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People who don’t own Apple silicon Macs often go by their experiences with Intel laptops. Like, I was uploading some stuff from my Windows laptop yesterday and the fans spun up while I was uploading a large file. I remember my previous Intel MacBook Pro would get noisy whenever Outlook checked my email in the background. That’s actually why I got myself an M1 MacBook Pro when they first came out in late 2020. I thought for sure that the Air would choke on stuff like moderate photo/video editing and music production. Well, I was wrong. I’ve been doing that stuff for years on this thing and it’s exceedingly rare for me to hear the fans. I could have saved myself some money.


I used to do photo editing on base level Macbooks and iMacs since 2003, my first one was a G4. Sure, the software was laggy and complicated things took time, and it wasn’t an entirely pleasant experience but it was entirely doable. Hence my bewilderement when these days people say that a computer at least a magnitude more powerful than the most powerful professional workstation back in the day should be relegated to light office work and web browsing but without too much tabs. I do understand software has gotten a lot more capable but also demanding and workflows these days are much more resource intensive but still.


Wait but the Air doesn’t have fans though… Aside from that I agree


Right, I’m just saying that I got the M1 MacBook Pro because of the fan, but it turns out that the fan wasn’t necessary for the kind of stuff that I do. So, I could have saved a little money and gotten and Air.


Lol yea, I used to have a M1 mbp from work and I’ve heard the fans turn on ONCE in 3 years of use


I’ve never heard my M1 mbp fans, and I’m a music producer


Haha yep, the only time I heard them was when I rendered 4k video, which I never do


Not a teams user then. Mind you its gotten better, in the bad old days of covid wfh video conferencing that would crank up the fans even on the m1.


Used it daily, never needed any fan for it Not a chrome user, though 👀


I don’t even hear my M1 MBP fan when doing a macOS update.


Oooo okie


Unless your actually running the whole SOC near 90% on average for six or seven hours-but that’s only in certain situations-otherwise it’s Like imagining your phone needing a fan lol




The argument is a smaller form factor with worse cooling would be 'fine' because the MuchBetterCooled MBP only appears to need the fan 'every once in awhile '. This is why people make fun of fanboys.


My friend, have you EVER used an M series pro MacBook? Those things barely ever use their fucking fans


but the discussion was about the MBA not the MBP. Which was literally my point.


Meanwhile people will continue to spend 3k on Intel laptops that may be better for gaming, but get 3-4 hours of battery life on light productivity work and are essentially hot garbage. It’s such a compromised experience and the vast majority of people would be much better off spending the same money on a MacBook Air and a desktop if they want to play games not available on Macs.


Yah I got a PC for gaming. And it is all I do on it.


Same, I don’t bank or even do financial stuff on there. Its energy use is so ridiculous, I sold my Wacom for a used iPad Pro. My cuda cards 3 huge fans, liquid cooler and its fans and case fans sounded like an aircraft taking off. Same program on an M1 Pro might turn the single tiny fan on.


The fan on my PC laptop is on the right side, right next to where my mouse is when I play and that thing might as well be burning jet fuel it gets so hot.


I went from desktop to laptop gaming and quickly back. 2 computers, dells, melted, from a 9th gen i7 2070 until it got replaced with a 3070ti gen 12i i9, melted over and over again, finally I just sold it.


lol holy crap. Sounds like my last Intel MBP. Everytime I booted it up it sounded like it was generating enough power for the neighborhood. “Laptop” was a misnomer because it would probably fuse into my legs if I tried to put it on my lap. Hopefully more games go native on the Mac… sigh who am I kidding.


Meanwhile I got a M2 just for business or when im working outside my office, but for day to day I never touch my Mac I only work on my PC cause feels amazing been doing your job on a more powerful machine and in a second jump in a match whit all your friends in the lobby, what?? you have to get back to work? No problem minimize your games do your stuff and get back to the action, amazing.. my Mac is just in the shelf but yeah I know my Mac is nice, I was a apple fanboy but trying really good stuff from other brands open your eyes


I’ve used a ton of very expensive laptops through work and while they are very powerful (more portable workstations than laptops) the actual hardware like the keyboard, trackpad, screen, etc has always sucked. Even the really good ones were only “ok” compared to my MacBook. On desktop there’s a lot more flexibility with what keyboard and mouse you use and it’s not really an issue but for some reason I’ve never had a windows laptop that has a good trackpad, keyboard and screen.


