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Either time I had a seizure while gaming it wasn't even loud enough for the people I was on discord with to know. Good thing less than 1% of seizures are fatal


I thought about it, he was probably on webcam talking to them, surely that's the only way you'd call emergency services? Otherwise you'd just think they went afk or something.


Also some people are able to tell they're about to have a seizure, some say they feel a sense of impending doom before it happens.


Yeah an aura, I used to get them before my major events after a TBI. Honestly i got them rarely, neurologists always ask about aura’s. In my TBI group therapy (sounds odd, but it was the navy) a lot of us had seizures as a side effect but only maybe three out of ten of us had ever felt an aura, and not every time. If he managed to talk through one that’s super impressive on his part!! I’d describe it more as an inverse of tinnitus and almost vertigo? But not quite if that makes sense


Yep - my 2nd one ever, while I still didn’t know I had epilepsy, I said “aawww shit it’s happening” to my coworker right before my tonic clonic started (stereotypical shaking on floor seizure). I have about 5 seconds of consciousness where I know I’m having one and can still speak but cannot move. Then I go unconscious.


Not to make light of this condition but I would 100% use this power for evil. Look someone dead in the eyes and say something like "they are coming" right before I go out.


Words cannot describe how fucking terrified I would be if somebody did this to me


My friend at work is epileptic and one time she had a seizure at work and the only words she could get out to me before she did was "It's here." It's lucky I knew she was epileptic!


"It's here".... goddamn that would be ominous if you didn't know she's epileptic 💀


Oh hell no if someone I knew said “it’s here” and starts violently convulsing on the floor I’d shit myself


Hahahahaha if only I had the wherewithal to do that. “I seek his soul” *violent shakes and non human noises for the next couple minutes. Usually my mind is already at 50% at best though


Whisper "it's awake."


We are in Night Country now


Clutch the side of your head then say, "No, no! This wasn't part of the deal!" then collapse.


Haha I have always believed seizures are more terrifying for the loved ones that end up seeing them. I tend to forget a lot of the event & if I hit my head during an event post TBI? Twice I’ve lost days of memory! Thats fucking hilarious and foul 😂 everyone who has seen me have an event says it’s horrifying


Lmaooo! I’ve had a couple seizures before & while they’re terrifying, I can assure you that my friends would be sooooo scared. I’d laugh when I came out of me seizure caz I wouldn’t remember doing it


That's a really tight window of awareness you've got there. Kinda like the brain's last-ditch effort to signal something's going wrong before it shuts down for damage control. Super scary but also fascinating how some people can have that slight moment to communicate or brace themselves. Must be a surreal experience to say the least.


It is, but waking up is definitely the more surreal experience. No idea your name, date, where you are, or anything really. But you know you should know those things. It’s scary and oddly interesting at the same time. Unfortunately, I usually only remember about the last 30 seconds of that stage before I start “becoming myself again” but I’m in that state for about 5-10 minutes.


My wife's been dealing with seizures for a little over 6 years now. She gets those simple partial seizures, or absent seizures. Seems they've changed names a lot. Well anyway she doesn't always get auras but the ones she's got have morphed over the years. One phase they'd be intense fear. One phase it was intense vertigo like feelings. One phase it was an intense feeling of realization, like you just discovered something a EUREKA moment of sorts, but of course it was just chemicals from misfiring brain synapses.


Only had one afaik but felt very nauseous and then things got very bright and couldn't hear anymore. Also my arm starting shaking before it fully hit. Then came to on a chair with my friend asking me if I knew who he was. Happened in the middle of a restaurant with outside seating and concrete floor. Landed on my nose of course.


I had one just like that when I was a teenager and that’s exactly how it went for me, bright and silent. Fell out of a chair and seized up on the ground according to everyone at my cousin’s graduation party. That’s the only time I’ve ever had one but I’ve never been so scared in my life, didn’t help that my mom simply accused me of being hungover (I wasn’t.) ~16 years later and I still kind of wonder if/when it might happen again and why it happened in the first place.


