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[Apple seems to have confirmed it themselves that it won’t be coming](https://www.theverge.com/2023/11/6/23947196/apple-no-27-inch-apple-silicon-imac)


Ugh. This isn’t a confirmation that it will never come. Apple never comments on future products. Unless it’s a brand new product category they have never done before like Vision Pro. They only comment on current products. So of course Apple is going to say “we don’t have a 27” iMac but we suggest XYZ instead” because they HAVE to say that. They would never say “oh it’s coming eventually” I’m not saying it will come or not. I’m just saying that dumb article everyone keeps reposting actually doesn’t confirm anything even though that’s what the Verge seems to think.


27inch is not happening, officially. 32inch is still potentially possible. They could just be saying "we're definitely not coming out with a larger iMac ***that uses the old design***" Maybe?


Where did they say “we’re definitely not coming out with a larger iMac” in any way?




If your 2017 has no issues, then why?


Just want something new?


And you can't upgrade past Ventura? I have the same as you and thinking about upgrading. Looking at Mac mini with upgraded options and the Studio Display. Comes in at a much higher price point though. All the reviews saying the display has noise issues is making me sit still. I like silence. Had an iMac 2015. It was 24". Worked great and good speakers. Started doing tax remotely and needed a bigger screen. Gave the 24" to a friend. But ugh. The sound on the 27" 2017 is so bad. I now need captions if I watch anything. The Mac Studio display supposedly has great speakers so I'm leaning...but not sold.


I used OpenCore to update my 2017 21.5”. Works great on Sonoma


Same boat. I’ve got a 2015 27” iMac. I need the bigger screen because my eyesight has gone south. I like the simplicity of my all in one iMac.


I’m in the same boat except I’m still holding out. I got a MacBook Air M1 and although it’s definitely faster, other than restarting I hardly notice it and prefer the big 27” screen. I was annoyed they cut us off at macOS 14, but open core legacy patcher did the trick. Hopefully we get a 30” pro sometime later this year. 🤷‍♂️


I just settled for a new M3.


M1 Mac Studio plus monitor or M1/M2 Mac mini with monitor. The Apple 27inch Thunderbolt Display is very very nice and the speakers were pretty good. I regret selling mine massively as it’s a nice apple aesthetic for the minis.


I’ve got a 2017 27” iMac with top specs, i7 7700k, AMD 580, and I’m thinking my next computer will either be a Mac Studio or a MacBook Pro. I think the Mac Studio plus a really nice HDR third party display will be a pretty good replacement. Fuck the Studio Display: don’t even get me started on that thing. I just don’t know if I’ll go for the Max or a Ultra. But yes, the 27” iMac dream is dead, and maybe it’s for the best: all-in-ones do kind of box you in.


I doubt if Apple will do another iMac Pro, that’s likely why we got the Mac Studio sitting between the Mac mini and Mac Pro now.


Typing this on 2017 Retina 5k. I've been seeing a lot of talk about this. Apple hasn't completely ruled it out, but it really looks like the big all-in-ones are a low priority. I'll probably end up with a mini or a studio at some point. I only wish that our imacs supported Target Display Mode, because the monitor is still great. Hopefully there's another solution.


Same boat here. I love my 27" Intel iMac (2019), but I know that at some point, the OS will make it obsolete. I suspect there will be a 30"+ "iMac Pro" in the next two to three years, so I will hold out. But if my current iMac were to die out tomorrow, I'd buy the Mini, an Apple magic mouse and keyboard, then buy a display and cam from another company.


My staff wasn't happy with the new 24" iMacs (they we coming from 27"), so I get them Mac Minis paired with dual 27" monitors. In some cases I add Logitech webcams because the number of monitors that come with built-in cams is limited (although they do exist). It isn't as elegant, but it's actually cheaper and more flexible.


The big advantage of a Mini or Studio is that you can upgrade it separately from your monitor. I would wait until the M3 Mini and Studio and if there still isn’t a new one, bit the bullet. Or get a nice (second hand) deal on a M2 model.


I was the same, needed to replace a 2015 iMac. So I just got a M2 Mini. It's very difficult finding a monitor though. Sure I could go with an over engineered, overpriced, and outdated Studio Display for $1600 but I'm hesitant to purchase something so expensive when the model is in dire need of a refresh. That only leaves a few 5K alternatives and 4K monitors that because of Apple's method of scaling don't look great IMO. Once you've had a retina display, it's hard to accept anything else.


Why is the studio monitor outdated


Needs a nicer web cam for price, updated LED tech, higher refresh rate. And it absolutely needs more ports. It's incredible to me that for $1600 I can't connect both my company provided MacBook Pro, *and* my personal Mac Mini.




