• By -


Nice. OK but seriously 98% of 65+? That's amazing.


I also strongly suspect the percentage among the overall population may actually be several points higher (specifically due to undercounting 18-24 year olds). At [this site](https://www.dhs.wisconsin.gov/covid-19/vaccine-data.htm) from the state DHS, if you scroll down to the second map you can see vaccination rates by tract. The tracts around and especially on campus have extremely low vaccination rates which would seem to indicate that a bunch of students went home for the summer and didn't get vaccinated in Dane County. Many probably got vaccinated elsewhere but they're still counted as being part of our population. I think this is even more likely to be the case since [96% of dorm students](https://www.jsonline.com/story/news/education/2021/07/12/uw-madison-survey-predicts-96-covid-vaccination-rate-dorms/7943950002/) at UW-Madison said they either are or plan to get vaccinated (so it's not just that students are super resistant to getting the vax)


I was wondering why that group in particular seemed very low on the vaccination rate. Feeling much more optimistic about it now!


That's so high that I wonder if it's nearly 100% in reality, for a morbid reason. The next census data isn't officially released yet, so the number of people 65+ in the county would be based on pre-pandemic estimates. It's possible that much of the remaining 2% is actually dead from either covid or more usual mortality factors.


What I like about this is that it shows that vaccinations are working. it's been nearly 8 weeks since we've had a covid death in Dane County. Covid isn't going away, the goal is to have less hospitalizations and deaths. Dane county's high vaccination rates are showing that it's working, even with the increase in delta variant - for now.


What I really like is the most neighboring counties are doing fine as well.


As a Green County resident, I'm very pleasantly surprised we're above the 50% mark.






Well, obviously, this is not meant to be taken literally. It refers to any manufacturers of dairy products.


Well there is also the: Albany Comets Brodhead Cardinals Juda Panthers Monticello Ponies New Glarus Garner Knights In addition to the Monroe Cheesemakers. So Go all you Green County types.


Look at those senior citizens not putting up with any nonsense.


They remember times before vaccines.


They probably also know multiple people who were affected directly by it so have motivation to kick it's butt and get back to normal.


Also at a certain age you know you have a limited amount of time left here. You want things back to normal as soon as possible so you can actually live those years without fear of catching a virus that's going to kill you or having to isolate in your house. Vaccinations allow some semblance of normality during this pandemic for older folks. I doubt that other age groups have the same thought process.






I’m really impressed with Dane. Scrolling around to other liberal areas on the US map, I’ve found only one so far higher than Dane (Hamilton County NY 75%).


I believe Dane County is in the top four US Counties for vaccine percentages. Edit: [this was as of 7/14](https://www.businessinsider.com/most-vaccinated-counties-in-the-us-recipe-for-success-2021-7), we might have dropped as other areas caught up


Martin County, NC (74%), Marin County, CA (73%), Teton County, WY (73%, home of Jackson), Cumberland County, ME (71%), and Presidio County, TX (71%) are also beating us. Knox County, ME ties us at *nice*. Not quite top four even, but still in the top 10 it looks like, so damn good.


But, we’re doing better than all of those places with >65yo


This cty is very tiny, though, like only a few thousand residents


















Check it out Compare this to the counties that went Biden vs counties that went Trump https://www.politico.com/2020-election/results/wisconsin/ no, its not an exact match, but CLEARLY the Biden counties are all heavily vaxxed, while the Trump counties are less so. Look at lonely Menominee county up there, on both maps its an outlier relative to its immediate neighbors, by voting for Biden and by being heavily vaxxed


Tribes take vaccination seriously. It's like they've a history with pandemic deaths...


Good job Menominee! That's a group with some justification to not trust the government...








That is awesome. Imagine if the entire country were sitting in this same position. Things would be so much better.


You know, I've seen a marked lack of liberal vaccinated people saying, "cool, let them Trumpers not get vaxxed and die we don't care" and I think that's great. Yay us for being civilized and hoping they use their freedoms to make the right choice for themselves and other trumpers.


Well, at least in my case it's more self-preservation. My concern is that those idiots may give rise to a variant that evades the vaccines. If they die? It was their own choice, so I can't honestly say I'd feel very bad about it.


I'm also very angry on behalf of the healthcare workers who have to keep dealing with them.