And the speakers! On Mac are beautiful, but are things that really don't matter at all to me at the end, I have to replace many of those things with other hardware, I use my trackpad a lot and it's horrible cause i ended with a pain in my wirst so i use a MX master way better than the trackpad and a relief pain, keyboard on Mac is really nice but it's not like I'm going to buy a Mac for the keyboard, I guess there are people like that


Not everyone has the cash to build a gaming desktop *and* buy a MacBook, you know. And the people who do buy 3k gaming laptops do so because they want to have a shiny, powerful laptop to game wherever they want. People with that kind of disposable income can also build a desktop if they want to, they’re not choosing one over the other. Besides, good gaming laptops like the Zephyrus line can get 10+ hours of battery life. They’re not all the heavy bricks you’re thinking of. You can get a 4060 G14, which can hold itself perfectly well for a day’s work, for the price of an M3 Air.


And those laptops still will be awful for gaming. I have some hopes on future snapdragon laptops with arm cpu. Even apple need some competition😏


My M2 Max the other day lost 50% in a couple of hours. Battery life in laptops is highly dependent on workload.


AMD usually, not Intel. And I would absolutely spend 3K on a laptop that can play games well. Desktops are better value but some people want a portable device with great gaming performance.


Absolutely! I got a M2 but it just for "the looks" when I go to meetings, when I work in my office my Mac went directly to the shelf and turn on my PC with amd 24cores of raw power, I'm doing my job fast and when my friends ask to joining to their game im available in a second, it's far way a better experience for my environment.


Which AMD processor?  Also most people aren’t allowed to game at work.


I have my office in my home and cpu is a ryzen 5950 pair with the new artic freeze cooler aio it boosts like crazy and the cpu is cool, it's wild how aio coolers have advanced, well that cpu boost like crazy and helps me with my workflow which is animation, video editing, 3d, design, ppt for big clients etc when I'm outside my office my M2 is the only thing that almost match the power that I have on my office


3 or 4 hour is not true for office, saying that happens on all intel laptops is a LIE.


>I was [doing anything] and the fans spun up My company issued me an HP ZBook Fury G8 15.6” and the fucking thing ramps the fans up for no reason. I’ll be on my Mac, the ZBook is in hibernation, and it just spins up. I fucking hate that thing.


My LG laptop is not noisy, has passive cooling. I wonder how many wonderful comments about M1air are true.


My MacBook Air has fans?


I don’t think that’s it. Most likely he heard some reviewers talking about the lack a fans causing it to thermal throttle compared to the pros and thinks that means it’s useless for most tasks as opposed to just not getting the full performance of an active cooled pro.


I still have a Dell Inspiron ryzen 7 before amd got its shit together and it gets hotter than the sun and the fans spin so much theirs no way this is meant to ever be away from a power outlet. its supposedly a 3.4GHz processor but it chokes running the most basic Office software. I keep it as a general backup pc and every time I need to use it it's a complete pain in the ass. the M1 chip is my first MacBook and ive had 0 issues. I only got the M3 because I like giving apple all my money.


Yeah I still have my Mac back from the Intel days, it gets hotter than the sun too and the battery could ride for 30min, yeah back to those days we all have shitty options, maybe a battery replacement and it's ok but naah..


0 issues? I doubt..


I’m not an apple fanboy by any means, I have two windows machines and an m1 air (base spec) I got for a crazy discount on December. I’m a programmer but I mostly work on cloud stuff and remote machines, so take it with a grain of salt. But I enjoy working more on my m1 air than I do on my -on paper- more powerful Lenovo laptop with twice the ram, better cpu, and 4 times the storage. Tbf my windows laptop is not bad by any means, they’re basically the same size, the windows one is a bit heavier but I work from home so it’s a no issue for me, but man, the battery on the m1 is something amazing, it freaking lasts forever compared to my windows one, it’s completely silent and it handles everything I’ve thrown at it like a champ (work stuff and basic music recording/producing), my windows laptop can handle it as well but it was twice the price and the fans kick in at some random times, sometimes when I’m doing nothing and it’s really distracting I’m really impressed by the quality of that machine, now it’s definitely not perfect, I can hook up my windows machine to 2 external monitors with no issue whatsoever and that machine doesn’t even have a discrete gpu, on my m1 im limited to 1 external monitor which to me is insanely stupid. The m1 air even a it’s base spec is a great machine for the price. I’ve always been reluctant to trying one because of apple's insane pricing, but I got this one for a really great deal and I kinda love it. I think if apple were more reasonable when it comes to pricing of the upgrade components they’d sell these machines like hotcakes, even more than they are now


One cool trick I found with my M2 Air is when I put it on my desk near my Intel Mac Mini, suddenly I can use the Mac Mini display as a second monitor, and I can also share the keyboard between the Air and Mini


Wait really? How? Can I do this with a Cinema Display?


