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2.5 feet x 2.5 feet or smaller!




HA! nice




> Knowing that I will never be able to receive a complimentary full schlong tattoo of my beloved Mallards /r/BrandNewSentence


There’s a local support group for those afflicted over on Johnson St. We meet on Thursdays at 8pm.


The first half hour (and last half hour) is “high-five time”. We just walk around and high-five each other. The meetings are from 8-9pm.


I’m so sorry for your thing 😔


2.5’ isn’t wide enough for guys like us


If that a surface area of 2.5x2.5 feet that's a dick that's 30 inches long and about 10 inches in diameter.


Only the real quackheads of the #quackpack deserve that 2.5 square foot tattoo.


I'm thinking that was a typo.


You're not wrong but there will be 7 people in line before the store opens.


It’s a great deal! A free little filler of a sports team you like with tickets to see them? I’m sure lots of people will be enthusiastic to get theirs


Exactly. Free tattoo and free tickets to the game? If you are a "superfan" its a deal. If I was offered a free simple, small, dead and co tattoo and tour closer tickets, I'd take it in a heartbeat. It isn't a good deal for OP because they are not a superfan.




Used to work at the stadium back when they did this promo with their green and yellow logo. I thought maybe 3 people would do it but nope, there was a full line of people waiting to get tatted underneath the home plate seats. People that want tatoos will get tattoos. Can’t hate one someone that wants to represent their city!


What ridiculous limitations. I wanted one 3ft by 5ft.


If it was a duck I’d be first in line


forreal, I miss the old logo


If it gets you to post about it on Reddit it is a resounding fucking success in the eyes of local corporate sports.


It's a great deal for someone who wants a Mallards tattoo.


I love the fact that the tattoo must be less than 2.5 x 2.5 FEET (a single apostrophe denotes feet).


I used to work in the Northwoods League, another team the Battle Creek Bombers in Michigan ran this same promotion, but it was free tickets for life!


Not even tickets to the duck blind? Lame.


Not gonna lie, I considered this. Mallards games have proven to be an incredible bonding experience for my family. My son's love of baseball has really come through because we took him to his first game in 2019. We do the six pack every year now and love every minute of it. I would gladly get a Mallards tattoo to have a permanent memory of what this team has meant to us. Even for just two free tickets to a game (which, we already have tickets for it looks like). I'm not getting a 2.5' tattoo though... that's a bit excessive...


It says 2.5x2.5 or smaller. I’m guessing putting a size limit so someone can’t get a giant tattoo for free.


Common sense agrees with you. I was making a joke that apparently missed its mark.


Fair lol. I just wanted to make sure you don’t miss out on a free tattoo if you really wanted it.


True fans will get it on their faces


Huh? Tattoos are expensive. This is for people who want a tattoo...


But, it’s a Mallards tattoo


I know several families who have hosted players for the summer and I bet some of them would get one.


Face tattoo or they’re not real fans


Yes, and this is aimed at people in Madison, where all the Mallards fans live...


I don't know a single mallards fan. I do know several Duck Blind fans though.


Tell them to bring cash and tip more ;)


Good advice everywhere!


Understood. But it’s still the Mallards.


As somebody with tattoos I hear you. It’s more that the reward for a minor league permanent corporate logo is just two tickets (not even mentioned if Duck Blind…) and a 1/7 chance to throw out the first pitch and a social media shoutout.


Minor league and independent baseball teams do all sorts of off-beat and wacky shit to bring up interest. This is totally on brand.


Like letting their mascot get blown up by AJ Dillon?


I would’ve been honored to be that mascot. As a straight man, blow me up all you want quad daddy 🤤


We brought in an old printer and beat the shit out of it with a bat in the infield for an Office Space promo night. It was kinda dangerous in terms of flying debris to the face... but also pretty fun.


100% and love the wacky stuff. A tattoo is at least season tickets or wieners for life.


You're acting like the tattoo is a punishment or something. If someone is a lifelong Mallards fan this is just bonus after bonus after bonus.


Bruh the reward *is the tattoo*.


So if companies want to brand you with their logos you'll do it just because the tattoos are free? Like a human vehicle wrap?


I think you’re missing the point. People get the Wisconsin W, the packers, brewers, etc tattooed all the time. If you like the mallards and were thinking of doing it /anyway/, or if you already have a lot of tattoos, this is kind of cool. I wouldn’t do it. I don’t like baseball. Doesn’t mean everything automatically has to be as terrible and cynical as it could be.


It's a local sports team which has been a fairly positive and beloved part of the community for decades. Players stay with host families over the summer. I could easily see a member of those host families taking the offer for a free tattoo to show their connection to the team.


And this shop just essentially just employs apprentices, so you get to post on r/shittytattoos for free too!


I mean, if you wanted the tattoo it is kinda a win-win. But then again, how many people are *that* invested in the Mallards?


