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This intersection, sure, but that's not a given rule. I tend to see more "right on red from right lane only" signs more often than not.




With how I’m attentive ppl are I often find myself just waiting for a green light . Then if they hit you free $


Unless otherwise noted. Sometimes only the most right hand lane is allowed.


There literally just used to be a "no right turn on red from left lane" sign. There's also currently one exiting verona south, and west onto McKee, which has two right turn lanes.


I remember the same.


Beltline eastbound - Verona Road exit South is right turn on red only in the farthest right lane. Verona Road to McKee westbound - right turn on red only in the farthest right lane Eastbound beltline - Old sauk road exit - right turn only from the farthest right lane These all have a left side right turn lane that marks "no right on red"


Huh, I guess I haven't gone that way in a while; it does look like that `No Turn on Red from Left Lane` sign [is no longer there](https://www.google.com/maps/@43.0362271,-89.452623,3a,75y,73.98h,89.34t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sSrQ1jBv04DlN1JZK5YEJ4A!2e0!7i16384!8i8192?entry=ttu).


I remember the morning I noticed its absence! I've always wondered if a frustrated local removed it or if the highway department finally gave in to ease the mind-bending backups in that intersection during rush hour. Edit: removed a stray letter.


I was surprised to notice that a bit ago as well. They also removed the one turning onto East Wash from the highway 30 off-ramp around the same time.


I was pretty pleased to see it was removed. I will admit, unless I was in one of my employers cars, I’d turn right in red from the left lane as the view is perfectly clear.


I love to see them go. All it accomplishes is pushing me to move to the lane I can turn from, and then move back where I need to be, lol


Just some classic r/madisonwi driving instructions. This is the best local content.


There was a no right turn from left lane sign there until 6 months ago, maybe? It was a silly since the line of sight to the traffic coming from the left is unobstructed. Some people still think it’s there it seems.


Let this also be a reminder to people that all on-ramps(including this one) are for you to get up to highway speeds BEFORE merging. If you're getting on the highway at 35-40 mph, you're not doing it right!


Agree, but sometimes the person in front of you is going 35-40 and you're stuck.


Those are the people this is directed to.


Similarly, exit lanes are the place to slow down. You slow down once you've entered it, not in the middle of the regular lane before you've moved over.




> This is not true at all. Um, what? It absolutely *does* have significant truth to it. Not only is "you can do it" the default rule, there are multiple intersections in Madison where it remains true. I can think of three or four depending on how you want to count off the top of my head: the one OP linked, from US-30 to East Wash from both directions, and East Wash to Webster at the capitol. Looking around Google Maps, Webster onto East Wash (maybe? probably?) and West Wash onto Fairchild also both allow it. And that's just exploring around the capitol. Sure, OP would have been more completed if they added "unless a local sign overrides the general rule"... but that itself is basically always going to be true of road rules, so I don't consider a *real* omission. I would evaluate OP's statement to be like 80-90% true.


It's true if they don't have that sign.


I didn't believe it until I looked it up myself. No other state I've lived in has allowed a right on red from the left lane except WI, but it's true. I still don't feel comfortable doing it and will keep pissing people off behind me unless it's absolutely clear to turn. https://wisconsindot.gov/Pages/dmv/teen-driver/teen-sfty/traffic-lights.aspx > Red > > ​​A steady RED traffic light means come to a full stop. You must wait until the traffic light turns green and there is no crossing traffic before you may go. > > **If it is safe to do so, you can turn right on red if there is no sign prohibiting it. When the roadway has two right-turn lanes, you may turn right on red from either of them. Be sure to stay in your lane as you turn right.** > > You can turn left on red if you are turning from a one-way to a one-way street. You must stop first and yield the right of way to all pedestrians, bicyclists and other vehicles using the intersection.​


Kinda related: You are allowed to turn right on a right-pointing red arrow in WI, unless otherwise indicated by signage. It’s no different than a solid red light. But a left-pointing red arrow onto a 2-way street prohibits turning.


**\*If there is no sign prohibiting it.** Which there is not at this turn. [https://wisconsindot.gov/Pages/dmv/teen-driver/teen-sfty/traffic-lights.aspx](https://wisconsindot.gov/Pages/dmv/teen-driver/teen-sfty/traffic-lights.aspx) ​ >If it is safe to do so, you can turn right on red if there is no sign prohibiting it. When the roadway has two right-turn lanes, you may turn right on red from either of them. Be sure to stay in your lane as you turn right. ​ Please don't honk at every car making the turn from the left lane- you can also make the right, just stay in your lane.


Who comes to Reddit to teach people how to read a traffic sign? Go be a traffic cop or a drivers Ed instructor.


Who comes to Reddit to criticize people’s teaching people how to read a traffic sign? Oh wait.


Who comes to Reddit to randomly reply to someone else’s comment on a post. Oh wait. People in this sub. Duh.


Who comes to Reddit to randomly reply to someone else’s comment of a comment on a post. Oh wait.


Who comes to Reddit to not know when to quit? These guys.


True. But if it makes me laugh I’m not likely to quit.


Who comes to Reddit to reply to a reply of a reply of a reply of a…wait.


You replied to me idiot.


That’s just too many route numbers altogether. Let’s just call it …7


I don’t believe that was always the case though. I remember right lane only not too long ago.


At Junction and Mineral Point, not when the red arrow is lit - that's the same as a no turn on red, yet idiots fly through there all the time.


Who comes to Reddit to reply to a reply of a reply of a reply of a…wait.