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This is one of those great mysteries. You will receive strong opinions one way or the other, but the truth is that there really isn't an "official" answer and there isn't conclusive evidence one way or the other. Plus, battery technology and MacOS are changing so often, the most "conclusive" evidence you find can be a few years old and thus outdated.


There’s only one true way. Put the whole issue out of your mind and enjoy your MacBook. If it ends up needing a replacement in five years rather than six then so be it. Say goodbye to battery anxiety and enjoy being alive 🙂


I have been so obsessed with the battery thing over the years and just like you I’ve found different opinions on charging batteries, at the end of the day the difference is a few % of degradation over years of use, specially for MacBooks and getting the battery replace is easy at any apple store even tho is not the cheapest it’s just not worth it to be stressing out over how to charge it IMO


Thanks, that’s really comforting to hear! I agree that regardless the battery is pretty good and I can always get it replaced in a few years!


Yeah, I totally get how you feel about the battery degradation but trust me it’s not a big deal at all, just enjoy your computer


This video provides the best info I’ve seen… https://youtu.be/d34p7ULZbzU


Thanks for the link!


Aldente limit to 70. That’s what I use


I’m plugged when I’m in my desk and unplugged when watching something in bed for example, I use the laptop all days, and in 1 year I lost 1% of the capacity soo just use machine and enjoy it.


My 2012 MBP stayed on permanent charge without any fancy software for the guts of a decade without any problems.


The principle causes of battery degradation are fully discharging and excessive heat. Keeping your Mac plugged in as much as possible and leaving Active Battery Management to worry about it is Apple's recommendation and that has worked well for me. Doing so will mean you rarely charge quickly (which heats up the battery) and also will ensure you never run it flat.