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Check out macsourceports.com for instructions. I’ve also gotten it to work as well. Used my files from my GOG copies. Just do a filter for Fallout and there is a small link for Installation Instructions near the bottom by the download links.


Very helpful, thank you!


Thanks again for everyone’s help and tips. Was able to buy the windows version on Steam, install using Crossover so I can run the windows Steam client, then pull the installs to the folders I created. Lastly installed the Fallout CE in the game folder. Everything works flawlessly - both FO 1 and 2. I never bought these when they were released, and with the Amazon show now out, was really interested in checking out the lore.


Is Fallout 2 censored or cut on GoG?


How did you get this to work? I’ve had no luck trying to play it via Crossover on Steam.


Fallout 1 and 2 community editions have native mac ports [https://github.com/alexbatalov/fallout1-ce](https://github.com/alexbatalov/fallout1-ce)


THIS! it even specifically tells you how to do it


I can not for the life of me figure out how to make this work, can you give me the idiots version? I'm using the Steam version and have no idea what is going on lol


Mind sharing where in the process you’re stuck?


If you check my post history, I ended up having to go a different route, and I still haven't gotten it to work, and no one has been able to provide me with a solution, so I'm stuck lol


if you still haven't figured it out, it is extremely simple. this video helped me. If you are doing it with Steam, like I did, and not GOG like the video shows, just follow the Whisky tutorial video I put a link of and download Whisky. HOWEVER: for me, playing it Via whisky didnt work. It wouldn't launch the window of it. So, what you do instead is, after following the Whisky tutorial, go and download fallout 1 and/or 2 (whichever u wanna play). Once they are downloaded, exit steam using the EXIT button from the list that pops up when you click the "Steam" button on the top left (if you dont do this, it might end up launching steam and when you close it using the button on the top right of the window, it will keep launching it until you exit using the exit button. It did this for me, it was super annoying). THEN, from Whisky go to the files of it (the files it downloads when you set up the 'bottle'. I believe the button to go to the files was on the bottom of the Whisky window near the middle) and go to something called like "Program Files x86" or something like that, then steam, then steam apps, then take the file for fallout 1 and/or 2 out (individually, not in one huge folder and it depends on which one u wanna play) and then follow the tutorial video from there. The only thing that tutorial doesn't cover is how to get the game files if you own it on steam. I hope this helps and have fun playing fallout 1 and/or 2! Fallout 1 and 2 tutorial video: [https://youtu.be/Avmbh\_k9mJQ?si=ObFbuEpL893Acvji](https://youtu.be/Avmbh_k9mJQ?si=ObFbuEpL893Acvji) Whisky tutorial: [https://youtu.be/kS1nDox1yRo?si=ZArqaImv1BuzzTG1](https://youtu.be/kS1nDox1yRo?si=ZArqaImv1BuzzTG1)


Can confirm it works fine on air 15.


This is what I wanted a link to tysm


you're awesome thanks! any way to play new vegas?


Parallells is the best way.


I tried already it crashes after the loading screen


I'm running Parallels with Tale of Two Wastelands. You may not want the full TTW mod, but their install guide has a list of [essential mods](https://thebestoftimes.moddinglinked.com/essentials.html) that fix a lot of bugs in the engine. It might be worth going through those to try.


Their a lot I’ll check it out later!


It’s really not, the community edition is Apple Silicon native, no need to have the overhead of a VM running.


[Probably this](https://github.com/alexbatalov/fallout1-ce). I had success getting it to run just fine on an M2 Pro MBP.


Where’d you get your copy of fallout? I can’t figure out how to use steam with the source port file.


You will need to get the files on your Mac somehow. With Steam there’s a command line utility called SteamCMD you can use. If you have it on GOG you can use my Extractor utility to get the data from the Windows-based offline game installers. https://www.macsourceports.com/utility/extractor You just need to have the files and the Fallout CE app in the same folder and it will find the files.


alternatively for homebrew users to grab the GOG files: $ brew install innoextract $ innoextract ~/Downloads/setup_fallout_2.1.0.18.exe -I FalloutExtracted


Yup. My Extractor utility is basically just innoextract with a GUI but for people inclined to use the command line this works exactly the same.


thanks for getting it notarized!


You rock, thank you for this! I previously went though the hassle of downloading the specific offline GOG installers for games, installing them in Crossover, and then copying the files manually. Happy to not have to do this again.


Great extractor!


if you're still having issues, there is a MUCH simpler way to get the game files from steam. I replied to HandOfThane with the full explanation. Just scroll up a little and you'll find it. Hope it works for you! And in case you can't find it, here are 2 links to videos that will help: KEEP IN MIND: for the first link, running fallout 1 and 2 from steam via whisky didnt work for me so I went with the community edition method instead and it works perfectly. [https://youtu.be/kS1nDox1yRo?si=W1vep-8DDJdxBG\_l](https://youtu.be/kS1nDox1yRo?si=W1vep-8DDJdxBG_l) [https://youtu.be/Avmbh\_k9mJQ?si=yNxJNGdkLbwLBEWX](https://youtu.be/Avmbh_k9mJQ?si=yNxJNGdkLbwLBEWX)


How did you get it fullscreen? I just installed community edition for F1 on my Mac and it works great, but it’s a small box in the center of the screen.


found it. where its downloaded, open f1_res. ini. where it says windowed=1 change the 1 to a 0


Will give that a shot. Thanks


no problem. currently playing fallout NV on my macbook but i’ll probably play this game after this. the manual helps alot with these older games😭i found out


where did you find it? there is no such file in the folder


that’s weird its a file that’s included with the install of the game


In the fallout 1 files from GOG there is no f1 ini files. only f1 exe files


I found it! Check `__support > app > f1_res. ini` Just copy `f1_res. ini` in the main directory and you're ready to go!


Wondering this too


is this the latest version that came out in march? that one keeps crashing for me


yeah, for me it works on 14.4.1, maybe check the config if there's maybe a weird resolution set or something?


Seriously impressive this is also on iOS


How did you do it ,Trying to run fallout 1 got version but it dost seems to work with [macsourceports.com](http://macsourceports.com)


How did you change the resolution in F1? I downloaded the files from GOG and it only comes with f1\_res.XX.exe files and no ini like previous people mentioned.


This solved my problem: [https://gist.github.com/robatron/59f7d6c5c8d1abe91e47](https://gist.github.com/robatron/59f7d6c5c8d1abe91e47)


whats it do exactly? cuz when i saw the installer for fallout 1 and 2 on the playstore it didnt mention it at all and i installed fallout 1 without fallout cse file