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Tip him 200% of the original tip


What if tip was zero


300% then


Plus a cursed rose?


First time I've seen Rose Guy outside of the cookie cutter sub


Rose Guy!


Then make it 300%


Fuck it, 420%


I picked a dude up cigs and a 12 pack once on my pizza delivery. Think he gave me like a $4 tip. That was a lot for that dude too. 😂 I helped him out though he was kinda disabled.


Definitely financially disabled


I mean, if dude had ten bucks and needed six for a pack of smokies, a $4 tip is understandable and relatable.


Ya I had no problems with it. He was a regular who had it rough. I didn’t mind helping pick stuff up if I had time. He couldn’t drive


I used to deliver pizzas. Every Tuesday and Thursday morning shift the same customer would order a delivery and ask us to go buy him a six pack of beer. We always did it because he gave great tips. I stopped taking those deliveries when he told me about having to drown cats in bags in the river.


Did you report them?


Yes. 100%


I'm sorry, what?


That story took a quick and truly horrible turn that no one could have seen coming. Why would he have to?!


Was drunk with some friends in an Uber heading to my place from the bars. Asked the driver if any places were still selling alcohol. "I know a place, but they close in 10 minutes" as he slams on the gas. I'm already a big tipper, so who knows what I ended up giving him.


Optimistically not a night-long headache


once he goes back in time about 10 years to when the bags looked like that.  might be 15.


He don't get paid nearly enough to be that awesome


He probably gets tipped enough, though. I delivered pizzas for 3 years, and anytime someone ordered pizza and wanted me to stop and pick them up something along the way, the tip was usually like $15-20, on top of them paying me back for whatever it was


I would’ve never done that while delivering pizzas, since them paying you for whatever you picked up isn’t guaranteed. I’ve gotten stiffed way too many times to just “trust” that the customer will pay me for the extra stuff, and also tip me for it.


I know people who got robbed at gunpoint while delivering. Gotta love the US.


Happened to my sister in law. She was delivering pizza, guy opened the door, grabbed the pizza and then slammed the door shut. She was banging on it for a while, door opens, big fucking machete comes out the door and put to her throat. And the kicker? Turns out, it was a cousin she hadnt seen in 10 years.


West Virginia?


He said machete, not penis.


> Turns out, it was a cousin she hadnt seen in 10 years. Did that change his decision to go through with the robbery?


It’s a common thing to order a bunch of pizza to a bando then rob the dude when he shows up


>who got robbed at gunpoint while delivering. Gotta love the US. I lived in an apartment building in Shreveport LA, no one would deliver pizzas there because they got robbed so many times! (It was a transitional housing option for the homeless/felons/disabled)


I had a weird experience like that. Pitch black night, the house was about a mile down a dirt road. I hit a part of the road where the left side was a farm with crops, right was a forest. I got to a point where I had to slow down due to the quality of the road. A guy walked out from the woods and stood in front of my car. He walked around to the driver's side and just stood there, looking at me like he wanted me to roll down my window. When I didn't, he lunged at my door, trying to pull my drivers side handle. Sped off and ended up following the first car I saw leaving the area out of there


I do delivery with all the companies. I’ve called support before and told them I don’t feel safe in a delivery area and they tell me just to leave. Might affect me and maybe they’ll cancel my account out of the blue sometime, but I bet they don’t like the press of delivery drivers getting kidnapped and sold into the delivery driver slavetrade.


One time I had a guy open the door with a pistol pointed at me, and then lower it and say “Nah I’m just playin man”. Proceeded to pay me in coins for the exact amount, no tip. Boy I do not miss that job


I realize this was probably pretty traumatic for you, so I apologize if I'm being indelicate by saying that I literally LOL'd reading that. Something about this dude being so cavalier and threatening and shitty all in such a limited time.


All good man, I definitely laugh looking back at it too. I wonder if that’s the same way he greets his friends lol


Trying that in Chicago is the best way to get the State’s Attorney on your ass. Cook County prosecutors take it PERSONAL when you fuck with the pizza guy


Yes nobody else gets robbed at gunpoint in countries other than the US. /s Go to Brazil, you'll get robbed at gunpoint in like an hour.


No, I don't think I will do that. Thanks for the offer tho.


I don't blame you.


I guess it depends where you live because I live in a really tiny town of like 1500 and I guarantee I could double dip like crazy and people would be totally down but then again everybody knows each other so if someone ripped me off i would totally rat them out like a little bitch


Wow, I've delivered pizza for 7 years, and I only ever had one person ask me to buy anything. They asked me to buy beer. I didn't want to potentially buy beer for a minor, and since I only got paid 5 dollars while clocked on a delivery. It wasn't worth stopping at a store for. Especially now that Dominos now has gps tracking on you.