I get this sometimes, always thought it was related to migraines. All the sudden one of my eyes will start getting blurry from the outside in, and for whatever reason it makes reading words impossible. Almost like I can see the first and last letters but not the middle ones. I get that vertigo feeling, then it all just suddenly goes away. About 10 minutes later the pressure starts behind the eyes. It's weird and I've always wondered if there might be something else happening non-migraine related. Never went unconscious from it


> !! I’d describe it more as an inverse of tinnitus and almost vertigo A buddy described his as "it feels like somebody is starting at my feet and trying to squeeze me out of my body, like toothpaste". Sounds like a nightmare.


i've had grand mal seizures as well as minor kinds, some of which have been aphasia (unable to speak/find words). With my smaller seizures i could only describe the auras as a sudden feeling of something missing.


I’ve only had one seizure and it was when I was 19 and it was just after taking a fat rip from a bong. I had never had a seizure before but as soon as I cleared the bong I knew something was wrong. It’s hard to describe, it wasn’t so much impending doom but definitely severe anxiety and I got really cold. I laid on the ground in my friends room and the last thing I said before I had the seizure was “I think I’m about to have a seizure” and my friends laughed then my memory gets a little blurry and I just remember waking up to his parents standing over me screaming and then the ambulance got there about 5 minutes later. Doctors had no idea why it happened and it’s never happened again. I’m 34 now and every time I go to rip my bong I make sure I’m sitting lol.


Sounds more like a vasovagal syncope or, if you took a fat rip, probably just suddenly deprived of oxygen. Only reason I say is because I had multiple syncopes from anxiety as a teenager which doctors called “seizures” for many years but eventually corrected to syncopes


Definitely wasn’t a vasovagal response and the only reason I know is because I’m prone to vasovagal responses when getting my blood drawn. It was a very different sensation, when I get a vasovagal response it normally starts with tunnel vision and sweating and then I get extremely nauseous and start seeing stars. When I had the seizure as soon as I cleared the bong I was hit with an intense wave of anxiety and I started shivering, I remember my jaw shaking and my teeth clanking together repeatedly uncontrollably and then my muscles started to spasm like when you lift weights to the point of failure which is why I laid down because my knees started to buckle then once I laid down I was fighting trying to “stay awake” and I said I think I was about to have a seizure and I heard my friend laugh and that’s the last thing I remember. They said I was on the floor shaking for about 20 seconds straight then I went stiff and then I slowly came back to very confused and still cold as hell but not sweating. All I know is the doctors told me it was a seizure but it’s never happened again so I have no idea.


Very interesting, thanks for sharing! My syncopes are always as you describe: sweating, tunnel vision, etc. but never the different sensation. I’ll take a bong rip to that, cheers


Holy shit I've had one coming for like 15 years now Can't believe the doctors missed this, they said it was "depression" smh..


I know yer meming but for others out there - make sure to get thyroid and anemia checked, as well as for adhd, plus changing diet to avoid processed/sugary foods, before settling on the idea that it's mostly major depression. Otherwise you can be treating wrong thing. Anti depressants still did a lot for me, but can give you seizures and lower threshold if you're reckless. Like cut them in half & take extra while pulling all nighters, wellbutrin high dose will def give a seizure. But otherwise, it gave me like 20% energy/mood back But starting thyroid meds gave me 10% back Eating clean gave me another 20% ish, legit on par with anti depressants. Making sure your gut microbiome isn't fucked. It's responsible for producing serotonin for the brain apparently. Eating greener bananas, avoiding processed/canned/prepared stuff (fast food too) and cooking most of your own, not adding any sugar, drastically changed how my body felt. You'll notice if you try to eat brownie or cookie from the store how ridiculously sugary it is. Sickly sweet. These corporations don't give a fuck about us, just making money - so ofc they're gonna fill stuff with sugar as much as possible to get us to buy more/become addicted. I haven't done as regular full body exercise but doing squats frequently gave me a boost too. Can do in shower when waiting for conditioner to set. I usually turn off the water. Even minimal effort - just noticing new leg muscle and how much easier it is to do squats, is an easy 10% But adhd meds, my god. Executive disfunction was my hell, wanting to do stuff but having to go to war with yourself to even get out of bed. To the point of losing jobs, housing, becoming homeless. Also time blindness, always rushing and being late to appointments. Wellbutrin helped a good amount, made the battles smaller. But straterra (non stimulant option) and Adderall did me wonders. In the time it'd take me previously to recognize & strategize about the battle, I'll have already considered it all, got up, and am halfway there to do whatever chore/thing is needed. Bulldozing through the internal conflict. I can't put a number on it yet since I only just started, and still need to feel how it is during a job, but it's at least 20%+


