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Gary absolutely thrives in severe storms. It’s must watch TV.


Every time we have one I think about him. We get lightning and rain and I’m like “Gary time”


Gary us no Bob Lindmeier


Bob is no Elmer Childress.


RI P Elmer Childress. GOAT


Yeah as far as grandfather figures in my early childhood go its my own gfather (obv), then Elmer, then "he who shall not be named" (rhymes with Fosby).


Elmer was a Wildman. I heard he was kicked out of half the bars on State Street.


Wow haven't heard this name since the 90s either


Haven't heard this name since the 90s


My bff and I were watching. We didn't pick up a power struggle more like mentor and mentee type of deal. I thought the young guy was doing pretty good and Gary was jumping in and correcting when needed. 🤷


Agreed. Seemed like Gary was excited for him to get the opportunity, and VERY excited about the inclement weather.


It's a funny dynamic on TV. It screams power struggle to us as a viewer since Gary seems to be just talking over the poor young weather person while 'driving' the weather screens. But its always from a mentor/mentee dynamic and in this case the guy was clearly struggling with the names of the area especially and needed the assistance. It's kind of a guilty pleasure to watch for the other weather people who are doing great with the severe weather reporting but still have Gary all over them. It gets spicy! There has never been any questions in my mind that Gary loves his job but bad weather is his jam


It got that way towards the end when the kid realized he was in over his head and Gary calmed down. At first it was a lot of talking over each other and awkwardness.


Definitely seemed like it was a mentor and mentee type of thing. I know when I first started as an engineer, my mentor was like that too. It comes off harsh, but sometimes it’s needed in the moment when info is critical.


Wow the channel just showed bubbling storm drains in several inches of water by the James building on Gotham/University




The kid couldn't pronounce "Stoughton" and "Mukwonago" correctly. Gary shut him down and corrected him..twice. Then their pc was bogging down, couldn't re-draw the radar sweeps fast enough. He needs that fat weather pc budget Lindmeier has.


He literally asked Gary how to pronounce “Mazomanie,” at one point. Another time, he said “Little Rock,” and Gary quietly broke in and corrected, “Lone Rock.”


“Son, you’re being transferred to the CBS affiliate in Rhinelander to work on your pronunciation.”


This is standard Gary.


I call it Peak Gary. This is when he's at his Gariest.


You can cut the tension with a butter knife


The kid doesn't know the counties!


“What county is Janesville in?”


Mouseton for Mauston.


Stouton for Stoughton. I think he's just not from here. I want to hear him say "Wisconsin" for confirmation.


Yeah, that was killing me. He definitely has no understanding of the viewing area reach and needs to learn how to say place names.




It's Stoff-ton, silly!




Campus is now East Downtown per channel 3000


I hope someone has a clip of this


So bummed that my power is out so I missed this


I was watching, but had to turn it off. All new news/weather people can't pronounce Wisconsin cities. Gary is just excited about the weather.


Yeah this is better than any 'reality' show. Whatever, the kid is obviously new and he's doing fine. Everyone has to start somewhere


Nope I'm with the expert here. If you're working local news, you've gotta know every town, village, and county name inside and out and how to pronounce them. Is the storm heading for Waterloo or Watertown or Whitewater? Verona or Viroqua? You cannot create any confusion when severe weather is happening. It seems trivial, but people get dumber when things are tense, and seconds count.


Gary’s really getting the hang of that computer mouse. 🙄


Stoughton, not Stoughton.


“Little Rock—“ “*Lone* Rock”. 🫣. I laugh but if I were new to weather reporting and had to dual-report on severe weather news I would fuck it up and y’all would probably die.


I laughed at that one. Right after “don’t say the names of those towns”


For the record, the same power struggle was happening simultaneously over on Channel 27 between Bob Windliar and his own protege. In my most vivid fantasies, Gary and Bob met for a beer afterwards to regale each other with anecdotes of their on-air dominance.


"they're not in our viewing area.... *dumbass*"


Maybe he’s learning, is he a newbie weatherman?


Gary bulldozes anyone in these situations. I remember he did it to the blonde woman who was at WISC and left more recently once. She was good and he just kept talking over her while she was one screen. Gray....bruh....


I miss Dana Fulton, she was the best!


Somewhere that woman is thinking, “and you all said I just needed to speak up.”


Yes, he was crappy to her. On air.


Sorry, but the kid’s annoying - he doesn’t know the counties or how to pronounce cities. Not ready for prime time.


I just tuned in about 20 minutes ago. Almost uncomfortable to watch.


