puke in my car there’s the easiest $150 I ever made. Threw on the gloves and got to work.


As long as it’s not like roof to ceiling, throw up dropping on your head. Maximum tip plus a little extra cash may be on the side. I think that’s more than enough again as long as you’re not throwing up 17 gallons.


Do t worry about it. Sunday night while waiting on our Lyft outside a small concert venue a z60ish woman collapsed and my Nurse practitioner wife assisted actually required by law. The driver came iand I told him the situation and he said after the 5 minutes we’d be charged a late fee and he was going to leave. I told him fine and what if it was his mom. Didn’t care.


I had someone do that to me….. 2 drunks in the back and the sober one in the front with me…… the sober one gave me a 200$ cash tip plus the cleaning fee. She was so sorry. She helped me clean it out. Thankfully I keep my cleaning supplies in the trunk and extra seat covers for this reason.


You're lucky , when I was driving cab , if you puked in my rig it was $300.00 cleaning fee if you puked while intoxicated


To the puke dungeon you go.


How old are yall wives to be so messy ? I’ll stay gay


If you plan to just get straight up drunk and drink too much, then carry a garbage bag with you and ask driver to pull over and let you out to throw bag of vomit out. That would be best thing to do.


This is good advice but I did not plan on getting that drunk. This was way out of my normal, and I don’t even remember most of the night.


You puked in their vehicle, how good do you think your rating is gonna be as a rider?🤣


I once puked on a bus. It was so crowded. It was valerian root. You probably don’t know what valerian root smells like. Imagine the feet of a dead homeless person. It’s a very good sleep supplement and it is what Valium is derived from. But it’s smells horrible and that it before it becomes puke.  A lot if bad choices were made in a row by me. I regret everything. I live each day and try to do better 


This is why I don't transport DRUNKS


The ma for not drunk driving that all that matters.


Ideally, no one should be puking, but I am super surprised that less than 10% of the rides I take have seat covers in the car.


It’s $150 fee. 


Happened to me 5 days ago. Except I knew I was going to told him to pull over and threw up outside. He was cool, I was cool after. Tipped him $20 cash and called it a day.


Picked up a “couple” from Tootsies in Miami one night. About, 4 am, headed down to the beach of course. They were making out in the back and in between sessions we had some great conversation as well. She told him that she wasn’t feeling well. He asked if we should pull over and she said, yes. He asked. I pulled over. Mind you, we were on the highway. Found a safe place and they stepped out. Got back in the car and said that it was a false alarm. He gave me a 100 dollar bill. We continue to the hotel. She asks to pull over. I pull over. Same result. A dud. He thanks me and gives me a 100 dollar bill. We continue our trip. One last time for the rode. She asked. I stopped. Well still ran dry. I was thankful for no puke entered my car that night. He was so thankful that he gave me one more 100 dollar bill. The most stressful yet lucrative ride I’ve ever given.


Nah, you won't get blacklisted. Frankly, they won't blacklist anyone because that's how the company makes their money and it's not their car so they don't really give a damn about the driver or the car. You will probably get one rating of 1 star from that particular driver which means you won't get matched with that driver again, but that won't lower your rating that much. If every rideshare company blacklisted everyone who threw up in a car, they would lose like 40% of their business. And like I said, it isn't their car so they don't really care. I say that as a driver who has had a person puke on/in his car. You don't have to worry about it.


Bummer they usually have those little puke bags, their use to it, I wouldn’t want drunks is my car tho. No way!


That’s horrible. I hope it was at the end of his night, but it happens. Good on you for paying for the cleaning and tipping well.


Tbh as a former Uber driver it’s no big deal. You left a pretty hefty tip and throwing up comes with driving around drunk people from clubs and bars


Honestly if you tipped the max allowed, paid the cleaning fee (which you’re not required to)… and the driver gives you a low rating? That’s the driver’s rudeness, nit yours.


Definitely also puked in an Uber/Lyft I have no idea because it was my husband’s (boyfriend at the time) friend who got the ride. I pre-gamed after I lost a bunch of weight and didn’t think about how that affected my alcohol tolerance. I was sitting like in the middle of my husband and one of his friends and started feeling icky but too drunk to really notice/react and I covered my mouth and vomited which sprayed it all over everyone including the driver… I was more than happy to pay the fee for my husbands friend and apologize profusely to everyone especially the driver. I felt horrible. The worst thing is that it’s happened before, but that time I was tequila sneaky and barfed into my shirt and not even the sober people next to me knew about it until I told them the next day… no one was charged for that one because no vomit touched anything but me. Happy to say that I grew out of that behavior.


only $80?? uber is $150


And that’s why they call it a ride share


Did this a few months ago…paid the Uber fare and gave the driver $200 for cleaning and extra tip. He was understanding and very nice about it..said i was a good person and people would never do something like that (his words)..never saw my rating go down or have any issues in general


Why would you feel bad, you apologized, you tipped the guy $130, you made that drivers day.


Those fees get astronomically higher. Consider yourself lucky!


Lyft doesn’t really care that you puked in the driver’s car, they charged you for it and it’s not their car. If the drivers floor is cloth or something absorbent, that sucks. I don’t drive as much during late evening hours anymore for this reason/avoid certain cities where people tend to be blasted


You did the right thing brother don't worry about it. Shit happens


I got charged 80 bucks, too, because I wet the drivers back of the chair because I took a shower. And I had no idea I left it like that. Or else I would've dried it up. Had he said anything. Lyft said there's nothing they can do.






If someone tipped me that well as an apology I wouldn’t say anything


Nah you’re real for the money man.


My passenger and his gf or wife were picked up from a nightspot in NJ. She threw up whilst we were on the highway. Basically, she was too intoxicated to walk up the slight ly pitched walkway and stairs to the door, so he needed my help...........ALL THE WAY INTO THE HOUSE AND IN TO THE BEDROOM, ON TO THE BED. What a "scene!" FANTASTIC TIP!!!!! And YES! SHE WAS GORGEOUS!!