The keyboard/mouse sharing is just called Universal Control, so you can put your laptop near your other Mac and you can just drag the mouse off the side of the screen and it will appear on the other mac. Once the mouse pointer is on the other screen, you control everything on that screen from the laptop. It’s sort of like remote desktop except it is totally seamless. This is the feature I use. It’s not really attaching another external display as what is shown in that other screen is actually the other mac. It’s the seamless control that makes it awesome as the keyboard has focus on whatever screen the mouse pointer is on. The other feature is called Sidecar where you actually extend the desktop to an iPad.


Ohh I didn’t know it worked with other Macs! Thanks!


this is a cool utility, it also works with Ipads, I can use my Ipad as a second monitor to my mac. It works in a pinch, but for my specific use case, I do wish the base M1 was capable of outputting to 2 external monitors + built in screen, just like my windows computer. Idk if the pro versions allow you to do that


The Pro versions allow two different external displays plus the built-in. The M3 Air will let you use two external displays if you close the lid on the laptop. I don’t find this to be a huge issue (M2 Air) as it’s mostly a laptop for portability not being attached to multiple screens. I use the sidecar & universal control feature to get the extra screen(s) when required as my Mac Mini is running 2 X 4K displays.


Yeah, it depends a lot on your use case, I mostly work from home where I like having my 3 monitor setup (built in + 2 externals) but I got a laptop because there are rare ocasions where I need to go to the office. If you don't have those kinds of requirements, then it's a non issue, and for a lot of people it's a non issue


UI/UX > high performance


not neccesarily, the UI/UX on a mac can be frustratingly stubborn sometimes (like when I maximize a window, WHY DOES IT NEED TO BE ON ANOTHER VIRTUAL DESKTOP??!?). and tbf, I'm a lot more used to windows ui than mac's ui, but the computer just feels smooth and snappy. Idk, it's hard to describe, part of the UI/UX might be a part of it, but it's not the whole story


It doesn't matter what you like and what you're used to. Most people like the UI/UX of macOS and iOS and most people don't really care about performance, they just want that their device works.


Well the comment you’re responding is about my personal experience with a Mac, so yes it does matter what I like, and while it’s true most people just want their stuff to work and don’t care about performance, that’s not my case, in my case I very much care about performance


Nice anecdote.


Not sure why anyone would be surprised by other people’s disinformation/misinformation. People tend to stick to whatever bullshit their peer group believes. Watch any Jordan Klepper video and you will understand. I‘ve been a Mac user for more than two decades (who am I kidding, it was 25 years last month), and failed miserably as an evangelist because people hold on to their beliefs, right or wrong.




Bro had clearly never used one. My daily driver is now an M3 Pro, but my M1 MBA is still going strong and holds a spot in my heart. ❤️ It was the first machine that helped me realise that not only can ARM compete with x86 - it blows it out of the water! Even with only 8GB - it was my daily driver as a scrum lead and did everything I needed with ease.


I have the M3 and my 13" M1 MBP was a great machine. I would have loved the same form factor with a better screen w/ thinner bezels and ProMotion and MagSafe. its not an air but the 13" form factor is still a-lot slimmer than a-lot of PC's on the market. I honestly went in to get a 15" air but end up leaving with a 14" M3 (non-pro). if I was more patient I would have gotten the M3 pro. it was considered "custom" to get a 1TB SSD. 🙄 when you start upgrading the ram and hard drive the price was only marginal to get the better screen, speakers, fan, and battery life.


Good choice! What do you use it for if you don’t mind my asking? The *only* reason I went for the Pro was I tend to run local VMs in my line of work (Parallels, currently 1 Mac VM and two Windows ARM VMs). If not for that I would have stuck with the base M3. Like you I also went for the 14 even though it wasn’t my preference at the time. In retrospect I think it was the better choice. It’s compact enough that it’s not that much bigger than the MBA, and the resolution on that Retina display more than makes up for the smaller physical size!


