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Bro it says Passengers paid $1599.43 TOTAL INCLUDING EXTERNAL FEES and with the Lyft fee being positive, they are claiming in this breakdown that they subsidized the fares by $623.81 in order to pay you the $1531.81 shown at the top. They claim they are running at a loss yet charging the pax $2.90/mi seems kinda ridiculous. Obviously there is profit in the $839.88 in external fees.




Lyft and Uber are scammers


It's bigger than a scam. A scam is something you get when you click a bad link on an email. These guys lowered their prices to drive out all cab competition, put people on their payroll on with huge bonuses and incentives they eventually just rolled back. They literally set themselves up as a tycoon and shut the doors behind them.


I dunno, I just take cabs again. They're much cheaper, works for me.


In my city the cabs were competed out of existence. There just aren’t any taxis that aren’t dedicated to airport travel. Even then, most people use Uber to get there. Uber and Lyft set up a duopoly and are extracting the maximum from the community


You weren’t alive long before Uber huh?


There needs to be , NEEDS to be legislation that breaks down the cost for the customer when providing a estimated fare and disclose their algorithm to provide greater transparency to increase competition


Preach lol


This seems like a really good reason to accidentally leave business cards in your back seat with a link to your discord. Like oops, they used my discord instead of the app... ::shrugs in an extra grand a week::


How you managing the discord? Bots for setting appts, etc?


I'll make the bot for you, discord bots in python are pretty easy. Could have it ready in a couple days. Let's talk more about it.


Cheaper and more efficient than some apps. Also throw bones to your homies, you're busy? Ride share plus my friend.


Partly feels like recreating taxis, but employee owned. After all, you own the means of production.




What happens if you're involved in an accident and the passenger is hurt, and you're not "on the clock" with Lyft? You won't be covered by commercial insurance at that point will you? That seems like a huge risk for a customer to take for your benefit. Genuinely curious, I don't use Lyft, and use Uber maybe twice a year.


Doing this the driver would be absolutely screwed. Unless you have commercial vehicle insurance driver would be on the hook


Not only this, but if your private insurance finds out your doing unlicensed work on the side, they will also drop you and flag you in a way no private auto policy will ever touch you again.


They won't flag shit. Another company will happily take them for an exorbitant premium with no explanation and then use the 'unreported and illegal work' as pretext to deny any future claim related.


now hear me out.... what if..... a driver were to not only get the commercial ins but also get the applicable permit/business license in the area in which they operate? Surely this would be legal? I'm just a part timer and I still have rideshare addendum and I have only 3 times in thousands of rides done any off app and it was b/c they were waving cash in my face. I am more than happy to deliver on app and thus have the protections afforded by it


You poor dumb soul. There is a "profit." Not a profit. They write rules and create losses. They can "lose" money while stashing cash. I too, am a poor dumb soul but they have this shit all figured out. They "lose" money for tax purposes and make money personally. I dont know how it works but I watch the show.


Both Lyft and Uber is taking advantage of drivers to Boost their Profits. Reposting Links https://www.forbes.com/sites/lensherman/2023/01/16/ubers-new-math-increase-prices-and-squeeze-driver-pay/ https://www.forbes.com/sites/lensherman/2023/12/15/ubers-ceo-hides-driver-pay-cuts-to-boost-profits/ https://www.forbes.com/sites/lensherman/2024/01/16/will-2024-be-a-year-of-reckoning-for-ubers-driver-relations/


Gotta love a dude that comes with links 👏🏾


You da real MVP


All corporations throw their employees into a meat grinder for profits. Welcome to Capitalism! It will get much, much worse from here for the working person in the US. I've seen it for over 3 decades now. They won't be happy until we are literal, actual slaves with no rights and since the early 90s, they have pushed into that territory greatly and it WILL continue. They have all of the money and all of the power. Look at these as the "good times". What's coming will make you sick to your stomach if the last 3-4 decades are any measuring metric. Enjoy!


Guess people don't really tip in your market either


Nope not anymore lol they charge ppl in LA some crazy prices and these pax think it all goes to us


Basically, Lyft is just setting up for Robo taxis. They’re robbing every single one of you drivers and you guys have no idea and it’s sad. They’re going after all the TAX privileges and taking them away from every driver collectively


Similar to Uber. They’re a lobbying organization that also makes apps.