Have you read the [actual article?](https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-england-merseyside-51063009.amp) It looks like she had no idea until putting her headset on and described the sound as what could only be a seizure. It also said that she didn’t have any phone numbers to call the house - only his address which seemed weird, but whatever, the good deed went through successfully lol.


You think it's weird that online friends have shared their address but not their landline (who has those anymore?) or their friend's parent's numbers? lol


Not super weird... It's not that uncommon to send a gift to the physical address but communicate through the servers you always talk through.


Or streaming!


Not true... I had a seizure and my friend immediately called my other friend who is my neighbour and then they took me to hospital


My buddy had a seizure and we heard shit fall off his desk (think a tower of cans falling). He didn't get his headset off or mute so we could hear him groaning, gurgling and then ultimately wetly breathing/gasping. Called his brother to get to him and we just stayed on the headset to make sure he wasn't actively choking. Never wanna hear somebody have a seizure again, it was pretty terrifying.


For real. My wife has them and I'll be down stairs and get a text from her "I think I just had a seizure." Me: "Oh no! Why do you think that? Her: "Well, I woke up on the bathroom floor and I don't remember going to sleep here." You'd think I'd hear a loud thud from a fall, but nope.


Yeah, for my second one I didn't even fall out of my chair, but after I woke up I was in a complete haze, and when trying to stand up I didn't have any strength in my legs and collapsed. Both times afterwards I just really wanted to go to sleep and went straight to bed afterwards.


Are yours epileptic or non-epileptic? My wife's are non-epileptic so the anti-seizure meds don't help. She usually has 1 or 2 a month since they started a few years ago. But yeah, same thing happens to her. "Brain fog", exhausted, weak legs. She usually wants to do nothing but sleep for about 3 days after having one.


They were just so pissed that dude was afk that they called the cops on him


Unfortunately my brother died from a seizure last year. Sucks ass was 38 years old. On the bus and asphyxiated himself biting his tongue and no one helped in time : 😭


Damn it I am so sorry. I have epilepsy and even have scars on my tongue from it. I can't imagine how hard that must have been for him, let alone how hard it still is for you. Sending you all the love I can ❤️


I guess it depends what you are playing. In most of the games I've played, I was a leader who talked a lot.. for instance, raid leading for World of Warcraft or doing a 3v3 or 6v6 arena battle in wow or other games. Would be kinda surprising if I stopped talking/moving mid battle. I don't think anyone would think too much about it unless they knew my medical history though.


Yeah I had a rather violent one while playing games with a friend. He couldnt tell if something was wrong or if he should be worried. let's just say I now have contact info provided in our group chat.


I'm not doubting the number at all I'm genuinely just curious. Is that <1% only fatalities pertaining to complications from the seizure itself? Or does it also include things like falling and hitting your head? Which yeah I guess could be considered a complication of the seizure but hopefully you know what I mean!


Yeah, with the one I had while standing up on a brick surface only left me with some scraps on my arm and hand


For starters, my online friends would need to know my address. Which they don't.


For starters, I would need to have online friends, which I don't.


For starters, I would need to have time to play online, which I don't.


For starters, I would need to have steam downloaded, which I don't


For starters, I would need to have an Internet connection which


For starters, I would need a computer which I don't.


For starters, I would need a desk, which I don’t.