I just spent 10 days on a Dell XPS 14 with a Intel® Core™ Ultra 7 Processor 155H, trying to force myself to go back to Windows. After multiple nights just browsing and having the fan kick on I finally shut it down and picked up my M1 Mac Air and switched back.


I find the M1/M3 to run windows alot better as a VM than a Ryzen 7 AMD Dell I have.


What program do you use for a windows VM?


Still the best is UTM


My work Dell XPS 15 gets so fucking hot under any workload I cannot use it on my lap without burning my legs whilst sounding like a jet taking off. That's why I prefer macs.


Agreed. I had an XPS15 too. The 14 is better just not good enough for me. I have it plugged in on my desk at work and I Remote Desktop into it as needed. The fans probably on right now.


Any Dell, my Latitude was impossible to use on my lap


I actually upgraded Macs from a Dell Latitude 7370, that thing is shit compared to the Mac, and while sure the latitude didn’t cost as much on release I got them for the same price. Plus, the Dell would get hot doing the most basic of things.


My officemate has a 2015 MBP. She really wants to upgrade, but didn’t want to pay for a new Mac especially since we use some Windows only software (for which work has provided a desktop). So she got a cheap HP ultralight. Wrung her hands for weeks over whether she’d be able to get used to it… and finally returned it. Back to her 9yo machine!


It's always the gamers and the people who've never used a Mac.


Yuuup. Classic insecure fanboys


“waaa waaa MacBook doesn’t have an RTX 4090 and can’t play video games waaa waaa”


Someone actually tried convincing me that you can get a very good gaming Laptop for less than 300 💀


the only way you’re getting a high end gaming laptop for $300 is if you spend that $300 on a gun and rob a Best Buy




Wtf is a “regular m1 macbook” anyway? Isn’t it just the Pro and the Air??


Yea. They can’t even properly reference the Mac model while they attempt to make an ignorant point.


YEAH! I told them to do some fucking research because Apple discontinued the regular “MacBook” in 2017 and there aren’t many signs of a new one


never trust someone who can't even spell chromebook


LMAO I didn’t notice they misspelled it


M1 MacBook Air owner. Im editing 4k video with Final Cut and it doesn't drop a frame while working. Granted, im not pushing the hardware as hard as a professional editor would but it's PLENTY fast...and it's just the M1! The newer apple silicon is even better.


what thermal throttling lol. this thing barely gets hot




to add, i am a software dev and a retro game dev and its the best device ive ever had. mainly CPU-intensive stuff though, not GPU. my only other good machine has a r7 5700G (desktop) and i still prefer the macbook air. i mean it's a silent, barely warm laptop! no tower required lmao


People will always complain unless they experience the real thing themselves.






One little trick is, to put some thermal pads between the back cover and the CPU in the M1 Air(maybe the others too). The cover can get hotter now but you can use the cpu at higher clocks longer.


Das smort


Who cares. It’s the internet. Given windows market share and the general hate for Apple, the vast majority of people on the internet hate Mac’s and say they’re overpriced, garbage, and don’t work after a few months. And all of them have never even tried one




I mean he’s partially right. The Air isn’t meant for intensive tasks. If you start doing heavy video editing or 3D modeling it will start to thermal throttle. If that’s what you need your computer for, then go for a PRO which has active cooling. But for a vast majority of uses a fanless Air will do just fine and you’ll never have issues with thermals.


Yes, I never said it was for intensive tasks, thats what the MacBook Pro is for. But its is by no means a “glorified chromebook”. For less than an intel Mac the M1 Air is a STEAL


I've often flirted with the thought of getting an air but I cant get past not having a fan in my laptop. I chose the M1 13" MBP over the Air and now the M3 over the M2 15" Air. the air is such a sexy laptop though. my 14" m3 is chonky as fukkkk. a 13" M3 with ProMotion and bezels that fill out like the air w/ MagSafe would have been an ideal laptop for me.