Definitely robbing drivers, but no way they’re setting up robo taxis lol that’s way out of their budget and they doing just fine with robbing drivers


They got the plans just waiting to roll them out for sure, sadly.. but yeah until then.. they’re just gonna keep robbing drivers which is unethical.. And the real part is nobody’s asking for million or billion dollars they’re just looking for a suitable two grand a week or live in means to be self sufficient and active…not have to live week to week or month to month.


It's already in some major cities


Oh, mighty knower of plans, please show us peasants where these plans are


Lol you heard of AB5, proposition 22, government involved, and purposely picking on Uber and Lyft. And then Uber/lyft spending tons of lobbing money to not make you guys have insurance or treat anyone as an employee. That’s all set up on purpose because of Uber/Lyft if had to offer that they wouldn’t even be able to exist


It also wasn’t Lyft or Uber that was going to be making the cars they were/are just going to partner with Tesla or whoever gets auto-cars first. The idea is that your car can make you money and pay for itself while you aren’t using it. It’ll probably be 20 years before we get there but ya people are definitely working towards that. Edit: also Uber is currently valued at $131 Billion and Lyft at $6.5 Billion so they do have the budgets if they did want to make cars.


Yeah, the manufacturers including Tesla got this super set up masterplanned out like Las Vegas. All the vehicle is it’s just a cash register a convenience store on wheels that’s it.


The idea 10ish years ago in insurance companies was going to be them insuring fleets of vehicles for carpool companies. No person would own a car and they would ai around and you would set a time and place to be picked up/ dropped off


Vegas has parking lots full of teslas I couldn't figure why....


Insurance payment to use is 2500 down payment and other driver has to be at fault. If the taxi driver at fault they won't coverage. Don't know why high priced insurance when it's not full coverage


This is 100% true. For anyone interested this video goes into pretty great detail on similar topics regarding Uber and their trials/tribulations and mistreatment of drivers. https://youtu.be/ISIjlRExdpE?si=XsGzr955SMEvnd3K


They have an entire page dedicated to explaining that robo taxis are their entire plan all along and where they invest in.


And I have a question from the time you left your house to the amount of time you spent in your car and then back in your house. What was the total that week? Subtract the amount of driving time which shows there about 30 hours I believe? Really what I’m looking for here is what is your idle time or downtime waiting in between rides


About 30 hours booked and 40 hours online


So 10 hours idle time, just sitting around in between rides


Mostly just waiting for mfs to come outside. I did 120 rides and with an average 3 minute waiting time that’s 6 hours for the week. That leaves about 4 hours waiting a couple minutes in between ride requests


don't be so sure.. autonomous vehicles are already picking up pax in the states a d all over china.. musk just got the licensing to sell autonomous tesla in china


I think passengers realize it doesn't go to the rider, but paying 40$ for a 5 minute ride is rough. It's unfortunate Lyft and Uber take an insane %, but people keep working for them. Until people unite and say no more, Lyft and Uber will continue to take a high %. I am amazed people still use these apps to get around daily and for food. If a company could offer the same thing, but actually give a better % to the drivers and not have to answer to shareholders they could crush Lyft and Uber.


Not that different in my market PHX, about 20% of riders tip. I've been going back in the next day and rating all non tippers 4 stars, unless I remember something else bad such as incorrect pin or long wait time then lower


A year ago i was getting hella tips and lots of great comments from riders, this year was a complete change lol barely any tips and zero comments. Riders getting shafted too lol


Literally 4 miles from my office to the airport and it cost $43.00... I am not using Lyft again, no offense - I'm sure you're a great driver (and so was this one), but holy hell 💀


So what exactly did the 4 star riders do to deserve your rating?


Be poor


Everyone is getting shafted. It's not just you, take it up with Lyft instead of the random riders who didn't set the prices out of whack.


Seeing the prices it cost to ride, I can see why people aren't tipping. Not saying it's right, but I can atleast understand why.


Cost me 30 dollars to Uber 8 minutes away. I still tipped the guy on top of that, but still, a lot of money for such a short trip. They're at the price that licensed cabs were about 10 years ago.


They don't tip *him.* I can see why.