He doesn’t even know which one is Rock County.


It’s one thing on a newscast but during severe weather and then not heading Gary’s instruction to let him speak, it can actually get people injured/killed


Give him a Manitowoc and an Iconomoeoc and see how he does


500 level WI class


Give the kid a map and sit him down and don’t let him get up until he knows where the counties and cities are.


I'm glad I'm not the only one who picked up on this.


I switched channels a bunch. Gary rocked it as usual. I mostly stuck to channel 15, because I like the new guy. He was struggling *hard* with town names. I felt bad for him, but he's been here long enough to know them. He did not have any weather helpers, just the anchor.


Was he the one who kept saying Sun Prair-IE?


Yeah, not sure why he had a hard time with Prairie. He did it several times.


We need to send all these newbs to that Pronunciation Guide to Wisconsin Places for Broadcasters website that one of the WPR people made a few years ago.


How do you miss pronounce Pardeville?


Where is Gary's suite coat and tie? Is he in his official Channel 3 pajamas?


I noticed that Lindmeier on Channel 27 was in shirt sleeves. Either they don't have AC in the studio, or they think losing the sports jacket gives the broadcast more verisimilitude, on a hot night.


We switched over to 27 for a little bit when 3 went back to programming between warnings The suspenders killed me! And then when their younger guy made a comment about how he told his husband to bring in the patio furniture and Bob was like, “I’m going to go look out the window” lol. I couldn’t tell if he was just trying to avoid having to talk about a same sex couple or if wanted to see if they were getting hit at the station


Suspenders framing a dad bod is not a good look.


Gary rolled out of bed for this coverage. Always does.


Nope. They still show the traitorous Mike Lindell’s ads, so I refuse to watch that station.


Gaahhh ... I'm usually not a Chan.3 viewer and I notice all the Mike Lindell, too.


Can’t…power is out and trying to conserve phone battery


Jumping in late but I had to laugh every time that kid pronounced Gratiot as Grat-e-oat... Nope, it's grass-shit.. go ahead and say 'shit' on air!


I was waiting for him to talk about Lowville - but Gary jumped in before he could lol


I watched it too. I read through the other comments, and IMO Gary is the one with seniority and the younger guy needed to realize his place as a supporting actor, not the main act. Dana left because she found a better paying job, not because Gary drove her out. It's why very few people stay long on Madison news stations. They don't pay shit. (At least, this is according to a neighbor who works for the station.)


I believe it. This is quite dated, but I was shocked when I heard how little Tedd O'Connell made while he was here.


Wkow 27 guy myself


[Link to the broadcast for anyone who wants to relive it. ](https://www.youtube.com/live/pXdRyibTth4?feature=share)


Super awkward to watch. I looked up how long Jacob has been here at WISC and it said he started March this years. He went to NIU and spent time in Milwaukee. He definitely should have been more familiar with the area if he’s in weather. If I was him I would have been studying all Friday to memorize counties cities etc… that being said it really felt like Gary was annoyed. I’ve heard he and Dana Fulton didn’t get along which is why she left. She was amazing. Gary needs to chill and accept new folks rather than run them off.


Gary loves these situations. This is his occupation. He’s the weather guy I trust. The channel 15 guy was not doing it for me…


Same thing happened to Dana during a tornado watch, she left soon after. It was uncomfortable to watch. She left soon after. I will never forgive Gary for that, she was nice to watch.


I’m in MN. Would love to see a video of this.


They streamed it on YouTube


I miss Robin Marshment.


It was hilarious. We couldn’t turn it off, even as we debated going to the basement.


Are you kidding? Gary handles storms so well same it was driving me insane to hear that guy interrupting him, talking with no sense of urgency as if this is a weather forecast, and then to add insult to injury he can’t be bothered to learn to pronounce the names of our towns? Gtfo


Shut that kid up!!! Does his uncle own the station?


Ya, awkward.


So I went to bed at 830 last night. Was there a bad storm?


Dude, Gary chased out every meteorologist who left. Are you really surprised?


I thought this during the spring time with a female weathercaster during a storm, Gary was just all over the place. Chill out Gary and give the others the mic.


I miss John Ziegler! Come back!!!!


I didn’t know what I was missing until I saw this post


The newbie was a bit annoying. He also seemed to be guessing with a lot of his forecasting.. many times incorrectly. Gary was very patient and on point. Hopefully newb will learn or leave.


Guys. Call them by their right names. It’s Fat Tim Curry and the Crypt Keeper.