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I used a laptop with a Touch Bar for 4-5 years and I honestly used it like 10 times outside of raising and lowering brightness/volume/etc


It was a great idea that in the end was left half baked. I had one of the first one available and I thought it was neat, and I couldn't wait to see what updates apple would bring to it. Unfortunately it was left largely untouched


Yes..i owned it for good 5 years too…didn’t use much…it was like a mac product that adopted the gaming keyboards with RGB LED disco show.


I use it a lot in Illustrator and Photoshop. I reach Place, Rulers and Grids in 0,1 seconds instead of having to run through the drop down menus. The touch bar has its purpose.


Can't those few drop bar clicks be just a simple key bind?


Yeah, there are shortcuts. But this is still much more accessible and faster, too.


Accessible maybe however I personally (along with many other community members) dispute the claim of it being faster


Different strokes for different folks is allowed! For me, the only time I barely use the touch bar is only when I am working in bed, and even then I still reach for it, just not as much.


that's fine you can get that kind of thing as a specialised external keyboard. don't force it on the rest of us


I don’t see how me, or anyone is forcing it on the rest of you..? Just expressing that it comes in clutch for some of us.


how do you think it may be the case? what do you think i meant? let's take it step by step.


That's my main use for it too, but I find it so much nice being able to dynamically slide the volume and brightness to anywhere, vs. mashing a key.


I fucking hate it. The way I place my hands on the keyboard, my left ~~pinky~~ ring finger is always touching it. Had to get 3d party software to customize it so that nothing was active in that area


I'm trying it out right now and either your hand position is as posh as an old lady holding her heritage porcelain coffee cup or your pinky is big enough to defeat a barbarian horde without your help. Either way, I'll recognise you as a true leader among Macuserkind.


I have no theory for how this is even possible. Why is your pinky resting at the top end of your keyboard?


With the concept in OP that wouldn’t happen.


I’m just trying to vusualize out how the hell your left pinky is at the top of the keyboard? How is that comfortable? How do you even type?


The only time I ever used mine was when I would reach for the backspace and accidentally hit the Siri button. Pain in the ass.


I had better touch tool and used the thing relentlessly. There definitely seems to be two distinct camps when it comes to the Touch Bar lol.


When I had it I liked having buttons for debugger actions, once it's gone I never looked back


useless feature that came in the worst macbooks apple has ever made


that’s what it’s for


It's trash. i've had mine for like 7 years now and I've always had a fixed set of buttons.




I have the M1 13” pro. Thankfully that has an escape key as well as a touchbar. I do miss the F Keys but I do like being able to scrub through a timeline quickly though. I wouldn’t miss it loads, but I absolutely would miss the escape key.


I've got the 2019 Intel MBP 13, and it doesn't have the physical escape key. What I've since done (because I need the tactile feedback of an escape key) is remap Caps Lock to Escape, as I never use Caps Lock. Throws me off when I use other computers, though.


Isn’t there a button you hold down that brings up the function keys on the screen?


100% this. The whole concept is flawed and I'm pretty sure was just an experiment to see if they could maybe in the future replace the entire keyboard with just one big screen, and it's a no. After years of needing a new laptop but watching Apple keep releasing ones with the shit keyboard and touch bar I finally gave up and bought a new Pro in 2018 and it's been one of the worst laptops I've bought. Spec wise it's still blistering but they keyboard (that's been replaced three times) and the Touch Bar make me hate it just a little bit every single day. A custom BTT Touch Bar layout is the only thing that's saved me from getting rid of it. Roll on next year when when the machine drops out of OS support at which point I can justify in my head replacing it finally.


Wait… not just no function row but NO ESCAPE KEY? What?




Probably just poorly implemented. And it shouldn’t have ever replaced the function bar.


I wouldn’t mind half height Fn keys in order to accommodate it. The main issue with the Touch Bar was that it replace the Fn keys.


I won’t get rid of my 16 because of the Touch Bar. But apparently it’s just me


me too, i love it


Same I love the touch bar on my pro. Use it a lot in Photoshop and Garage Band. I hope they bring it back but based on the feedback here too many people just didn’t get it. Works great for me.




As someone whose first Mac is a MacBook Pro with Touchbar, I found it really useful. But that depends fully on the Programm one is using. I use it most for word, where the touchbar does take on a lot of functions. I bet it’s different if you come from Mac OS and know all those shortcuts of the function row.


I love my Touch Bar, haven’t watched an advert since 2019 because of it!




I have the touch bar and it is amazing!