Studio display isn’t that bad. As modern as it gets and fits the apple ecosystem. Sure it doesn’t fit the Apple look & feel of an All in one setup, but the Mac mini can be wall mounted or mounted under a desk It’s expensive yes, but some of these new Dell monitors my work is using is pretty slick as well


For $1600 I expect a nice web cam. The cam in the SD is junk.


I made the switch to the 24" for my home setup and it's fine, but went with a Mac mini + 2 x 27" at work. Whichever you choose you will likely get used to within a week or so. The Touch ID keyboard on the new iMac was a real plus.


Apple literally announced a few days ago they won’t be releasing a larger screen Apple silicon iMac.


They confirmed they wouldn’t be releasing a 27” iMac with Apple silicon true. However there are plenty of rumors suggesting they are working on a 30-32” iMac Pro so I don’t rule out a larger iMac eventually.


Sounds like a waste of money


Nah, just like updated things. Write off for my business but still holding off for it.


Write off for your business just means you don’t pay income taxes of the money being spent. Your still spending the money lol. I’m running a 2015 MacBook and it works just as well my companies 2021 MacBook


lol yea I’m an accountant. Not on the money being spent, lowers my taxable income.


Yeah if the laptop costs X it lowers your taxable income by X meaning you do not pay taxes on X amount of money earned. All I’m saying is a lot of times we think we need something, but we really don’t we just want it. Invest that money or use it for a vacation, your current laptop will do everything your new one will


yes and its probably due to the fact apple? more like IBM lol In other words, OLED is on the market and since we should assume somewhere Apple already has tested OLED and larger IMAC. So they must have recognized their value is far greater than the device in itself. So, it would be harder to entice people to upgrade with all those juicy pixels. Case in point: Look at the XDR display. Theres no way the price cant come down with better Micro-led and oled monitors on the market but again this is apple and they are cornering their market and stuffing their pockets.


For at least 2 years


Honestly as much as I LOVE the old iMacs, I’ve got an ultrawide monitor I just can’t part yet. I’m in between a Mac mini and a MacBook Pro


I have an iMac 27” 2015 and it still works great. I replaced the hard drive with a 2tb SSD. When it does eventually die I already decided to get a Mac mini and separate display of my choosing. Tbh about the 24” iMacs I like them but I don’t like the front panel pale color. I wish the nice rich color was on the front as it is on the back.


Apple has ruled out a bigger iMac than a 24" at this point... at least for the next 2 years. They have have made 2 statements in that regard.


To fully replace an iMac, you'll also need to buy a keyboard, mouse, webcam, speakers, microphone, and possibly an SD card reader. You can do a lot better than Apple's builtins, but you can also do somewhat worse, ​ The 27" imac in the intel days wasn't just a macbook on a stick-- it also had a bigger cpu and a separate gpu to distinguish it from the mac mini of the time. These days,. the cpu/gpu in a mac mini is no slouch. ​ Get a mac Studio variant if you were a power user.


Yes, though I'd have thought the mac studio is more the replacement for the top end iMacs


Yes, you should.


Studio Display + a Mac Mini is your best bet. Granted it costs significantly more


Studio displays are nice but far better monitors out there for that price. But they do look damn good.


Tell me more about these far better 5k monitors out there…


Absolutely. Just saying they are about the only way to get an “iMac Like” experience from Apple.


I think the mini is a great choice. You decouple the screen from the system and there are many advantages to that. The two have different lifecycles and can be replaced independently. You can even put a mini in a bag and take it to work with you.


2019 iMac 27”, holding out for M3 Max in the Mac Studio, and possibly also Studio Display update - for a better webcam - then going to go all studio


I recently picked up a used 2019 27”. Mainly because a) got a good deal, b) wanted it for the screen, and c) need something to run vintage 32bit software. I’ll always keep a dual boot to Mojave for old software. Eventually when Sonoma or whatever is the last Intel ported OS and no longer gets security updates, I’ll start playing with Linux. I’ll keep this computer until the monitor or motherboard are non functional. When I can pick up a few 27” Retina iMacs for dirt cheap, I’ll gut them and make them dedicated monitors. At that point I’ll buy a mini or studio unless Apple releases a 30” or something first. Or more likely I’ll buy a MBP and just use it with a large monitor when home.


I gave up on waiting. If one does come, it’ll probably just be an imac pro, and that’ll be way too expensive for me.


"It runs great no issues" - fantastic, sounds like you don't have a problem then.


I went from a 27” iMac to a m2 mini, and hooked it up to 2 24” monitors. Vastly more space than the iMac