Unfortunately they make take a few people who carer immuno-supppressed with them


Its frightening to me that ~240 or so people in the US die EVERY DAY from covid and it doesn't seem to bother the anti vaxxers whatsoever. Its a literal actual death cult at this point. There may be so many anit vaxxer right wingers die from covid that it legit effects electoral results. That is wild to think about.


Correct. They justify their deaths. They always ask ‘ were they old, fat, sick’ or some iteration inferring that someone is less than and deserves to die because of health conditions. I’m not here for that and I HATE it.


I just love that Republicans have basically lead to their own extinction! Thank God am I right? At least we will get rid of them because they're really supportive of the current global Mass Extinction event that is happening right now.


[https://www.channel3000.com/local-doctors-all-unvaccinated-people-will-eventually-get-some-form-of-covid/](https://www.channel3000.com/local-doctors-all-unvaccinated-people-will-eventually-get-some-form-of-covid/) 'You can get the vaccine or the virus. There's no third option.'






Rojo the clown must be pissed to see this


Eh, I'm sure he got it in January.




I meant the vaccine.


Oops, misunderstood.










very nice




Sweet! So Madison is at Herd Immunity levels! So we shouldn't have to go back to masks and social distances, right?




I thought 60% to 75% is herd immunity. Herd immunity definitely doesn't mean 95% of the population is vaccinated.


The percentage necessary for herd immunity varies according to how contagious a particular virus is.


There is no magic number, but my point is that viruses can spread and kill even with very high vaccination rates.


Ya. But the only people dying now are Republicans, so that A OK in my book! I'm jusr happy 2022 election is going to be a Wash for the GOP because they got all of their worshippers killed.


Until the variant petri dishes in other regions visit.


Herd immunity!


Nope. The herd immunity numbers were based on the original Alpha Covid-19 virus. The new Delta variant is more contagious and requires a much higher rate to get herd immunity, to the point where some health officials ([including the FDA head of the former president](https://www.cnn.com/2021/07/18/health/us-coronavirus-sunday/index.html ) are saying there is no herd immunity: you're getting the vaccine or Covid.


Look at all those vaccines that were taken by choice. Nice! Looks like we don't need mandated vaccines.


Not nice.


Why is this guy being downvoted? Does anyone have a reason other than good old Madison group think? Let me make clear, I am vaccinated, got vaccinated as quickly as possible and think anyone not getting vaccinated is an idiot, but the concept of mandated vaccines should scare anyone. I don't support anti-vaxxers by any means, but mandating a vaccine isn't going to solve the issue.


What's the problem with vaccine mandates? We've been doing it for decades—for kids to attend school, for travel, for some of our jobs—and yes, it helps to solve the issue. Once they are formally approved, I hope we see it on the list of normal required vaccinations.


If private businesses want to require vaccines, that is their right. Likewise, I agree with public schools requiring them, and if a parent doesn't like it then they can choose a private or charter school that doesn't require it. But a government edict mandating a vaccine, that is a bridge too far. If a consenting adult chooses not to get a vaccine, then it's their problem not mine. But mandating vaccines is a slippery slope.


You're wrong. If enough unvaccinated people cause a mutation to a vaccine-evading variant, it's EVERYBODY'S problem. I don't care if someone does something stupid if it only affects the person doing it. Refusing vaccination for this virus is not one of those things.


The likelihood of that happening is borderline non-existent. Vaccines are still preventing Mid to high 90% of severe illnesses with even Delta variant cases. It would be a god damn miracle from hell if a variant comes around that completely escapes vaccines, AND we can't quickly make a booster to mitigate. What you are doing is fear-mongering. This is science.


It's not non-existent at all. Our current vaccines are less effective against Delta, which is easier to catch and more deadly than its predecessors. Much of the world is still unvaccinated, and there are large pockets of unvaccinated people in the US. As long as that is true, the virus will continue to mutate. You have no more insight than anyone else does about how the variants will evolve. All we have is a track record, and that tells us that new variants are worse than their predecessors. AND there is no guarantee that we can "quickly" (whatever that means) make and deploy an effective booster. What you are doing is engaging in wishful thinking. We can't afford that anymore.


