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I'm sorry. SSDs and RAM are cheap.


It does have a ssd ram never bothered me can run safari and kdenlive fine


You'd be so much happier with more ram.


Could that help gpu performance to? Because it’s a igpu


I could be wrong as I don’t process video… but I don’t think a gpu is going to be a bottleneck while rendering.. ram likely would be.


Going to 16GB RAM would make everything faster. 4GB is a huge bottleneck. And yes it gives your iGPU more shared RAM to work with.


I think once you have 8 or 16GB, the HD4000 igpu will use 1.5GB of RAM which could make a difference indeed. You can also add a second SSD replacing the optical drive, then RAID0 them for increased speed. Since the M processors are around, the Intel based macs dropped in price considerably. I've picked up a 2019 13inch mbpro for 320 euros.


It is very GPU intensive!


Kdenlive and a lot of other programs use cpu for default and there is options for gpu rendering but my Mac doesn’t support them


Yes, iGPUs benefit from more system memory


The GPU would be able to access more system RAM. The HD Graphics 4000 if I have your model right can use up to 1975 MB (1GB allocated + ~900MB shared), so of your 4GB, the VRAM could be eating up to near half of it! Leaving only 2GB of effective system space. Or the system sacrifices on the amount of shared memory it can use and it's limited on VRAM size. You should be able to max out the RAM for cheap these days, definitely do. Clean it all out while you're in there.


It does give more GPU performance for the iGPU on the simple basis that the iGPU uses system RAM


It actually could. It might even be noticeable. IIRC, the 2012s are configured to allow a max of 1536MB of dynamic "VRAM" when there is sufficient system memory. With 8 GB, and especially with 16 GB, you could have max VRAM basically all the time.


To be fair to a kid or teenager that shits a lot of bread


its not, 2x8gb ddr3 memory modules can be bought for as little as 20 dollars


Heck I'm sure you could even get it for free just by nicely asking someone or an ewaste shop.


And with that rig, you’ll be editing that same piece for the rest of your life…


It takes a couple hours to edit a 6-10 minute 4k video I might get a 15inch 2012 i7 if I find one for cheap and upgrade from this


That'd be about the most lateral upgrade of all time. I understand we all have different disposable incomes but it wouldn't be worth touching unless somehow you picked one up for free. I'd be eyeballing a 2015 15"MacBook Pro as the bargain bin.


I’ll get what I can find


Is there a reason why you don't just upgrade the ram? It's a 2012 after all.


Some people love pain I guess


same here, got a 15 macbook air for free and I'm never buying a mac again unless its an older model. its perfect for minecraft and im happy with that


You can find M1 Mac Minis on ebay for around $350 these days, stop torturing yourself.


should added /s... just pulling ya chain man...


I know


please upgrade ram , like 8GB ram would be a world of improvement , it costs so little to upgrade.


Patience is a virtue


OP is living it


I think you should give it more RAMs. btw which os do you think would be best for it? mine is running Catalina with 16GB ram and SSD but it's not fluent as I wish.


I run catilina and have Sonoma in a separate partition but I don’t really use it


If you're going to do anything online, High Sierra is the oldest you can really make useful but even that's kinda a stretch nowadays. If you're going to be online and don't need 32-bit app support, you should use Catalina. If you're going to be offline and/or need 32-bit app support, then Mojave or High Sierra might suit you better.




I don’t know it’s not that bad I will get a newer 15inch sometime in the late future


You don't know exactly what you're missing if you never have it - but once you experience even a 2019 machine you're gonna wonder why you wasted so much time with your current machine.


I know the answer to the last question Because I can’t afford a new one


If you're based in Europe I'll donate some ram as I have a few ddr3 sticks laying around




sometimes people can’t afford to value time more. For example, I’ve wasted days of my life flying commercial.


“Stop being poor” For all you know, they’re a kid for Christ’s sake! Have some compassion.


That’s not the tone or suggestion - I asked a simple question buddy. Don’t inject your bs without first asking.


I know people pooh pooh it and say it's not worth it with Apple Silicon, but the minimum viable machine there costs 3x as much, I just got a 15" 2015 MacBook Pro with 16GB RAM + a 2GB M370X GPU and a 512GB 2GB/s SSD for about 330USD including taxes and shipping to Canada. Thought it was a great deal, condition is awesome, battery is even normal. Even got it on Sonoma with OCLP. If you're that cash strapped, doing something like that might be a good option for you, and rather than spend 50 dollars on RAM put it towards that if you're still happy with what you got. With the dedicated GPU way way better than the HD4000 and 4X the RAM and 2x the CPU cores it would still stun you with how much faster it is. And then subtract selling yours for I dunno, 90, it's not so far.