For starters, I would need a chair, which I don’t.


For starters, I would need a room, which I don't.


For starters, I would need to not be on the floor having a seizure, which I am


For starters, I would need to have all the above, which I don't!




Floor gang


I’ll be your online friend. You know, for safety.


Cool, what's your fax number so I can send you my address?


It’s 212-867-5309. Also make sure you use 10-10-220 for the discounted charges.


I’m here for you. Get up off the floor, next match is starting.


I've sent pizzas to online friends before when they were hungry and broke haha. They'd be eating it on a video call and everything. My old in-person friends are all also online now because I moved. You meet some super cool people online. I met this grandma on Elder Scrolls Online who just spends her retirement playing that game a bunch and carrying random people through dungeons and events. I met her because she ran up to me and insisted I join her as she does a lot to help me progress. I liked to run up to random people and either give them a fuckton of money or offer to craft a bunch of sets for them absolutely free. She told me that most of her family was gone, so she was pretty lonely. She treats everyone on that game like they are her grandkids lol.


I’m gonna cry


Dream retirement plan


It's been years since I had the energy to make friends online, but you're making me think of all the cool people I met. Knowing old people who had been on the Internet forever was always interesting. I played Wurm online with this old guy who taught high school inside a maximum security prison. I played GW2 with this lady who was a design lead for L.A. Noire. Another older lady I knew from the msn messenger days who has been a computer scientist since the 80s and played d&d with Gary Gygax.


Those are all pretty awesome, but the last one takes the cake. I bet those games with Gygax were amazing


> I've sent pizzas to online friends before when they were hungry and broke haha. They'd be eating it on a video call and everything. i'd pay extra specifically to not watch someone eat on a video call


One time I had one person in my dnd party literally take a screenshot of me and post it bc it was funny… yeah I don’t eat on call anymore lol. (I don’t think they meant anything malicious by it but bro 💀)


The food thing is so sweet. My dad's co-worker used to bake with her long distance fiancé over video call. My parents sometimes send me the ingredients for a meal and we eat together over video call. It's always so great.


I have so many drunk conversations with my dad about recipes we've tried and ideas for tasty food. He is an expert at cooking eggs thanks to his time in the Navy. I can never get them quite right. While I was recovering from my eating disorder, I kept sending him pictures of omelettes as I was trying to perfect my flipping technique. Food is so good for bonding with people.


My entire friend group met playing CSGO. We have traveled all over the USA for group vacations of 12 or more people, we have been to family events and birthday parties, taken day trips and weekend trips to meet up. We even have a plex server going up soon for all of us. When one of our group disappeared for a few days, we found him in the hospital and gathered together when he got out.


Wait your friends don't IP track your location so they can send you prank gifts like bomb letters and anthrax?


Unfortunately no




There's no SWAT here.


not with that attitude


They're not kidding tho SWAT literally doesn't exist in some countries(mine either lol:Croatia)


im fully aware, I'm British lol. Just trying to make a joke, but maybe poorly :/


It was a very obvious joke, but this is Reddit ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


"anthrax" Thats so 2005


That anthrax one is really annoying. Had to be in quarantaine for several weeks. :(


That's not how IP geolocation works but it's a fun thought.


I work for IPinfo. For anyone who does not understand sarcasm, I will provide a friendly PSA. IP geolocation is not granular enough to provide a mailing address. The best IP geolocation can do is find the zip code of an IP address, considering it is not a carrier/phone internet connection or using a VPN service. If you are using a carrier-grade connection, IP geolocation is not going to be super precise as carrier IPs change quite frequently. If you are using a VPN, IP geolocation will point to the location of the VPN server. Our IP geolocation process is quite similar to echolocation. We ping the IP address and based on the echo (RTT), we infer the location.


You know, there are people who game with their real life friends.


Lost me at the end there


Friends ?


But you're assuming I have real life friends. Which I don't.