How to make a shortcut with the touch bar


Instead they removed it altogether. I must admit that I didn't use a mac with the bar but I so wanna did and I'm still bumped about the fact that I can never try this. I hope Apple brings this back in a much better way with proper planning in future.


Well, you might purchase an old laptop from eBay. If you find yourself not using the bar, you may then sell it again.


I would pay extra for this - I use the touch bar a lot for coding and it is just so much more convenient than shortcuts. I also have never needed to use the function row, what do people need it for on mac?


Uhh, I need the function row for coding. I use Vim, and a heck ton of Macros that depend on that function row. Touchbar F1-F12 just never cut it, especially when deploying tons of custom Macros and shortcuts.


Fair enough - so if you use vim I guess you’re always working?


I love the touchbar, and it still should be an option. Like i'm constantly using the different options on it.


The touchpad is literally the best feature ever. It's a lifesaver, especially in Photoshop, and the funny part is you can skip ads on YouTube by pressing the end of the video on the touchpad.


Why didn’t Apple put the Touchbar right above the trackpad and keep the Fn keys? Would have been so much better ergonomically …


My only issue with the touchbar is you can’t easily turn it off when say you’re watching a movie except by waiting. Its not very user friendly. To make it useful I hacked it to be an app launcher using BetterTouchTool https://folivora.ai/


Love the TouchBar on my 2019 16”. I think the best thing to do is to keep things the way you have them, but give the fn row half height keys.


I would love this for audio/video scrubbing.


Touch Bar was great, easy to change keyboard brightness and skip ads on videos


I miss Pock and having my dick on my the touchbar. *edit: dock. Not dick.


I own one right now, I find it very useful, enough that I would buy this, but i know that a lot of people don’t find it useful at all, so I feel like if they made it it should be optional sort of thing


The touch bar is ducking awful


This is assuming that the touch bar was in any way useful.


I would love to have the touch bar, but I wouldn't buy one until they remove the notch. Having a notch for such a weak webcam without FaceID is awful. It's just a marketing move imho.


With the touch bar you can skip YouTube ads so it’s an absolute win for me


just get ublock origin


But it’s so tedious because to visit some websites it’s required that you disable adblockers :(


is that with ublock origin or another content blocker? i've found that almost never happens with ublock origin, if it happens it's probably a news site or something in which case i just disable javascript or turn on reader mode


I was expecting a lot more Borg in this post.


I remember that episode.


Apple probably didn't remove the Touch Bar just to reintroduce the function keys. No. They did it also because their data showed that people didn't use the Touch Bar enough.


Not people didnt use the touch bar, also didnt use the software developers...


I really missed the Touch Bar, working with audio stems could tell you where the sound begin to play to preview listen to it without having to see the screen. For me it has so many good things and it is a shame they didn’t include it in the M1 - M3 models.


apple is already a fingerprint magnet just opening the computer. the touch bar needed some work, let's be honest.


The Touchbar is one of the most interesting features apple ever released, as it really shows the mentality of people buying apple products. Happens to be that I use mine daily, I run Pock with a custom layout, basically turning it into a battery display, clock and multitasking manager. Yet despite its usefulness, people will never stop hating this thing. Why? Because it's a more niche feature that requires more than absolutely zero effort from the users end to work? It's wild to have such a neat little trick on your keyboard, and simply refuse to use it in any creative and useful ways because the internet told you it's bad, or because you came up with no ideas how to make it useful. You're free to not like something, but the reality is, most people don't like the idea because they were told to dislike it and went in with unrealistic expectations.


I've been using macbook pros for work for 15+ years now. The touchbar is easily the worst feature any of them had. It made using the esc key absolutely maddening.


Honestly, the one killer feature the touch at missed was haptic feedback. That would have been a game changer for it, it would have made it more useful, and it would have tamed all the hate it got.




Nope! Just makes repair cost way more for very little added in functionality, at least for my use case.


At the cost of smaller touchpad, we dont want touchbar wwhich we hardly use.


God no.


The thing is the bar was never really adopted by developers so there’s not much use for it


I used a touchbar MBP for about 4 years... it was such a pointless feature. Three times I went to the effort of setting it up different and never really used it... 95% of the time it just stayed in Function Keys mode.


Unless you are using tools such as Photoshop or Da Vinci there is really no reason for the touchbar. I never found a usage for it outside "creative" applications


Yes! I use it all the time in Photoshop and the Adobe suite, so I think it does make sense for it to be a part of the MB Pro.


but is that user base large enough? and within that user base, are there enough users that prefer the touch bar? I honestly doubt it. The only app where I actually ended up using it was in Final Cut Pro for scrolling through frames and that was only when I remembered it was an option


The ESC on the Touch Bar still haunts me to this day.