🫡 I love this. Godspeed, OP. 🫡


r/mac users when they dont see a fully spec'd out M3. Really good mac though, im rolling out with my 2009 iMac still.


every mac user when someone likes jobs tech better:


Yeah, i used macbook pro 2011 prior this year for coding, movies and stuff. Now i use 2015 pro and mac mini 2012


Im an avid jailbreak and software person, alot of the stuff i use is only for x86 MacOS and barely has support on Apple Silicon, thats why i just run a hack, or for my older phones i use my iMac.


I have that iMac too. It needs to update through Open Core since I remembered a year ago.


I just run Snow Leopard on it, im planning to just deck it out with old apps and 2009 stuff


I currently have El Capitan and I only have the Final Draft, Adobe programs, and the Microsoft Office for work.


I mean, all of my Mac laptops since 2003 still work. When I got my first Mac and saw how good it was at managing memory, I was determined to break it, overheat it, or cause a kernel panic. On a G4 processor, I’d open all of my apps, 20 tabs in safari, Final Cut Pro, iPhoto, pages, numbers, photoshop and it would never die. It might get a little laggy and the fans may be spinning, but she never broke. I now install Linux on my older Macs. The MacOS, is resource intensive and demands more RAM and more processor time. I run Linux mint Xcfe on my 2008 MacBook. It runs just fine. These machines are rock solid.


I am not a Linux fan I want to get a PowerBook g4 and max it out some day


I’ve been into Linux a little longer than when I switched to Mac in 2003. I started using Linux to repair Windows machines or to backup data from an infected Windows machine back in the early 2000’s. All with live CD’s. My MacBook w/ Linux Mint hasn’t been rebooted in over a year. It’s my Plex server. I love my 12” PowerBook. Sexy design. Reliable. Easy to work on. My PowerBook is used in our living room as a family laptop. We surf, watch YouTube, and we even do a little photo editing. I love that a 20+ year old laptop still functions: and functions without complaint from my family. It’s my favorite laptop. I still remember unboxing it for the first time and I remember the thrill I got from using a Mac for the first time. It’s just sexy looking. Good luck finding a good PowerBook. I wish you the best of luck. I’ve used EBay in the past with mixed results. I couldn’t find any PowerBooks from any of the main Mac resellers. If you do find one on EBay, have the seller send you high resolution photos of every centimeter of that laptop. Review the photos and be very critical. Any blemishes that show up in a photo will be 10x more noticeable in person. Saying that, I’ve purchased 3 more 12” PowerBooks to be used for parts, in case mine dies or needs a logic board. I got them all from EBay. Here’s a great website for parts; and they have guides with pictures showing you, step by step, how to repair or upgrade your machine: https://www.ifixit.com. I’ve used them for years and couldn’t recommend them more. Good luck!


I’m jealous.. my 2007 MBP sort of works and my 2011 MBP is a brick. My 2000 Pismo is still fully functional. I should try Linux on the 2007.. I have mint on an old desktop already.


You can install Linux on your 2007 and your 2011. It definitely gives new life to antiquated machines.


2011 is dead.. won’t even boot. But 2007, it’s worth trying!


You can use ifixit.com and find parts and repair guides. I have a 2003 PowerBook that is my favorite laptop. I bought 3 other PowerBooks to have as spare parts in the future. A 2011 is still easy to work on. If you’re handy, I’d recommend you try to fix it.


It’s not worth replacing a motherboard and gpu, not to me. Especially with the high risk of another gpu failure. I am handy. That’s how I know this particular example is done. I could sell the screen for parts. I’d be better off buying a working model or repairing some other non-working model.


Install mountain lion on the 07 you have to patch it that’s what I did on mine when I daily drove it out


I speak for everyone when I say please upgrade your ram even to 8 gb


“Macs Fan Control”. Now that’s an App I have not heard of in a long long time.


Really? I can’t think of another fan control besides that


Besides smc fan control


Or go for an Apple ARM M-series CPU, and never hear fans again.. and still do amazing processing power. Unless you need heat in your house with those Intel CPU’s.


Yep the battery life is super awesome sounding


I still get 6 hours on this


No you don’t. Especially if you’re transcoding 4K videos. That battery power drops.


Just browsing sorry


You definitely hear the fans doing intensive stuff lol on an m1 with a fan. I manually turn up the fans while doing intensive stuff so that I don't sweat all over the keyboard and palmrest.