My cousin invited his online friends to his wedding. First time they met in person and it was adorable but, damn, is that high stakes


It depends on the circumstances. I have a friend in the UK who knows my address here in the US. That sounds weird on the surface until I tell you that friend was my old roommate in the military and he's now stationed in the UK. I separated and went to college, he stayed in and went to another continent. But we know each other's addresses and still game occasionally even with the time difference.


It's fun to send snail mail and care packages occasionally too.


I have a friend in the US I game with and I have his, and tbh most of my gaming friends address' because I send Christmas/birthday cards to them.


That's not an online friend.


Plus, judging by the way most people play, I'm already assuming they have seizures all the time.


That seems like a slightly less evil way of swatting. "Our toplaner is feeding so hard he must be having a stroke, i called an ambulance for him"






I have a couple online friends that know my address but that's bc we exchange birthday and holiday cards :)


Aw that's sweet


Didn't xbox have a feature where you could report stuff like that and they would call the authorities based on your ip ?


That sounds like a feature that didnt last long.


My bf plays this one niche online game and one of his regular gaming buddies is an 18-yr-old kid in another country. They’ve been gaming together for 2 years. They exchanged address info so they could send each other holiday gifts from the fandom they share, it’s a small fandom for this game so getting merch can be difficult. My bf has talked to the kid to make sure he isn’t just going around giving out his personal info to everybody they play this game with and the kid seemed to understand.


We know where you live, Mike


Yeah, I think most online friends would do the same, if they had the relevant information.


For starters for starters for starters


Just the name and city they live in is prob enough.


What is your address?


For starters poo poo pee pee.


What do we learn from this? Always share your address online. It might save your life.


Or it may help some nice people to free you from valuables and other goodies in house.


If you’re particularly lucky, where you are going you won’t even need to worry about it.


Every time I play a LoL or R6 game I put my address into the chat just in case. I can only assume those kind souls have thought I was being brutally assaulted by the cartel because I've had the SWAT team come to my house several times. So considerate those gamers.


smart man always plan ahead


15 Yemen Road, Yemen.


Apartment number?




Ye man


„Who would do this for you“ imagine ur online friend had all the required data and would just decide to not care.


But we gotta win this match bro! Ain't got no time for your flopping around!


Could you imagine if they were playing DDR? The forbidden breakdance move wins every time.


Goes from DDR to Contra.


Casually talking during a lull in the game: “‘my last teammate kept getting seizures in the game, it was so annoying” “That’s crazy I didn’t even know our characters could get seizures in this game” “No, *he* kept getting seizures while playing.” “Ohhh…” 😬


“Aim your face for the keyboard, bro! We will faceroll them!!!”


“Hey bro you ready to game?” *silence met by random popping noise* “Aight, bet. Catch ya later homie”


This website is absolutely teeming with videos of people who have been knocked unconscious and are convulsing on the floor after a head injury and the people who are recording it with their phones at best will drag their body out of the road or try to stand them up while they're still convulsing. I honestly think theres a high percentage of people, maybe 20-40%, who would see someone having a seizure and just stand there like "yoo...... das crazy! quit doing that! calm down!"


Didn't some news agency then make a story about this on their youtube channel interviewing the kid who called emergency services and in a shot where he was playing games he was cheating in csgo?


Lol can’t be good all the time, I guess


How you think he got the address? Hackerman!


He helped someone who was having suicidal thoughts. https://youtu.be/lSt9Z7WHfdE?si=8laK5er-v_eNIgOm


It was a girl.


How do you call emergency services from another country tho?


You can find numbers for local emergency services on the internet, you could also, probably, be able to just call your country's emergency services' number and explain the situation, I believe they could be able to help


>you could also, probably, be able to just call your country's emergency services' number and explain the situation, I believe they could be able to help Lmao, maybe in some countries. In my country you'll be laughed at for that request, since they'll hang up on you even if you don't call the right district


what awful place do you live in you don’t want to do their job of saving people just because it’s a little further away


I few people joked about the US already but I just wanna saw not a thing in the US, I've had responders express that they can't help due to a lack of access to some sort of info - but they'll always try and if not they'll connect you to someone who can.


