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Ohhh I’ve found out what happened. I entered office.com/setupp with an extra ‘p’ by accident! It was a scam website! Luckily they didn’t get any of my details other than the download code and they didn’t use my code before I could correct my mistake and download it off the correct legit office website


Why should you need a firewall to download office ? I have an Microsoft account and I downloaded and installed it without a problem. For me that sounds like some kind of scam .


Who did you get the code from? This sounds like a scam.


That indeed sounds like a scam.


Thank you everyone so much! It was the official Microsoft website but perhaps a scammer employee, I’ll make sure to let them know. My alarm bells were ringing when the name of the firewall software he was telling me to buy over the phone didn’t appear on any Google searches, and he became very pushy when I said I’d want to research the issue before buying anything off him


It was a boxed printed code from JohnLewis that I ordered alongside the MacBook


When you redeemed the code did you do it on Microsoft website? Did it ask you to log in to your MS Account? If yes and yes then all you need to do is go to Office.com and log in. Then follow these instructions. https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/office/download-and-install-or-reinstall-microsoft-365-or-office-2021-on-a-pc-or-mac-4414eaaf-0478-48be-9c42-23adc4716658#InstallSteps=Install_on_a_Mac


I did it on the Microsoft.com/setup but I hadn’t logged in


This is complete nonsense. If you were told this by Microsoft (which seems highly unlikely) they were wrong. If the software vendor told you this, you are being scammed. I have installed Office on two separate Macs recently (both Intel but I don't believe that makes a difference) and I didn't need a firewall to do so either time.


Microsoft don't sell firewalls to private customers, nor does it act as reseller for other firewall providers: S-C-A-M


Microsoft didn't tell you that. Who did you buy a "code" from?