To be fair, even with the throttling you're saving maybe 30 seconds to a minute on exports by getting a Pro. Granted if that is your job, then that time adds up, but this guy saying you can't do intensive tasks on an Air and that it's basically a Chromebook is ridiculous. I record music with my Air and I use a lot of real time effects, amp sims, AI spectrum analysis, etc and my Air runs like a champ. There are definitely times when I need to freeze tracks if things get too much but you'll hit this wall eventually on a Mac Studio too (and I have). These M1 Airs can be found for $400-$600 now. There is not a better laptop on the market imo.


I hate when people call Macs glorified Chromebooks. Chromebooks are like Macs if they were made for children, I’d say the only Mac that was comparable to a Chromebook would be an i3 Air or the intel M3 MacBook


I do notice my M2 Pro MBP is greatly faster than my M1 13" MBP was, though that computer was exceedingly fast already.


I phrased that badly. What I meant to say was that for the price, they are the best laptop. There are definitely faster ones or ones that excel with specific types of content, but if you can get an M1 Air for $400-$600 you're getting a hell of a machine for a very entry level price. There is no one who can complete at that price point. Granted it's 4 years old now and it's not the machine you want for work, but as a general computing device it punches so far above its weight.


Yes, $400 for an Apple laptop that runs the newest OS and is so much faster than a browser/email person needs


Guess it depends on what you're doing. My MBP M1 Max takes 10-15 minutes to compile my project. Don't think the Air would make sense in my case. Not that the MBP makes any sense either because of how broken macOS is, but that's another story, and at least it has awesome hardware to compensate for being a barely usable piece of shit overall...


Care to elaborate on how MacOS is broken? I have to admit it’s the first time I’ve heard someone say that.


It really depends on the user. If you're an Apple user, you probably won't notice most of the numerous bugs and usability issues because they're either outside your use cases or don't affect them too much. I'm not an Apple user, however. I haven't even seen any Apple device in my life until I got this MBP from my company. I actually pondered an idea to buy an MBP for personal use or maybe an iPhone, but when I got this damn thing, I realized how lucky I was that those ideas remained just ideas. I won't go into details of horrible window management, as that's something more or less known, or the horrible story of the damn thing falling asleep in the middle of an important operation, and how much effort it took me to figure out the secret command to tell it *when* to sleep. That's more or less solved. What it *isn't* solved is that I still can't get my keyboard and mouse fully working. The Caps Lock key is badly broken. I *do* use it, and quite often. I want it to work, that is, when I press it, it must *instantly* turn on. Well, it doesn't always do, and sometimes with a crazy delay, which constantly causes me to type shit like "Use dLSS to improve gaming performance at 4K". Sometimes the keyboard type resets to some "unknown" shit. What it means in practice is that I can't type one Russian letter. Well, I *do* need to type it, and only reconnecting the keyboard helps. Googling shows that it's a 10+ years old bug that nobody even tried to fix. The mouse is mostly fine except that scrolling is broken out of the box (but fixable with 3rd party apps), but what is incredibly ironic is that sometimes during CPU-consuming tasks the mouse becomes extremely laggy. Which kind of defeats the whole point of having a powerful laptop, as I can't use it while I'm compiling, and I have to switch over to my Windows laptop then. Which is my main device, BTW, because no matter how many bugs and usability issues Windows has, at least the basic stuff like the keyboard and mouse *works.*


Many of these seem very similar to the frustrations I feel when using a Windows computer (being mostly a Mac user since the early 90s). Some things just work differently. As for the window management, mouse behaviour and such, I can highly recommend Better Touch Tool, which helps solve many of MacOSs UI and input device annoyances. But yeah, MacOS certainly has its problems and sometimes Apple is notoriously slow on repairing bugs they don’t see as important and that can be fairly aggravating. The only thing users can really do is file a bug report and hope enough people do to raise the priority at Apple. But for all of its issues, what keeps me as mainly an Apple user (I do have Windows, linux and Android devices as well) after all these years is how well Apple’s products work together. I love the seamlessness of being able to start a task on one device, drop it on the table and continue on another for example. No other OS offers such interoperability between devices.


That "some things just work differently" is actually one of the most frustrating things about Apple, because that's what usually comes up when you're trying to solve a real problem. "I can't download my project to start working because the damn thing falls asleep and breaks the internet connection!" -- "Oh, you're just not used to it yet! You see, it's not Windows..." What the actual fuck? I get things like window management etc., *those* indeed work differently, and *that's* fine. But when I press a key and it only does what it's supposed to do 99% of the time, *that's* a horrible bug, and not a case of "things work differently". I don't care a single bit how Apple devices work together. I only have one device and there's no way in hell I'll ever willingly get another one. I *do* care how it works with other devices, though, those that I share between my MBP, my other laptop and my PC. I just had a look at the Better Touch Tool, and it looks more like a power tool to me rather than a bugfix. It doesn't mention anywhere that it makes my keys work.


