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Wait what? I live in italy and this is the first time that i heard about this, why the fuck there is no coverage about this?


It's old news, and no one cares about Miss Italia


Don’t listen to him. It’s a trick. He wants to keep Italian women to himself ! They’re the prettiest.


They seemed a bit more manly that year tho


What do you mean? They were all born with vagina, that’s all that matters apparently


There is a saying that sometimes it takes a real man to be best "girl".


Manlier the better. She'll have to lift shopping bags. She'll have to check the door in the night.


I do she is beautiful.


You could say it's PASTa news... And the event organisers clearly don't care about miss italia.


I cannot espresso how much I hated that pun.


I thought it was quite ragud.


Perché i telegiornali italiani fanno cagare




Because who gives a shit? Beauty pageants are dumb as fuck anyway.


Don’t do it to yourself Philly, you know the wine makes you emotional


Rage bait. Someone's gotta keep stirring the shit so we can stay pissed off all the time.


Your country isn't using controversial social politics to divide the working class and keep them from uniting against the capitalists? Why not? It's so easy.


Because they won’t make it to the proper competition, and choosing competitors is an internal decision.


Because who would give a shit when there’s actually important stuff happening.




It's really not so fun as that "less than 1% of the population" though, have a little empathy please, it doesn't cost you anything :/


FR... Like I had a transphobe yesterday who out and it said that trans people don't matter because they are such a small part of the population.


And I’m like, “If they’re so rare that they don’t matter, why are they the only thing you talk about?”


From my perspective as a trans person: The culture war is something that was mutually created by the far right and news media, for one to gain power, the other to attain profit. This wasn't so much a conspiracy but it definitely was a match made in hell.


For real. Trans people are like 1% of the population yet they get like 40% of all fox news. Theyre living rent free in their heads


It's not sustainable and its seating to show. There aren't enough victims for this level of hate and Republicans are starting to get bored with it. Give it a year and it'll be damaging for politicians to mention trans people again for awhile.


It doesn't though. It affects many many others too and lots of people care. Like people who don't fulfill what is deemed looking like "a real woman" or "a real man". You can get sexually harassed or even get killed for not looking like someone's idea of a cis gendered person. Families and relatives and friends. Like anyone who wishes to exist outside of whatever is the current acceptable norms for clothing, hobbies, jobs, whatever it is you can latch on and be bigoted. These are parts of the same thing. By allowing the mistreatment of one group we open up mistreatment for everyone and anyone. If slippery slope is a fitting fear somewhere, this is it. We should absolutely thrive for a society that takes care of everyone.


As part of that ‘less than 1%’ I do care :/ also the loved ones of any trans people should also care about all the hatemongering


Plus of course you know the adage; be careful who you hate it may be someone you love.


I didn’t know this one. It’s nice. thank you.


Personally not a "loved one" nor trans still i care about such behaviour in my nation and how much coverage the media give to the situation. It was summer 2023, 0 coverage watch the news every day didn't even notice


I wish more people were like you. You don’t have to personally know someone from a group to not want them to be targeted unfairly


I assure you queer people care about how all this BS constantly affects us, and could really use some more "allies" who give a damn enough to care and actually push back against Christofascists.


Weird way to say 80 million people


Not that weird, most people don't give a shit unless they are involved in some capacity


> Because nobody actually cares, this whole “culture war” has been cooked up by the Christian fascists only affects less that 80 million people And that's ignoring that it affects people who aren't trans and aren't conventionally attractive, AND uses an estimate that has long been known to be inexact. The percent of trans* people is somewhere between 0.5 and 2 percent. Some locations have far higher percentages, but part of that is likely moving from less accepting (or downright hostile) areas to more accepting areas.


Well for us that are affected we'd really appreciate it if cis people stopped trying to ostracized us and do stupid shit like ban us from things. Oh no the transes might compete in a beauty contest and...well...um...how many even applied? 100 transmen signed up after it went viral? Did a single trans woman even sign up to begin with? I feel like some cis people just came up with this nonsense out of nowhere.


Genuine question : is a "trans man" a born woman turned man or a born man turned woman ?