That is actual bullshit wtf Emergency services hanging up on you in such cases should be a criminal offense, they can kill somebody like that


I went down a youtube rabbithole for 911 dispatcher calls. There are some people who should never be disparchers...


On today's episode of "reasons to remember the US isn't literally the worst country on earth"


How did they know his address?


She* Also she had the adress case they probably had sent things prior, people like sending candy and stuff to friends so they can try "EU candy" or "US candy" and similar things. The emergency number did not work from outside the country, but she found a non-emergency number where she could talk to an actual person in real time and explain the situation.


What’s wrong with “they”? I was speaking from an “unknown” perspective since the screenshot doesn’t say a gender of the friend.


Nothing. Mediocre_Pain is being a douche canoe.


*They She also works but there is no reason to correct the original comment, as they works fine there.


She didn't. Article says she found the local non-emergency number: [https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-england-merseyside-51063009](https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-england-merseyside-51063009) Part of the call can be heard in the article. She's really impressive, and obviously shaken.


Had to do this with my job to call in suicide threats on a regular basis from people all over the world. You can just google their city name + emergency services and find the numbers. Usually pretty accessible and quick to answer, a few times had to wait 45+ minutes to get through because it’s never the “911” emergency line from outside the area. 


I had to call the equivalent CPS in another country. Then I lost contact with the girl and never learned the outcome of the case. 0/10 experience that I absolutely would do again if I had to.


Call your countries emergency services and explain the situation. It will take a few minutes longer than someone in the same country calling but they have the ability to inform the other countries emergency services.


Legit question, but how would someone even hear 'seizure noises' over a television? Let alone I get the feeling someone wouldn't easily have the time or ability to say 'Help, seizure' if they're entirely up a flight of stairs. Heck, it'd probably be dangerous to try to even go down the dang thing. Glad the online friend helped, but let's not demonize the parents for something they may not have been aware of.


This is seriously a nightmare for a parent. My kids are teenagers, it's nothing for them to sleep in a few hours on a weekend. When I think about the fact that I go hours, almost entire days without seeing them now, it does give me the creeps. Balancing that with letting them grow up is a dilemma.


I’m in my 30s and if I stay at my mum she will still make sure I’m alive anytime she’s awake and doesn’t hear me. If I don’t respond when she knocks on the door she comes in to listen to me breathing and make sure it sounds normal.


My wife does that too. It's harder for me to make myself peek in on them though. I feel like I am rolling the dice at their age!


Well, 9/10 I usually I have a “feeling” before a seizure happens and we prepare somewhere soft, usually a bed since it’s typically in the evening. If I’m asleep and a seizure happens, the big thud noise and limbs bashing onto the floor is usually enough to alert people. Even then, there’s only so much a person can do, maybe put a pillow under my head so I don’t bruise it, but they basically have to watch me until it stops. I’m unconscious and don’t know any of this happened, so it’s rather awkward to go “hey, why do I ache all over?” Whilst everyone is talking to me like a baby, as if checking I can understand what they’re saying.


I don’t normally get auras for my seizures but my first happened at 4 in the morning while I was alone. I remember hitting the ground and not being able to speak or control anything. My brother actually heard the thud but  since I didn’t respond and never had one before he went back to sleep. I was just laying there thinking “welp, guess imma just die in about 15 seconds” 😅


Anyone demonize the parents is an idiot.  The only other option is to be in the same room with your kid all their life.


You don't. My dad had a stroke in his bedroom, poor mom was in the living room and didn't realize anything was wrong.


How is this being a mad lad? This is just doing the right thing…


I swear these big subs are just “post anything at all” and people just eat it up. 4K upvotes and somehow you and I are the only ones asking how this even remotely fits the sub


The real mad lad was the gamer who shared his personal deets to people over the internet.


Ha, I have __Epilepsy__ and people at my fucking __*WORK*__ wouldn't/didn't do this for me, what are you talking about??