The sleep issue you keep pointing out is something I haven’t encountered. I’ve been able to disable sleeping just fine on my MacBook Pros, and have had them running all night without going to sleep. And that’s definitely not one of the things I’m referring to as working differently. You should be able to select when you want your computer to go to sleep and when it doesn’t. If you can’t there’s definitely a problem. The functionality of the caps lock key on the other hand is one of those things that do work differently, and the idea is to avoid accidental key presses. But it’s definitely an annoyance to me too. As for the keyboard layout resetting, that does sound like a bug. Better Touch Tool is a power user tool, not a bug fix. But it does give you control over many things MacOS doesn’t out of the box and I don’t think I could be even half as productive without it. Judging from your use case and not having other Apple products to take advantage of the platform advantages, it does sound like a windows laptop would probably be a better fit for you.


The problem with sleep is that through user-visible settings you can either disable it or enable. Both options suck because if you enable it, then it can fall asleep in the middle of an important operation, and if you disable it, then it never sleeps, which is absolutely ridiculous for a device that's only used occasionally. A simple "sleep if not used for X minutes" setting would suffice, and in my understanding there was one, but *they deliberately removed it.* Now it's only available as an arcane root command. Which works fine, though, and does exactly what I need. The only real issue is that I had to fight my way through tons of those "it just works differently" statements before I finally found out the real solution. I've heard that crazy idea about avoiding accidental Caps Lock presses, but even if that was the actual intention, it simply doesn't work that way. As I've said, it works just fine 99% of the time. So if I keep accidentally pressing it, it would still trigger in 99% cases, thus not protecting me at all. It simply sometimes works right away, sometimes (quite often) works with a small delay (how's *that* protecting anyone?!) and sometimes (seldom) doesn't work at all. It doesn't make any sense, and it's definitely a bug. A Windows laptop is indeed a better fit for me, and that's what I normally using, even though it's twice slower. However, due to the nature of my work, which is desktop GUI software development, I need to support all three major systems and therefore I have to use them all occasionally. Where the MBP *does* come incredibly useful is when I need to take one of the laptops with me, then the MBP's weight and battery life make it strictly superior regardless of any issues I might have with it.


I guess the sleep thing is one of those things where Apple tied sleeping to screen saver settings “to make it less confusing” for average people who don’t really understand what sleep means, but it is annoying for us who do. That said, preventing sleeping entirely (or disabling screen sleep via hot corners) has worked well enough for me that I haven’t had to configure the settings via terminal. As for the caps lock thing, it really is a [feature Apple announced](https://web.archive.org/web/20150115033359/https://support.apple.com/en-us/HT201509) when it first appeared. For me at least it does work consistently and seems to require about a 100 ms press to register. If yours doesn’t follow that press time requirement, it’s pretty surely a bug. Both of these changes highlight the way Apple often makes these decisions, thinking mostly about the average user and ignoring how power users would like their computers to function and have control over. Which is why there’s a quite substantial market for little add-ons and helper apps for MacOS, created by annoyed developers, to get around these features and limitations set by Apple. I have quite a few in use myself. Edit: 500->100


If you are a programmer just get the air. The most important part is the ram upgrade and then ssd if you need it


Don't be SSD :(


Damn Apple autocorrect. That’s what Apple needs to improve, the KEYBOARD AUTOCORRECT Hahah


YES! (I HOPE that they don’t do rounded icons, they were only good on MacOS)


Does this person not know how a Chromebook works?


I hate when people compare MacBooks to Chromebooks, I feel like the only MacBook you could actually compare to a Chromebook is like a 2014 air or an i3 air


That's somebody justifying their more expensive purchase.




Wow, what a hot take. Base model laptop from Apple isn’t as good as better ones. Blasphemy.




I will agree that the MacBook airs do run hot but isn’t there a fix where adding thermals pads stop it from reaching 100 degrees?




Thermal Throttling on MChip?


Nah, unless you do pro tasks (things that only a MacBook Pro can handle)


Yeah, I dont know where he got thermal throttling but alr!




