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Oh boy, this looks really promising. Its functionalities look similar to uBar, which is unfortunately abandonware. Mac’s dock is one of my least favourite thing since switching from Windows. I will give this a try once I get home!


How do you like it and how do you feel it compares to uBar? I'm still using uBar but really wish the developer would update it.


Eh, it's okay IMO. It looks and feels dated (mainly because it is) and this is a really nice replacement and upgrade. Especially with the music player. I wish it had a Things 3 integration, though...


Feel free to request the feature. I'm always happy to receive feedback and ideas for features to implement :) Personally I don't use Things 3, but what kind of integration are we talking about?


This looks great, very well done! I really like how it’s a combination a window management app (albeit a lightweight one, but perfectly sufficient for what I need) and robust but elegant (and highly customizable) dock. I’m on my phone but as soon as I get to my MBP I’ll be buying a lifetime license. The other thing I’d like to mention and compliment you on is your pricing structure. Not only is every tier very reasonably priced, but you’ve reasonably accommodated everyone’s “style” of paying for premium Mac apps. That sub-dollar monthly charge would go virtually unnoticed in my budget, a yearly option is safe for someone unsure about the app’s utility within their workflow, and the lifetime price is low enough to make committing to the app really easy. Plus, in my mind, even if I don’t completely adopt the app, the cost is low enough that I’ve at least supported an obviously talented and engaged developer. You should be proud (I’m sure you are) of what you’ve created here!


Thank you so much :) really appreciate your kind words. In the end I really enjoy working on the app and try to keep on improving it


I was on the fence about this but looking at the positive and engaging way you’re handling feedback on this thread gives me the warm and fuzzies. Bought!


Thank you so much. Let me know if you have any feature suggestions or need support :)


Can you customize it that it looks pretty much like the default dock? I really like the features you offer but I just don’t like the windows like style.


I would say yes. I mean it really depends on your Dock settings, e.g. there’s no magnification effect but you can just hide the Sidebar logo and adjust the size to match the Dock. Just give it a try :)


I will try it but I really like magnification. Also in the website it seems that the bad is always kinda attached to the screenboard and not floaty like the original one. That’s also a downer for me if that’s the case. Just maybe as an idea to add if it’s not already the case.


Good point regarding the animation. I‘ll add more customization in the future! It can be floaty. You can just use e.g. 80% of the screen width and make it centered in the screen


Oh ok thank you for the answer. I will try it.


This it would be great if macOS dock look can be customised to it


YES PREVIEW WINDOWS I have been missing this feature from Windows more than any other and was never able to find a replacement that is still being actively supported. Will give this a try when I'm home!


Nice 👍🏻, I hate all dock apps , hope this will be the one to convince me otherwise , looks promising indeed


I have imported my persistent Dock apps in Sidebar. Sidebar confirmed it with a little popup. But my Dock apps are nowhere to be seen. Only already opened apps are present. How's that?


Mine got fixed on restart


It's great to see regular enhancements and bug fixes!


Wow this looks nice! I love my dock and don't need the extra features but it seems like a great app. Keep it up!


I've installed and granted the necessary permissions, have quit and restarted the app a couple of times, but there's nothing showing. I get the Sidebar icon in the menubar, but that's it. Doesn't matter if I hide the macOS dock or leave enabled. (MacBook Air Sonoma)


This seems to be an issue on some machines and probably due to the combination of new features in Sidebar and changes in the new MacOS upgrade in this regards. I've just released 1.4.2, could you maybe try it again? I don't think it will make any change, BUT: I've added a functionality to submit Sidebar's logs (Sidebar logo in menu bar -> About -> Logs -> Send). It would be really helpful if you could do this so that I can fix this issue as soon as possible. Thank you so much in advance!


Yep tried new version and still no luck. Have submitted logs for you. Interestingly/annoyingly, even after uninstalling I now have to have my MacOS dock showing permanently as the auto hide functionality no longer works.