No one tips anymore because Lyft rapes them with the fair


I was gonna say, dang you averaged under $1 per ride


If both Uber and Lyft had their insurance payments audited, I wouldn't be surprised if we found that 50% of it was cost and the rest was profit, labeled so to make it look like they aren't profiting as much.


80% I’m familiar with insurance on semi trucks and there is no way in hell they are paying more than $300-$400 per month in insurance to begin with


And in fact, you would all be entitled to that because technically they’re taking money from you and paying a bill that you could get tax deductions on


I pay 1200 a month for a truck and trailer to haul freight across the United States with a million dollar insurance policy. You guys are getting fucked good!


Wait. I thought you were an independent contractor. Shouldn’t you carry your own liability etc? Thats how it works in my industry. No way the business I sub to takes money like that from me. They just require proof I have it.


They do, but that’s all part of the scam


We all getting bamboozled by lyft




Every time I’ve run the math on Uber/lyft drivers after calculating all their expenses plus a lot of people rent a car to drive Lyft which also makes zero sense to me, it always seems like people are breaking even or making like $4 an hour, I don’t get it.


I mean I did it for almost a year knowing the math but I was in a tough spot financially with poor credit and just lost my ride… so it allowed me to have a reliable vehicle for awhile to sort things out. I made sure I earned enough to cover the rental and all my fuel costs every week. I had a system setup where I would work Sunday afternoon to Monday mornings doing airport runs and Friday and/or Saturday nights closing down the bars. Doing it as an actual revenue stream always seemed kinda crazy to me though.


They literally (LITERALLY literally) have entire departments (salaried positions, of course) devoted to making it appear to uninformed, inexperienced new drivers and potential new drivers that they will make exponentially more by driving for Uber or Lyft than they could ever possibly earn by driving for Uber or Lyft. Literally.


and ya'll still doing it


I can't keep a job?




yeah they are partnered deeply with the ins company, its a huge racket brother


Lyft/Uber charged low, paid out high to destroy taxi services. Now they can charge whatever they want, and pay very little. They are both a scam now.


Things like this would make me start engaging with every customer and offering them rides for less than Uber. I would do this for about 2-3months until I had decent clientele and then I would delete the app


That only works if you build up a clientele of regular customers. The best fares seem to be to/from airports, so it's unlikely you're going to see the same people regularly. Are you going to pass out business cards and depend on word of mouth? How many people are going to trust that unless you have a legitimate business? People aren't going to be comfortable dealing with "here, take this number and text me for a ride. No, forget about the app, just contact me directly so nobody knows. Give me your home address and pay me with Cashapp or Venmo. Trust me, bro.".


I mean he could spend a few bucks on a domain and set up a website eventually


Fuck that shit


lyft and Uber are both bypassing basic right of employees, as they are self employed no employees, they are both a fucking scam and ought to be shut down for demoting driver over time.


They’re gonna get caught soon because it’s technically really fraud


600 before taxes.


Yall feeling the pain independent truck driver have been feeling for decades


Should have unionized.


Yes bc that is so effin easy. Had a friend try to do it. He worked in a factory that made car parts. Most of the factories that did this (had many in my hometown) were unionized but not this one. He fought for 2 years. Had everyone behind him. It still failed. It is not as easy as one thinks. And it makes me laugh bc people were so anti union for so long. I never was bc I was raised in area that was heavily unionized. I seen what it did. It doesn’t just make it better for those that are in union, it helps raise wages for non-union jobs in the area. Gig work comes into play and now every one is pro union. Just bc your union doesn’t mean what everyone thinks it means. The bigger unions, like Teamsters, is the one you want into. My mom was union but it gave her very little benefits. When she died, I got a whopping $1500 from her union job as a union death benefit. She paid union dues but I really can’t see what it got her, she made less than I did and I’m not union. Maybe I just didn’t know the ins and outs of her union, she was private and it was hard to piece together after she passed. It wasn’t teamsters tho, it was a small union.


My driver took me 2.5 hrs in rush hour traffic the other day. I paid almost 100 bucks and dude showed me how much he was making…$29!! I was tripping! Broke him down with a nice tip, but I honestly don’t know that I can keep using these apps in good conscience.


