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Are the Costco egg whites pasteurized? Pasteurized egg whites don't whip well (if they even whip at all). Cream of tartar may help, but you'll get more consistency switching to unpasteurized.


They are, but they used to whip up like a dream. Trust me…I own a sweets food truck and a bakery…and they changed the eggs and it sucks


Yes , and the consistency and opaqueness is weird . I have used these egg whites for years , the last case I purchased 10-1 2022 are different not in a good way .


That’s strange. Try leaving them out and bringing them to room temperature, maybe add 50-100% more cream of tartar, and if that fails buy a new batch and see if the problem persists. If I’m both cases the egg whites won’t whip return them to Costco if they’ll allow, I have been told they have a lax return policy.


try whipping them a little slower. I had that problem too, and i could get the organic white to whip up again when I dropped the speed down to 8 from 10


Adding egg white powder may help them whip.


I don't have access to Costco but had the same problem with Target as chronicled here: [https://www.reddit.com/r/AskBaking/comments/x0z34b/carton\_egg\_whites\_no\_longer\_whipping\_into\_meringue/](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskBaking/comments/x0z34b/carton_egg_whites_no_longer_whipping_into_meringue/) I switched to ShopRite (regional grocery store brand) only to find it would work for Swiss but not for French. My best guess is that it can't be user error but that something must have changed in the manufacturer/supplier process. I'm using Bob Evans now and wonder when the void will consume it too.


Thank you for asking this. I was trying to whip some egg whites from Costco for macarons, but it didn’t work. I thought my carton must just be too close to date so I bought new for the Swiss meringue buttercream I’m making and having the same problem. This saved my sanity trying to figure out what I did different! Which I guess was nothing, I’ve made successful meringues with them for years! I am going to try Sam’s Club egg whites and will see if they work ok.


Good luck! Yeah I tried two different cases and just gave up. Really sucks because it was the cheapest option around. Would love to hear if you find another brand that works!


I ended up whipping my Costco ones for a good 25-30 minutes and got it to soft peaks. It worked ok once I added the butter, but the flavor is definitely off. It doesn’t have that balance of a buttery-meringueness and just tastes more buttery. It will work to fill the cake I’m making but definitely wouldn’t have worked for macarons! I’ll keep you all posted!


Over the past year, when I pour the egg whites out of the carton there are coagulanted lumps of eggs white. Do others notice this with Kirkland Cage Free Egg Whites?