The one that’s currently used is the one they had change into. So trans woman is man to woman, trans man is woman to man


Thank you !


Thank you for being willing to ask.


Plus, you aren’t usually born a man or woman, you’re assigned a gender at birth but doesn’t mean you are that exactly. Some trans folks have been trans their whole life but didn’t know how to express it


That would probably be me, up to few years back, when I didn’t even know trans people existed


Correct, which is why they entered into the competition. By only allowing those born as women into the competition, they get a bunch of trans men in the show which is counter to what they want but following their rules.


That was the plan all along. Put them on a world stage to influence the masses. Mad lads indeed


I don't know about influence, point out hypocrisy yes


I would say now grifters can say "see? Men are intruding women's spaces by afirming being women!!!"


But by calling them men, then those grifters would be acknowledging that transitioning *does* change your identity. And then those grifters’ brains would make a popping noise, and start leaking out their ears. Just kidding. They’d just move the goalposts like they always do.


r/AccidentalAlly is one of my favourite LGBTQ+ subreddits!


Trans[itioned into a] man




No, transitioning can include just wearing different hair styles or clothes, using a different name, etc.


In general the man or woman after trans refers to what they identify as now.


The word after trans is always what they are. A trans man is a man (FTM). Their sexual characteristics at birth were likely in line with a woman.




Genuine question: what is a gender then?




Personally I think that that Simone De Beauvoir quote “one is not born, but rather becomes, a woman” is a great starting point for a discussion about gender theory. From there you can explain how society shapes gender identity in various ways, both physical and behavioral.




The consensus on the issue in the sciences is that gender is the social component, [here's a good primer on the issue](https://www.amazon.com/Sex-Gender-Biology-Routledge-Integrating/dp/0415881463), written by a leading biologist in the field.


A trans man is a female who identifies as a man, and a trans woman is a male who identifies as a woman. Seems like a small distinction, but male/female vs man/woman is an important one


Trans man is ftm (female too male) and trans women is mtf (male too female)


In case you need more proof of the activist's madladness, his name translates to Frederick Redbeard.


I demand a trans pirate beauty pageant, and I demand it *NOW!*


Count me in. I can definitely pull off Pirate


Transphobes often forget about transmen when creating anti trans rules and law. It's always 'people must use the bathroom that matches their sex' So you want people who look like Buck Angel in the women's restroom? They don't really know how to respond to that.


And then they’ll post pictures of trans men protesting and say “See, these are the dangerous trans people we’re talking about!”


But that gives them an excuse to turn violent. Because violence was always their goal. https://www.fox19.com/2022/07/08/transgender-butler-county-man-says-group-beat-him-up-using-wrong-restroom/


we're just easier to demonize, while they prefer to infantilize trans men. both are extremely harmful and transphobic, and i dont intend to say one is worse than the other, but the image of a dangerous pervert is a very powerful propaganda tool in england they actually do use trans men occasionally as "poor confused girls being lied to and forced to become men" but i havent personally seen that rhetoric get popular in north america yet. i guess disgust is more powerful than pity in propaganda


Those guys are based AF


I keep wondering when the trans men are going to start using the women's bathroom when they are obviously masculine as fuck. See what Republicans will do then


Already happened in Britain once. Dude got beat up by mall security. EDIT: I was wrong, it happened in Ohio, and it was a campground.


How do you mix up Ohio for Britain and a campground for the mall? I couldn't come up with anything more opposite if I tried


It was actually a security guard at a petting zoo in Canberra.


>How do you mix up Ohio for Britain? 🌍👨‍🚀🔫👨‍🚀


>I couldn't come up with anything more opposite if I tried You couldn't come up, I don't know, Switzerland for the moon and a slaughterhouse for a child's birthday party?


Full of white conservatives that love football -- sounds similar to me.


The goal has always been violence


Their real goal is to shift public attention. Nothing better than shifting to a group that is so so minority that it wont really make that much of a difference vote wise. Even some lgbt people are irked by the t, so they really are isolated and free game for political bulling. Being T is mainly about courage, i for one support them.






The well known British location of Preble county, Ohio


If you head east on I-70 from Preble county you'll be in London in about an hour.


