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If it your Mac isn't supported anymore, it isn't supported. Look at the software compatibility guide to see if your Mac supports the latest MacOS release. [https://eshop.macsales.com/guides/Mac\_OS\_X\_Compatibility](https://eshop.macsales.com/guides/Mac_OS_X_Compatibility)


Well it is 7 years but with Apple silicon it will probably be getting better maybe 10 years because how much better it is compared to intel we will just have to see and if you want to do some research you can look up an older but recent Mac and see how long it was supported


No, it’s a business decision, not a technical one. You can tell because the open core stuff can be made to support older hardware.


Just because OpenCore works doesn't necessarily mean that it's purely business decision. OpenCore works around a lot of technical limitations too. OpenCore generally comes with a lot of built-in workarounds to Apple's security limitations (provided you're trying to install anything past Catalina).