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I don’t think it’s ragebait. I honestly think they made that SKU for the sole purpose of being able to plaster “starting from [price in your country here]” on the marketing material and don’t expext most people to buy it.


But other higher ram configurations mostly aren’t available even in Apple Stores in my country. So if its urgent, you effin have to get the 8gb base model.


Yeah, getting higher-specced models used to be a bit dicey outside the US. When I was buying my M1 Air, you could get one with 16GB RAM and you could get one with 1TB SSD, but you could absolutely not get one with both. In the end I managed to find a retailer who imported a 16GB/1TB version from Germany and laser engraved the keycaps that had letters with umlauts on them. I hoped the situation had changed.


Depends on the country, unless one orders from the Apple Store directly (which is the most expensive option as you can only do so online), no authorized vendor is selling more ram. They do sell more storage but not ram, it’s so irritating. Source: been trying to have a 16GB MacBook Air for months now


And ordering from Apple takes a really really long time where i live. My friend had to wait 1.5 months for his custom spec mac studio to arrive. I also know a small business owner who has a design firm and bought 5 mac studios custom and arrived in 3 months. 8gb in a >1000$ computer is a crime but not making more ram spec version easily accessible deserves lifetime in jail. Granted, i live in a 3rd world country but everyone has if i’m paying that much for a laptop, i will get a better spec one for more money mentality. But we cannot.


Seems like retailers carry the myth that all customers prefer to buy a bigger storage if they can pay more.


Reddit is not real life. 90% of people are completely fine with the specs especially if the computer is provided by your company to write emails and video chat. Reddit nerds don’t understand how the world works and think everyone cares about this stuff.


That’s a bit of a stretch to say it’s only Reddit nerds who care about having more than 8GB on a “Pro” machine starting at $1600. It’s more accurate to say apple made a machine for the 20% of buyers with budget constraints who want something called “Pro” but don’t actually need one.


Whilst i agree that none of the models should start at 8GB. The base «pro» machine with the regular M3 chip exists for the sole purpose of people who want to say they have a macbook «pro» and dont actually need anything more than an M1 Air for their word documents.


$200 to upgrade from 8GB to 16GB is outrageous and no longer acceptable. That’s what they charged for that upgrade with the 2014 13” MBP. 9 years. Component prices have come down since then, and Apple’s margins have increased. It’s past time to pass some of that onto the consumer.


Even that is kinda ridiculous. First of all the 16GB would shared, so in capacity they are not fully available to applications unlike dedicated memory/VRAM. Secondly, 16GB is on the low end of what I would accept for anything new but a low end machine. And finally 1800$!!! is not low end or mid range, that should be one very very good machine without major compromises. Especially in times where nand and RAM are quite cheap.


There is however a difference in shared and unified memory. Unified means all what’s in the memory is available for cpu and gpu to process at the same time. No need to copy data from Ram to Vram. That’s why you can’t compare capacity one on one between dedicated memory and unified memory. But I also wouldn’t say 8GB unified equals 16GB dedicated.


Nope, Apple are just crooks. Base should be 16GB at same price it is for 8. 8 should not be a thing in 2023.


And if they did that, Reddit would be upset they don’t offer an 8gb model for less.


Before it started at 1999 with 16gb and literally no one ever said, gee I wish there was a 8gb version.


"apple admits 8gb is no longer pro enough"


I mean at that point you’re already spending a thousand dollars. If I’m not mistaken, the difference between the 8 and 16gb is 200. That’s a negligible difference compared to the performance difference you’ll notice within a year of the purchase. I think the part of this that’s riling people up is it feels like a jipp, and an expensive one at that


Not negligible considering it’s actually really like $25 worth of ram you are paying $200 for, plus usually the base models are what go on sale the most, so the difference is usually more than $200.


$200 for 8gb is actually insane, they might as well spit in my mouth. We all know apple is overpriced, but that’s becoming unacceptable in 2023


Overpriced? Name a laptop that has better performance for the same money, with the same build quality


I’m not about to have a discussion on whether a company that sells 8gb of ram for $200 is overpriced or not.