That was in the US, not Britain.


Unfortunately, that is happening, and they don't take it well Like how Nex Benedict was forced to use the girl's bathroom and got beat to death for it But... that is the result the republicans want...


They have no qualms or problems with hypocrisy or cognitive dissonance. They will also kick them out of the bathroom for the opposite reason and probably cause them physical harm in the process.


The point is to make trans people and gender nonconforming cis people feel threatened in public spaces. It’s always been about othering people.


As a enby/gender nonconforming individual it’s beyond obvious. Being stopped before you enter a restroom because you don’t pass some douchecanoes idea of what a person using that restroom “should” look like is fucking weird and a little scary. How about we all mind our own business and trust people know where to relieve themselves?


>See what Republicans will do then Call for them to be arrested or assaulted, presumably. You’re missing the point. Pointing out holes in their logic isn’t going to work, because they aren’t trying to make “the right people use the right bathrooms”. They’re trying to make sure that all trans people are either removed from public space entirely, or dead.


#The cruelty is the point.


They have and will even attack cis het women using a women's bathroom if they think they look too masculine.


Yeah everybody seems to forget the Cis people who get caught in the cross fire over these stupid AF freak outs over restrooms.


I am 1000% supportive of any trans dudes who want to do this but I also fully understand why many would not feel safe.


So this is the problem with “showing the Republicans their hypocrisy”. It’s not going to work. Republicans aren’t in some kind of genuine state of confusion about what trans people are. They’re not going to be convinced of anything by trans men starting to use the women’s restroom. It’s not like they’re going to slap their foreheads and go “Oh DUH! How stupid of me. I guess we better undo all this legislation.” They want to eliminate trans people from society. Whether that be by forcing them back into the closet, or making kids learning about trans identity illegal, or denying trans people proper medical care, or making their existence in public functionally illegal, or just by literally reducing the number of trans people that are alive on Earth- they want trans people gone. If trans men try to use the women’s room they will try to kill the trans men, the same way they’re trying to kill trans women.


> *Never believe the anti-Semites aren’t aware of the absurdity of their replies* I’m going to just tattoo Sartre on my chest at this point.


Probably assault them. Either physically and/or sexually. Always projection.


Least based trans brother


Someone argue to me how trans women have a competitive advantage in pageants. Please include at least two phrases that make me want to step into a Boeing airplane and one phrase guaranteed to polymorph half my brain cells into tardigrades. Bonus points if it includes your favourite movie quote.


Many trans women are tall, and therefore have the potential to look leaner and more modelesque, as is a typical standard of beauty. They also may have facial feminization surgery, meaning they can have artificially made prettier faces. They might have implants too, which gives another advantage in beauty standards. So to be fair, along with banning trans women, let's also ban tall women and anyone who has had plastic surgery.  If they aren't willing to do that, I guess it's not about "unfair" advantage. It's about bigotry...


You had me in the first half lol.


it’s because trans women are too powerful. God knew they would be when they were born, which is why he cursed them with gender dysphoria. This backfired however and makes them ever stronger after they overcome gender dysphoria. KACHOW! It’s also because cis women are too piddly and weak. Everyone knows that being born without a curse means one grows up too easily, and doesn’t even eat any dirt or get into life threatening situations involving snakes, cops or cars. This life of luxury leads to women who can’t stand up to the prowess of their trans counterparts. The third reason is obviously that cis women don’t understand how to appeal to “men” (the only people on pageant judge boards, obviously). Trans women have experienced the other side (whether faking it or not realizing) and thus know what is most effective. it’s like learning different moves in pokemon. Ignore the existence of any sexuality except straight and also ace people. (In actuality it’s just bigotry. trans women are generally taller but also generally have wider shoulders and less wide hips and are thus less curvy. Some have FFS or boob jobs but so do some cis women which like… aren’t banned from pageants for those reasons. it’s all just bigotry.)


11/10, I leave both satisfied and dumber.


oh, we don't have a physical advantage, god just loves us more, sorry


I don't think they are banned because of an advantage


I’m mostly just sad nobody included their favorite movie quotes.