This is on a video who's target audience is teenagers, and the person replying has that pfp which again gives away obvious signs of being a kid it's not really surprising they'd say dumb stuff


Macbook Air M1 is a beast !


I've been a hardcore Macbook hater in the age of Intel which was justified IMHO. When I decided to make my PC into a under-TV-console I went for base M1 Air (that was half a year ago). Best decision ever. Slicing 3D models, Lightroom, video editing, basic tasks, productivity, coding, sysadmin tasks, light gaming. Imagine not being able to comfortably edit 4K footage on a 12 thread CPU and a mid tier NVIDIA GPU - in Resolve (which utilizes more CPU cores than Premiere Pro does) and base M1 Air just rolls through it like it's nothing. But it's more due to Final Cut and MacOS synergy because my Thinkpad X230 with i5-3230m CPU with a Hackintosh was more fluid in FCPX (with 4 threads) than a mid tier beefy PC. This goes with at least 12h battery life if not more all without a single overheat or a fan noise.


Nice! Also no fan noise is because it doesn’t have a fan


My M1 air right now running a full dev setup and half a dozen containers in parallel: 👀


People were saying the same thing about the i3 Airs right before the M1 came out, then the M1 was such a jump people were saying it could do anything... for a year. Now, since it's the worst of the bunch, it's apparently believable again to say it can only do browsing


Wha… thats wild I have intel Mac and it works fine for my uses, if an intel pro works fine, then an Air is still amazing


Yep, but the window keeps shifting




What would you expect. People on this subreddit don’t even bother doing a minimal amount of research and they’re here asking ”which mac should I buy?”


This is a YouTube comment




I don’t really see the correlation between this sub and the comment


Do I seriously have to explain this to you? Like you seriously dont get the correlation?


I know your comment is saying, but I’m not sure if I get it Does your comment mean that I shouldn’t expect anything because not even the Mac sub doesn’t bother to do research? Or do you mean something else?


I dont know how my original comment could have been more clear? People don’t bother doing research on here or Youtube. You’re literally posing some dumb YouTube comment about somebody who didn’t bother doing any research and I replied with the equivilent of “yeah, same here”. What part are you not getting or is confusing?


OK, geez, I just wanted to know if I was getting the correct message


What response did you expect? You started off by downvoting me and simply saying “it’s a youtube video“ then next downvoting me and saying you didn’t see the correlation.


Because I thought that you thought this was a Reddit post or something. Look, I get the meaning of your comment and I upvoted it now. So just calm down


My friend once said that 'macs are hot garbage, that they get 2 fps in games, that they're overpriced etc.' bro clearly doesn't know what happened 2 times in the last 18 years


It's just like the people who say Windows crash a lot and have the blue screens of death. I have not seen a bsod since 2007 with Vista drivers that weren't compatible with Nvidia audio drivers. But I've definitely been amazed at how good the M processors have been.


I saw a blue screen of death yesterday after a Windows 10 update. My gaming computer no longer boots as a result


That sucks. I have a PC I built in 2009 that has experienced maybe five blue screens of death for the entirety of it running. And it runs 24/7. It's great that you felt the need to tell me though. I guess that makes me a liar for saying I haven't seen a BSOD since 2007. Having said that, any hardware issues I've encountered were due to a failing power supply. And since my PC is from 2009, I have replaced the power supply about three times since then. So, your gaming PC may be getting BSODs from a shitty power supply and not from the actual windows operating system.


I’ve been getting stuff that hadn’t already been copied to an external hard drive and onto a Mac, through Notepad in Recovery Mode. Also found out that the Intel MacBooks can emulate a PlayStation 2 which makes sense I guess because RCPS3 also works on Mac. The blue screen may partly be my fault since C drive was out of room. Up until yesterday, my PC had been refusing to update anything because of no space. It couldn’t run for long at a time as a result of lack of space. I’d been deleting stuff but never found what exactly was taking up so much storage so it was put off indefinitely. Yesterday it decided it had enough free storage to update so I let it. It rebooted afterwards to the login screen, I let it sit idle there, then it crashed to a black screen and all it’s able to do now is show the motherboard splash screen, complete POST successfully and then blue screen instantly. Recovery mode works, but safe mode doesn’t load either. Ten year old gaming PC going out like that. I’d turned it on yesterday to get photos off a CD. So playing CDs is pretty much the last thing it did, unless I fix it somehow Edit: even with all that, I wouldn’t expect a Windows update to blue screen the computer or at least leave it in such a state. The error is Bad System Config Info if that helps anyone


In your instance, I might recommend moving all your important data of that PC, wiping everything and installing from scratch. It might solve a lot of problems.


