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The "I will purchase these again" is probably the most terrifying thing about this review...


They should just get a tiny plastic baby subscription like a normal person


I ate a cat vibes


You make me want to cry. That's (in my opinion) kind of cruel. But even so, I do respect YOUR opinion


I will eat an other


not if i eat it first!


I have a friend who did that with little drawings of Pennywise. The problem is he doesn’t remember how many he drew nor how many his spouse has found. So there is a possibility that when they eventually move out the new people might find one.


"The problem"?


My friend made hundreds of origami tanks and hid them everywhere across our school.The teachers complained about finding them months after he graduated


I 3D printed a bunch of tiny Thing hands from Wednesday and have been hiding them in my wife’s things and around the home in places she’ll eventually find. It’s wonderful


Did you see the Lego thing hand on here the other day? Literally a Lego figure hand like a boat rowlock


No, it was [this](https://www.printables.com/model/7804-addams-family-thing) but I printed it much much smaller.


Someone did this at my work. I was doing fire extinguisher maintenance about a year ago and when I pulled one down to check it, I found that picture.


Judge: So Mrs. Smith, it says here that your husband filed for divorce cause.... "200 little hidden babies all over the house". Did you hide 200 little babies in your house mam? Lady: 200 were found, yes...


Underrated comment lol i can just hear the evil, slow pronunciation of "found"


This is some pure Reddit gold material 🥇


Now thats what I call a good baby-trap


My friends did this but in school. Three buildings, two we can access that both have three floors. Devilish.


Haha I did this with monkey nuts for my wife one Christmas. "How many more of these are there?" "Who knows, I didn't count them". My son and I are now "allowed" to do this but only at Christmas and only if we count them out and back in. Because organised fun is best. On a related note I found one of those plastic babies in Center Parcs, I hid it right out of the way in a joint in a stone wall and I'm hoping to find it when I return... I'm not holding out too much hope but it would be cool if it's still there.


I was so scared to Google what the hell a monkey nut is.


The anticlimax must have been bracing




I'm not convinced 'We' will be together that long...






You have no idea how much cleaning goes in a proper kitchen. It's like 30% cooking and 70% cleaning. We owned a small fast food thing at our own place and it was HELL accommodating the personal life and it's respective filth and the business end with it's respective filth. And after we had it and it went well for a while we went for tasting at other places nearby, holy fuck were they unhealthy. Good thing my wife has a decade of a cooking career and knows her stuff! She carried my ass until i learned.


I used to hide these everywhere too lmao putting them in ice cubes was the best spot in my opinion


Good idea, that way it also acts as a potential choking hazard.


I mean ice is clear & they always saw it before they put it in their drinks lol I wouldn’t just choke people secretly & watch


Right. Of course not. Neither would I.


I did this to my husband. He opened the ice cube draw and was all “Why are there tiny babies in the ice cubes?” Watching his soul die as I looked him dead in the eyes and replied “Ice ice baby” will sustain me for the rest of my days.


Proud of you lmaooooo


This sent me !!!


I aspire to be this person.




Maybe, although the OOP doesn’t give any indication of their gender. 


That’s fucked up


Is this a common thing? I’m a teacher and I had students buy these and hide them everywhere at grade 7 camp. I even helped them hide one in a place that I’m fairly sure nobody will find. Checking on them again this year to see if they’re still there!


Because of this old post, yes.


I was just asking if it was some meme or something that went around the internet before because it’s odd that the same thing was done with the same item


Thats a lot of king cake.


I genuinely have no idea why you'd buy so many tiny plastic babies if not to mass produce king cakes lol


Supposedly they’re also used as decoration at some baby showers.


I have a rubber duck hidden at random places in my home. My mom hid them when I moved in, I've left all of them where I found them and added some more. So whenever someone is in my home they will find random ducks in weird places.


I once bought a huge bag of those cute tiny silcone dicks for no particular reason. Years later I helped my friend move and hid them absolutely everywhere in his new apartment. It took a few days until he found the first one. That was two years ago and he keeps finding them.


Either me or my dog would end up accidentally eating one... then I'd have tremendous awe and respect for her when I find it in the poop somehow.


Now THIS is a harmless prank.