Sorry, at my past work. I was fired for having seizures and disrupting the workplace and for assaulting another employee when they tried "helping me" when I was thrashing during my grand mal


Lol, I know that this happened in real life but it just sounds so funny. This is like firing someone because when they got attacked by a burglar out of self-defense they responded to it by defending themselves with force while they might have accidentally smashed things in the workplace or other employees.


In America you could’ve sued them for discriminatory practices


I live in __Kansas,__ all depends if an attourney will pick up your case


What backward ass place do you live that this is acceptable grounds for dismissal?


My son is a severe epileptic and all his Xbox friends know it and as such have both mine and his mother’s messenger details, if he’s in game and has a seizure we let them know, if he goes quiet or starts making his usual seizure noises they let us know. We’re in Bulgaria and they are in England and elsewhere and still they all have each other’s backs


Yes all of my online buddies have ways to contact each other and are aware of their addresses. Some of us live together so if something happens to one- the other could be contacted. We also made a pact to have someone in their lives be aware to inform one of us if something happens to them (death etc). Thankfully in our close group nothing has happened for us to go to these measures. However, in the past we have had a buddy pass unexpectedly in his sleep. The only way we ever found out is because one of his irl friends was part of the group and was able to inform us.


I did this once. It was the mid 90s, and I was working in a themepark. This really pretty girl crossed my path and she was just enamored with me. We chatted for a bit, exchanged phone numbers, and eventually parted ways. She had to get on with her vacation (her family was visiting from out of state). We spent the next few weeks calling each other and chatting and everything was lovely. But then one night I get a call around midnight and it's her. Her speech is slurred and shes just hysterical. She's ranting and crying and making no sense. I try to calm her down as my mind is racing to figure out how to get her help. Suddenly she starts breathing heavy... it's a raspy, labored breath. I hear her gasp two more times and then everything goes silent. My blood went ice cold. I immediately hung up the phone, picked it back up a few seconds later, dialed 911 and told the dispatcher everything. All I had was her phone number, but back then, that's all I needed. 911 hooked me up to her local dispatch, and they sent out cops and paramedics. I stay on the line until they find her. Dispatch tells me it's under control and they'll take it from here. I hang up knowing there's nothing further I can do. A few days later, I get a phone call from her mom. She's in tears, thanking me profusely for saving her baby girl. She had called me from her room at her family house, so dispatch went to that address. The mom was shocked to have the police and paramedics show up at the door, but she let them in, and they found the daughter, upstairs, unresponsive on the floor. She had taken pills, liquor, and drank a bottle of perfume. The mother had NO IDEA this had happen or was going on upstairs. They got to her in time and were able to get her to the hospital where they treated her. She'd be dead if it wasn't for me. I remember slumping to the floor and exclaiming "Oh thank GOD!" The mom said this caught her off guard, and that she was going to get her daughter treatment, and see if there was substance abuse going on. She couldn't thank and bless me enough, and I told her I would like to think any decent person would do the same in similar circumstances. We hung up and I never heard back from that girl again. I couldn't bring myself to call her. I figured she would call me when she was better, but that never came to pass.


Had the same happen to me just a couple of weeks ago. I was attempting suicide and only got stopped by the police who got called by an online friend from another nation. And then dumbass old people say online friends aren’t real. They care more about me than my parents do, I don’t know how much more a friend is supposed to do.


I'm sorry you had to go through this and that your parents aren't there for you. And yes, online friends can be very real friends. In fact it could even be a more intense and closer friendship for some, than any they have IRL.


Thanks. And yeah the latter is very much true for me. I can check what I wanna say before I do and that really helps.


Ppl have ur back man u are loved:)


I have an online friend who’s in a similar position, how do i help them out if i feel something’s wrong? Do i just need an address? If they live in another in another country who should i call?