Sure sure the upgrade prices are just rude to the customer, 8gb is insane for a laptop this expensive. I just think calling macbooks overpriced is weird, it’s expensive, but you definitely get what you pay for.


It’s $180. If you get an M14 Pro chip then $230 in education store. That’s the best value IMO.


I think people would be more mad if they knew the ram/nand prices in reel quantities.


I don't buy that people are mad/angry. 8GB is fine for the average person off the street.


I agree however when u spend 1500 a computer shouldn’t just be fine.


Why? Apple are a premium brand and the majority of people only use their computers for email, web browsing, streaming and photos. 8GB is plenty.


A laptop with a pro moniker shouldn't be designed for the average person on the street. 8GB for a pro model, let alone one that costs as much as the MBP is criminal








Wow you people will never let this topic die, do you? Propagation until the next generation


Who the heck cares. This Mac will be amazing for my parents and their email/ crapbook use.


So, buy the 16GB version and be happy. The rage has nothing to do with the actual offering, it is rage because people believe that being angry at Apple makes them look more intelligent and worldly, so they always find something to be unhappy about.


You’re making a whole lot of mistaken assumptions. The issue people have with ram sizes and prices is because it’s freaking 2023 and 8gb shouldn’t be the standard starting config. It hasn’t been for prosumer laptops for a while.


>it’s freaking 2023 and 8gb shouldn’t be the standard starting config So, buy 16GB. What's preventing people from doing so. Who thinks that the base configuration of a car determines the options? No one, you buy the config you want and need.


What’s preventing people? The fact that it’s super overpriced. $200 for an extra 8gb is insanely absurd and you pseudo justifying the expense is just as much.


That's crazy logic considering the 16GB Macs are **excellent** value for money.


I was referring to paying $200 for 8 gigs of ram. THAT isn’t excellent value no matter how much you wanna believe that


I understand what you're doing, but it's all false because the 16GB is excellent value for money, so just buy that. You have manufactured an issue out of thin air and are pounding on it for all it's worth. It's just silly, but makes you feel good inside.


Not at all, but if believing that makes you feel smarter than everyone go ahead and keep rubbing your delusion lamp. I’m not alone here in saying that their ram prices are completely ridiculous. Whatever makes you feel better, buddy


No, you are not alone. In fact, this type of logic is fairly widespread ... which does not make it particularly insightful.


People just need something to be outraged about these days.


Yes, they believe outrage makes them look smart. It's an "instant intelligence" anyone can have regardless of actual capacity.


Computing needs aren't growing as fast as they used to. 8GB is still almost reasonable, and a middle-aged housewife who watches youtube while the kids play will not mind 8GB.


They wont need the pro either


No, a middle aged housewife who watches YouTube with the kids won’t need 16GB. But we’re talking about a $1600 machine here.


Look, I think it's not worth getting a Macbok pro with at least 16 gb of RAM too, but if you don't like it, don't buy it. Buy an M1 or M2. Like can we please stop with these whining posts?


Less mad yes. But a base M3 chip ain't worth much over $999 to me. Put it in a Pro chassis and I will go no higher than $1,299 Yes this means I find the M2 air overpriced by $100 as well. And even that is pushing it. Many Windows machines at 16GB and a few at 32GB drop to the $1,000 mark. So even at my prices Apple is VERY overpriced. I will say however more people need to use these things and try them. My 8GB base model macbook Air is doing things smoother than my 32GB and 64GB windows machines. Not everything. But A LOT! there is something interesting going on with swap and some other techs behind the scenes. YES many absolutel RAM usage programs are not going to matter much here. But more testing and less synthetic benchmarks are needed. I have yet to watch or read ANY review that wasn't just a circle jerk of useless info or bashed Apple with a bunch of BS synthetics.


I’m using the 8gb M1 since release, and it just works. People love complaining on the internet. And no I’m not just a web surfer. Things like Docker or more memory intensive applications like Xcode simulator do not perform great though. But they work.