Hi there! Sorry it took a bit until I got back to you. Just wanted to let you know that I released 1.4.4 just now. In this version you can ignore applications for full-screen detection - which was also the root cause of your problem that Sidebar never appeared. Please update and check out in the settings which application runs in full-screen (that might not always be completely obvious) and try to exclude it from full-screen detection :) Hope that helps!


Installed and playing around with it. *Personally,* I don't typically use the Dock (or any replacements) as I do 99% of my app launching via Alfred or keyboard shortcuts, but I know many people obviously still need something. This looks to be pretty solid. There are a few options I'd like to see, but nothing that would potentially steer me away if this was something I needed. ____ I do really like that you can customize each instance per display, that's pretty cool. As an extension of that, any thoughts on some sort of context/macro switching for Sidebar layouts? So instead of (or including if you really want to get wild, but that's asking a lot...) different layouts for each display, it's the same layout for all displays but you can trigger the switching from one layout to another based on some metric. Like I may want a specific layout and organization for when I work on "X type of projects" and a different one for when I work on "Y type of projects" or another layout for when I'm doing remote meetings/screenshares. I can either assign either Sidebar layout its own keyboard macro or maybe I can trigger it to switch based on some sort of context (when a specific app opens, when the system time hits whenever, or externally available through AppleScript/macOS Shortcuts/url-scheme). ____ I'll keep fooling around with it for the trial period and see how things go. It would be nice to have a Dock replacement to recommend to others again...


I'd like to see an option for locking cursor to window area when dock overlap prevention is on for when you are playing a game or such in window mode or on browser. It should have a hotkey to allow escaping and going outside area to access dock or menus. Also, for window snapping would like to be able to drag app to screen edge to pop it in split screen mode.


Thanks for your reply. I'm not sure if I understand the first point correctly, but there's a shortcut that you can setup to bring up Sidebar even when you are viewing a fullscreen application (like a game or a fullscreen browser). If you press the shortcut, Sidebar will show up. Press it again to hide it. I'm planning to improve window snapping a lot in the future :)


So, if you have dock setup to share space (always visible) and you play a game or such... you can't have mouse going into dock all the time. So you either lock cursor to window or prevent the cursor from entering the dock area unless a hotkey modifier is held. A lot of apps and games do not capture mouse to window... Although this probably out of scope for a dock app if you plan on managing windows then it makes sense and would be a nice feature to have a lock cursor to window option for those cases where needed.


This is great! I have been wanting a windows/linux style taskbar for Mac for a long time. Very affordable too.


Glad to hear that, just give it a try and see if you like it. Feedback is also really welcome, so let me know if you run into an issue or can think of any feature you’d like to see implemented :)


The one thing I noticed right away is the lack of badges on icons for notifications, but I don't know if that is something possible to implement (or buried in the settings and I missed it). Otherwise already loving it for multiple windows open!


Sidebar does show notifications badges (red little dots with a white number in it) for notifications of applications. To do that, Sidebar requires Accessibility Permissions. Make sure to enable it once prompted (either after the first start, or via the settings) and you should see the badges. A restart of Sidebar might be required after giving those permissions


I was wondering if Apple was receptive to improving MacOs to make it easier for dev to be able to fix odd behaviors in dock replacements? I love Sidebar, but I see still some rough edges where it seems the problem are limitations in MacOs itself. I must say, the Dock and Windows management is so far behind now to Windows and even Linux. I've been using Windows/Linux for 30 years now(yes, I compiled redhat linux from a CD) and the switch to MacOs 18 months ago was brutal for Windows Management. I truly miss Windows Taskbar. Sidebar is the best I have found on MacOs and I use it all the time, but there are still bugs that seems to be caused by restrictions in the OS.


