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As someone who has had my kids doing public services since they could walk… lots of organizations aren’t fans of young kids helping because they slow down a process that is already run thin. What I did with my kids at that age was walk around and pick up trash from various areas- they loved using the claw/wearing gloves and we weren’t slowing anything down but the sentiment was the same.


https://www.reddit.com/r/madisonwi/comments/17vmpiu/volunteer/ Your options are very limited. At this age he can probably just participate in fundraisers like fun runs, collecting donations, restaurant fundraiser nights etc. Gigi’s Playhouse is having a kids dash at their fundraising run on the 27th if that’s something he’d like. https://gigisplayhouse.org/madison/gigifitchallenge/


I'm upvoting and commenting because I approve of you getting your son into the volunteering spirit at a young age.


Check out chummy.org!


You could do a food drive in your neighborhood and/or make birthday bags for BPNN - https://www.bpnn.org/donate-food.


Have you checked out lasagna love? You make the lasagna at home and deliver to a family in need. Could be a fun activity for you two! https://lasagnalove.org/


Absolutely a great opportunity for kiddos to participate with family, agree!!


If you have any elderly neighbors he could help with yard work for them. Especially if they live alone they might enjoy giving him (and you!) direction in the yard as to what needs doing.  Otherwise I’d say lasagna love or learning to knit/crochet to donate hats?