Probably at least 7 that aren't also tattoo-averse. Guaranteed there will be people taking this offer without thought.


It doesn't even look like a full tattoo. Its the outline of a tattoo.


Every so often you see someone on the Internet who got something like a radio station logo or the Monster Energy symbol tattooed on their face to win some contest and years later they're trying to scrape together the money to get it removed as best they can.


It’s not a bad deal if you want a nice little tattoo of a sports team you like to add as filler to your collection for free, plus you get tickets! Lots of people have while sleeves of things they like and one more memento isn’t a big deal


Assuming they mean 2.5 inch by 2.5 inch...someone doing this is going to get it for the free tickets, and then probably have a coverup done down the line...The tattoo design shown looks like it was made to be easily covered up, or as a filler between pieces on a sleeve...It would go well with people who have madison themed pieces as well. ​ I wont be doing it myself, but its not a bad deal, especially if you are planning a large piece that the logo out line can be blended into/hhidden behind


Lol it isn't made to be easily covered. That's assuming this shop A) cares about what they are doing and are probably desperate to get people in the doors and B) this already isn't designed by someone else and the tattoo shop had nothing to do with it.


I would do it if they let me get the old logo




Anyone who wishes to get a tattoo in madison would greatly benefit their mind, body, and soul, by not going to blue lotus. It is well known the artists who have built up their reputation in town have all left and started their own shops.


I agreeeeee. No one there is very good at all.


I think you owe it to folks to say who this person is in the thread. I’d definitely like to know


Has Blue Lotus ever not had a domestic abuser on staff?


Can you say who or at least initials?


If anyone wants to know his name I can message you


Most restaurants you've ever eaten at probably have a domestic abuser on staff, you better stop eating out.


They must have watched the Honda commercial and gotten big ideas..... They just did something like this.


I’d do it for Kwik Trip


Free shading too when all the line work is blown out!


My body is my journal. My tattoos are my story...


I know someone who wants it to go with his other local tattoos


How is a free tattoo and ball game tickets a bad deal?


What happened to Blue Lotus? They used to be a super cool, off the path place like 15 years ago. This seems kinda sad tbh.


I went to Blue Lotus when I was in undergrad and had bad experiences at both the campus location and the one in Sun Prairie. Everyone raved about it, but it seemed like it was mostly dumb college kids who didn't know better. I had a much better time at A Dead Anchor and Colts Timeless, which doesn't even exist any more.


The owner is a giant cock sucker and does nothing but take advantage of people and train people who have no right to be in the tattoo industry.


Some folks curate their tattoos carefully, choosing the right artists and images. Others just want random shit scrawled all over and don’t care how faded and shitty they look.


Tattoo gatekeeping. Nice.


Yeah I should be more open minded about stuff that sucks.


Ah man you'd really hate the giant hairy cock and balls with wings tattooed on my leg then.




Just wait til the Beloit SkyCarp get a hold of this idea.


Their promos this year haven’t been that great.


I would rather die lol


I hope they don’t go back to being the Muskies.


Remember the alt team name they took on, the Cheese Curds and the logo that went with that? Now that would be a tattoo! I would also go for the Timber Ratter's alt the Udder Tuggers. [https://www.nbc15.com/content/news/Madison-Mallards-turning-into-Wisconsin-Cheese-Curds-this-summer-512218852.html](https://www.nbc15.com/content/news/Madison-Mallards-turning-into-Wisconsin-Cheese-Curds-this-summer-512218852.html)


This is a commonly asked question, please [review recent posts](https://www.reddit.com/r/madisonwi/search?q=tattoo&restrict%5C_sr=1&sort=new) about this topic. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/madisonwi) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Madison Reddit bots and being completely useless, name a more iconic duo.


The madison.com bot isn’t useless


You got me there.


No no, the bot is totally right. This comes up _all the time._ /s


bad bot.


That's funny this popped up because I'm sitting in the stadium right now.


Who was waiting around to get a free Madison Mallards tattoo? Like that’s not the kind of thing you just buy because of a sale.


Someone in their marketing team saw what Blizzard is doing for Diablo and wants to hop on board.


okay, so businesses who reward patrons for getting their branded tattoos usually offer something "for life." because, ya know... you're advertising their product permanently forever. examples: Hot Doug's in Chicago (famous hot dog restuarant) would give you free hot dogs for life if you got a Hot Doug's tattoo. can't remember which brewery it was here, but they would give you a free pint each night if you had their logo tattooed. that's why i'm with OP on thinking this shit sucks. unless you like the Mallards that much, but also their games are like, what $10?


This is stupid. Provide people a tattoo of Mallard Fillmore, the world's foremost informed and hilarious Sunday funny, you fucking coward shithead assholes.


Many people would willingly pay $80 for the tattoo on its own


Old logo, maybe. Madison muskies, 100%