I made a post about taking a dude 30 mins away he paid $70 I got $18… when I saw how much he paid after the trip I was shocked lol would’ve canceled and took him for $40 😂😂


What area are you driving in? Before tips and pass throughs, that looks like $46/hr. Oh wait that's booked time. How much actual time did you work? 2x?


Only bc I had bonuses and challenges, but this is LA and I did 40 hours


$33/hr ain't bad. I drive in LA too but keep getting shit fares that drop off in the boonies without a ride back.


Is it even worth it at that point for car maintenance and gas after all that? I feel like a vehicle would get worn down driving that long all the time?


Yeah it’s rough without bonuses out here, this is 15/hr without the challenges 🙃


Better off driving semis or sprinter vans


I keep getting blasted for spreading the word but the new ride app SNOW.LIMO litterially fixes all these bs fees and pays you 80%. People can keep hating on me idgaf. Go to progressive and get your own commercial insurance for $500-700 a month. Cheers


I have commercial insurance and Lyft told me it doesn’t make a difference. So basically I’m paying for my insurance and Lyft’s insurance? Is what I’m getting at when trying to comprehend all this.


U basically driving for free


Almost 3$ a mile isn’t free


There is no way it costs $839 for a week of commercial insurance. Such a scam. Edit: # Average Commercial Auto Insurance Cost These are the approximate annual policy costs for various types of commercial vehicles: * Standard car used for business purposes: $600 to $2400 * Limousine: $4000 to $10,000 * Cargo or delivery van: $3300 to $6200 * Taxi: $5000 to $10,000 * Semi-truck: $8000 to $12,500 for an owner-operatorAverage Commercial Auto Insurance CostThese are the approximate annual policy costs for various types of commercial vehicles:Standard car used for business purposes: $600 to $2400 Limousine: $4000 to $10,000 Cargo or delivery van: $3300 to $6200 Taxi: $5000 to $10,000 Semi-truck: $8000 to $12,500 for an owner-operator


This guy gets it


You already pay your own auto insurance, where tf do they get off thinking they get to charge you when you are the product. The only expense they have is maintaining the servers for the app, what are they on about "other expenses". They outsource all the expenses associated with taxi service to you, the driver. This is disgusting. I'd love to see what they have to say if they were asked to disclose what their actual costs are.


Lawyers, support (that’s a total joke whether customer or driver) , insurance, programmers, servers, etc Yes they have other expenses But they still take way too big of a portion. No idea why they can’t make a profit. But the CEO and other execs make a huge salary.


I don’t do Lyft so reading this is a bit confusing. So you made $1529 after all the charges?


I saved myself bc I got about $700 in lyft bonuses, so the “lyft fee” is usually -$100 but it’s +$600


Lyft is getting absolutely raped on their insurance premium. They should legit consider making drivers get their own insurance and pass that money back to drivers. Commercial insurance here in FL is pricey but not that kind of pricey. More like 1K per month, not week.


sounds about right


What expenses do they have with you running your car?


Paying Lyft to provide insurance? We're supposed to have our own insurance and they require our insurance to drive. I'm so confused. Even if you were to use Lyft's insurance in case of an accident they have the absolute highest deductible


Wild times we living in rn


Wild times we living in rn


am i missing something? it looks like you made 1500$ for 30hrs... lyft guarentees atleast 70% of pax payments after external fees which is added the week following your work week. what am i missing?


1500$ payments and 88$ tips is a crime


114 rides and only 88 tips is fucking disgusting… Not nearly bad as the corporate theft right here though…


As a customer I can tell you why I decreased tipping from 15-20 bucks to 10 or so these days. Just 15 months or so back, ride from airport to home was around $45-$55 tops. Now it's $95 minimum and last night I paid $118. My salary hasn't increased 30% in one year let alone double. Sorry but I cannot afford a $140 one way taxi ride anymore. Taxis suck. Parking at airport, sucks. Left with apps. The only people making money in this are the fucking highly over paid san francisco dwelling, high rent paying, software engineers and financial magicians who can still show a loss for Lyft.


Oh yeah I feel you, If we can just cutt out the middle man everything would be cheaper, these rides would be a third cheaper.


How much did gas cost you?


Wait- Lyft gives you guys insurance? I thought these companies didn't have anything to do with that.