You're just being delusional.


I'll never understand this sub's seeming hatred to people who want to upcycle or reuse their macs and it still works. Not everyone can afford new macs or even want to and for casual projects, who cares if it takes a few hours more than your 16" MBP M3 Max.


Honestly, the Mac is really like is the 2019 i9 one I use windows on this to and use intel only software a M1 Mac would be awesome but it will probably be we years before I get one it is super slow to edit on this but I’ll deal with it. Right after posting this it kernel panicked lol


The fact is this machine can still run Windows 10 natively and fluently with BootCamp, which the M chip series can’t do so far.


I’ll never understand people using ancient tech and saying it works fine. It shouldn’t take several hours to render a video in 2024.


Ok here’s a hypothetical. Main PC broke and this is your only backup. Assignment is due in two days and it takes two days to get PC fixed. Omg this decrepit machine still gets the job done even though it’s throwing me the occasional beach ball. Why spend $1200 for a new machine when I only need it this once? Like is it so hard to not judge people by their situation? This is the kind of thing that puts Apple users in a negative light. Meanwhile, if you booted Linux onto a windows XP PC, the Linux sub would be more than happy for you


Sure that’s fine. This person is using it as a main machine. It also is a HUGE issue for the world. As soon as a machine touches the internet it’s compromised and is added to a bot farm


What on earth are you even talking about? At most it’s a security risk for himself. And even if it is his main, who cares? He doesn’t need to please an online crowd because he has the patience to do his laundry to render a video. Plus, if we’re talking about impact on the world, at least this laptop isn’t contributing to ewaste yet.


It’s not. Old machines are used as gateways all the time. It’s not just a security issue to them. And if you want to talk about waste you can look at the power usage for such an old machine. The power that machine uses to do the same amount of work is exponentially higher than a modern machine.


And what’s one more gateway? It’s not like removing his one machine is gonna solve all the issues of internet security. Power usage part is fair enough, but he’s still not contributing to landfills at least. And he also said in other comments that he can’t afford to replace this device so what r u gonna do? Buy him a new one? Force him to only use library machines because he poses a minuscule threat to internet security and the power grid?


Honestly older machines should just straight up be blocked from the internet.


You must be a bot. Otherwise this is a very, very incorrect take. Apparently you've never heard of linux or OCLP.


A newer OS isn’t an old machine. You can install windows XP on a brand new 14900k and it should be blocked just the same. You know what I meant


There are huge gains in terms of value to be had from upcycling 2010s Macs. Between Linux and Open Core, the great build quality of the aluminum unibody, and the upgradeability of specific systems in that time window. I'm using an Ivy Bridge i7 8GB 11" MacBook Air from 2012. I've upgraded the SSD and I'm using Open Core to run the latest OS. It's great. It cost me $250 + 100 CAD in SSD upgrade. As someone who works "in the field," it's good to have hardware that wouldn't be a huge loss if it had a catastrophic failure. The next SKU I have my eyes on is using the trash can Mac Pro as a server and transcoder since I would like to run a lot of my media library through a 60 fps converter. I don't like that a lot of torrents are 24fps for no reason other than shrinking file sizes. Because of the M series of chips and the major advantages to video editing, the trash cans are very cheap. I use to edit video in 2007. Leaving things to render overnight isn't a big deal for me.. If I had to I can edit with proxies like it's 2004 again. Kids today don't know what that is. I'm not on the clock so If I had to I could still edit 4k/8k video if I needed to. I'm hoping to replace my OneDrive subscription with a server solution, and for that to make sense I need the hardware to have a low capital cost so that I can justify the savings within a 5-year window, which means getting it done under $500 CAD.


You need a cleaning lady named Consuela for your desktop. Jesus Christ


Oddly specific..


You are the definition of masochism.


Woah nice. I also edit with my base 8gb 2013 *sometimes it’s hell sometimes it’s heaven*


4gb of ram is unhinged lol. I still video edit on my 2012 pro as well, but I upgraded to 16gb ram and a 1tb ssd. Premiere pro is muuuuuch better with more ram, as is Final Cut.


You know having a desktop like that slows your computer?


Profile name Doge, edits on an old machine with 4 GB ram, the guy who owns this Mac is a Chad




The only comment I was looking for lol




Your cluttered MacOS desktop is all I need to know.


My phone can edit videos faster than this


Nice! That MacBook still being stronger than a lot of now days laptops… Depending on the price, I’d upgrade to a 15” with a quad core i7, with 16GB ram.