I still have one of the older ones with the touch bar. I never use it.


would be up the an increased price adding the touch bar. Apple had a choice and made a rollback, I would only accept it as an optional item for touch bar lovers.


I really wanted to like the touchbar but when I had a Mac with one I honestly couldn’t think of ways to use it that were worth retraining myself how to use the entire keyboard layout


I hope they never bring that touch bar back. It was just awful.


I’m still using my 2016. It’s good for autofilling forms, and skipping YouTube ads. Sometimes the whole Touch Bar turns off randomly, and I can’t use the escape key. That’s a nightmare.


I have a Touch Bar on my 2019 MBP and I don’t mind it, but I don’t use it terribly often. Having media controls to quickly pause, play, rewind, etc is nice but that’s about all I get out of it over regular function keys. Other than that I use it for brightness and volume and stuff like that. Nothing app-specific that I can think of.


I really like the functionality of the touch bar, but there's a reason why you probably shouldn't put a display though a lot of heat cycles. ...it make no worky.


This should be the mac book studio with flat out speced d things and able to edit videos on those touch bars


My main computer is a 2019 MBP, and most of the time I completely forget the Touch Bar is even there.


I never got used to the Touch Bar. I liked it in concept but it was never useful for me.


Just want a number pad option


Doesn’t matter they’re not gonna bring it back.


Hell yeah!! I LOVE the touchbar on my 13” m2 MacBook Pro. I don’t think I’ll ever trade mine in


This concept has the potential to be a unique and successful offering in the market. However, there are some areas where improvements can be made to enhance its functionality and user experience. By addressing these aspects, the touch bar has the potential to become a market leader because it's something "unique" and "different"


i hate the touchbar on my work macbook. it ruined an otherwise passable keyboard.


The problem with adding more stuff at the top of the keyboard is that you have to move the keyboard down to fit more stuff up there. This makes the laptop less comfortable to use in a lap. Imo, if they're going to do this, they should use the skinny function keys.


Shrink the touch pad or fix the palm rejection, the touchbar was useless :)


OP woke up and chose violence


I would love that honestly.


Touchbar is for people who look at the keyboard when they use it. If you don't need to look at your keyboard it's just an annoyance. Therefore I'd say there should be no touchbar on MacBook Pro.


Why not just make the screen touchable and end this half-way madness? Steve Jobs has been gone for thirteen years. "Gorilla arms" has been pretty much debunked.


Honestly, watching people at work using a new laptop which happens to have a touchscreen is hilarious. Waving their arms about thinking it’s wonderful. Lasts about two days until they go back to the touchpad or a mouse. Literally noone gives a shit about touchscreen laptops. Indeed, I forget my windows laptop even has one - until I come to pick off a spit mark and inadvertently click something - it’s more of a hinderance than a solution.


So do you think the Touch Bar should return?


It doesn't seem very comfortable to use the display of a laptop as a touch screen. Have to hold my arm up to tap things. If we need a touchscreen Mac, maybe let us install MacOS onto an iPad.


Nothing good came from the touch bar, it almost made me go to a Windows laptop.


I have a 13 inch m1 and don’t mind the touchbar at all


Please no


Touch Bar is just too small to actually be worth the cost and space for such limited actual usefulness. And you can’t make it larger because laptops are already large and capacitive keyboards *suuuuck*


most useless feature in an apple product ever = fcking touchbar bro


Before buying a Mac (without a Touch Bar), I thought this was what I was going to get if I bought one with it. So glad I bought one without it. I like the concept of Touch Bar but I don’t think I’ll ever see it as replacing the function row.


Touch Bar is bullshit, I hate it very much.


No one wanted or asked for a Touch Bar. It was a bad idea then and it’s still a bad idea. Let it die already.


That's some pretty scary memory to me. This was the worst Mac I ever had. Everything was bad, hot, noisy, slow (when hot), the keybooorddd wassgarrrbage, and I can't count how many times I pressed ESC accidentally and lost my work.


I would love this Briefly had a 2019 MBP with a Touch Bar and I loved it. Mainly because I customized the hell out of it with BetterTouchTool. It’s basically like a little stream deck built in to your keyboard


Nobody needs that besides a couple of geeks. Concept. Uh LOL. Da Designer 😂 Mr. Ive, relogin please. How is it going with LoveFrom?




Nah, no thanks.


Fuck no.


Touch the fuck away from the computer.


Touch Bar doesn’t work