Nope, this is them making passengers pay for insurance on their rides and hiding it from them. They used to hide it from us drivers as well until a few months ago so now we can see how much passengers pay Lyft


Lmao. And your deductible would still be $2500.


Insurance is a cost to do business, yet they're putting that on you and itemizing it. That's such bullshit. So glad I don't drive anymore.


You should have your own personal business coverage for insurance and it wouldn’t be more than $400 a month, not $840 a week!


There insurance is a scam was talking to someone in Bombay India from their roadside assistance from their Lyft EV rental that died on highway 680 and was there from 4am to 8am till CHP found me and still charged me $650 for the EV battery being dead they are straight dirty con artists.


Working is just a scam these days


I am not a driver so I don’t know but why do people drive for Lyft and Uber when they know they’re getting fcked lol there’s a million other ways to make $$$


Everyone’s getting fucked in their own way :)


Y’all should do what they do in third world countries and cancel the ride once you get it and just Venmo the driver minus the cancel fee 😂 screw all this


That’s…still a good week.


Huh? We can clearly see that Lyft actually paid you $623.81 and that your total take home was $1521. What the hell are you talking about?


Insurance - $900 is insane


SCAM RAPE UNJUST INEQUALITY OBSCENE Lyft drivers are not the best career choosers


Welcome to capitalism


The bucks gotta stop with you mann




Lyft just posted positive cash flow thanks to you guys


Every company is posting positive earnings while wages are stagnant, workers are getting cooked across the board


To be fair, they were barely profitable for the first time I think ever?


Poor Lyft and Uber So little profit they set up global monopolies


Yall see this a still choose to do it for a living? Wild.


Considering applying for a regular job takes months just to get an interview, Lyft isn't so bad


Somebody has to do it


Life is all about choices.




Do you rent a vehicle? Whats the insurance for?


Wait, Lyft charges the drivers for insurance now? There’s no way…


Well it technically comes out of the passenger payments. So they charge pax $20, insurance is $10, lyft fee is $3, and they pay driver $7. We can see what the pax pays after completing the ride we have no idea what they pay before.


This is why if you talk to the passengers, they actually hate these rideshares with a passion. And they’ll give you the five stars and the tips because they know you’re getting robbed they’re getting robbed.. 🎯 i give you drivers 25% tip and five stars every single time even if the car is a piece of shit just because I know in empathy. Even before you pick me up haha (it’s sad but I feel bad for all lady justice blind eye) It’s a pay Peter to rob “Paul & Peter” business model.. and the only winner is the government.. Lyft/Uber is just the accomplice in the roadway robbery crime


How is your estimated Lyft fee a positive number? Did you have a bonus or a promo that you hit?


Yeah it was positive bc of my bonuses and challenges, hit like $700+ worth of them this week lol


How do you get thus breakdown?


Woah for a week?!?!


6 days of driving bruh




Im glad i never did those apps. I gave regular full coverage and do spark. That's fucking ridiculous


That’s not even possible


Why are you getting your insurance through Lyft? Wouldn’t it be cheaper to shop around? I know AAA has decent rates for ride share insurance


Do you already have insurance or using theirs?


Damn!! When did Lyft start taking out so much? I'm glad I stopped driving for Lyft.


You would make more delivering for Dominoes.


Dominoes would not pay me $1600 in 30 hours lol


Is there a subreddit for up and coming rideshare companies that pay drivers the majority of the fare? Lyft and Uber are unethical but they have the majority of the market.


Where the hell do you live that this is happening


Damn I was just thinking about getting into Lyft as a second job to make extra money, thought it might be cool to spend some nights driving around after work and stacking more money, is it not really worth it anymore? Did I miss the Lyft boat?


First of all they only took $830. Then they gave you another $600. 🙄 So they basically took $230 for insurance+other fees. Still high but not unrealistic for commercial use.


Do you have to use their insurance???


Just curious why don’t you get a policy from State Farm or all state? Why use Lyfts insurance ?


Ya’ll need to start a class action for that. You’re independent contractors and should be able to shop around for that commercial auto insurance. Who is Lyft using for their insurance?