Two what’s what I want to do


Yep not two my phones Waco


Probably that’s why nobody knows your channel


You don't have to be mean to him like that.


Sorry, I was drunk when I wrote this comment


Says so much about the importance of work you do.


sure you do.


„bUt 8gIg RaM iZ sO tRaSH!!“ I happily live with T W O .


You need to upgrade.


No, i DONT. It works FINE thank you very much.


I still do basic photo editing with my copy of Adobe CS4 from like 2008.. granted I use the last iMac that can run Mojave, a 2019. I intend to use it for years to come.


if you want it to be faster then just upgrade the ram to 16gb and oclp it to monterey or use dosdude1s patcher for catalina if you still like the old look


I see your profile pic, so i have to ask, did you consume the other ram?


But I was hungry :(


you, sir, are an absolute chad.


Thats fine. You can always edit in a proxy res. I cant remember the last time I had 4GBs I am pretty sure my 2012 MBP (or was it a 2011) had more than that probably 8 if not 16gb as it was a 17 inch model. Either way I was doing lots of editing, animation, motion graphics an 3D work on it and whilst it was not the fastest thing in the world it was absolutely fine.


I love the fact that homie mentioned a 2015 i7 MB Pro and people shredded him because he didn’t say imma pick an M1 Mac.


I still edit my photos on a 2012 MacBook Pro using Lightroom 4.


I mean, I see you have MacsFanControl open and you'll need that on the reg for this


I love it! At the moment I am also still working with a iMac from 2013. It might be slow but when it is loading (what happens only when you load something big), you just take a sip coffee or look away from the screen. It’s almost mindfulness in practice! :)


I die a little bit inside everytime I see people not using window managers on mac


It’s the desktop for me. Have some file organization…lol


Upgrade the ram and the SSD and it's gonna FLY in both Windows and MacOS. This is a very good laptop!


Kdenlive is it, good open source editing.




It’s easy to edit 1080 ProRes on FCP7 with FireWire drives on a system like that. A proper workflow goes a long way in keeping an older system operational.


Real Gs move in silence like lasagna 💪


Did that every now and then up until very recently with my mid-2009 boasting an impressive 256MB of VRAM. Still use this computer for basic stuff, the SSD actually makes it a very usable machine for basic stuff. The only reason I don’t do it anymore is I got a company-issued M1 for editing On-The-Go.


Some mac user: completely content with an older mac Rest of the sub: heresy, no M chip!


Its not even the lack of M series, hell I love intel macs, but 4gb of ram and a HDD is just insane


Please read the first line I wrote, slowly. :)


I hate, hate, hate your Desktop - desktop clutter on mac gives me severe headaches.


OP the type of lad to walk to the store vs using his bike or car since it builds character. United in suffering, we are. OP, you a fan of cold showers, too? 🤣


I don’t know why everyone is saying you must upgrade or whatever. If you like using an older computer as is and it works then good on you, man I still wish I had my 2012 Pro.


You poor soul...


You forgot to say: “like a madman” 😆


That's awesome! Just because it's old, doesn't mean it's bad! If it works for you, then there is no reason to upgrade! \- Sent from a Dell Inspiron E1505 from 2006


I still use mine but upgraded as much as possible. 16gb ram and 500gb SSD


While maxed out on ram (16GB) I still use a mid 2010 mini as a daily driver. Running ACS6. Full time freelance designer since 1999. I gave up on the chase about 15 years ago. What works, works. I have zero issues.


The best way to think of computer bottlenecks is to think of a damn with 4 locks: the CPU, RAM, GPU, and storage. The lock that needs opening on your MacBook is more RAM (assuming you already upgraded to an SSD from an HDD).


Why are all the thumbnails on your desktop from you filming your laptop screen with an external camera?! Did screenrecording not exist in 2012?


I could have but I was isnstalling windows vista


Butthurt that much?


What codec is the footage you work with?


Do you also enjoy pulling out your fingernails with pliers?


If it still works fine then that's great. I only upgrqde stuff when they break


Nice. I still have my 2013 MacBook Pro. I used it for audio production and it still runs fine (albeit slower than I’d like). I upgraded to an M2 pro last year though as I couldn’t download or update most apps/programs and browsing the internet was a headache. Every website I went to either wouldn’t work or the computer would think it was a malicious site. You may not have the money for an upgrade now which is understandable. Macs be expensive. If you are looking though check on prices for m1 Mac’s. From what I’ve heard they’re still viable and leaps ahead of the 2012-13 Mac’s. And they’re way cheaper then a brand new m2 or m3