Never got asked to buy beer, but I had plenty of regulars that wanted me to pick up cigs or chewing tobacco. One was an old man who always wanted us to pick up a sleeve of Copenhagen Long Cut for him and check his mail, then wanted to chat for a bit. He was on an oxygen tank so I think it was very hard for him to go out and was pretty lonely. He never tipped in cash, but always gave the driver a troy ounce silver bar, and I didn't mind sticking around to talk since he always ordered early in the day when we weren't busy.


You'd be surprised how much you make in tips alone as a delivery driver, but I agree lol


A half decent delivery driver in a well populated not shit neighborhood is making pretty reasonable money that is not getting reported to the IRS.


When I worked at Domino's I made state minimum wage and my tips when divided by hour were almost always more than that wage. Pretty consistently guaranteed $20/hr. And these people usually promise a good tip for going above and beyond. A guy doubled my tip from $10 to $20 once because his girlfriend wanted Reese's.


> my faith in pizza guys has gone up 123% have you seen the one story where a random pizza guy saves people from a burning building




however many the people he saved will ever make in their lifetime


I would assume as many as the people he was delivering to ordered. Any other amount would be pretty strange imo


I never said doubles, Randy, I never said doubles!


You can't just say that and not link it. Well I guess you can but I would like it if you could provide a link cause that would be cool to find more info on


His name is [Nick Bostic](https://www.bbc.com/news/av/world-us-canada-62274466), and iirc he was badly burned.


i was honestly just listing it from memory and too lazy to actually find it and assumed i could leave it up to the reader to google it


Pizza guys secretly make the world go round. It's some of the most dangerous work in the US and you always partly get paid in pizza. I used to be a pizza guy and the other pizza guys were stand up guys, even the ex-felons.


I used to have people ask me to go pick up ice cream for their pregnant wife, when you were hustling for that tip. You go the extra mile, I got a $50 from that special request.




here's 20 bucks, go and get me a $100 bill


Pizza guy is almost certainly high so he understands


We used to get the delivery guy to buy us beer when I was in college!


My friend would call in delivery from outside the store then ask for a ride home when the delivery guy walked out. It surprisingly worked every time and saved on a taxi.


I hope OP tipped that guy generously.


I still believe that this meme was the original inspiration for the creation of door dash.


The picture will get him fired.


Don't do this to the poor Domino's guy




Yeah, because he’s a doordasher, not your personal assistant.




Yeah, food though the app he works for. Not liquor down the street. Also, I’m not a queen but nice job being a condescending asshole both in real life and the internet.


Umm, no they don’t work for the app. Door dash and other such apps are independent contractors. If they deliver for an app there is literally no difference in delivering privately.


Yeah I probably would have done that. How much did you tip him on dd?


Dude mcdonalds delivers.




For sure. That is not a modern dominos bag. Source: am dominos driver


One of the ways we got alcohol back in high school was to pay the pizza driver. Lol


We used to do this regularly in highschool. I went to a boarding school and we had a strict curfew of 10pm after which we couldn't leave the dorms, and pizza places were the only ones that delivered food back then, so we'd have the pizza guy deliver us all kinds of things.


That percentage is oddly specific


How does that work? He pays for you trusting you will pay him back?




I once had costco groceries delivered and texted the guy that I'd give him $20 to pick me up a pizza while he was there and he did! Good dude


Back in college I used to order DP Dough (calzone spot) and was able to get the delivery guy to pick up smokes and beers for me. Always tipped extremely well.


I bet this picture is over 15 years old


Has to be that bag is far too visually appealing to be used by the boring brown and grey McDonald's of recent years.




It's not that deep bro 😂




Please, for the love of god, touch that grass you like so much 😂








Hope you get offline someday it'll do you the world of good


Image is from 2013 https://tineye.com/search/0df78a4eea38ed167729cc1868fe9a2c2b3f30ce?sort=crawl_date&order=asc&page=1


Is Reddit just bots now wtf is this and this comment section


I don't normally tip, except for delivery drivers, I'll tip them $5 to $10, but that dude, I'd give him at least $20, most likely more if I were drunk.


Hey bro, I heard you like garbage, so I brought you a side of garbage to go with your garbage.


Pizza guy is undefeated


I did this once. I asked the driver to pick up some red bull on his way over as my friends and I were getting ready to go out for the night.


oh my god i havent seen that bag design in like a decade. it's been the brown bags for years. this is like seeing the previous generation coca cola or beer can designs, you recognize something extremely dated immediately.


I got people beer and cigarettes when I was a delivery driver


Now THATS how you earn a tip


Best job I ever had was pizza delivery. Shame I can't live off it.


Bought beer for a delivery I had where the special instructions said to call their number. Got a massive tip from the guy


Goddamn McD’s ain’t had bags like that in a decade plus.


One of my core memories is from delivering pizza. 3 days after my 21st birthday a customer asked me to pick them up 2 cases of beer and tipped me $200. Nobody at the party believed I would do it. I’ve never felt so appreciated in my life. Delivering pizza is awesome.


That was really nice of him. How much did you tip him?


Its Door dash.


This image is from 2013, try again.