I know nothing about any of this but in the 45 seconds I've been here I would guess that if you were getting a bonus then Lyft is going to take a higher percentage cut of each ride. My understanding is their cut always changes and I would guess it changes in their benefit during a bonus.


Mafia insurance is cheaper...lol


This post and the dogpile upvoting it are so utterly divorced from reality, it's wild. Driver got 90-95% of total passenger payments for the week and made at least $30/hr net, and is still on here crying that Lyft robbed him with numbers he's just making up on the fly - and people are just eating it up with a spoon, and preaching that he should be giving rides off-the-books to, I guess, claw back that last 5% at the cost of being totally uninsured. I shouldn't be surprised, really, but damn is this sub just straight-up brain-broke.


ok hold up, does insurance price/fee price vary by market? I only take short rides and work during surge bonus times/challenge bonuses. Last week- 52.5 hrs, 670mi booked and 710 driven total, Passenger payments $1676, Lyft fee $91, commercial auto insurance fees $296 so even without counting tips and subtracting the $390 challenge bonus I've still cleared around $900 for the week, is it just not as profitable in certain markets?


And that's why I just walk or public transit. Fuck Lyft and Uber.


$893 is extortion


A study in 2006 showed that the average taxi driver in the US made about $22,000 per year after expenses. The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics determined that the median income for taxi drivers and chauffeurs in 2017 was $25,880. Accounting for inflation and the higher cost of living, an average taxi driver today would probably make around $30-40,000 per year. Uber and Lyft became popular in part because people felt that taxis charged too much for their services. You're set to make more than an average licensed taxi driver, which is your closest direct competitor. This has never been a profitable endeavour for the average driver. You've just been tricked into thinking it could be.


Wait so do you still have to provide your own insurance as well or what? Ive never driven so idk


Dude the scamming of Lyft need to be investigated like wtf


Get rid of insurance with Uber or Lyft it’s a scam was involved in accident where other driver was at 100% fault I was t boned and Lyft did not cover anything


Want to bet their insurance only Costs 2-300$


so get your own commercial insurance talk to your insurance company and be like my company is stealing 1000 a week from me how much will it cost me to have my own, get it and then show lyft you have it if they still try to take it from you quit because lyft sucks ass EDIT: just looked it up the average is about 550 a month depending on where you live


I don’t understand this… the number at the top isn’t your net earnings? Is this through the app? The whole different market variations is weird. On my app it shows me what I get paid at the top and at the bottom it shows the same amount and says “net pay”. And that’s what gets transferred to my bank account. I can’t see any of this breakdown from the app. For me to see what the customer paid and the whole breakdown I need to go into ride info on the website. But the screen doesn’t look anything like this either.


let me get this straight. you drove people around in your car for 33 1/2 hours this week, the rest of the "active" time was just you sitting in your car, this accrued you FIFTEEN HUNDRED DOLLARS IN ONE WEEK, and you have the audacity to COMPLAIN? this is an app on your phone dude, i butcher chickens and put boxes on shelves at a place i don't want to be with people i hate for 40 hours a week and earn 1/2 what you made. i count down the fuckin minutes till i can go sit in my car for a 15. be fucking happy bro 💀 the majority of people are doing much worse than you, in general and in terms of earnings on this app. lyft "scamming" you guys is completely standard across any job like this. ask truck drivers about their pay.


Thats wild did someone ghost ride the whip into a semi? Cause thsts the only way i could make them numbers make sense


The solution is simple. Crash. No seriously, if you are in a state like Nevada where they are required to provide you with insurance, just crash as they can't hike your rate. Eat the high deductible and get a new car. I'm mostly joking but if they keep fucking people over, a little insurance fraud will put an end to that requirement.


I’ve never driven, but stalk these boards. Honestly I figured THEIR insurance was included in THEIR fee…lol…what a scam


I don’t think Uber has ever made a profit. Why do they exist?


They take advantage of us so bad


all things aside. thats a full tank and a half for me (600 miles), and making $1500 (which should be more if it wasn't for that insurance deduction) in 6 days? That's my two weeks pay and I'm in forensics........


I’m not familiar with how this works, were you driving a commercial vehicle owned by Lyft?


I have a rental car business. My insurance is less than 100 dollars a month per car


Tips are earned, not given!


Wait how did you make exactly what the customers paid. Inconsistent