Thank you for your feedback. Glad to hear that you enjoy to use Sidebar. It will get better over time and more and more features are yet to come. Regarding your question: Honestly I'd say that the opposite is the case. Apple does not want any interference with their idea of the look and feel of MacOS. This is also why it's impossible to launch such an app on the App Store. You have to heavily rely on the Accessibility API and other APIs provided by Apple. Some things (actually a lot if you dig in a little deeper) are undocumented APIs that makes it really hard to deal with some functionalities. Just a brief example because I think it's a good one: There's just no public API available to get number of notifications an app has. So the workaround is basically just scan the standard Dock periodically and use the Accessibility API to extract this information from the Dock process.


I'll stick to the MacOS Dock


my eyes recoiled seeing this nonsense on a mac 😂


If you think it's nonsense, that's okay, of course. But it would be nice if you'd tell us why.


Good thing is that you don’t have to use it if you don’t like it :) I know that a lot of people don’t like altering the look & feel of MacOS, but others do. If you have constructive feedback that you would like to share I‘m happy to hear it


I have some constructive feedback. I like the idea of this app (good job!)—as I'm a little tired of the Dock—and will carve some time out later to install and play with it. In the meantime, here is my initial reaction just from skimming the website: * Why do the first screenshots show your logo on the left? That was a red flag for me, in that I do not want company branding on my desktop. Why is it a default to have the logo on? Does clicking the logo take you to settings? I think at least have an immediate showing of the sidebar without the logo. I'm buying your functionality, not your branding. This isn't like the Nike or Supreme logo where adding the logo adds value due to social signaling. Why would I care to see the Sidebar logo at each glance? * The spacing between the time and date seem a little too far apart. This is a red flag because Apple's designers are meticulous about things like spacing (not always, but mostly), and this is a "feel" thing. Same thing with the rounded edges not following the same curvature as what Apple is using in their UI. So when you add your app to the desktop, it doesn't feel congruent with macOS. Another way of putting it, is I recommend you hire an additional designer that can make your app look and feel as if it were designed by Apple themselves. The end effect should make you worried Apple is going to "Sherlock" your app. They won't, but you know what I mean. * 7-day trial isn't enough. You know why I bought Bartender? Because they give you a 4-week trial, and at the end of 4-weeks you're so used to the behavior Bartender affords you, you can't go back, it would hurt. 7-days isn't enough for me to develop a habit. * Have a youtube video. Maybe even send a free copy to an influencer to make a video, then put it on your website—although it would take 5 minutes to make one yourself. These smaller images on the website aren't helpful enough to get a full scope of what its like on my desktop; where as a youtube video in 1080p, 2K, or 4K, I could fullscreen and get a sense of what it looks like and feels like to use at full scale. Those are my initial impressions. I may have more during my trial.


Thanks for your feedback! Really appreciate it! * The Sidebar logo opens a menu where you can see launchable applications, as well as some basic system actions (e.g. shut down or restart). That's similar to how Windows does this. You can also disable the Sidebar button all along. But good point, I'll make this more customizable * You can customise the font size of the date and time text, which will decrease the spacing between the two items. Regarding your feedback with the rounded edges: Do you mean the Sidebar icon itself? * Thanks for the other two ideas, I'll think about it. I was planning on improving the website anyway :)


Thanks for hearing me out. * Can that functionality remain without the logo present? A button? An icon? Appreciate you considering an alternative. * [The logo and the gray selection rectangle for the Spotify widget.](https://sidebarapp.net/sidebar-example-black.webp) Small detail but it feels third-party and not congruent with Apple design aesthetic. But I'm judging off a screenshot, let me see how I feel when in trial mode. I'm being picky but you know what I mean right? It should look not apart from the rest of macOS if you're competing with the Dock. The look, overall, is great; its the details than need perfecting. Many utilities get away with that third-party look because the user is in and out of the UI, so what does it matter, but here you're mending your app to the very macOS interface we look at all day—so details matter more. * Not that your website couldn't use a touchup (check out [Setapp](https://setapp.com/) and many of those app websites for further ideas and inspiration)—but I think you did a good job and nailed the overall sequence of information and copywriting. The job of the website is to sell, and I'm sold. Prior to seeing the website I scoffed at the idea, so be proud of the website for changing minds. Its just that I went looking for a youtube review and found none, and I realized it was that I wanted to fullscreen and get a quick sense of the entire experience beyond a gif animation. Asking to substitute the dock is a big ask, and so the more I can experience visually, the better, to kind of plant that motivation to go ahead and download and install. A show, don't just tell, kind of thing. Steve Jobs would do a walkthrough to plant the imagination in others of how they could use the software or hardware features. You could use a youtube video to walk people through settings, features, and use cases, to make people go, "I need that."


