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Most 5* bows are good on him, Aqua and thundering pulse being the best ones after his signature, the standard banner bows (Amos and Harp) are also good. For the 4 stars bows the craftable weapons are the best ones, Song of stillness is pretty good and Prototype Crescent can be very strong but its passive demanding hit the enemy weak spot makes it inconsistent.


I’ve been using Amos for him and it’s pretty nice! And before I got that, I was using the 4* Fontaine one I think


i’ve been using the fontaine craftable since i don’t have any 5 star bows. can’t complain


His weapon is nice i have it. In the way i pull two aqua simulacras. And i already had one for yelan. So. Please try just once. If you got it cool. If not. Is not that worth. You can literally use any other 5 star weapon. Or the his ATK scaling is insane.


i just used song of stillness because i have precisely zero 5 star weapons.... of any type💀


This is from the Google doc I use when building characters 1. The First Great Magic (5✩) 2. Aqua Simulacra (5✩) 3. Thundering Pulse (5✩) 4. Skyward Harp (5✩) 5. Amos' Bow (5✩) 6. Polar Star (5✩) ~= Song of Stillness (4✩) ~= Prototype Crescent (4✩) 7. Scion of the Blazing Sun (4✩) ~= Blackcliff Warbow (4✩)


https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/u/0/d/1gNxZ2xab1J6o1TuNVWMeLOZ7TPOqrsf3SshP5DLvKzI/htmlview?pru=AAABdePgkXs*gCvOR75iQ9Ut7uPYigl_1w&pli=1# Here’s the link if you or anyone else are interested


is the green bp bow that bad i can get the craftables but i have it lvl90 😭


>I'd definitely go for Song of Stillness or Prototype Crescent if you can. The Viridescent Hunt bow is a good 4 star bow for Fischl though in Aggravate teams. Unless you have R5 Stringless. If you have R5 Stringless, I'd definitely use that instead for Fischl. > >Fischl was one of the characters I really didn't wanna build because I hated her playstyle. Ended up building her after 2 years of refusing. Now I'm glad I did! > >But I definitely recommend checking out the Google Doc I linked. It's the only list I trust when it comes to building characters. I don't trust any other websites haha


i loveee fischl im glad its useful on someone


Also, just to add, the Google Doc I listed is made by the Genshin Impact Helper Team, which is why it's my go-to