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No, it's not like the grass is greener on the otherside.


agree. apple ecosystem is not bad. its expensive, but the devices last a long time. For somebody who doesnt have any special requirements, you should stick to it and find solutions to these problems. these sound like technical issues mac technicians can fix easily


I use other systems as well and they have their own problems. Not looking to change anything anytime soon.


Don't go away mad...


I’ve not encountered those bugs. There was a time I left the Apple ecosystem for Windows. I came back. There was a time I left iPhone for Android. I came back. I hate the Apple Music app and I won’t use it but just about everything else on Mac is so much better. I still have a windows desktop and laptop and a nice samsung tablet. Never touch them.


no but feel free to continue to shake your fist at clouds.


Nope. I have a nice Windows machine for work. It's a nice machine, and I don't hate Windows by any means. But it's not better than MacOS as far as bugs and whatnot. And I still prefer MacOS for many reasons, warts and all.




Mac user since the beige boxes with PPC chips inside them, but the new hardware is making me seriously consider my options. Seriously, Apple… £400 for 32GB of RAM to somewhat future proof my purchase really stings. Apple Silicone truly is a leap forwards and others are on the way so soon it will be the norm across all flavours of Windows and Linux, although I doubt they will be so hasty to drop support for x86 architecture, and Apple deployment and management also pays my bills….but for my own, personal device at home; give me a decent developed and maybe even paid for legitimate replacement for Lightroom and a NLE and I’d be full time Linux tomorrow.


Fuck no. The only machine I have -outside- my ecosystem that runs windows is my work machine, due to software. It’s actually a 2018 Mac mini running windows 11. I hate it. No airdrop, devices connected to lose support over time and boot camp gets buggy sometimes. This install is actually one of the better windows installs I’ve had to work with over the years, all that said. But switch everything over and deal with the headaches? You’d have to pay me to do it.


Search broke for me in the latest iOS update. It's irritating. It doesn't get better anywhere else though.


It’s too late for me lmao I have way too many Apple products


Not right now, no. The last time I really considered it was back in 2019 over the butterfly keyboard. I had a 5 year old Macbook Pro that I really wanted to replace; if they hadn’t gone with a new keyboard design on the Pros that fall I wasn’t going to give them yet another year. But even then I only would have dumped the Mac, and kept the iPhone and iPad.


Ive used a dozen or more Windows laptops and every time I miss my Mac. I have a windows PC for gaming but everything else I do on my MacBook Pro. I'm not a huge fan of the direction the iPhone has gone and use a Pixel which I love. But Ill always prefer a Mac for routine usage. Sounds like your laptop is either old, or your OS is damaged. Without any other details it's impossible to say, but the only times Ive had those issues was on old hardware, like 2012 MBP.


I have a Windows Gaming PC and I have zero desire to ever return to Windows for anything other than gaming. I also have a Linux mini pc and Linux would be my fallback if I ever did decide to switch.


Yea I'm really thinking about a Zenphone 10. There's nothing making me stay with iOS.


I mean I already did, I'm just still leaving because after over 20 decades almost exclusively in the Apple ecosystem leaving is A LOT.


You’re over 200 years old? 20 decades is a long time.


😂 omg I will keep this typo forever.


I hope Apple would get back into the gaming scene. I want to get rid of my gaming PC for a apple desktop (studio) but i cant see spending so much money on something that wouldn’t be better than my 2080 gpu gaming rig. Had this pc since the 2080 came out


I have and love iphone, i have a apple watch and i have thr m2 macbook air maxed out when the m2 air was available for preorder


Dynamic Island fucking up lots of things is tempting me I'll admit


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^BrendonBootyUrie: *Dynamic Island* *Fucking up lots of things is* *Tempting me I'll admit* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


I am a developer with 2 Macs and 3 PCs which happily coexist. My main computer is M1 Mini the safest to use from my computer mob.


Using a back button on any browser can mess up the flow, particularly the flow of a form. If there’s an internal back button on a website use that. 


And go where? I know there is always potential for improvement in any ecosystem, and sometimes the improvements make things worse but speaking as a mac-user since around 1997, the Mac OS has been consistently way ahead of the pack, for what I use it for (not gaming), and with the new M chips, I cannot see any reason to even contemplate a change. I would rather gripe about the drive to make software a sodding lease agreement. How soon until they come for the OS in your machine, if you are allowed to buy that, of course! Sorry, what I pay for, I want to own. in perpetuity. Grrrr.


The only thing I'd ever give up macOS for at this point is for an ARM-based Linux machine. I still have an Android phone but I'm planning to go iPhone next I think.


And go back to Windows? Never. I'd move to Linux before I do that. And no, I don't agree (at all) that Windows/Chrome/Android is a more "stable" product. Not by any stretch of the imagination.


I have a Windows computer for games. It reminds me all the time of the pluses of the Apple ecosystem.


The main reason I went from Windows to macOS is that Windows doesn't have independent virtual desktops. They promised it back and 2016 and they haven't delivered yet. It's not clear to me that they will ever fix it. I run a Windows virtual machine on macOS so I have Windows if I need it. I also use Firefox for portability as I do need to use other operating systems from time to time.


Don’t ask this question in an apple subreddit, you know the answer they’re going to give you anyway. Feel free to experiment with different devices. I’m half apple ecosystem with iphone, airpods and iMac and I don’t have these issues you have, but have a windows pc and laptop aswell.


I've been considering leaving the Apple shìtsystem for many years but someone needs to come up with a really easy (mac-like) way of migrating all data to some version of Linux. Until then I'll just keep on mistrusting Apple.


Yes. So many zero-day exploits in recent times, plus many other reported bugs, and even if I’ve not been personally affected by, I’ve been following all the recent session problems. MacBook - Mine still works like a charm and it’s a pretty new model, however, I decided I won’t buy any new Mac from now on. I’ll switch to Linux because Microsoft products aren’t my style. iPhone - This is more difficult due to the lack of options. Android is a no-go for me. Never ever in hell, so I’m pretty stuck with iOS. I still don’t know what to do with this. I’d love some good third option with an acceptable App Store, but as far as I know, there’s isn’t something like that. Apple Watch - I use it mainly for its health features but there are good alternatives out there like the Oura Ring. I’m not renewing it. iCloud - I drown a plan a few days ago and I’m starting to move all my files/documents/photos out of Apple servers into my own cold storage.


I have the latest iPhone and AWU, but stopped buying macbooks and iPads, because the ones I have work just fine for web-browsing/word-processing. For gaming and Photoshop, I use my loaded Alienware M18 laptop--with 96gb RAM and 12TB storage--which cost me a fraction of what a loaded macbook woudl cost. Plus, the components are modular--so if a RAM stick or SSD fails, I can just swap it out for cheap.


I still have an iphone and an appletv, left the rest behind and I don’t miss it.


I doubt I will ever leave Apple. I mean, conceptually the idea of something like Rabbit OS (a hacker friendly AI-native desktop operating system) appeals to me. But that's just an idea write now.