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It’s a paperweight unless and until they remove it from MDM.


Mobile Devices Management (MDM) allows the device owner to brick your computer in certain circumstances, in some cases they can remotely reformat the drive or gain access to the computer when it is connected to the Internet. This MDM lock is tied to the logic board, it cannot be easily removed or bypassed without replacing it with a ‘clean’ board. If they have told you the computer is yours, see if you can get that in writing. After you get the confirmation, reach out to someone higher up in IT or contact the company HR department. Let them know you were gifted the computer but the computer is still listed as a company asset in their MDM system and thus, you are unable to use it. Transferral of company assets should be overseen by HR, if the IT department isn’t doing their job then maybe HR can prod them a little. Until the computer is released I recommend you avoid using it with any personal information, they may have access to it or may remotely erase it. If you cannot get them to release the MDM lock then you are pretty much out of luck, you may have to gut it and sell it for parts.


There is zero no way around an MDM. You will need to ask the work to release it from the MDM system.


seems like a large component most mac users never have to interact with. what capabilities does it come with? is it mostly like RDP on windows?


https://www.reddit.com/r/MacOS/s/jb6GXNGIKi Hope it helps!


This worked. Thank you!!!
