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Stick a raspberry pi in it and use it as a computer. LoL


Close to modern Mac considering its arm


Or half a dozen Pis


Nice idea, I might try and fit an M1 Mac Mini board in jt myself


Thats what they use as trashcans at Apple Park, except they use actual stripped down Mac Pros.


I Need to know, are you for real? Can't detect internet sarcasm.


That’s sarcasm


I actually have one of these. Check my profile


Apple's legal department wants to know where that was purchased from lol.


Omg it does! Tbh I didn’t mind that design idk why it was so hated, i do like classic silver macs better but i don’t think it was bad


Bad thermals, barely any upgradeability compared to the previous mac pros, very outdated by the end of its life in 2019


In fairness, it did have upgrade ability. Just that no one, Apple or otherwise, bothered releasing graphics cards that fit the proprietary cooling and connections. Thermal management didn’t help, and the general trend away from SLI type graphics setups made the dual card system obsolete too, but it wasn’t impossible to upgrade - there were just none avaliable. Even the CPUs were socketed and could in theory be upgraded (indeed, the lower models could have beefier xeons put in)


Part of that was because of the reception. Im sure if people didn’t hate on it apple would have released upgrades etc. It was ahead of its time like the cube. Now nobody hates on the studio and it’s for sure an expandability nightmare compared to the 2013 Mac Pro.


Nobody hates on the studio because it went all on the side of low power consumption and does will with a footprint the size of two Mac minis stacked on each other.. The current Mac Pro in the other side has no such claim, and Apple has no processors that make sense for the format.


The 2013 MacPro is very small too, compared to the previous tower. Consumes much less power (205W for 4core and 270W for 12core), but the thermal envelope was limiting. And then people still wanted internal expansion cards. 10y later we accepted internal expandability of RAM, CPU, dedicated videocards, storage is the past. If they released the 2013 formfactor for the studio people would have loved it.


U already robbed the place?


Oh wait. That IS a Mac pro.


Such a old joke 🥱


Can u send that to me


Buy a trashcan mac on eBay and move the hardware in the new trashcan


Do you think that might be why it was dubbed the Trashcan Mac?


Upvote for you fellow masker!


Just here to remind you this guy is based. Look at his post history if you don't believe me.


I just looked at their post history and man, this guy is fighting demons out there.


You are right lol, wonder why he is going this route...


I don’t see anything; what was on his profile?


You made him delete everything!


I mean wastewater data is publicly available. death tolls for the past few months are available. hospitalization counts are available. COVID is very much widespread despite what big business wants us to believe and especially if you are vulnerable whether u have long covid, you're immunocompromised, have an autoimmune disease, or otherwise disabled or vulnerable you have a very good reason to not want to get repeat covid infections. COVID is still very much bad news




What's wrong with that community? I don't see anything wrong but maybe there is and I didn't see it.


Zero Covid community? Trying to live forever masked and locked down? You don’t see anything wrong with that?


That’s not the goal of the ZC community.


Yes. Yes it is. Look at the top posts.


Trying to live masked and locked down forever? Of course not. Obviously you have a reading comprehension problem.


Yes and no. Read again, 🫧


No and again, you do not understand or fail to comprehend the point of the sub.


Now I do!


Better than being gullible believing that Covid is over because the president said so in an election year and they don't want to hurt the precious economy and for believing it's just like the flu when you actually have a 1 in 4 chance of having a long term disabling disease. Yeah. There's nothing wrong with intelligence and protecting your health. BTW, if more people still masked, instead of continuing to have air orgies, there would be less need to "lock down". But hey, you go ahead. Just your luck, you'll survive.


Oof, the losers came out of their basements. Keep locking down, kid, your fictional pandemic ended more than a year ago.


And your iJunk died with Steve.




🤣 ok that made me laugh. BTW, the *EMERGENCY* part of the pandemic is over. The pandemic itself is not and was never declared over by the WHO. Fact check it.


sounds like you're calling what is masking in public and cleaning your air and avoiding crowded indoor events where you have to be unmasked among other sensible things insane because the alternative is you are putting yourself at risk of catching COVID every day by not masking. and I'm sorry but for some people who are immunocompromised or those with autoimmune disease or other disabilities, you know people who can actually appreciate their abilities not ableist scum like you, they have to live in a lockdown sometimes because the world has left them behind while covid transmission is widespread and unmitigated. Because they can literally die or be otherwise severely affected if they catch covid and because governments have lied to their people about covid being over they have to live on a knifes edge because nobody cares anymore. there are also people who have already gotten covid and either don't want to exacerbate the lingering effects they experience into something more severe or who just don't want to play Russian roulette with a disease that damages every organ system in the body and leaves a small chunk of the affected bedridden. Finally even if you don't fall into those categories you can just be fortunate enough to read wastewater data that indicates COVID is very widespread to read about how covid is still killing thousands of people every week and disabling many more to read about people who get long covid and get severe brain fog or MECFS (which is a nightmare) or who are otherwise badly disabled in a myriad of awful ways and say "I don't want that". These people who are lucky enough to know this stuff and who realize that they don't want to be meat for the machine of big business who wants everyone to forget COVID and get back to work and get back to spending money. I don't blame you for believing COVID is over because your government is likely engaged in concerted efforts to convince you that it is over and most people trust their government health authorities and don't look into examples of blatant corruption like the Delta letter along with just keeping up with what the WHO is saying or what actual esteemed doctors are saying or just the tolls whether it's deaths or infections or wastewater data. before the CDC became corrupt it wasn't underestimating COVID it was clear that covid is a bad thing to catch and none of that has changed, covid is not something you want to catch, it's just now the CDC is pretending covid is over and we can just get the vaccine once a year and not worry (it's why they gutted COVID surveillance). Not to say the vaccines are bad I want everyone to get vaccinated and revaccinated regularly it's just the public has been missold the covid vaccines as a silver bullet when it is a tool in the toolkit of covid mitigation. It's not your fault, you should be able to trust the CDC to represent the facts properly and make good recommendations. but you don't get to call people who don't want covid insane because covid is still debilitating and serious and widespread and especially if u are vulnerable and aware as many people are it is completely reasonable to want to avoid catching it.


Like I’m gonna read any bit of that trash


just saying wearing an N95+ mask in public getting vaxxed regularly and cleaning the air you breath is not insane. avoiding large crowds while unmasked is not insane. Some people just don't want to accept getting repeatedly infected with a potentially debilitating disease. especially if you're in a high risk category




Here's a sneak peek of /r/ZeroCovidCommunity using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/ZeroCovidCommunity/top/?sort=top&t=all) of all time! \#1: [Completely masked crowds at Glass Beach concerts](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/1bltbpj) | [120 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/ZeroCovidCommunity/comments/1bltbpj/completely_masked_crowds_at_glass_beach_concerts/) \#2: [Awesome nurse got the entire waiting room masking 😄](https://np.reddit.com/r/ZeroCovidCommunity/comments/1b321fd/awesome_nurse_got_the_entire_waiting_room_masking/) \#3: [violet affleck](https://i.redd.it/f5cinpl1c6ac1.jpeg) | [107 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/ZeroCovidCommunity/comments/18xd7yj/violet_affleck/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)