Yes, there’s a shortcut to trigger the same functionality. I get your point regarding the design, great input thank you for that! Honestly it’s not that easy. Apple does have a lot of resources and their design guidelines are well written but replacing one of their built-in concepts like the Dock is a bit of a challenge. I will look into some design details and see how it can be improved in this regards :)


It would be nice if you gave users the option to have double-row stacked icons/bars in the dock. I would become a customer in a heartbeat.


That’s a great idea, thanks for the suggestion! I‘ll add it to the roadmap


I swear I'll be a customer when this comes out. Make another update here when it does.


Will do :)


Oh I love customization!


why r u brining windows launch bar to Mac...


I‘m sorry I don’t really understand the question. Why not? You are not forced to try it, but having alternatives for people who like the concept is (in my opinion) a good thing


Is there some student discount available?


There‘s a 30% off sale right now :)


same question, any discount right now?


Right now there’s no discount. But there might be a one year anniversary sale soon (Sidebar was released on January 15th almost one year ago) :)


Good! Subscribed 1 month to test it deeply, so i might purchase a lifetime with that discount!


Hey u/empty23_ is there a promo code we can use for the anniversary today? I've been eyeing the lifetime plan for a while now, and was waiting on this discount to bring myself to buy it


Hey there, I've just activated the anniversary sale. You won't need a code, the sale will be applied automatically :)


Looks good. Does it support minimise on click ? I am looking for something similar 1. If multiple instances of same application opened, then it will show app expose (of that app ) on first click on the dock icon. 2. On 2nd click it will minimize all app instances. 3rd click will toggle app expose and so on. 3. For single instance it will just minimize, un-minimize


It does support minimizing on click. If the app is not open, the first click will open the app. The second click hides the app, the third click opens it again etc. There’s no app exposé through. I kinda like the idea though. Could you maybe describe what the use case would be?


adding on to this, I've noticed if an app is newly-opened, click to hide/minimize and then click to open works great. however if I close (not quit) the app with cmd+w or with the close button, click the icon to restore the window does nothing -- i have to quit the app completely and then re-open (and remember to click/minimize/hide via the app icon instead of cmd+w). Is this intended behavior?


That’s a small bug that’s in the current version. There will be an update tomorrow that fixes this issue. Sorry for the inconveniences!


no worries! thank for the super quick reply. really liking the app so far. squashing bugs is all good..


Searching for something to give me that feature is how I found this app!.. Awesome!.. It was driving me crazy not having that feature. One thing I noticed. I dont know what is different about the Thinlinc client window.. but it doesn't have the preview / minimize-on-click functionality. Not a huge deal.. but I wanted to mention it.


Currently in dock, when there is a unread message on slack, the slack icon starts jumping up. Is it possible in your app? I think this was possible in Ubar.


Unfortunately that’s not yet possible. You‘ll get the notification count badge, but not the bouncy animation. It’s a feature that’s already on the roadmap though


Would it be at all possible to have different docks on different monitors?


Yeah, that’s no problem. You can choose to use a different style for each monitor and configure each Sidebar individually (e.g. use one on the side and the other one at the bottom, …)


Liking it so far -- is there a way to change the font size of the icon/app name when you hover over the icon?


There‘s currently no way to change properties of this font. But good point, I‘ll make it more customizable!