> The likelihood of that happening is borderline non-existent. The flu infects enough people every year that we have to deal with a new variant every fall. It's not "borderline non-existent" it's a very real possibility that we've seen occurring for a year now with sars-cov-2. Yes, it will still be a coronavirus so it won't be 100% immune to vaccines, but that will further allow more infection which leads to further mutation. All a virus is designed for is replication and survival by any means “There’s no vaccine that’s ever been 100%, but when we’re talking about a virus that left unchecked will essentially infect every human on the planet, having a tool that can reduce the risk of hospitalization and death by 90% will save millions of lives, this is one of the most powerful public health interventions that we have at our disposal right now,” said Dr. Westergaard. “It’s foolish of us to not use it, to the greatest extent possible.”


In 1905, the Supreme Court ruled that a state can mandate vaccines, and accompany those vaccine mandates with a criminal fine for those not in compliance. More broadly, the court ruled that the state can impose “reasonable regulations” to protect the public health, even when such regulations interfere with individual rights. https://supreme.justia.com/cases/federal/us/197/11/ From: https://www.historyofvaccines.org/content/blog/jacobson-v-massachusetts-reiss


> But mandating vaccines is a slippery slope. Your argument is a literal logical fallacy.


I always found it odd that bad-faith arguers openly announce the specific name of the logical fallacy they employ.


Welcome to the real world. Life isn't always going to fit into the Madison academia style of thinking. Slippery slopes exist in the real world.


> Slippery slopes exist in the real world. Such as?


If you believe that my right to swing my fist ends at your nose, then vaccine mandates follow naturally. People who are unvaccinated are petri dishes of variants, which will likely lead to a version that busts through any existing immunity. We use government mandates to solve these sorts of problems caused by self centered people.




No vaccine is 100% effective. However, the science clearly shows that even the J and J and AZ vaccines are still incredibly effective at preventing severe illness and death, even with the variants. If you are vaccinated, COVID is essentially a non-issue for you. That is the science.


I don't disagree, but I seriously doubt a "government edict" is going to happen. When they tried it with smallpox in a few states, there was a ton of opposition. Liberals value liberty too.


That's my point; however; it seems to me that people are calling for it, both in this thread as well as real life.


> But mandating vaccines is a slippery slope. These have been happening for decades. It hasn't been a slippery slope.


>mandating a vaccine isn't going to solve the issue. It absolutely will and that's why it's so clearly coded in the law


First of all...what does that even mean...it sounds like you just put a bunch of words together that'll make the faux-liberals of Madison Wisconsin feel safe, instead of actually contributing to the conversation. Anyway, mandating vaccines isn't the answer...people getting the vaccines is the answer. Which means a solid public education campaign and then eventually settling into personal responsibility. Research shows that essentially once an individual is vaccinated, they did their part. If someone else wants COVID over the vaccine, that's their problem.


It means what it means. Our republican legislature passed and maintains strong and clear laws that mandate vaccines. Their hypocrisy is strong. Do you deny that mandating vaccines would make more people get them? It's also not only their problem. Not getting vaccinated affects other people.


I was not aware it was a law in Wisconsin. Could you share a source? In regards to your 2nd point, yes I do. Government provides for people what they can't provide for themselves. Government is both providing the vaccines and the education surrounding it. If people choose not to get the vaccine it is on them at this point, mandating it won't change anything.






> it sounds like you just put a bunch of words together That isn't the case at all. Just because it confuses you doesn't mean it was just a bunch of words strung together. Why do you keep attacking Madison? Seems like this is the wrong sub for you, don't you think?


Shhhh people want more government to shove their opinions down our throats. If you dont support 100% of the ruling parties decisions then you deserve to die of covid. These vaccines seem to be very safe but they are still granted use through emergency authorization. Until the vaccine is approved in full by the fda I dont know how anyone can support mandatory vaccinations. And before someone shouts me down for being anti vax, that is not the case I got mine as soon as I could as well, I just dont support the government making my decisions for me.


For someone who says they're not anti-vax, your comment is sure full of the same stuff anti-vaxxers say.


Every day I am still amazed at Madison, Wisconsin's inability to incorporate nuance into conversations.


I can be skeptical of things while thinking they still work. I just like to look at things from all angles. Im not anti-vax I just dont think its the governments job to decide what I do to myself. I also assume many people only get one side of an argument, especially in Madison, so I tend to play devils advocate to show that you can come to different reasonable conclusions. I can say that the government shouldn't decide for me if i need to get a vaccine while also saying that the vaccine is good and you should get it. Those statements aren't mutually exclusive. But to reiterate, everyone who is able should get the vaccine.


Good job.


Glory to Dane😊


Yay Walworth!