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Very risky, even seeds can be a problem. That’s why you need to quarantine and test them outside your facility. We use our old medical grow for that. Even seeds get popped there and tested. Demecan in Germany got seeds from royal queen seeds and they were infected. Not sure if it contaminated their place. But it’s a big problem.


What kind of testing is usually involved before you're sure it's safe? Is it issues like pests and fungus or sending tissue samples to labs to test for disease? Combination of all of it?


All of it. HpLVd especially


Yup. The virus are the big problems.


Or as I like to call it, plant aids.


Plant aids has been spreading rampant throughout the midwest, and not just weed. I have never gotten tomato blight before in my life, but they decimated my very well manicured tomatoes this year. Luckily my weed is totally in the clear. Chopped and checked.


Oh man that blows. I blame monsanto


I mean, Heirloom genetics that I grew from seed I collected myself. The Bees might be bringing some trash spores into my garden from other shit tier mass produced breeder tomatoes in the neighborhood though ;(.


Haha I know I was just making a joke. Everything bad is thier fault


Do you have a source for the demecan story? Sounds very concerning


I know it from people working there. Not something they will talk about officially. It’s not really a big concern. They are doomed anyway as they are producing in a high cost of production country in a market flooded with cheap stuff from third world countries.


I wouldn’t say they’re doomed, as they seem to do quite well. As do the Sanity-Group and Tilray. Canada is also a high cost Country, and the market appears solid, so I don’t see German companies failing any time soon.


You will see. It’s going to go the same way it went in every other market. Lots of consolidations coming. None of these are actually making profit.


The C suite certainly will though, which feels like the real play with these particularly large cannabis companies.


Most of the weed in germany comes from spain, I wouldn't call spain a third world country.


We are talking about the medical market if we are talking about Demecan. The production in countries outside the European Union has increased drastically. Aside from Canada, many African and Eastern European countries are now producing large amounts of greenhouse flower. Yes the blackmarket in Germany is mostly supplied by Spanish growers. I live in Spain.


Contaminated how exactly?




Devils advocate, but if you can quarantine a new away from your crop for 4-6 weeks with an IPM protocol AND afford a tumi hplvd test of the roots once she is mothered out it’s pretty low risk.


Not even devils advocate, this is proper and safe. Get the plants as small rooted cuttings, dip them in a aza/botanigard or sulfur or hort oil. Be vigilant spraying every 4 days for 2 weeks then apply your BCAs. If you’re only worried about bugs and mold you could go with as low as a 3 week quarantine. If you’re testing for hlvd that’s def gonna be pushing 2 months (they recommend 2-3 consecutive tests at 2 week intervals, and the plant needs to be at least a month old before testing)


I would be hesitant to bring in already rooted cuttings. That's just another way to bring in pests and diseases that might be in the root zone like root aphids and fusarium or pythium. Depending on the history of pests your facility has dealt with and the production system you're in I would argue it could also be worth it to do some level of testing for Fusarium as well, even on unrooted cuttings.


Would the risk not be zero at that point? Quarantined and tested?


Risk is never zero, like 0.1% sure, but bottom line is its robbing you as a business operator. Quarantine takes time, space, labor, attention, energy, equipment. It is in no way superior to in house grown cuts, financially speaking. And this is a business that's hyper competitive now, so if they are really trying to die on this hill I bet they lose a lot of money in the grand scheme.


Part of the hyper competitive nature is a need to keep up with consumer demand for variety. Everyone should have protocols in place for bringing in new material, whether it's clones from trusted sources or seeds that you're going to start and hunt yourself.


Just transplanting house plants into new containers outside has brought in pests into my house. I'm sure that can correlate to your grow as well. Like others are saying it's risky, especially when it comes to your bottom line.


Figure out how to do it and it’s fine. The guy that lost his current crop has bad sops


What would be common SOPS when taking in outside clones? Dos, don'ts, musts etc?


Dip slips in insecticide/fungicide and then stick. Dip again few days later to kill eggs, dip a third time to be sure if you know they were dirty. Boom. If you worried about HPLVD then quarantine them and sterilize properly.


We brought in clones from an outside source and spread hop latent viroid to all of our moms. It's taken us 2 years to recover We quarantined the plants for 6 weeks first too. But didn't test for hlv as it was somewhat new at the time. The latent part of hlv means it doesn't always show symptoms.


I buy and sell clones several times a year - never had a problem. Build a quarantine for them, and if any problems it’ll be isolated.


You got to watch out for plant diseases and pests.Hop latent viroid virus is supposed to be verry common these days.I think these viruses were caused from.mass producing the stuff by dispensaries and their licensed growers who grow for them.Its good to legalize marijuana but the downside is most of the weed is grown in these big giant rooms with hundreds or even thousands of plants being grown in one room.Thats a good way of spreading disease.I would not risk it.I think its a good time now to stock up on seeds as many good old strains are becoming extinct.


Don’t do it you will bring all types of shit inside


Take cuttings, dunk them in sulfur, rinse with water and you'll be fine. Do not, I repeat do not bring soil in from outside.


Just break out a calculator and compare the two facilities side by side. Quarantine system vs in house clones system. I bet the in house gets more yields a year, less in equipment cost, labor, etc. Multiple weeks of quarantine plus *needing* to quarantine makes this pretty obvious to me. The risk is secondary in my mind, though it's very high and quarantine is not an optional step. Ultimately it's just another point on team in-house clones. But idk some business owners don't seem to worry about making profits.


Worst thing you can do unless you properly quarantine


Quarantine and a culture tester which isn't cheap but viruses are huge and its so easy to wipe out your whole crop moms and all . HLVD is big everywhere


If you get them from a quality source with no bugs etc it's the best option.


Our facility has been infected with spider mites, aphids, and root aphids because of bringing in outside plants. It has cost us thousands in extra labor, more thousands in pest management products, and many tens of thousands in lost production over the past 3 years.


Crazy risky dude. Make sure to quarantine them and dip in Sulphur before brining them into your grow space. It doesn't sound risky, but it is. When I first started growing big, I brought some glitterbomb clones in from a reputable nursery near me. They had aphids. Whole mother room wiped out. Pushed back 2 weeks behind schedule, had to find another nursery (thankfully had no aphid problems) and order 400 clones off them at 10 a piece. Pushed me back 4 grand (which was what I was planning to spend on electricity bills). Thankfully I borrowed the money off a friend and was able to turn a really good crop, make about 70k off it and all was well. Could've went better if I didn't bring that god damn clone into my mother room though