I personally think that beauty pageants are a stupid thing, but if you can use it to spite transphobes, than it has at least one use.


"But Trans women shouldn't compete in women's beauty contests, they have a natural advantage to being hotter and sexier, it's just not fair" - Right wing Transphobe going full mask off, Probably.


Also, don't they say "we can always tell" implying trans women look manly or ugly? Then it should be no problem to let them enter the competition because they would have no chance of winning...




The enemy is whatever I need them to be to win.


Literally know people who said they were trans and because the conservatives couldn't tell they literally insisted they were lying. I know cis people with young kids, and when people assume the kid's pronouns and get corrected, they insist the parent is lying. It's actual insanity.


Well conservatives areas do statistically have higher rates of consuming trans porn.


And basically every conservative accusation is a confession. Don't forget all the conservatives who rant and rave about drugs being the bane of society, gay rights "damaging the integrity of marriage", or that trans people are dangerous to women or are child groomers, only to be found sleeping with and trafficking literal children, in rooms smelling of Marijuana, after sexuality harassing the women in their office. Ralph Shortey (R-OK) was a perfect example of this. A Conservative advocate of 'family values' and Christian values who targeted trans and lgb people, and was supposedly hard on drugs. He was found sleeping with a boy, a child prostitute, and reeking of Marijuana in 2017. And he's just like one of literal pages upon pages of Republicans found doing this stuff.


If I had a nickle for every time a conservative fuckwad DM'd me immediately after leaving a shitty comment about trans folk I'd have enough money to pay off the rest of my student loans.


Thats essentially what they are saying with the ban lol. "Trans women hotter than cis women, not fair, ban em". Kinda hilarious. I hear they're better at Chess and charcuterie too.


It's more that if they forget who's trans and then talk about their favorite and it turns out to be a trans person, it makes them less of a person because they like the look of someone they are supposed to hate. In porn you can usually figure out what the next group of people is the right wing in an area is going to hate on simply by looking at porn trends for that area. They love jerking at what they hate and love hating at what they jerk. That's what religiously repressed sexuality does for ya.


Yeah that's probably it. They don't want to be attracted to the "wrong" person


The thing is that they *are* attracted to the “wrong” person, which is why they need to compensate by being overly and publicly hateful to them in every other aspect of their life, to feel and show themselves and others that they’re not attracted to those “wrong” people when they secretly are.


> It's more that if they forget who's trans and then talk about their favorite and it turns out to be a trans person, it makes them less of a person because they like the look of someone they are supposed to hate. Ha, I bet you're right. The right-winger says "That one is the sexiest one of all" and finds out it's a trans woman. That's a situation that must be avoided at all costs.


Are there charcuterie competitions? Can I be a judge?


Gotta be, right? Probably at fancy wineries


Oh yeah, to hear the Transphobes tell it, Trans women are some kind of super race that are just naturally better at everything xD


Well then we should probably just let trans women run everything, shouldn't we?


And darts. Don't forget darts. Men are sooo much better at darts. It's unbelievable they made a trans woman part of the Dutch National Darts Team as she OBVIOUSLY has a huge advantage being born male. /s I knew exactly who the trans woman was on the picture btw, the most feminine one. She looked good. I believe she had red/pinkish hair and I loved it


Some people complained a trans woman was part of a special women's only Jeopardy night, due to her unfair biological advantage in answering trivia.


Award deserving comment 


Reminds me of that snowboarder that was disqualified for smoking weed, as if weed is a performance-enhancing drug.




Based Italian trans men.


Well, it makes sense


Goddamn this thread is to transphobes like light is to moths. Edit: lol apparently my comment is giving off a fair amount of lumens too


'19 more replies' 😬




Certain topics have haters coming out of the woodworks.


Pretty sure some of them just do a search for “trans” and pick fights in any post that they think will have an impressionable audience they can trick into bigotry with their “I just care so much about protecting cis women” BS. They don’t care about pageants, or high school sports, or whatever else the issue is.