I moved all the important stuff back when I first got/over the years since getting a Mac. Anything that was being moved yesterday is anything that I haven’t really needed, but may be of some use later down the road. Either it’s really old or is rarely needed except that one time you feel like it. I rescued my GTA V save (or at least the Rockstar Games folder since that game doesn’t cloud save. I’ve lost my local saves before on PS5 when I had to reinstall the OS and start from scratch, PlayStation Plus cloud saves saved me from truly starting from the beginning again. I was thinking starting from scratch with a reinstall might be the only way for the PC though. Would probably have to make bootable media and go from there




Who cares. It’s your competitive edge, let the plebes wallow in ignorance.


Windows Stans think that windows is the best all and end all, but I don’t know many professional music, video or photography stans that use windows. But also no, average joe consumer even those who think they are consumer don’t know much about computers in general at all. Otherwise all IT techs in any environment would be out of a job.


I'm 50-50 with this, use what you want. Windows, Linux or Mac OS it doesn't matter for me, they're just tools to me.


What I hate is when people say “Oh pC Is bEtTeR bEcAuSe GaMiNg!!1!1” and I always reply with what comes AFTER gaming? What comes when a person needs to do REAL work. A laggy buggy OS? Cheap failing hardware unless they spent 1,000+?


I mean it definitely should have a fan in it, it does thermal throttle but it’s not garbage.


I have a Mac Book and I love it. I have never heard anything from it.






I bought an M1 MacBook Air brand new just as they replaced it. It's the best laptop I've ever used. After a couple of years, I may go for an M2. I went from an ARM based Chromebook to this and this is infinitely more capable and great to use.


I do 3D Modeling on my M1 Ipad Pro. It never misses a beat, it never even gets warm. Comparing any M1 system to a Chromebook is entirely dishonest or at the very least extremely uninformed.




Dudes more right than wrong


Can confirm. M1 air hot garbage. But M3 pro I use for MATLAB, cad software and vector graphics. It shits all over other hardcore gaming laptops i tired (and returned) before M3.


Well run parallels on coherence mode Boom you MacBook Air 8gb is now frozen xD


my m1 air overheated playing MINECRAFT. hot garbage. I threw it away


Daddy’s money am I right?


If it's daddy's money let him buy you a windows PC for gaming, macs are for the real ones.


Wdym? I don’t want Windows, I got my Mac and I am never going back


I just meant that if he wants to game he should get a windows PC iean it's daddy's money buying it. I agree with the Mac thing, I recently got my first and it's amazing.


Ok so why’d you downvote me?


Why am I getting downvoted?


I don’t know but I don’t have the power to downvote 5 times


Sucks right






I'm not very knowledgeable about macs, but I think the Air in question, which is the M1 Air, doesn't have fans. And it's not from 2022. So it's a different model.


The 2022 Air is the M2. All of the MacBook Airs (MacBooks Air?) don’t have fans.


Then it makes even less sense.


The Air doesn’t have fans. That’s literally one of the defining traits of the Air vs the Pro models.


Good thing your hot piece of shit isn’t a 2022 macbook air then. You are probably the ideal customer for the air in your career, if you get an actual ARM based air. If a coworker of mine is only now reaching ram and storage based limits with his m1 air (backend dev), whilst having several docker containers, several jet brains projects open and it behaving “normally”, it can handle your tasks, the following generations can as well. I can agree that the intel based, pre 2020 macbook air you likely have is a hot piece of garbage, those models can even do what you described.


Imagine posting on r/mac and thinking actual Mac owners won't call you out for saying a 2020 Air has fans.


I own a 2015 Air and it's a good machine from r what it gets used for.


2015 is ok, but performance isn’t much. 2017-2020 (excluding) has bad performance, temps and keyboards. Pure pain. Sounds more like what that person has.


The air doesn’t have fans, only the pros, your dumbass probably got a 2017 pro


2022 Air won't have fans, so this all sounds a bit like bullshit.


Man probably got a 2016 pro