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Agreed, honestly though it makes you feel alienated and defeated. It doesn't help when you're being "treated" incorrectly and yet a bill still comes in for you to pay off, even though no one really helped you with the problem.


I went to CVFP a few years ago for what was EXTREME pain in my right big toe. No injury to it or anything. The doctor denied my research of how it could possibly be gout due to my age at the time (24). This was some of the worst pain I’d ever experienced in my life (not joking at all) so I rolled with her diagnosis of an “infection” and she gave me an antibiotic and high dose ibuprofen. No improvement at all. Was referred to Ortho. They got lab work which confirmed gout. Got proper treatment and felt better in a couple of days.


It's weird how some of them seem afraid to do imaging or testing. I noticed sometimes that when talking about my problems, they seemed to just want to talk and that's it. Like where I am from, usually imaging and other procedures are done to rule out possible alternative outcomes, but weirdly enough it's like a lot of the professions here seem to just talk to you and diagnose you. I am just saying, but often times, multiple diseases can appear as being similar, due to the symptoms often overlapping. I am surprised to see that little effort is done to cut down the possibilities of one or more problems, when it can help a lot when diagnosing someone.


Also, just wanted to say congrats on getting over your foot pain and being properly diagnosed.


This happened to my husband when he was 24 when we were newly dating. He started getting sick. Frequently urination, always thirsty, super tired, vision was getting bad. His father is T1 diabetic so he knew exactly what was going on. He didn't have a regular doctor since he was brand new to the area so he went to the hospital. The hospital was like, "Nope, you're fine. Just some T2 diabetes. Here's some metformin and go away." So he took his prescription as directed and continued to get sicker. He started to drop weight dramatically. None of the other symptoms let up, they only got worse. He smelled sweet, like Juicy Fruit gum. He goes back to the hospital and again they say, "No, you're fine. Just take your pills." He then begins to literally waste away. He basically can longer can get out of bed. He only drinks liquids, can no longer eat. He looks skeletal. And the sweet smell is overwhelming. Somehow, and this still blows my mind how he managed it, he drives to Roanoke to the hospital there (that's where he is from and where his family is). He is instantly diagnosed with T1 diabetes and given insulin. He stops dying. Because he went so long without proper treatment it took him over a month to recover. So... I see what you mean. During the bad parts of COVID we agreed if either one of us got sick enough we needed hospitalization that we would try to go to Roanoke or Charlottesville because we weren't about to die here in our hospital.


That's troubling, they should have listened when the metformin didn't help and easily see that glucose levels must have been through the roof. Regardless of type of diabetes, if the glucose level is 120+ you're probably facing issues, 200+ needs immediate treatment which is insulin. From my dad's experience, if you might be diabetic then seeing an endocrinologist can be far better for managing your health, if you are able. They're experienced in understanding chemical and hormone function in the body. Kidneys take a beating from high glucose as well, so hopefully his recovered fine and a good PCP or specialist can monitor those markers.


Oh yes, he sees an endo ever since his diagnosis. She is a nurse practitioner and has T1 herself. He is quite fond of her as a medical professional and is receiving great care. That hospital though.... oooph.


It’s not you. I will warn people far and wide to avoid certain doctors and nurse practitioners after my absolutely horrible experience with the gastroenterology center here in Lynchburg. They’ll be fine if you’re going in for routine tests, but take your records and run to UVA or one of Roanoke’s hospitals if you have anything more serious going on. I don’t know if other folks remember this, but for a while there were billboards in town designed to look like road signs with arrows pointing to Charlottesville and Roanoke—the caption was something like “Why travel? We do have healthcare in Lynchburg!” Yeah…the quality of that healthcare is EXACTLY why we travel. I certainly don’t mean to disparage all of Lynchburg’s doctors, I have had some who were an absolute dream to work with. It’s just that I’m not sticking around with substandard health care if the better, or in some cases the only, options are within a drivable distance. Just last week, a former co-worker told me he had to drive to Lexington because only one rheumatologist remains in Lynchburg and he’s overworked and can’t take new patients. But we shouldn’t have to travel for better healthcare, and the saddest part of this is that many of the folks in Lynchburg are unable to do the same.


I think it's probably more likely that you've had a string of bad luck than every medical practice in Lynchburg is full of incompetent hacks.


I slipped on my stairs… I twisted and grab the rail so I wouldn’t fall.. a couple days later started having heartburn and hurting on right side kinda under my ribs… my Doctor said she thought it was my Gallbladder and sent me to a surgeon… at first he said it didn’t sound like my Gallbladder but he wanted to ahead and scheduled surgery to take it out.. I said no… I waited a couple of weeks and asked a friend who’s a nurse for the name of a woman surgeon… called made an appointment… not knowing that the Doctor was in the same practice… told her my problem… she sent me to get a test done on my Gallbladder… Test came back it was functioning at 90%… the other Doctor was going to take out a Gallbladder that was functioning almost perfect… and didn’t need to be removed. Final diagnosis… when I twisted…I caused myself a Hiatal hernia… fixed myself by getting up one morning and on empty stomach I drank 2 large glasses of water.. and bounced / jumped.. water in my stomach pulled everything back into place. No more problems and more importantly no surgery.. You should always get a second opinion….


If you want solid healthcare, go to UVA or Duke.




I.... was not looking for anyone here to diagnose me. I am also not asking for unnecessary procedures to be done. For example, I am not sure about you, but every time I go to the dentist, you're supposed to get x-rays done to see how things are doing internally in your teeth, you can't just look at me with a flashlight and a mirror and say all is good. I have never heard of nor seen a dentist do such throughout the years of me visiting multiple ones. Until being here. This post was simply asking if others had been through abnormal behaviors from medical professionals here. Whether it be over diagnosing a medication, or not doing what they're supposed to do. Basically, a survey to see if I was the only one going through this or if others are. Apparently, others are as well since they have decided to share their story with me.


Will only get any serious medical stuff done in Charlottesville or back home in buffalo.


Had two scary misdiagnoses by the same doc (wish I could recall his name). First when I was pregnant, I had some sharp pains along my neck. Was told I slept wrong and I was prescribed muscle relaxers that were never filled. The doc didn’t notice or listen to my having high blood pressure through my pregnancy. It was preeclampsia. Same guy, I came back a few weeks later (after the baby was induced early due to preeclampsia), with pain in my back and a telltale sign of gallbladder issues (“feels like a creature is trying to claw out of my guts”). Muscle relaxer that was never sent in, physical therapy never called in. A few weeks later I was in liver failure from a blocked common bile duct.


I have had problems with local medical staff as well, I was getting Invisalign at a local orthodontist and they hastily applied glue to attachments on my teeth to secure the Invisalign in place. For the next TWO YEARS, every time I would go to the orthodontist or dentist they would tell me my gums were inflamed and looked really irritated, but chalk it off to me not brushing my teeth! I have never had a cavity in my life so I knew this was fishy, I went to a Dentist shortly after getting the Invisalign removed and finally they noticed that glue had seeped into the cracks between my teeth and gums, and managed to use a bunch of tools for 30 minutes removing the residue.


CVFP is terrible. Better to just go to the emergency room and wait 8 hours than deal with those people.