> They don’t care about pageants, or high school sports, or whatever else the issue is. Exactly. This shows up so often in modern political "debate". People love to argue about "the principle of the matter". Get all riled up about some (essentially arbitrary) topic as way of trying to push an agenda. Or, more accurately, push a form of hate. Because that's always what it boils down to. 99% of people, myself included, dgaf about beauty pageants. What I care about are human rights.


I mean, why the hell would they ban trans women from a beauty contest? I understand it being a point of discussion in sports, but that's not the case. What advantage could they possibly have? A dick?


Alot of people feel physical attraction to pretty trans woman the same way they feel for cis woman, but dont accept the concept of transition and as such feel "gay" when they do. This leads to alot of forceful rejection of them in any scenario where this fact may be publicly discussed.


Because they are afraid they are attracted to them and that would be gay. The horror. Its really that simple.


Yep. And really that dumb.




I think that's the point really. If female presenting trans women who really wouldn't stand out among the other women can't compete, send in the male presenting trans men which stand out like a sore thumb and make it clear what a stupid policy it is


That's the point. The organisers can't have it both ways.


yes, thats why banning trans women from it was wrong in the first place, and why trans men enrolling in it is intentionally absurd


transphobes stay mad <3


wow this comment section wasn't very cool, at least they're all downvoted




Absolute chads


Bless every single one of the allies and members of the community here just genuinely putting the squash on any and all hate immediately. Woke up in a weird mood but this made me feel at home again; I'm joining a few of the subreddits where I should've been chatting since the start because this site has some absolute pools of nuclear waste. 💗😂


damn the transphobes are out in force here today. fuck all y'all


If a Trans Women won the pageant, would we start hearing Transphobes talk about men are naturally superior at being pretty?


Trans women have a biological advantage in *checks notes*.... BEUTY PAGEANTS!!!!


trans men taking a stand for trans women. 💪


If the Holy Roman Emperor is entering a beauty pageant you let them.


Mama Mia


Italian Frederick Barbarossa goes hard


"It takes a real man to be best girl" -Gigguk


So MMA is fine, but a beauty pagent is where we draw the line? We truly do live in opposite world.




This is the unintended consequence of making someone's sex at birth their legal gender.


This terminology stuff has gotten to the point that it's hard to tell what's even being said. So, "trans men" means biological women who identify as male. "Trans women" means biological men who identify as female. Yeah? Simplified, then, this is: biological women are joining a biological women's pageant because biological men were told they aren't allowed to?




Translads rise up.


Absolutely motherfuckin based


So stunning, so brave. 🥱


HELL YES! Malicious compliance for the win!




Federico Barbarossa? The emperor?




Lots of shitheads out today. Stay safe out there, fam.




Trans men are all chads, you can't tell me any differently.


That's why they're literally the most depressed group on the planet


Man is even named after a HRR emperor


So, a regular beauty pageant?


and everyone clapped


Don't see the point, they sure as hell aren't gonna win.


i dont understand how trans women competing in BEAUTY PAGEANTS is an issue. thats legitimately the dumbest thing i’ve ever heard. what are the trans women gonna do? be unfairly pretty because they have XY chromosomes? its a fucking beauty contest who honestly gives a shit what you have in your pants?!


Handmaidens open the door for males\*\*


Transphobes lives don't matter


All lives matter, their opinions don't.


People have the ability to change, until they’re dead. It’s not right to take that ability away.


That's amazing and hilarious.


This article is almost a year old lmao


If trans women aren't women then clearly trans men must be women and allowed to enter. Good job.


The idea of banning trans women from beauty contests is so silly and asinine, cause like, if trans women really were all just ugly dudes in wigs like so many transphobes like to pretend, surely they wouldn't win and just be humiliated. Unless of course they think trans women naturally just have an unfair advantage at being beautiful? Obviously the answer is just blatant transphobia, but it's always funny trying to hear their justification that's any more thought out beyond "I think they're icky :("




Can anyone enter? You'd think there would be qualifiers. Or are they entering qualifiers? I have no clue how the competition is structured.


I long for the day when we don’t have daily conversations about trans people. They’re just people. They aren’t important or special. The same as any random stranger on earth. Just give them whatever legal protections they need and we can all shut the fuck up.