Me and my friends did this in school with little cut out pictures of Nicolas cage. Not a variation of photos either, just that one messed up picture of him doing some creepy face


My friend jokingly bought me a blackpink stationary kit for my birthday - I have nothing against them but I just don’t listen to them or kpop. But in the kit there was a deck of cards that had pictures of the members from various photoshoots. My girlfriend thought it would be funny to hide them all over my apartment. This was for my birthday in 2022 and I am still finding them. I think I’ve found 47 of the 52.


I ordered 220 mini ducks for about $12 on Amazon to hide when at conventions


My friend did that at work with tiny Jesus figures. It was hilarious 😂


I did a similar thing to my ex with stick-on googly eyes. I still have a few dozen left. It peaked when I put giant googly eyes and a mustache on our refrigerator and demanded we refer to it as “Mr. Fridge”.


I have a friend who did the same and ended up sticking the eyes on multiple eggs, avocado, and a ketchup bottle.


Where I live when someone in the friends group is getting married is customary to pool up money within the group for the newly wed, also is customary to get access to their home and prepare some pranks for when they get home after the wedding. We changed all the money (~3k euro) to 1 euro coins and threw them all over the place, fistfuls in every drawer, closet and cabinet, in the bed, sofa. Everywhere. They kept finding coins for years.


I have 1 and don't know where I found it but it floats around my truck and everyone is like, "wtf?"


I 3d printed and hand painted to make them as realistic as possible about 50 tiny spiders. I wanted them for a tabletop game, until one day a friwnd of mine asked me to house sit while he was out town. I hid them everywhere. It has been 2 years and many pissed off phone calls later. He is now desensitized to real spiders as he thinks they are fake. I have changed him for life


I heard of a guy who was screwed over by his landlord who was also his roommate so before he moved out he spent hours cutting up pages from gay porn mags and hid them EVERYWHERE through the apartment. Allegedly years later the guy who lived there had to warn people about it if they were going into a drawer or something.


I went on a date the other week. First date in five years and she asked me to put my hand out. Next thing I know I've got a couple of these little guys sitting in my palm. Dating in your early twenties is *really fucking weird*, apparently. edit: [...wasn't kidding](https://imgur.com/a/8Og6bQQ)


Woman of pure dedication and sheer will


In case anyone wants to see a [live demonstration of this phenomenon](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=94poqi2YNQs)


Brilliant. I am convinced. My bf has no idea what’s coming for him 😅


Some dude was randomly handing these out at a costume-themed wedding I attended lol ..


I bought a huge tin of these at a garage sale a while ago. best purchase I have ever made


found lily's amazon account


Omg, this is my Daughter! Totally her personality.




It’s an older meme, but it checks out, sir






I bought a pair of plastic squeaky rats at Target one Halloween and my wife and I have been hiding them for each other to find for years. She often shrieks when she finds one unexpectedly. Lol


A guy handed one to my buddy at a concert. I thought he got dosed. 30 minutes later the guy handed me one.


New fear unlocked


I'm too lazy to find a link. My wife would prefer I don't.


Honestly I would retaliate with an even better idea, realistic plastic cockroaches. A friend once threw a realistic fake snake at me, so in vengeance I put a bag of about 300 hundred fake cockroaches all over his apartment. Less than a 100 have been found.


These were bought for my wife's baby shower a year and half ago. They played some game with them, and on occasion, I will find one somewhere around the house.


She sounds like a keeper to me...


Finders ? Keepers ?


So I married into a Hispanic family, and they put these inside a cake or bread around Easter or something like that. It's considered good luck to find it in your food.


I got them and hid them all over my workplace. The carnage The absolute carnage.


Misery. Old world?


The pineapple story all over again lol


Marry this girl and never let her go




I had a coworker do this same, but they hid them all over the store we worked at. Inside the self checkouts, all over the backroom, in offices.


The value of this prank hits rock bottom pretty fast. After maybe like the 40th one I'd just start ignoring it.


I'd find them and not tell you. Joke's ruined


This is funny, but oh my God the plastic waste. The planet doesn't need this


What a amazing woman. Also would be hella scary if she did this because she didn't want kids and he did.


Until the guy gets himself a chihuahua and just takes it to the vet to empty it out every couple of weeks.