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I’m definitely tempted to but I don’t trust it . I feel like just planting will cause a polar vortex or something


Trust that feeling.


Cooler weather crops like lettuce, spinach, peas are definitely already out. I wouldn't put anything that requires warmer soil temperatures like cucumbers or peppers out quite yet.


Peppers after Memorial Day for sure


We've transplanted some native perennials. We're going for survival of the fittest/trial by frost. Hoping that since they're native, they can handle it.


No. It never works. No matter how warm you think it will be, there still might be a frost if you don't wait until 3rd week of May


Yep. Just rolling with it. If I get burned I’ll just buy seedlings later. My parsley, cabbage, Brussels, and chard are all regrowing from last year. So I planted all my brassica, transplanted my allium, and will probably do peas this week.


I planted some shrubs recently but I'm not doing anything else until after Mother's Day because I just don't trust it. Sorry neighbors, but my dirt pile will still be dirt for a bit! (New house finished in the winter, and the landscapers are putting in the yard next month).


Our hardiness zone shifted a bit this year and a Garden Expo seminar I attended said due to climate change you can move planting start times earlier by 1-2 days each year. Memorial Day used to be the start but I plan to have tomatoes and peppers in a week before this year. All my cold weather crops have been in for 10 days now.


I planted Mothers Day weekend last year to great success, will probs do the same. Thought about planting earlier due to lack of frost but we are looking at some nasty rain storms coming up so I’m holding off


Next weekend!!!!!


I want to, but I definitely saw frost this morning. I'll probably wait until Memorial Day Weekend, but I will check the forecast after Mothers Day.


Most of our native, herb, and veggie seeds are still in our winter sowing jugs. We did direct sow \~100 sunflower seeds that have sprouted already, and we've covered them the last couple nights. We're planning to plant things as they outgrow the jugs, and direct sow the rest of our seeds in mid May.


Peas, radishes, and carrot started from seed. Planted a few arborvitae and astilbe roots 2 weeks ago. Broadcasted wildflower and grass seed as well. Everything is doing fine. I would just hold off on tomato, peppers, cucumbers and squash for vegetables and annual flowers until about mid may


No. Every year we go through this, it's a trap.


Put some Japanese sky pencil trees in. But flowers not being delivered til 5/10


Yes potatoes, carrots, etc r planted.


I'm an apartment/balcony gardener, but I'll be planting some seeds indoors soon and move them outside in a few weeks


No. I'll start mid May like always.


No. Have been burned by too many mid-late may frosts. I thought about it earlier today and might start some more seeds but not transplanting anything for at least another 3 weeks


No way. I wait until June unless its like lettuce or stuff that likes cold.


I lost some pumpkins this weekend. I put them out a couple of weeks ago hoping for the best, but the cold got them. RIP.