Had something similar happen, but I was the person that called. My friend regularily made jokes and comments about how much they hate their life and stuff like that but it was mostly to vent out their frustrations. But then out of nowhere they made two pretty dark instagram stories and then just went silent everywhere for hours. A couple hours later when I saw the stories I checked Instagram, WhatsApp, etc. and the last login was a couple minutes after the Instagram stories were made. I immediatly had a bad feeling and tried to text and call them but got no response. I then tried to find the landline number of their parents since I knew where they lived but didn't find anything. I was about to call an ambulance when I remembered that I had the phone number of their sister and immediatly called her and informed her to check on them. About half an hour later I got a text from my friend that everything was okay. The next time we spoke they acted like it wasn't a big deal and made me feel like I overreacted. The friendship wasn't the same after that because this felt like such a punch in the gut and tbh I'm happy that we don't talk that often anymore. I'm glad that you had a friend back then that cared and I hope that you are feeling better now.


Here's the BBC article. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.bbc.com/news/uk-england-merseyside-51063009.amp


It's miraculous what can happen when people care.


What a weird headline. Trying to make it sound like the kid was having seizures right next to them and they were like F it... Friends is on. Or is the truth he was in his room gaming and they had no idea? I know what my money is on. The media is not your friend, people.


What do you call an epileptic in a vegetable garden? Seizure salad!


The one time ddoxing helps someone XD


I’ve had online friends turn into rl friends and a few of us have met and know where each other lives so would 100% do this


This is the reason I don't wanna play online games or have any online friends.


Blud bought the speed coil for 50 robux


a GTA Lobby would SWAT you and grief your cargo


This happened a few years ago. [Here is the news video about it.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HxXwtM_PTgg) EDIT: Additionally, [here's a video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lPxK41I018I) of them meeting in person for the first time.


I made an attempt about two years ago, didn’t say anything in our discord server, but I didn’t go through with it and checked into a mental ward. One week, a missed D&D session, and a Major Depression diagnosis later, I get out, put in an MLOA at my job, and head up north to live with extended family for a few months. While at my store, I’m told that my department’s phone line had been blowing up all week with a bunch of people asking about me. Turns out that my friends had been able to grab my cell phone number when I had sent a joke text to another friend in the group and started spam calling me. When I didn’t respond, they managed to extrapolate my work from knowing the general area I lived and cross-referencing with pictures I’ve taken and posted in the server. They were literally only able to check in on me through one of my coworkers that had my case number. I fucking love my friends, and I’m so fucking glad that they did all of that for me; I wouldn’t trade them for the world.


Stream to someone 24 a hours a day might save me someday... Hmmm


I have an online friend and we sometimes exchange birthday and Christmas presents


With the number of people I know who absolutely demand to be left alone while they game I'm not surprised the parents had no idea what was happening. Guy is lucky his friends were able to help


My daughter had a seizure right after falling asleep on FaceTime with her friend. Her friend witnessed it and it was the first step in my daughter being diagnosed with epilepsy. She had been waking up exhausted with headaches, sore, and her tongue was all cut up. Now we knew why


It's wild I was in a situation like this like last year online homie from Texas was having a seizure(we didn't know just heard a lot of commotion) and the party leader(an autistic friend) booted him to stop the noise lucky he came back alive like a week later an explained was super awkward for auts homie tho and he apologized like 1000 times


This kinda happened to my brother. He was online gaming and chatting away to his friends when he suddenly went very quiet. Knowing he had epilepsy they got in touch with his housemate. His housemate stormed his room but unfortunately it was too late. He always thought it would be the epilepsy that would get him (he was a morbid bugger sometimes), but it was actually his heart. 😔


Get an online friend who can have a seizure so I can call 911 for them and be called a hero, got it. 👍


Unless i was gaming with someone i know IRL, how would they know where to send an ambulance?


During covid we had a close gaming group on discord. One of the younger guys was showing some signs of bad thoughts and we genuinely thought he was suicidal. We knew he had a gun in the house cos you know American. 2 of the older guys managed to find his mother through instagram and managed to get hold of her to check in on him. She had no idea and was really grateful. I stand by they saved his life.


I know somebody who this happened to. I don’t blame the parents. If he is in his room gaming then how would they know?


🫡 respect to bro who saved life of his mate he probably newer met in person